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Your Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 2)

Page 9

by KC Kean

  Feeling the sheets beside me, they’re still slightly warm. So, he didn’t dash as soon as I fell asleep at least. Glancing at my bedside clock, I’m surprised to find it’s past eleven o’clock. I know we were up late last night, but my body clock still usually has me awake before eight o’clock at the latest.

  I slept so well last night, though. Obviously, pushing them away had been wreaking havoc on my mind, and with Kai beside me last night I was happy to succumb to the rest my body really needed.

  Swinging my legs over the side of the bed I get up, grabbing an oversized top from my drawer to cover up with. Throwing my hair up in a messy bun I head for the coffee machine, and the bathroom.

  Wiping sleep from my eyes, I stalk into the lounge and stop short when I see my sofas are filled. Roman, Oscar and Parker are sprawled across my space in what I can only describe as the grey sweats club. Oscar and Parker are sitting together on the sofa facing my direction, while Roman is facing the tv.

  My god. They are all wearing fitted grey sweats, I think I’m drooling. I try to discreetly swipe a hand across my mouth to make sure I’m not, but Oscar catches me.

  “Good morning, baby girl,” he purrs, leaning back on the sofa with his arms outstretched beside him. His words catch the attention of the other two who quickly look in my direction too.

  Parker offers me a soft smile. I love it when he does that, and I can’t help but smile back.

  Roman is leaning forward, arms resting against his knees with his head risen. I can see his hands clench, he wants to come over and grab me but doesn’t know how I will react. How would I react? We need to talk for sure, and I said I would try. No one will be trying if we’re all constantly second guessing ourselves.

  My mind made up, I offer a smile in response to Oscar’s good morning, but head straight for Roman. The closer I get he finally realizes I’m heading for him, and I give him a taste of his own medicine. Though, this time I’m the predator and he’s the prey.

  He leans up off his knees sitting straight up, the material of his black tight top pulling against his hard chest. His eyes are scanning my face, unsure of my approach but I still don’t say a word.

  As soon as I step into his personal space with him having to look up to meet my gaze, I climb into his lap and his hands instantly go to my hips. I don’t overthink it, I just wrap my hands around his neck and give my everything in attempting to hug him. Leaning my head against his shoulder, his hands instantly wrap around my waist, squeezing me tight. It takes me a moment, but I relax into him, actually enjoying his hold on me.

  Nobody says a word, as if they’re surprised by the fact I’m willingly letting them beneath the surface of my hard exterior, with a hug of all things, but it feels amazing. Lifting my head off of his shoulder, I whisper in his ear.

  “We have a lot to talk about, we both know that, but I wouldn’t have agreed to this if I didn’t mean it. I just need your honesty going forward, Roman.” His hand rubs up and down my spine gently, and it doesn’t feel as bizarre as I expected. Me and Roman, the two biggest hot heads here, having a tender moment.

  “I promise, princess, no more secrets. We can talk whenever you want to,” he murmurs back. “And you can tell us what the plan is because I know you have one.” I offer a slight nod.

  “I’m trusting you Roman, don’t fuck me over,” I say leaning back with a stern look. “Now, I’m going to go and brush my teeth and …”

  “You’re not going anywhere until you’ve kissed me.”

  “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.” Is he deaf? I literally just said that.

  “Don’t care,” he grunts, as he pulls me closer by the back of my neck. His lips instantly touching mine, not a single care about my prior protest. My hands cup his face as I match his dominance for control.

  “Eww, can we not be doing this right now? I haven’t eaten yet, and part of the agreement for me helping was that you would respect my presence when we were a team again.”

  I pull back from Roman to see Oscar holding the door open for Red. The grossed out look on her face makes it hard for me not to roll my eyes, when she had a hand in all of this anyway.

  When had she even knocked on the door? Huh, these guys made me lose my senses.

  I can’t help but chuckle at her, and as I try to stand up Roman refuses to let go of me.

  “Jess, we need to work on your timing then, so neither of us end up inconvenienced,” Roman says back while grinning at me.

  “I’m here exactly when you said to be, in case Luna went crazy that y’all were here. It’s not my fault things went better than planned,” she says with a cheesy grin on her face, offering me an over exaggerated wink. Roman just smiles at me as she rambles on.

  “Do you want to grab some food all together from the diner?” Roman asks, refusing to acknowledge Jess’ words.

  “Yeah, but I’m gonna need to get ready for that, baby.” He gives me his attempt at a pouty face which only makes me giggle. He pulls me in for an extra kiss, squeezing my ass cheeks hard before finally releasing me.

  “Go quickly, before I change my mind and follow you.” I can’t help but stop and consider his words for a moment. “Go Luna.” I offer him my own pouty face as I step back into a hard wall.

  Parker’s arms wrap around me from behind as he kisses the top of my head.

  “Good morning, angel.” Lifting my head backwards I look up to see his smiling face looking back at me. He clearly wanted to get in on the hugging action. I turn around and wrap my arms around his waist, letting him breathe me in.

  “Good morning, Parker Parker,” I whisper back, enjoying being wrapped in his sweet woodsy scent.

  I feel his body relax at his name as he plants another kiss on my head. Then he’s stepping back for Oscar to take his place. He instantly wraps his arms around me and lifts me off the ground, twirling us. I’m not awake enough for this, but I tighten my arms around his neck, holding on while he does his thing.

  Finally coming to a stop, he places me on my feet with his back to everyone, blocking us off from them. Gently curling a loose bit of hair behind my ear, he looks straight in my eyes.

  “Don’t ever push me away like that again, do you understand?” I’m taken back by the tension in his voice. Compared to the Oscar who just twirled me around all carefree and fun. I go to respond but he places his finger over my mouth shaking his head. “Just a nod will do, I don’t want to hear any bullshit.”

  I offer the simple nod he requested. I am sorry for making him feel that way, so if I can’t tell him that, I’ll show him. Raising up onto my tiptoes I crush my lips against his. How does it always turn me on something crazy when I kiss one of them, after kissing another?

  His hands squeeze my hips as his lips control mine, and this time I let him. I don’t push back for dominance, I give into him. Offering him this as my way of apology, which he gladly accepts. Suddenly stepping back, he points to the bathroom.

  “Go quickly, before this becomes an orgy and we really do burn Jess’ eyes out,” he says with a wink.

  “Fuck off, Oscar,” she shouts from behind him, and it makes me smile at their constant banter.

  Turning for the bathroom, I’m stopped again when Kai is standing waiting by the door. It would be rude not to offer hugs to them all now, wouldn’t it?

  As I get closer he holds his arms out for me to step into his embrace, and I go willingly. I may need to wrap my head around all this open affection later, not right now though. Right now, I’m enjoying it.

  “Did I overstep?” He asks, looking behind me at the others.

  “No, you always know what the right thing to do is, Kai. Thank you,” I murmur, as I run my hands under his t-shirt. Loving the feel of his muscles tightening under my touch.

  “Good, then I’ll let you get ready.” Offering a kiss to my forehead he steps back. “Do you sleep in my top often?” He asks with a smirk.

  “Only every night since I’ve had it.” I give him a wink as he looks down
at the top he handed me after The Pyramid. He smiles wide, pleased with the fact that even though I’d been pushing them away, I still held on to them in some way.

  I finally close the door behind me, and even alone I can’t wipe the smile off my face. I go to flick the shower on so it can warm up while I brush my teeth, and that’s when I see it.

  I scream and run back into the lounge like my ass is on fire.

  Everyone is standing and ready to run at the door I just came out of.

  “What’s wrong?” Parker asks, panic in his voice as he grips my shoulders and checks me over.

  “The . . . There’s . . . There’s a sp.. spider . . . in . . . in the show . . . shower,” I manage to stammer out, shaking from head to toe. Confusion takes over Parker’s features as he processes what I just said.

  Then the fucking Acehole smirks at me.

  “You stay here, angel, and I’ll get the big bad spider, okay?” He says, like I’m a little child, and it riles me up.

  “Don’t you patronize me, that thing is big enough to be paying bills, Parker!” I glare the shit out of him.

  As he wanders into the bathroom without a care in the world, I turn to glance at the others. Every single one of them is trying to contain their amusement at the situation. So I glare the fuck out of them too, making them all turn away from looking at me, even Red.

  “Red, you know what I’m saying right? It’s massive, like this,” I say, using my hands to form a circle to show her the size of it, but she just clears her throat.

  “Err no, not really. Spider’s aren’t an issue for me.” She looks around awkwardly, rubbing her hands on her pants like it pains her to disagree with me.

  “It’s okay, princess. We’ll save you, don’t worry.” Roman chuckles, as he walks towards me with his arms out wide.

  I want to tell him to fuck off, but truthfully I’m too scared and I let him wrap me up. Parker steps out of the bathroom, with his hands clasped in front of him.

  “Oh my fucking god. Is it in your hands?” I yell, stepping around Roman. I hear a few snickers, but I’m too freaked out to glare them down.

  “No sweat, angel. I’m going to go and run it outside.”

  “Well, you better run it further than the front door if you're not going to kill it,” I shout with my face smushed into Roman’s back.

  I hear the door shut, and arms wrap around me from behind. Glancing back I see Oscar finally getting his giggles under control.

  “I love me a Luna sandwich.” His cheshire cat smile relaxing me slightly.

  “Will you go double check for me Oscar, please?” I refuse to let go of Roman right now, and he just smiles wider.

  “Anything for my baby girl.”

  Staying where I am I tilt my head to see Kai and Red still looking and chuckling at me. Bitches. I give them the middle finger which just makes them worse.

  Oscar steps out of the bathroom as a knock comes to the door, and Kai lets Parker in.

  “All clear, baby girl,” Oscar says with a grin, as he flexes his muscles. I roll my eyes at him as Parker steps towards me.

  “Kiss her often, fuck her well, feed her snacks and kill the spiders. I think I’m rocking this boyfriend shit.” His grin wide as he wags his eyebrows at me.

  “Do not come near me with those spider hands, Parker,” I warn, backing away from him.

  Trusting Oscar’s word that it is all clear in the bathroom, I run back in and shut the door behind me. I can hear them all laugh at my expense.

  Motherfucking Aceholes.



  Monday morning rolls around, sadly pulling us from our relaxed weekend and throwing us back into the grind of the Academy. It was fun spending the weekend all together, including Red. Although, I’m definitely ready for some alone time to satisfy my needs, preferably with the guys, but it may have to be toys at this rate. Either way, I need to scratch my itch.

  Red stayed the weekend, happy to pacify me with her safety. I don’t want her alone in another block where I can’t get to her quick enough, though she’s adamant she’s going back to Diamond tonight. With that in mind I dial Rafe on my mobile as I slip my heels on ready to head out for Combat class.

  “Hello.” Rafe’s gruff voice answers through the speaker.

  “Hey, I was just wondering where you were up to with what we discussed about Red? She’s adamant she won’t stay here all the time. I know I can’t force her, but after they just took her for The Pyramid, it has me on edge, Rafe.” I lean against the kitchen counter, tapping the surface nervously with the stress of all this on my mind.

  “Hi Rafe, how are you? I miss you so much. What have you been up to? Oh, nothing much? Well I’m just too busy to even offer you a normal greeting. Catch you later. Bye.” He smarts at me on the phone, making me shake my head. Then the line goes dead.

  Did he just fucking hang up on me? Fuck's sake, Rafe. Taking a deep breath I try again.

  “Hi Rafe, how are you?” I try not to sigh at the time we're wasting here.

  “Oh, Hi Luna. I’m alright, just getting ready to head down to Inked. How about you?” His teasing is getting on my nerves, fucktard.

  “Are we done with the pleasantries now?” I ask, putting my breakfast pots in the dishwasher and slamming the door shut.

  “I mean, I got you to play along for a whole five seconds. I’ll take that as a win, but to answer your question West should have the keys to you by the end of the day.”

  Thank god. I sigh in relief, as my brain goes into overdrive as I plan how to go about this.

  “And there won’t be any repercussions or additional expectations?” I need to make sure.

  “Juliana made sure of it, no stress. Her dad is fully on board with it too, okay?”

  “Yeah. Thank you, Rafe,” I murmur, almost saying something else but I don’t.

  “Whatever you need, Luna. You know that,” he soothes down the phone. “I’m monitoring the feed from Dietrichson’s office ready for her return. The chip downloaded all the files too. So, we’ve got someone working on decoding everything on her computer as we speak.”

  “Great, any news on Veronica or Rico?” I ask, frustrated that they’re out playing us. They seem far too good at going off grid then showing up completely unannounced.

  “No, nothing, but they’ll show up Luna. They always do.”

  “I know that, I’d just rather have the upper hand this time, Rafe. Every time they’ve shown up it’s been out of the blue and on their terms. Maybe I should come home, extra eyes and all that.” I lean against the counter with a sigh, as I rest my head against the cupboard behind me.

  “I know, but we are doing all we can. You need to keep up appearances at Featherstone so we don’t look suspicious, you know that.” I can’t help the sigh that passes my lips, as I squeeze the bridge of my nose. This shit is stressing me out.

  “Okay, but if we don’t start making progress soon that’ll have to change.”

  “Agreed. Now, can we get to the part where we discuss all the messages Roman’s been sending me?”

  What? I’m stunned silent for a moment, confused.

  “What messages?” I ask, grabbing my bag ready to leave.

  “I mean I’m not saying he loves you or anything, but definitely besotted. They were messages to make sure I didn’t stop him telling you whatever you wanted to know. Threats really. Do we need to have a talk?” He chuckles.

  He thinks he’s so fucking funny.

  “No, we do not. Stop being embarrassing, Rafe.” If I could glare down the phone right now I would. I’m ready to end the call when he stops me.

  “Does this mean we can have a talk about Parker now? I know you didn’t want to, back in New York, but maybe now?” His voice is much quieter now he’s not joking around.

  “I think so … I don’t know. We’ll see. I’m gonna go. Catch you later, bye.” I quickly end the call, dropping the phone like it's on fire. I do not need him trying to discuss the g
uys with me, and I definitely don’t need him bringing up Parker. Fuck.

  Seeing the time, I grab my phone and head for the door stepping out into the hall at the same time Roman does.

  “Stop texting Rafe. If I get one more of his weird awkward birds-and-the-bees talks again, I’m gonna throat punch you.” My finger pointing at him to make sure he gets it. I’ve definitely caught him off guard with the silence that follows and the slightest nod of his head.

  I really need to work on my greetings.

  Sighing, I relax my shoulders and try again.

  “Hey, Rome.”

  The smile that takes over his face touches his sapphire blue eyes, that swirl full of heat and sin. He stalks over to me, and I find myself backed against my door.

  “Hey princess.” He leans in, kissing me lightly on my lips, not his usual aggressive self. “I could get used to this submissive side to you as long as I get your fire as well.” His thumb trails over my bottom lip while I just stare up at him.

  Shaking my head, I gather myself.

  “Stop trying to turn me into girly mush, it doesn’t suit me, and do not call me submissive.”

  “Whatever you say, princess.” Wrapping his arm around my shoulders he leads me towards the elevator, and my hand rests on his back feeling his body heat.

  Stepping into the elevator, I find the strength I’ve been looking for.

  “Roman, can we talk this week? Not tonight, I’m gonna have my hands full but in the next few days? I think I’m ready to listen, and I want to move past this barrier.” I look up to him and the rare soft smile that plays on his lips, melts me.

  “Whenever is best for you, princess. I’ll do whatever you need me to do. Schedule wise the only thing this week is Kai’s birthday on Sunday. I’m going to assume he didn’t mention it because he never does, but I thought you might want to know.”

  Of course he wouldn’t mention it.


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