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Your Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 2)

Page 10

by KC Kean

  “Do you guys have any plans already?” I ask, turning into him and stroking my hands down his blazer.

  “Apart from our weekend breakfast at the café? No, he usually hides away. He doesn’t really like to celebrate his birthday.” Sadness creeps into the corners of his eyes, “But that’s not my story to tell.”

  What? If it’s not his story to tell I have to respect that. It just doesn't stop my mind from going a little crazy with wonder. I offer a slight nod and think over my timetable for the rest of the week.

  “Would tomorrow be okay for you? I don’t want to drag this out any longer.” My palms are already starting to sweat thinking about it.

  “Yeah, of course, princess,” he murmurs, kissing the top of my head. A normal gesture from Parker or Kai, but it feels extra delicate from him ... more. “What’s got your hands full tonight?”

  “Ah, well I may need your help. Well, all of your help may be needed, actually.” I try and offer a cute smile, but it definitely falls flat when he raises his eyebrow at me in question.

  “I’m going to need some manpower, manipulation and your whole Acehole persona. You in?”

  “Fuck princess, when you call me an Acehole it’s like you’re telling me you care,” he says with a grin, making me roll my eyes. “What have you got me signing up for then?” He groans down at me.

  “Moving Red into the Gibbs room here in Ace.” A genuine smile taking over my face, but he groans at my words.

  “You do the talking, we’ll be the back-up. I am not dealing with her drama queen tendencies, and you can tell the guys too.”

  Ah, shit. This is going to be worse than I thought.


  “What? No way, Luna. Are you crazy?” Red yells at me from across the table. Other students surrounding us stop what they are doing to see what all the commotion is for.

  I decided to wait until lunch to drop the bombshell on her, hoping the public setting would cool her reaction, clearly I was dead wrong.

  “It’s for your own safety, Red. Rafe promised nothing changes for you. You’ll continue with your bloodline as normal but stay in Ace with us, on the same floor as Kai and Oscar. It’s a win-win.” I’m trying to remain calm and talk rationally, but she’s doing this whether she likes it or not.

  “I’m going to ask again, are you crazy? I can’t just start living in the Gibbs’ room. It’s not mine, and I refuse to owe anyone for this.” Damn, she’s holding her ground more than I thought.

  “Look Red, I know I can’t keep you holed up in my room with me okay? But it’s not safe with you being in a different block. Not after The Pyramid, Red. I need you to compromise with me a little here. I’ve given up any attempt of pushing you away. So let me offer an alternative, where we both get what we want.” I bargain with her, yet she still folds her arms on the table and glares at me. A frown line pops between her eyes, as she tries to stand her ground.

  I don’t back down and I don’t say a word. I just stare back at her. Finally, with a sigh she relents.

  “Okay, but I need more details than this.” Her finger pointing at me, trying her best to look intimidating. I offer a simple nod in response watching as the guys approach our table scanning their tickets at the end and moving further down the table to join us.

  Parker and Kai kiss me on the head in passing as they sit across the table with Red. Oscar leans in and bites my earlobe, completely catching me off guard. I barely manage to contain a squeal, as he takes the seat beside me, blowing me a cheeky kiss with a waggle of his eyebrows.

  Before he can get too comfortable, Roman is pushing him further down the bench, and sliding in between us. Not to be out done by the others, he grabs my chin and smashes his lips to mine.

  Possessive as fuck, yet I love it. Their antics have me rolling my eyes, but it does ease the tension at the table between Red and I.

  “So, you told her then? We’re gonna be neighbors, Jessikins. Which means I can monitor any boys you’re not telling me about who try to sneak in and out of your room.” He wags his eyebrows at her which only riles her up.

  She squeezes her eyes shut in frustration as her hands clench tightly on the table. The deep breaths she takes are beyond dramatic.

  “I really want to punch him in that special way, like you showed me.” She looks to me, as if almost seeking approval, but Roman steps in.

  “I’ll help you out.” He offers her a wink, then quickly turns and slaps the back of Oscar’s head.

  “What the fuck, Rome? There was no need for that.” His frown focused on Roman as he rubs the back of his head. Red giggles, and thankfully relaxes a little.

  Roman holds a fist out in Red’s direction and she meets him in the middle, bumping fists and wiggling their fingers. What the fuck was that? They both smile, and I think we're in another universe.

  “Did you guys just fist bump? I’m confused.” Red laughs unable to contain herself while Roman rests his chin on his hand and flutters his eyelashes at me.

  “Don’t hate me cos you ain’t me,” he sasses back making the guys join in with the laughter too, including Oscar even though he’s still pouty.

  A server approaches the table with a plate filled with mac and cheese, and another with rather plain chicken and rice which happens to be mine. I can’t eat pizza and pasta all day, every day. I haven’t got enough spare time to be in the gym that long to burn it off.

  The server returns a moment later with the guys’ food, and we fall into a comfortable silence. I can see Red’s brain working overtime with questions.

  “Fire them at me, Red,” I say as I put my plate to the side. I don’t need to explain what I mean because she knows.

  “Do I have to change any of my classes?” She asks, her head slightly down and her eyes looking up at me.

  “No, your timetable stays the same.” I relax back in my chair a little, the easy questions I can deal with.

  “Do I have to compete in the Games?” She plays with the straw of her drink nervously, scared of what my answer may be.

  “Definitely not, Red. If that had been a condition you wouldn’t be moving in. I promise.”

  She nods her head slightly, mulling over whatever is running through her mind.

  “How is Featherstone allowing this?”

  Well, I was hoping she wouldn’t think of that. Clearing my throat, I brace myself for any backlash.

  “Juliana has been listed as your guardian, and before you ask, your father is aware.” Now I’m nervously messing with the napkin in front of me.

  “Oh, cool. I guess.” She takes a drink, and leaves it at that. I really expected this part to be a bigger issue.

  “Sooo, you’re okay with that?” I ask, just to be sure.

  “Well yeah. She was really nice when we went shopping to get you some clothes. I get she’s freaking ruthless. I heard her on the phone at one point, but she was really nice to me. Plus, she loves you a lot, so I’m not going to complain.” The smile on her face tells me she’s telling the truth. Although, we’re not going to discuss the ‘she loves you’ part.

  My phone vibrates on the table, catching my attention.

  West: Hey, I have the keys for you. Any chance we could meet up for a chat, so I can give them to you and discuss everything?

  I can’t help but release a sigh as I glance at Roman from the corner of my eye. I’m not surprised he’s peeking at the text beside me, and if the tension in his jaw is anything to go by, he’s not happy.

  I haven’t spoken to West since The Pyramid. Even last week when I had Weaponry class I refused to even make eye contact with him. He got the hint and left me alone, but now he’s ready to push. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do here. I needed the keys, obviously, I just know it wouldn’t be fair to Roman if I let West explain things before he did. He wouldn’t understand, and I can respect that.

  Glancing around the table, the others are all having light conversations amongst each other yet they can sense the tension coming from our side.r />
  Trying to not overthink it, I send West a text back.

  Luna: Are you free next period? I’d rather skip a class than waste time moving tonight.

  I don’t hide my phone. I won’t shy away while I’m sitting beside Roman, there is nothing to hide. The tension pouring off him at my response is suffocating. He knows that I can feel him watching and he’s pissed. Roman goes to stand from the table as my phone vibrates again. Ignoring my phone, I place my hand over his on the table.

  I look up to him, pleading with my eyes to give me a minute. His gaze burns holes in me, but I don’t relent. Finally, he takes his seat again as the others at the table quickly glance away again. Keeping my hand on his, I check my phone.

  West: I’m free. Coffee shop on the edge of the Square?

  Glancing to Roman, I squeeze his hand and send back my reply.

  Luna: Yes, I won’t be alone.

  The storm in Roman’s eyes calms as he stares down at me. Clearly we need to work on our communication skills. Placing his hand under my chin, his lips instantly find mine. I let him claim me in front of everyone. I give him the control he’s desperately fighting for right now. We haven’t discussed the past yet, or how West fits into it all.

  Not that I remember, but obviously Roman does, and I assume they both know we were supposed to unite our bloodlines. No one has brought that up, just fucking Rico. That also reminds me that we need to discuss Parker’s lousy excuse of a father, it’ll just have to wait until later.

  Finally coming up for air, I shake myself to get out of the dazed state he leaves me in.

  “We’re going to head out, I need to get the keys off West so we can get you moved in tonight,” I say, mainly keeping my eyes focused on Red.

  “Tonight?” she asks, surprised with the quick turnaround.

  “I’m not wasting anymore time, Red. I’ve been trying to set this in motion since we were in New York. You have a free period now, right?”


  “Perfect, get your shit together. I’ve got you four hot guys to help with the moving,” I say with a waggle of my brows and by the look on her face I can tell she’s not impressed. Oscar gleams at the description, ruffling his hair and puckering his lips at us all.

  “They’re all taken.” She gripes. “And they’re not all that hot.” The smirk on her face tells me she’s joking, likely trying to rile Oscar up. Kai, Parker and Roman chuckle at her dig, not fazed by her words. Whereas Oscar gives her the response she wanted.

  “Hey, you better take that back. I’m Oscar fucking O’Shay. I’m hot as shit,” he says, over exaggerating the insult with a hand to his chest and puppy dog eyes.

  “Oh Ozzie, I’d love to be able to see things from your point of view, but I can’t get my head that far up my own ass,” she says with a wicked smile.

  Fuck, that was a quick response. We all burst out laughing, except Oscar who’s poutier than ever. Give me strength with these two. Shaking my head, I stand from the table.

  “You ready?” I ask looking down at Roman who offers a nod in response. He stands to join me, as both Parker and Kai pause their tech talk to say goodbye. I can’t stop myself from walking around the table and claiming both of their lips. These boys are mine, and it seems like I finally want to publicly claim them all.


  “Fucking whore.”

  I can hear the murmured insults coming from Wren’s table, but I don’t pay them any attention. I know things are going to get worse with her, but I’ll deal with that after. I have other, more pressing matters to deal with first.

  Roman grabs my hand, and brings it to his lips, kissing my knuckles.

  “So, do I get to play with your little kitty on the way over?” He asks with a straight face, and my toes curl at the thought. My girl is eager for some attention, and I want to play it out a little more.

  “We can walk. It’s only on the other side of the shopping strip.”

  “Or, we can take a scenic drive while I have my dessert.” A devilish smile taking over his face.

  “I don’t know. Is it because you want to please me, or because you want to show up to meet West with me on your lips?” The grin he gives me is even more wicked, and tells me I’m not wrong. Acehole.

  “If I said both?”

  We slow our pace, as I lean up to whisper in his ear.

  “Then I might say that I have no underwear on.”

  The heat in his eyes intensifies, as his speed picks up towards the closest Rolls parked outside.

  “You’re fucking mine, princess,” he murmurs as we fall inside.

  Yeah, I think I fucking am.



  Stepping out of the Rolls first, I hold my hand out for Luna to take. The heat and humidity has finally dropped, but it’s still dry and still slightly too warm for these damn blazers. I undo the top button of my shirt and tug at the collar. Luna’s soft hand slips perfectly into mine, and I squeeze gently as we head towards the coffee shop. I can already see West through the window, sitting in the booth at the back.

  Thank god she invited me along. I was going out of my mind back at the cafeteria, worrying he’d get to say his piece before I did. This isn’t ideal, having to talk about it with West here, but it’s out of my hands. I’ll take what I can get when it comes to Luna.

  Her hair is slightly mussed, her shirt creased from our little sex-capades in the car, and I fucking love it. If she asks if you can tell what we just did, I’m gonna say no. I want everyone to see her like this. Mine. Ours. My dick is still straining against my trousers, but I’m attempting the delayed gratification thing right now. When I’m back inside her it’ll be with no barriers between us, and with plenty of time for us to go all night.

  This fucker though. He knew she was alive, had clearly been in her life before she got here, and didn’t say a fucking word. Once upon a time we were the three musketeers. I still stayed in contact with West after I was made to believe she was dead. Our families are close, but over the past few years we drifted apart. Likely because he’s older than me and life changes, but to not fucking tell me? He’s at the bottom of my shit list, right along with Rico.

  I feel Luna squeeze my hand, gaining my attention.

  “Please, try not to go all caveman on me, okay? I know we planned to talk tomorrow, just the two of us, but I need these keys.” I nod because I do understand.

  Jess is important to Luna, some would say her weakness, and she knows it. So, we need to do whatever it takes to keep her safe. She encourages Luna to see past the darkness, and really is all unicorns and rainbows for all of us. How that is even the same mellow girl we used to pay no notice to at all, blows my mind.

  I hold the door open for her to step in, and she raises her eyebrow at me.

  “Chivalry doesn’t work on me, Rome,” she says, patting my chest as she walks by.

  “I know, but I can be polite Luna. Besides, I know what works on you. Do you want me to show everyone here how much so?” I ask, grinning back at her which just has her rolling her eyes at me.

  Following behind, we head straight for West.

  This place has classic coffee shop vibes. A few red booths and a handful of small wooden tables and chairs, none of which match. Some might say quirky, but it’s not my scene. The smell of coffee and the sound of the machines overload my senses. This is why I don’t come in here, it’s too hectic for my already crazy mind.

  West doesn’t bother to stand, and I can feel his tension towards me for being here. He clearly didn’t think when Luna said she wouldn’t be alone, it’d be me she was bringing. Tough shit. I can’t help but smirk at his frown as we approach. Neither of us greet him, but we approach the table like we own the place, happy to just stare him down. I wait for Luna to take a seat before I rest my hand on the table and lean into her.

  “Do you want a Frappuccino, princess?” I don’t want to leave her with him, but I can tell they need a moment to break the tension. S
o, I’ll get my girl whatever she wants and give her a minute, that’s it.

  “She drinks black coffee,” West interrupts. My hands clench as I try to reign in my temper, this asshole is just asking for a beating. I don’t look at him. I just keep my gaze set on Luna, who also ignores him as she keeps her eyes on me.

  “Please, baby,” she murmurs, tilting her head back a little further bringing her lips closer to mine. I claim her mouth for everyone to see, making sure I leave her trying to catch her breath. Let this asshole know she’s mine.

  Fuck. That’s the first time she’s called me by a nickname that wasn’t Acehole, and I like it. My dick fucking loves it. I definitely should have ignored my grand idea of waiting for privacy to rock her world. Now I’m going to be sporting a boner the whole time. Fucking hell. I focus on an image in my mind, of little old people playing naked football. All them loose dangly bits flapping around soon has my cock back under control.

  Stepping away from the table, I join the small line to grab the drinks. When the few people in front of me glance my way, they instantly move aside for me to take their place. I don’t recognize any of them, but they obviously know who I am. Internally it makes my eyes roll at the lack of backbone these idiots have, yet I’m also pleased I don’t have to leave Luna and West alone for as long. Win win.

  Stepping straight up to the register, I can’t help but glance in Luna’s direction. They’re talking at least, but I seriously hate not knowing what it’s about. West has his arms braced on the table, leaning in towards my girl, who is sitting exactly as she was when I left them. Although, she does seem a little tense. I need to know if he’s had his hands on my girl sexually, except I don’t want to know if it’s not the answer I want.

  “Can I take your order?” The girl behind the registers asks, gaining my attention. I barely look in her direction as I say what I want.

  “Yes, can I have a large caramel Frappuccino, and something fruity without coffee in it?”

  “Err, yeah sure. Anything in particular for the fruity drink?” She asks nervously. I look to the menu but I don’t know what any of this shit means.


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