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The Naughty Sister (Sorority Sins XXX Book 1)

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by Sadie May

  Something told me he liked it.

  I liked it too, truth be told. His presence was nerve wracking, but exciting. Like a live wire had been set loose in the room and there was no telling when it would spark a flame.

  “Tell me, Ms. Sythe—”

  “Rachel,” I reminded him. Well, at least I’d finally found my voice.

  His slow smile was my reward for speaking. “Tell me, Rachel. Who was that performance for?”

  I shifted next to Dan and he squeezed my waist in encouragement. “Before I answer that, I have a question of my own.”

  His eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise. “Go on.”

  I looked up at Dan who still wore a small smile filled with warmth. His presence at my side was comforting, easing the nerves that were always present around the professor. I turned back to the professor. “Are you two here tonight for research?”

  The professor’s laugh was low and rumbly, and it sent a tremor of awareness through my veins. “Excellent question.” He shifted in his seat, leaning forward. “No. Not entirely, at least. Though I must admit, watching you in your new environment has proved quite enlightening.”

  I fought against the blush that I could feel creeping into my cheeks. He’d just watched me touch myself. The panicky voice sounded familiar. It was the same voice that worried whether my skirt was too short or if I was wearing too much makeup. I hated that voice. Missy’s words from earlier still resonated. What’s demeaning is being embarrassed by your own sexuality.

  A rush of freedom replaced the panic. It took courage to overcome years’ worth of conditioning but the wine and my dance performance had given me something close to courage. I had the sense that it was a fleeting burst of bravery but I determined then and there that I would cling to it while I could and deal with the consequences when they came.

  “Enlightening.” I repeated his word slowly, with a hint of mockery, as my gaze moved from those steely eyes down, down, down until it landed on the bulge where his erection strained against the fabric of his pants.

  The professor let out a harsh bark of a laugh at my impudence. “Yes, enlightening.” His gaze flicked to Dan and he gave him a little nod. Somehow I felt like they were communicating silently.

  Dan gently nudged me forward until I was standing just in front of the professor, between his spread legs.

  “If you didn’t come here for research, why were you here?”

  For a moment I thought they wouldn’t answer, but then Dan said softly, “We were intrigued by you. Both of us.”

  His lips were close to my ear and I shivered at the feel of his warm breath on my neck. The professor’s eyes narrowed dangerously as he watched my reaction.

  “I’m intrigued by you too,” I whispered. “Both of you.”

  It was quite possibly the boldest thing I’d done yet, admitting that out loud. It was one thing to strip in a room alone. It was quite another to signal my interest to two men—two of my teachers, no less—in the back room of my new sorority’s underground sex club.

  “Show us,” the professor ordered.

  I blinked at him. “Show you?”

  He leaned forward and his hand reached out to touch the bare skin below the hem of my dress.

  I sucked in air, my pussy was wet and throbbing from just that gentle touch.

  He nodded toward the mirror. “You didn’t finish your performance,” he said. “Why don’t you show us just how intrigued you are.”

  When I stood there frozen, his tone turned commanding. “Show us what you want.”

  It was an order. Normally I didn’t like being bossed around but tonight, here in this room, it was exactly what I needed to overcome the self-doubts and insecurities that were threatening to rear their ugly heads.

  Show them what I wanted. It was exactly what I wanted to do. That powerful feeling was back in spades and it gave me a heady feeling, more intoxicating than a drug.

  I didn’t let myself think it through any further. I acted first, for once. Leaning forward slightly I put my hand over his where it brushed my thigh. His eyes flickered with surprise and something else—something dark and dangerous. I could feel Dan breathing heavily beside me as they waited to see what I would do.

  Moving slowly I dragged his hand up beneath my dress so he was caressing my inner thigh. When his fingers just barely brushed against my panties, I forced myself to stop even though there was a savage, desperate part of me that wanted to shove his hand beneath my panties so I could find some relief.

  Slowly. I ordered myself to be patient. I’d get my release. We all would. But we’d do it on my terms.

  The professor was watching me with narrowed eyes, his breathing gratifyingly erratic. Good. This calm cool professor was off guard for once. Dan’s hands tightened around my waist, clenching and unclenching and I knew he was battling for self-control. So he was frustrated, was he? I could help with that.

  “Dan,” I said quietly. “Be a dear and help me out of this dress, won’t you?”

  Holy shit, was that my voice? I sounded breathy and sexy and…fuck, I sounded hot.

  Dan moved quickly, his hands fumbling only briefly before he whipped the fabric over my head in one swift move. Once again I was back in my panties and bra, but this time I had a real, live audience. An audience that could touch me but only when and where I wanted.

  My smile was smug. Oh yeah, I could get used to this sort of power.

  “Dan,” I said again. “Take off your clothes.”

  He scrambled out of his clothes as the professor and I held a stare that was filled with promise.

  I broke eye contact first once I heard Dan shed the last of his clothes. I’d been fantasizing about his body for weeks and the reality exceeded my expectations. I couldn’t stop the quiet moan as I took him in, from his sculpted chest to his hard thighs.

  But it was his cock—holy shit, I didn’t know they came that big.

  The professor’s low chuckle brought me back to my senses.

  “See something you like?” he asked.

  I nodded. There was no use denying it. When I looked up, I saw Dan grinning at me, clearly pleased by my gawking.

  “Now it’s your turn,” my professor said.

  My breath caught in my throat as a wave of nerves rose up before I could squash them.

  The professor made a tsking noise. “Don’t tell me our little butterfly has gone back into her cocoon.”

  I shook my head. The nerves were already subsiding in the face of that sexy smirk. “I don’t think that’s possible.”

  He studied me closely. “You’re right. Once you leave the safety of your old constraints, it’s hard to go back.”

  He was warning me. Not in a mean way, in a protective way. He was older, wiser. He knew what he was talking about. If I went through with this, there was no turning back.

  But I didn’t want to go back. I liked this new me, the one I was only just discovering. With that thought, I plunged ahead. “Take off my panties,” I commanded.

  The professor didn’t hesitate. He pulled the lacy panties down over my hips and let them fall to my ankles.

  Oh shit, I was so exposed. No man had ever been this close down there. The professor was so close I could feel his breath on my pussy.

  He moved even closer so his lips brushed against the soft curls between my thighs. “Do you want me to taste you?” he asked, his lips and breath sweet torture against the sensitive skin.

  I nodded quickly and his laughter only added to the tension at my core.

  “Spread your legs, little girl.”

  I did as he asked, shifting my thighs apart as Dan came to stand behind me. In a heartbeat, my world was changed. The professor’s mouth captured my pussy, licking and sucking as Dan pressed against me from behind, holding me still for his boss. He gripped my ass, thrusting it forward so the professor had better access as he buried his face between my thighs.

  I cried out as the professor’s tongue lapped at me, torturing me with
pleasure. Dan’s lips were moving over my neck and shoulders, showering me with kisses as his hard cock pressed against my lower back, teasing me with what was to come.

  The professor moved his head back, his mouth wet from my juices. “You taste delicious, my sweet girl.”

  I moaned and reached for him, trying to bring him back. I needed more. I needed all of it. He laughed and caught my hands. “Don’t be greedy, my dear. We’re here to take care of you. Tell me what you want.”

  He wanted to hear me say it. “I want you to eat me out.” My voice was raspy with desire. “Please.”

  His smile grew. “My pleasure.” Then he was back, his mouth working against me until I came so hard I lost the ability to stand and Dan was the only thing keeping me upright.

  I could feel his grin against my cheek as he whispered in my ear. “How was that?”

  I laughed as my head dropped back against his shoulder. “It was a good start.” I lifted my head and met the professor’s satisfied gaze. “But we’re not done yet.”

  Chapter Four

  I shocked myself as much as them with my demanding tone. This was a whole new side of myself I never knew existed. As the professor pulled me onto his lap to nuzzle my neck and Dan looked on with obvious pleasure, it occurred to me. This was exactly what his research was about—seeing how a young woman would change and grow when placed in a new environment.

  I was a living, breathing lab experiment. I stifled a laugh at the thought. I didn’t mind being a guinea pig, especially since I was learning too. About myself. What I liked and what I wanted.

  For the first time in my life there were no rules. Just my desires unleashed and untamed.

  I reached for the professor’s hand and pressed it over my belly. He didn’t need any more encouragement and his hands eagerly moved over my body, stroking my curves and teasing my pussy.

  I was ready for round two in no time. But when I started to move my hips, pressing my ass against the professor’s hard cock as I reached out for Dan, they gently put a stop to it. The professor stilled my hips with a firm but gentle grip, and Dan took my outstretched hand and kissed it before returning it to my side.

  Confusion had me frowning up at them, turning slightly in the professor’s lap so I could see them both. I’d thought they were into it. I’d thought they’d want to have the same epic orgasm.

  Dan gave me that panty-melting smile. “Not here,” he explained. “We don’t want to be spotted fucking a student at a sorority house.”

  Disappointment had me sitting up straight. “But there are other professors here,” I argued. “I saw one fucking Alison earlier tonight.”

  I felt the professor’s laughter rumble in his chest. “Not all the faculty members here are worried about their reputations.”

  Dan added, “The girls who run this house have us all on tape so there’s little chance that anyone will spill our secrets—”

  “But,” the professor interrupted in that hard voice of his. “We still like to be careful. I don’t want to be caught exiting this house in the early morning. It would lead to too many inconvenient questions.”

  “Oh,” I said as I slumped back against him. “I guess that makes sense.”

  I didn’t even try to hide my disappointment and Dan leaned down to give me a too-quick kiss before pulling me up and into his arms. “Don’t be disappointed, Rachel. We can’t continue here… but that doesn’t mean this night is over.”

  Nervous excitement fluttered through me as I let them help me back into my clothes and lead me out through a back door I never knew existed. They led me down a dark alley, but I wasn’t afraid, not with my men at my side.

  My men. I knew it was wrong to think of them that way. What we were doing was fun, pure and simple. I shouldn’t let myself get attached. But there was a connection here between us and it grew stronger with every second I spent in their company.

  They helped me into the passenger side of a car that had been parked at the end of the alley and when we pulled up in front of a town house on the outskirts of campus, I finally thought to ask where they’d taken me.

  “My place,” the professor said.

  Oh shit. I had the distinct impression I was walking into a super secret place. Some dark, dangerous lair where my kinky professor did his devilish deeds. But, it turned out his townhouse was just a townhouse. A bit austere, perhaps, with a definite need for a woman’s touch, but there was nothing sinister about it.

  I didn’t get to see much since they steered me straight upstairs and into his bedroom without pausing to give me a tour.

  The nerves I’d shoved to the side earlier in the night came back with a vengeance when I found myself alone in a room with these two sexy, experienced men. I was still a novice, despite my earlier episode in the sorority house basement. What if I disappointed them? What if they asked me to do something I didn’t want to do?

  Ugh. Those were the kind of thoughts that I wanted to eradicate from existence. They were the sort of self-limiting insecurities that had kept me playing the role of the good girl my whole life. If my inexperience showed, they’d teach me. And if I didn’t want to do something, I’d say so. They wouldn’t force me, I knew that without a doubt. These men were my teachers in every sense of the word. That was part of the reason I’d been attracted to them. I needed tutoring in this aspect of my life. I might be ahead of the curve in academics, but when it came to sex I was a newbie.

  But I planned on changing that.

  With that thought in mind, I rediscovered my earlier courage. “How do you want me?”

  Oh good God. Those words seemed to unleash their desire. Dan’s typically benign expression grew fierce. His eyes darkened as his gaze moved over me, scorching my skin with its intensity. The professor moved into action. His hands unfastening his belt as he jerked his head toward the bed. “Get on your hands and knees.”

  Oh fuck. Those words reduced me to a quivering mass of wanting. My pussy grew wet as I panted for air, all the while moving into position. A little part of me had the urge to take my role as innocent young student to the limits so I murmured, “Yes, Professor,” as I got onto the bed on all fours.

  The professor’s answering growl told me he liked it, maybe as much as I did. My pussy was throbbing as I waited for him and Dan to come to me. I was vulnerable and exposed in this position, especially once Dan got to work undressing me.

  Soon I was kneeling there with my bare ass in the air, my tits bouncing along with the bed as the professor got onto the bed behind me. Excited anticipation made my breathing ragged and I found myself arching my back, sticking my ass up higher, silently begging for them to take me.

  And oh did they take me.

  Dan moved in front of me as the professor gripped my ass. In one movement, Dan shoved his cock into my mouth as the professor took me from behind, his hard length pumping into me with one hard thrust.

  The double penetration was so quick, so intense, my instinct to gasp was impeded by Dan’s cock between my lips. The stifled gasp must have felt good because he tangled his hands in my hair and groaned as he slid my mouth up and down his hard cock.

  I’d never given a blowjob before, but I liked it. Or maybe it was the pounding my pussy was taking that had me so riled up, my body aching and tensing as I moved between them. Or maybe it was both. Maybe I’d been built for threesomes because there was no denying that I loved this feeling of moving in tandem, of being taken and taking, of sucking and being fucked at once.

  Maybe it was fate that led me to their class, that had them seeking me out. Maybe it was destiny that I’d become a sister at the naughtiest little whorehouse on campus, as Missy called it.

  It didn’t matter, really, if it was fate or chance. All that mattered was I was living my fantasy. I had the stern professor gripping my ass and fucking me from behind with a power and urgency that threatened to blow my mind. As if that wasn’t amazing enough, I had the world’s hottest teaching assistant in my mouth, losing control as I
teased him with my tongue and took him in as far as he could go.

  Dan came first, spewing his semen into my mouth with a moan as the professor picked up his rhythm. I swallowed and then focused on finding my own release. I was so close, the pleasure bordered on pain.

  The professor’s grip tightened on my hips and he yanked me back against his cock forcefully. My world exploded as I came apart in their arms. I cried out before slumping forward, weak from my orgasm. Dan helped me stay in position as the professor finished and then the three of us were lying there, limp, exhausted…and complete.

  Chapter Five

  That next morning I learned an important lesson about professors. No matter how intimidating they might be in the classroom, they lose their scare factor awfully quick when they’re bringing you breakfast in bed.

  At least mine did. I watched with something close to awe as the professor came in with a tray laden with coffee, eggs, and homemade pancakes. Dan was still asleep beside me and I shook him awake as I glanced up shyly at the professor.

  He looked sexy even in the glaring light of day. All sleek lines and hard angles, despite the fact that he was old enough to be my father. I didn’t even have to peek at Dan to know that he’d look good all scruffy and tousled from a full night of passionate sex.

  And it had been all night. I’d lost track after the third time they’d woken me. Each time was better than the last as my body grew familiar with theirs. After all we’d done to one another, it was hard to believe I could still feel shy, but there was no darkness to hide behind this morning. No alcohol in my blood to blame for my wild behavior. I’d sobered up long ago, really, but this morning I couldn’t even pretend, to myself or to them.

  I was here, naked, and in their bed. I was the naughty student. The bad girl.

  I barely recognized myself.

  But if the professor or Dan noticed my sudden onset of embarrassment, they didn’t comment. Instead, they ate and talked and made me laugh like being together for breakfast in bed was the most natural thing in the world.


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