ZetaTalk: Being Human

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ZetaTalk: Being Human Page 11

by Nancy Lieder

  The child can hardly protest, as such clinging is not evident to strangers, who often see nothing more than what they

  would call devotion or interest on the part of the mother. Where such mother-child relationships exist, the child often

  develops a strong urge to bolt, and does so at the earliest opportunity. They leave home, decisively, and refuse to

  return. On occasion the confused identity the mother imposes on her relationship with her children takes disastrous

  turns, shocking those who cannot comprehend the outcome. If the mother is suicidal, she may take her little ones with her into death, despite their cries. In her mind, if she wishes death then they must too, as they are she and she is them -

  the maternal bond gone awry.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/beinghum/b74.htm[2/5/2012 1:27:38 PM]

  ZetaTalk: JonBenet Ramsey

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  ZetaTalk: JonBenet Ramsey

  Note: written on Aug 15, 2001

  The reports about the sexual molestation and subsequent murder of a child do not seem to die not because it is unusual

  or has great impact on world events, but because it is so obvious who committed the crime and there is a fascination that the parents are forever being let off the hook. The child showed physical evidence of being repeatedly molested.

  How could an intruder accomplish that? The ransom note was in the mother’s handwriting. Why would she write such

  a note, unless as part of a cover-up? The house was under a security system that would prevent an intruder, and no

  such activity was noticed by the neighbors. The child was in a competitive position with the mother, dressed up to look

  like a woman, complete with red lipstick, and entered into beauty contests. This was done by the mother herself, to

  make the child an extension of herself, but not done without resentment toward the child and the opportunities

  stretching out before such a young beauty.

  What happens in cases where the children in a family are sexually molested, repeatedly, and the mother is supposedly

  ignorant? The mother is not ignorant, but is a participant! She is prissy, has been asked to perform acts that disgust or disturb her, or is trying to hold onto her own sexual response, repressing this, so wants to avoid contact. It is not

  uncommon for the mother to have been raised in a strict religious environment that threatened punishment of any

  sexual thoughts or actions, so complete sexual repression was the goal. When the father begins to molest the children,

  who are most often too young to resist or understand their options, there is a conflicting set of emotions in the mother.

  She is relieved, because she now is let off the hook, but at the same time she is horrified. Horrific circumstances can

  result in denial, especially in a guilty party. The mother understands her role, and though in pain prefers to pretend the molestation did not occur, or occurred only because the child incited it and thus deserved it.

  The Ramsy case is cycled in the news media, especially in the scandal rags, because it sells. It sells because the reader is wondering how long it is going to take before the obviously guilty parents are brought to justice. They are wealthy, bought and intimidated the local police into cooperation by their contributions to causes in the area or threats of legal action, as they could afford lawyers aplenty during any challenge. The local police, having failed to press when the

  evidence was hot, are likewise now in a conflict situation. They deny any wrongdoing, vehemently, thus preventing

  prosecution. The parents appear on TV, holding hands and acting like angels, shocking the subconscious of the public

  who senses otherwise. Why does justice take so long? In part because of the commonality in households throughout

  the world. Children are vulnerable, cannot fight back when the perpetrator is the parent, and are thus the first object

  when the father’s resentment toward his prissy wife reaches the boiling point. Each prosecutor knows of situations

  within his extended family or neighborhood or circle of friends where molestation of this sort is suspected. Eyebrows

  are raised, jaws set in anger, but no actions are taken. The victims, being told they asked for their treatment, are bad, are getting what they deserved, are hardly likely to point an accusing finger. The victims have been convinced they are the criminal, and have gone into hiding with their parents, into face-saving denial, and silence.

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  ZetaTalk: Humor

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  ZetaTalk: Humor

  Note: written on Jul 15, 1996

  It is not by accident that a person coughing or choking is frequently thought to be a person having a good laugh.

  Likewise the start of a hearty laugh is often mistaken for a shout or sneeze, and the rhythm of laughing is similar to the heaving rhythm of sobbing. Do these similarities mean that laughter has a physiological basis with sobbing and

  coughing or a defensive bark? They do indeed. An analysis of situations found humorous invariably uncovers a tense

  situation. In fact, to discern why one person finds a situation funny while another does not, look to why the amused

  person is experiencing tension. Muscles tensed without relief naturally begin twitching and cramping, a result of the

  buildup of toxins in the muscles but also due to the evolution of effective relaxation methods. Those creatures that

  cramped without release did poorly, and those that twitched into a different state survived. Thus laughter or sobbing or

  barking - a tension release.

  Socialized humans given to denying their hostilities excuse their laughter as benign, which of course in the main it is.

  If they weren't laughing they might be murdering each other or endlessly fighting, so laughter is encouraged. When

  there is nothing one can do about it - joke around. Situations of intense jealousy bring forth sarcasm, which is hostility thinly veiled as humor. If someone else gets the promotion, joke around about his qualifications in a semi-sarcastic

  manner, and you might get away with throwing him a verbal punch. If you have a dominating wife who insists that the

  doors be opened for her as though she were a helpless queen, the thought of someone like her dropping her parcels when the doorman gets distracted and lets the door smack in her face allows the fuming husband to do this to his wife, by proxy. Humor is thus an effective safety valve for hostility that would prove disruptive, and can even be used to

  deflect antagonism from others. Oops, the jokes on me.

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  ZetaTalk: Conspiracies

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  ZetaTalk: Conspiracies

  Note: written on Feb 15, 1997

  Conspiracies are integral to all 3rd Density existence, as it is natural for intelligent species to attempt to mold the world around them to their liking. A conspiracy is simply a manipulation of the world done in a covert manner, rather than

  an open attempt to manipulate. In this the 3rd Density entity is attempting to better their chances at success, since

  those upon whom the conspiracy is foisted are not aware that a manipulation is underway. Humans often assume that a conspiracy needs certain components such as smoke filled back rooms and encrypted communications, but

  conspiracies take place in such humble places as the family kitchen or the school yard where youngsters play. A wink

  and a whisper are all that is required, and a conspiracy is in process!

  Conspiracies exist in human society, as in all 3rd Density societies where entities are sortin
g out their orientation to be either Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other, as they are an extension of the desire to manipulate others. Wanting to take

  a larger share, or wanting to conceal actions that one would be punished for, or wanting to foist a pretense upon others

  - all these desires lead to conspiracies. Grand conspiracies that get recorded in history books are rare, but the

  conspiratorial process is common, a daily affair for most humans, in fact. Conspiracies succeed on the small scale, and

  encourage those who lean strongly in the Service-to-Self orientation to try them on a larger scale. How successful have

  they been? Secrets of interest worldwide to all peoples have been kept, for decades, even when known by a large

  number of individuals who would just love to tell the truth. Examples of the success of such conspiracies are:

  the long term FBI chief Hoover’s conspiracy to keep his cross-dressing and homosexual life style from the

  general public. His close associates certainly knew, occasional lovers outside of the FBI certainly knew, and talk

  of his leanings would have been shared among acquaintances of these individuals in the wildfire manner that

  rumors are spread about. How did the truth get suppressed for decades until long after his death? By threats of

  harassment by the FBI and frank blackmail attempts, which succeeded in preventing anyone in the media from

  cashing in on this juicy bit of gossip.

  the death of John F. Kennedy, murdered by the CIA with more than one hitman, in full view of a nearby crowd

  of witnesses and broadcasts on TV. The gullible public was told that a single bullet traveled through two bodies,

  in and out of several organs that were not even lined up with each other, and came out intact. The fact that a

  single bullet would have lost speed, and fragmented when breaking bones, stands loudly pronouncing that such

  an explanation is not logical, yet since members of the military and executive branch of government seemed to

  buy the story, it stands. How did the truth get suppressed for decades, up to and including the present? By the

  fact that a handful of men in high government positions repeated the lie in solemn tones.

  the bankruptcy of banking systems, such as the Savings and Loan fiasco that took place in the United States

  during the past decades or the BCCI fiasco. The public stared at the figures, which showed billions gone to

  fraud, and believed the government line that banking system controls put into place since 1929 would not allow

  banks to fail. These two frauds took place back to back, perpetrated essentially by the same CIA money

  laundering crowd seeking a money source for all the secret programs the CIA has run over the years, yet even a

  repeated performance failed to dampen the public’s gullibility. How was the public convinced that solidity was there, seeing something that did not exist? By the human tendency to believe anything that comforts, and deny

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  ZetaTalk: Conspiracies

  what discomforts, so that unpleasant untruths are simply ignored.

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  ZetaTalk: Ukraine Plague

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  ZetaTalk: Ukraine Plague

  written November 5, 2009

  Urgent. In Ukraine Walk Viruses Pneumonic Plague and Swine Flu.

  November 2, 2009


  The head physician of the medical institutions sent out an informal disposal - not to sow panic, to

  refute the information about the plague, but to speak only of swine flu. Pneumonic plague is a

  particularly dangerous infections. This is one of the most aggressive infections that threaten human

  life, along with anthrax. Typically, the agent of pneumonic plague is transferred ferrets, coney, other

  rodents, including rats, living in warm climates. They are the natural reservoir. There are two main

  clinical forms of plague: bubonic and pneumonic.

  Ukraine Closes All Schools To Fight Swine Flu

  November 2, 1009


  Urging its citizens not to panic, Ukraine on Monday closed the nation's schools for a week to avoid

  the spread of swine flu and suggested that nightclubs, cinemas and food markets in the west also

  shut down. The World Health Organization said Monday there was no evidence that Ukraine had a

  bad outbreak of swine flu. Nevertheless, all schools have been closed for a week across Ukraine,

  even in the capital, Kiev, where there have been no confirmed cases of swine flu. All outdoor

  markets have been closed in the western region of Lviv, where the governor also urged cinemas,

  cafes, nightclubs and theaters to shut down until further notice.

  Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist): "Swine Flu Vaccine is Bioweapon"

  August 21, 2009


  Professor Moshe said that Baxter's Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a

  vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the

  immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu,

  causing global sickness and mass death.

  Rumors abound, but the current outbreak of the plague in the Ukraine is not a deliberate release of droplets via small planes, is not an attempt by the Russians to punish and threaten Ukraine or European politicians, is not caused by contaminated vaccines produced by Baxter or other production companies, and is not some kind of New World Order

  incentive to declaring martial law around the world. The great plague outbreaks, the Black Death, occurred in Europe

  which obviously has the plague bacillus indiginous in its rat population. At the onset of winter, rats seek shelter

  indoors, and invade human lodgings. The onset of winter is also a cold and flu season for humans. Traps are set, and in

  handling the dead rats, those with a cold or mild flu might pull out a hanky to blow their nose. What is causing the

  spread of the pneumonic plague at this time in the Ukraine is fear of the swine flu. This fear is ramped up by

  authorities intent on immunizing the public to the greatest extent possible, due to their own fears of another genetically engineered flu virus being released. Thus nervous, those who empty rat traps and wipe their runny nose with a hanky,

  also put this hanky up as a face mask when encountering others. They thus send any plague bacillus to their lungs, and the cycle begins.

  Pneumonic plague outbreak in Congo sparks WHO response

  February 18, 2005


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  ZetaTalk: Ukraine Plague

  An unusual outbreak of pneumonic plague that has killed at least 61 people and potentially sickened

  hundreds of others is the focus of a World Health Organization (WHO) mission in a war-torn area

  of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Plague is endemic in the northeastern province of

  Orientale, near Uganda, but this outbreak is unusual because it appears to be exclusively the

  pneumonic form of plague, which accounts for only 2% of reported plague cases overall. The

  pneumonic form can spread from person to person via aerosolized bacteria, bypassing the usual

  route of flea bites or infective materials. Antibiotics can treat the disease and prevent a s


  Quarantine: Pneumonic Plague Outbreak in China

  August 9, 2009


  Pneumonic plague has killed three during a recent outbreak which began at the end of July.

  Pneumonic plague is extremely rare, but is the most deadly type of plague. Since the start of the

  outbreak, nine additional human infections with Yersinia pestis, the bacteria which causes plague,

  have been confirmed in this Tibetan Area of Qinghai Province. The threat of disease spread was

  considered serious enough that the Chinese authorities took aggressive measures to keep 10,000

  inhabitants of Qinghai province under quarantine.

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  ZetaTalk: Abortion

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  ZetaTalk: Abortion

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  We, the Zetas, hold all life in respect, even such life forms as plants and insects. In creating nourishment for ourselves we destroy as little life as possible and are essentially vegetarian in our practices. We most certainly do not hunt or

  fish for pleasure, and the thought of harboring domestic animals in boring or unhealthful quarters horrifies us, to say

  nothing of the virtual torture done in the name of food production by many humans.

  It is not surprising that we therefore view abortion with alarm. The tiny life, in truth only a potential, represents the most sentient kind of life among the life forms on Earth - a consciousness aware of itself as well as its environment.

  However, the matter of abortion is not so simple, as there is more than one life to consider. The mother, whom anti-

  abortionists consider not at all, bears at least equal importance. Should she not be considered? To fail to consider the

  mother's situation deems her inconsequential, and herein lies the crux of the abortion issue. It is not over abortion at

  all, but over control of the decision making process that mothers, fathers, and humans in general hold. Where anti-


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