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The Naughty Sister (Sorority Sins XXX Book 1)

Page 3

by Sadie May

  Out of the corner of my eye I noticed hallways and rooms heading off the main area, but I couldn’t give them any attention at all because I was too busy staring. Gawking, really.

  The sorority sisters and the men in this room weren’t standing around chatting like we’d done upstairs. They were fucking.

  Not all of them, but enough that my eyes felt like they were going to pop out of my skull. Alison was riding a guy I didn’t recognize on the red velvet couch that lined the far left wall. Mirrors were everywhere and I caught her heavy-lidded gaze in the one she was facing. She gave me a slow, seductive smile before her head tipped back and she moaned.

  I knew I should look away, but I couldn’t. The guy whose lap she was grinding on wore a look of intensity as one hand gripped her ass and the other tugged on her hair, holding her head back as she climaxed right in front of me.

  Right in front of all of us.

  “Holy shit.” I wasn’t even aware I’d said it out loud until Missy threw an arm around my shoulders.

  “Easy, girl. You’re going to see a lot of things tonight that you’re not used to. Don’t panic, just go with it. If it turns you on, feel free to join in. If you’re not ready….” I felt her shrug. “No pressure.”

  Right, no pressure. But as watched another girl from my class give some older guy a blow job, I felt my panties getting wet.

  Holy hell, I was so turned on. I wouldn’t have thought it but there it was.

  Missy leaned in to whisper in my ear. “You like what you see, don’t you?” Before I could respond, she reached her hand down to give my bottom a little slap. “I knew it. We can always spot the naughty ones.”

  Naughty. Was that me? I remembered what Missy had told me at breakfast about how they picked girls who were reserved and prudish on the outside but hiding an inner wild child. I would have laughed at anyone who described me like that just the day before, but now?

  Missy waved to some guy who looked like he belonged at a biker bar rather than the basement of a sorority house. “Ooh, my current crush is here. Are you going to be okay on your own?”

  I nodded but then just as she was about to leave, I grabbed her arm. “Wait. One question. Who are these guys?”

  She seemed to know exactly what I meant. I’d been told that everything we did was a secret. The inner circle, and all that.

  “They’re guys we trust to keep our secrets,” she said. She gestured upstairs. “We’ve got to entertain the boys on campus to some extent, it would be weird if we didn’t. But those aren’t the guys we really party with.”

  She looked around at the mixed group of men. “We tend to like our guys older, more mature. And they are all well aware of the mutual secrecy deal we’ve got going on.” She gestured to some discreetly placed cameras. “If they blab, we’ve got enough blackmail material to shut this whole college down.”

  I gaped at her. “What kind of stuff goes on that could shut down a college?” My mind started going to dark places—drugs, gang bangs…maybe worse. But Missy laughed and pointed back to Alison and her guy. “See him? That’s her chem professor. Half the male faculty is a member of our inner circle. Can you imagine if that ever got out?”

  She walked away then, heading toward the burly bald guy who was eyeing her like she was Sunday dinner. I wanted to call her back—I had so many more questions. Namely, which professors? Were my guys on that list? And yes, I’d started thinking of them as mine, even though I knew I didn’t have a claim. The mere possibility that my men might be here—or at least know about it, had me on edge. Aching to do something, anything, to relieve this persistent ache between my thighs. I needed to know if there was a chance that I might run into them but I couldn’t call out for Missy, not without calling attention to myself, which I wasn’t ready to do.

  I was intrigued by what I saw, but not entirely sure I could join in. I took my time making my way through the main room, chatting with some of the girls and the guys they introduced me to. I poked my head into some of the side rooms.

  It seemed some were private rooms for those who weren’t into the whole exhibitionism thing. One room caught my attention more than any other. It was lit with dim red lights and at the center was a pole. Morgan was putting on a strip tease for… no one, apparently. She was beautiful as she wrapped herself around the pole, moving her body in ways that made me wish I’d stuck with ballet like my mom had wanted.

  I don’t know how long I stood there watching in awe when I heard Missy’s familiar voice behind me. “Don’t just stand here, newbie. Get your ass in there if that’s your thing.”

  I shook my head automatically, not even turning to look at her. “I couldn’t, I don’t dance. I wouldn’t be able to do that even if there was an audience.”

  Missy let out a snort of laughter. “Oh, there’s an audience in there.”

  I turned, giving her a look that clearly said she was nuts. She took me by my shoulders and turned me to face the room again, this time pointing at the mirror that the girl was facing. “Two-way mirror. Super popular with our more elite guests.”

  I stared in shock. “There are people watching from back there?”


  “Who?” I asked. “And what do you mean elite guests?”

  She laughed as she put her chin on my shoulder so she too could watch the show. “Oh, we’ve got some bigwigs who like to party but don’t want to be seen. Some of the professors, some businessmen who can’t afford to get caught. There might be a certain dean….” She whispered next to my ear. “I happen to know that tonight’s mystery guests have their eye on you. They sent me out here to give you a nudge.”

  I gasped, my eyes flicking to the mirror before I averted my eyes again, inexplicably shy. Was it them? I wanted to ask. But also…I didn’t. If it wasn’t them back there I’d be disappointed. And if it was…well, I had a feeling I’d be too scared to do what I wanted to do.

  Missy’s sigh was half exasperation, half amused. “All right, newbie, what’s your issue?”

  I shifted nervously, clasping and unclasping my hands as I tried to get a grip. How to put it in words? I was excited by the idea of performing for an audience. Oh, who was I kidding, it made me hot as hell. My panties were wet just thinking about it. But, on the other hand, I’d never done anything like this. It didn’t fit with the image I’d created for myself.

  The professor’s words echoed in my mind. I’d love to see what you’re capable of.

  I licked my lips as I struggled with what I was feeling. What was I capable of? What did I want? And, maybe most importantly, what did that say about me?

  I turned slightly so I could face Missy. “If I do this,” I started. “What does that say about me?”

  She looked confused so I hurried on. “I mean, wouldn’t it be demeaning? Stripping for strangers? Letting men watch me and get off on it?”

  Missy looked like she was amused by my struggle. “Shit, girl, I can see you getting all hot and bothered just talking about it.”

  My cheeks grew hot as I realized she was right. I was getting myself turned on just thinking about it. Had Missy been right this morning when she said they could see through girls like me? Maybe I did have a wild side, I’d just never listened to it.

  Missy pointed to Morgan, who was still dancing. “Does she look like a weak, demoralized victim to you?”

  I shook my head. She looked anything but. Her eyes were half shut and she looked transfixed by the music, and by the sight of herself in the mirror.

  “No,” Missy answered her own question. “Of course she doesn’t. She’s embraced her sexual nature and she owns it. That, in my book, is true power.”

  I let her words sink in as I watched her dance. She was mesmerizing. Beautiful.

  Fucking sexy as hell.

  Missy kept talking, and the more she talked, the more my nerves settled. “That’s one thing you’ll learn here at this sorority. We believe that women are powerful. That we are strong and smart and sexual beings.�

  Morgan’s hands moved up and cupped her now-bare tits, her head dropping back in obvious pleasure, as if emphasizing Missy’s point.

  “We’ve all been taught to be good little girls. To obey the rules and be modest, humble, and insecure.”

  She was whispering over my shoulder again and my breath caught in my throat as her lips teased the sensitive skin beneath my ear. “What’s demeaning is being embarrassed by your own sexuality.” She nipped at my earlobe making me shudder. “Power, true power, comes from embracing all of you—the good, the bad…the dirty.”

  This last part she whispered in a tone so seductive I nearly whimpered.

  Then she laughed her normal laugh and gave my ass a light slap. “Go on, girl, get out there and show us what you’re really made of. I’ll be right here if you need me.”

  Morgan had draped herself over one of the settees that lined the wall. Her heavy-lidded gaze was still fixed on the mirror and her invisible audience as she lazily trailed circles around her nipples and smoothed a hand down her flat belly and slipped beneath the lace edge of her panties.

  Her gaze shifted to me as I came to take her place by the pole. She gave me a small, sexy smile as I wordlessly watched her pleasure herself.

  “Don’t just stand there,” she said. With a little nod toward the mirror, she said, “We’re all eager to see more of that sexy body of yours.”

  When I still hesitated, my gaze shifting from Morgan to the unseen audience, she added, “Come on, I want to watch you while I come.”

  I blinked at her. What was I supposed to say to that? For one brief moment I was acutely aware of how much my life had changed since I moved in to this house. Was it really only the day before?

  One day and I’d already taken part in a threesome—with girls, nonetheless—had entered into some sort of arrangement with my professor and his TA that I didn’t understand, and now…well, now I was about to strip for strangers while making one of my new housemates watched and masturbated.

  That was the moment that I knew. Now that I was living here, my life was never going to be the same.

  And oddly, that realization didn’t scare me. It emboldened me. This was the dawn of a new day. The creation of a new Rachel. No, not the creation…she’d been here and a part of me, I’d just never let her see the light of day.

  This was the discovery of that Rachel, the one who reveled in dark fantasies late at night as she touched herself, but who’d never thought she’d actually live them.

  I turned and faced the mirror.

  Until now.

  Chapter Three

  I hadn’t been lying when I’d said I wasn’t much of a dancer, but I didn’t need to be. The music was slow and hypnotic and once I let my body go, it seemed to know what to do. I swayed gently to the music as my hands trailed over my hips and waist, and up to my breasts.

  I was still fully clothed but I didn’t care. I had time. I wanted to enjoy this moment when I officially said goodbye to Rachel the prude and hello to my inner sex goddess. True, I didn’t have much experience for a sex goddess but I meant to change all that.

  I was still nervous but I concentrated on the music…and the mirror.

  I had no way of knowing who was back there but I knew who I wanted it to be and I found myself imagining it was true. That Dan and the professor were back there, their eyes focused on me and only me.

  I could see it clearly, Dan with those warm brown eyes filled with mischief, and the professor. I shivered as I imagined his intense gaze raking over my body. It was that thought that gave me the courage to slip one strap of my sundress off my shoulder and then the other.

  I heard Morgan moan behind me as she urged me on.

  What would the professor want? I wondered. I slipped the top of the dress over my breasts and shimmied out of it in one move.

  I gasped as the cool air hit my skin and the reality of what I was doing set in. I glanced over to the doorway in a panic and sure enough there was Missy wearing a reassuring smile as she gave me a thumbs up.

  I bit my lip and turned back to the mirror. I saw my own reflection, of course, and what I saw surprised me. I looked hot. Not to be conceited but….yeah. For the first time in my life, I liked what I saw in the mirror. My cheeks were flushed and my lips ink and plump from biting them. My curves were still there, including the rounded ass and not-so-slender thighs. But now I didn’t fixate on the areas I wanted to lose, instead I saw what the people behind the glass were looking at.

  My breasts were naturally big and with the push up bra I was wearing, they threatened to spill over. My matching black panties covered me completely—I’d never been a thong kind of girl—but when I half turned and wiggled my hips to the beat, my ass looked hot.

  Then I looked past my reflection, trying to see through to whoever was back there. I liked the fact that whoever it was, they were temporarily faceless, nameless. That meant they could be anyone.

  My lips parted and I tossed my hair back to give my audience a better view of my tits as I wriggled and moved with my back against the pole. I let myself imagine that the professor was back there and that his steely gaze was fixed on me, watching me move. I fantasized that Dan was there right beside him, his handsome, boyish features set in concentration as he watched me.

  I bit my lower lip, holding back a moan as I imagined the way their pants would bulge at the sight of me. With that thought in mind I slid one hand below the rim of my panties.

  “Yeah, girl, show us what you got.” Missy’s catcall brought me back to my senses and I jerked my hand out of my panties, stunned by what I’d been about to do. I didn’t regret the show I’d put on but to take it any further—well, that was a step I wasn’t quite ready to take. Not in public, at least, and not for an anonymous audience.

  I flashed a smile at the mirror and gave a funny little curtsy before I dropped down and snagged my dress. I was pulling it over my head when Missy approached. “Not bad for a first timer,” she said.

  I laughed. “Did I make you proud?”

  She nodded, her gaze moving to the mirror. “Oh yeah. You managed to snag yourself a couple admirers.” She teasingly patted my butt. “Even though you did keep your clothes on.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Give me a break, I was in my bra and panties.”

  “You wanted to do more,” she said knowingly.

  I opened my mouth to protest, but couldn’t. She was right. I’d been ready to go all out for a minute there. I’d come close to taking all my clothes off and giving the unseen audience an utterly risqué show. “Maybe I will do more another time,” I told her. “Just give me time.”

  She held up her hands in feigned innocence. “Hey, no pressure here. Public exposure takes guts.” In one fluid move, she whipped her top off and slung it over her shoulder. She eyed the pole. “Let me show you how it’s done.”

  I laughed because her tone was teasing even though I had no doubt she’d give us all a show. But I had something else in mind and I couldn’t shake it.

  What I wanted to do required more courage than any anonymous strip show. I caught Missy’s arm before she headed to the dance area. “How do I see who’s back there?”

  I tilted my head toward the mirror and Missy’s eyes widened. “You want to meet your admirers, huh?”

  I nodded, trying not to show how nervous I was. I feigned a cocky attitude. “I mean, I just stripped for these guys, the least they can do is say hello.”

  She laughed and slapped my back. “All right, newbie. You’ve got more guts than I gave you credit for. A lot of new girls prefer to keep the anonymity thing going.” Even as she spoke she led me out of the room. “I think most girls find it easier to let go of their inhibitions if they don’t know who’s watching. They get off on that, you know?”

  I followed her back into the hall and around the corner. She paused in front of a closed door. “You ready to meet your audience?”

  Everything she’d just said about anonymity made so much sense as I
stood there ready to face the men who’d just watched me bump and grind in my undies. A wave of embarrassment had my cheeks growing hot.

  Was I ready for this?

  She waited for me to respond and I swallowed back the nerves that made me want to turn tail and run all the way up to my room on the third floor. If there was any chance that Dan and the professor were part of this audience, I needed to know. If it wasn’t them…well then, what did it matter? I’d say a quick hello and get the hell out of there. And if it was them…. I licked my lips which had gone dry. If it was them, I needed to take my chances.

  I nodded and she threw open the door, gesturing for me to walk in. She whispered, “Good luck,” before closing the door behind her, leaving me blinking as my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting.

  Once they did, I saw that I was in another lounge, similar to the one I’d just danced in, but minus a stripper pole and with more couches. I took a step further into the room and that was when my eyes finally adjusted enough to make them out.

  The professor and Dan. Sitting there staring up at me with such hunger in their eyes I thought I might melt into a puddle in the middle of the lounge.

  “Ms. Sythe,” Professor Humphrey said in that low, commanding tone of his. “What a pleasure.”

  I took a few shallow breaths as I gripped the back of a chair. What did it say about me that hearing him call me Ms. Sythe in that authoritative tone made my lower belly clench with desire.

  Dan smiled. Getting out of his seat he crossed the distance between us and pulled me into a warm hug. “You looked amazing out there,” he said into my hair. I relaxed against him.

  He kept one arm around me as he steered me further into the room so we were both standing in front of the professor, like he was some sort of king on his throne.

  Did he know what kind of effect he had on people? Something told me he did.


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