[2017] Lore of Nutrition: Challenging Conventional Dietary Beliefs
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Abrahams, Marwan
academic bullying
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Achenbach, Joel
Action on Sugar
Adams, Joan
chair of PCC
first session
second session
third session
Noakes’s testimony
Angels’ testimony
commends Mapholisa
Adlard, Dr Rosalind
affordable foods
African peoples
Agassiz, Louis
agricultural revolution
Albert Schweitzer
aldehydes in oils
Allen Diet for Type-1 Diabetes
Alzheimer’s disease see also dementia
American Diabetes Association
American Heart Association
American Indians
Ancelotti, Carlo
Ancient Egyptians
Angels see Harcombe, Dr Zoë; Teicholz, Nina; Zinn, Dr Caryn
Aniston, Jennifer
Armstrong, Lance
arterial disease
Ancient Egyptians
atherogenic dyslipidaemia
and cholesterol levels
disseminated obstructive arterial disease
and FH
and high-carbohydrate diet
IR/hyperinsulinaemia as precursor to
occlusive arterial disease
peripheral artery disease
and polyunsaturated fats
and T2DM
see also coronary artery disease
arterial plaque
Association for Dietetics in SA (ADSA)
assistance to HPCSA hearing
denies vendetta against Noakes
hearing, Harcombe’s testimony
hearing, legal representation at
hearing, reaction to verdict
Noakes ‘in their sights’
not the source of complaint against Noakes
objects to low-carb summit
promotion of grains/cereals for children
SA Journal of Clinical Nutrition
support for Naudé review
see also dietitians
associational studies
atherogenic dyslipidaemia
and carbohydrate intake
and level of IR
Atkins diet
Atkins, Dr Robert
Australian Aborigines
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
De Villiers’s Atorvastatin Research Award
Volmink’s SAMRC award
won by Noakes
Baby Boomers
Banting 7 Day Meal Plans
Banting diet see diet, low-carb, high-fat (LCHF)
Banting, Frederick
Banting, William
Barnard, Professor Christiaan
baseline risk
Basson, Dr Wouter
Bateman, Chris
Becker, Chris
Ben-Dor, Miki
Bentley, Amy
Berkman, Brian
Bernard, Claude
Berry, E.M.
beverages, sugary
Bharday, Dr Abdul
Bhoopchand, Ajay
third session
Noakes’s testimony
Angels’ testimony
closing arguments
‘Big Fat Debate’ website
Big Fat Surprise (Teicholz)
Blaauw, Renée
Blackburn, Henry
blog posts
Eenfeldt’s health blog
Noakes and dietitians
Blom, Dirk
blood concentrations see cholesterol concentrations; glucose concentrations; insulin concentrations; triglyceride concentrations
blood pressure
predictor of CVD risk
as risk factor in NAFLD activity
see also hypertension
body mass index
Bond, Dr Peter
Boorstin, Daniel J.
bowel disorders
Bowen, Richard
Bradford Hill, Sir Austin
and addictive eating
appestat function
comprises 60% fat
glucose requirements
hominids’ brain size
human brain size
regulates athletic performance
brain development
and high-energy foods
of infants
need for a high fat intake
breast cancer
breast milk
Adams’s remarks in verdict
endorsed by Noakes
and LFHC diet
SA’s paediatric guidelines
see also infant nutrition; pregnancy; tweets, ‘Banting for baby’
Breitenbach, Jacques
Brill, Fernando
Brooks, George
Broste, Steven
Bueno, Nassib Bezerra
bullying, academic
Burkitt, Denis
Burne, Jerome
ideal food for diabetics
part of LCHF diet
vs polyunsaturated fats
US consumption of
Butz, Earl
Byron, Lord
C-reactive protein
caloric restriction
calories see CICO model of obesity; weight loss
Campbell, Dr George D
Canadian study on LCHF diet
breast cancer
carbohydrate-dependent disease
and FH
intake of polyunsaturated fats
IR/hyperinsulinaemia as precursor to
and ketogenic diet
link to sugar
and low cholesterol level
rising rates of
saturated vs unsaturated fats
side-effect of statin treatment
traditional vs modern foods
and use of injected insulin
Cape Heart Foundation
Cape Times
article on Noakes
articles on Naudé review
cardiologists’ letter
UCT professors’ letter
carbohydrate metabolism
carbohydrates, dietary
amount of grams of carbohydrate
and arterial disease
cause of lifestyle diseases
and cholesterol levels
and coronary artery disease
and dental caries
driving disease more than in the past
effect on blood concentrations
effect on carnivorous peoples
‘forbidden’ foods for diabetics
human digestive system
and hunger control
intake, acceptable range
intake, acceptable range for IR
intake, acceptable range for T2DM
intake over course of evolution
and IR/diabetes
Mungal-Singh’s warnings against
not an essential nutrient
and obesity
as obesogenic drug
during/after pregnancy
relation to hypertension
tolerance/intolerance for
vs traditional foods
US consumption
and US dietary guidelines
see also d
iet, low-fat, high-carb (LFHC)
cholesterol as predictor of CHD
medical interventions
open letter to media
Reaven’s fear of excommunication
support for statin therapy
use of predictive models
cardiovascular disease (CVD)
and carbohydrate intake
and cholesterol levels
and dietary fat intake
disease of modern times
and FH
and polyunsaturated fats
and protein intake
risk predictors for
total CVD mortality
see also coronary heart disease (CHD); heart attacks; strokes
carnivorous diets
Centenary Debate see UCT Centenary Debate
Central Governor Model of Exercise Regulation
Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology
Centre for Evidence-based Health Care
allergies to
breakfast cereals
infant cereals
link to diseases
nutrient poor
obesity in children
promoted in SA’s dietary guidelines
rise in US consumption
spread of agriculture
cerivastatin (Baycol)
Challenging Beliefs (Noakes)
Chalupsky, Oscar
Childers, Dr Ann
deteriorating health in SA
and obesity
safety of LCHF diet
value of traditional diet
vitamin A deficiency
see also infant nutrition
cholesterol concentrations
‘bad’/‘good’ cholesterol
and carbohydrate intake
and coronary artery disease
cumulative survival curves
and CVD
dietary fat intake
dietary fat/protein intake
and FH
found in human brain
Great Cholesterol Con
Harcombe’s testimony
latest US dietary guidelines
and LCHF diet
levels, elevated
levels, low
levels, normal
and lipoproteins
relevance for women
and risk of CHD/heart attacks
Rossouw’s views on
various paradoxes
cholesterol, dietary
cholesterol, HDL
and carbohydrate intake
different levels of IR
and metabolic syndrome
as risk factor in NAFLD activity
cholesterol, LDL
and carbohydrate intake
and FH
Heart of Soweto study
and high-fat diet
HSFSA warning on saturated fats
and IR
and metabolic syndrome
Naudé review
and polyunsaturated fats
as risk factor in NAFLD activity
warnings about Atkins diet
Christensen, Palle
Christofferson, Travis
Chronic Disease Initiative for Africa
Churchill, Winston
CICO model of obesity
criticised at low-carb summit
Harcombe’s testimony
and weight control
Claassen, Professor George
Cleave, Thomas L
see also International Life Sciences Institute
Cochrane Collaboration
Cochrane Nutrition Field
Cockrell, Alfred
cognitive dissonance
Cohen, Bruce
Colpo, Anthony
Commerford, Patrick
Comrades Marathon
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur
confirmation bias
Constitution (RSA)
CORIS study
corn oils
corn syrup
coronary artery bypass surgery
coronary artery disease
and carbohydrate intake
and cholesterol levels
medical interventions
see also arterial disease
coronary heart disease (CHD)
Ancient Egyptians
and carbohydrate intake
and cholesterol levels
diet-heart hypothesis
and fats, polyunsaturated
and fats, saturated
and fats, trans fats
and FH
immunity from running marathons
leading cause of death in USA
link to dietary guidelines
link to smoking
and lipoproteins
obesity as a factor
risk factors
saturated vs unsaturated fats
study in Finland
and sugar intake
trends presented by Roussouw
various paradoxes
Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Study (CORIS)
Creed, Sally-Ann
Cronau, Christine
Cunnane, Stephen
Cywes, Dr Robert
dairy products
AHA warning against
are real foods
change in US consumption
Leenstra’s concern over
Noakes adds to diet
part of traditional diets
replaced by ‘healthy’ carbohydrates
source of dietary fats
Dalby, Dr Anthony
Davis, Dr William
Dawes, Nic
Dawkins, Richard
Dayton, S
De Lorgeril, Dr Michel
De Villiers, Willem
academic record
declines to testify against Noakes
letter from Opie
Max Klein’s letter
UCT professors’ letter
Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime (Gøtzsche)
Dehydration Myth
dental caries
Deutsch, Helene
Dhai, Professor Amaboo
commissions Vorster report
hearing a ‘high-profile, celebrity case’
‘highly irregular’ conduct
instructions to Mapholisa
reasons for charging Noakes
Dhansay, Dr Muhammad Ali
expert witness for HPCSA
links to ILSI
reference to Naudé in hearing
study on vitamin A deficiency
testimony at hearing
can be reversed
and carbohydrate intake
CDE position, Noakes’s response to
CDE position on
conventional medical model
gestational diabetes
and ‘heart-healthy’ diet
link to dietary guidelines
meta-analyses of RCTs
non-insulin-dependent DM
prescribed/forbidden foods
prevalence in USA
as risk factor for CVD in FH
risk factor for heart attack
various diets for
see also insulin resistance (IR); type-1 diabetes (T1DM); type-2 diabetes (T2DM); type-3 diabetes
diabetic peripheral artery disease
Diamond, Jared
diet, Atkins
diet, ‘balanced’
diet, carnivorous
Diet Doctor (website)
diet, ‘heart-healthy prudent’
and burgeoning heart disease
and diabetes management
and heart-attack rates
link to obesity/
see also diet, low-fat, high-carb (LFHC)
diet-heart hypothesis
cardiologists’ support for
disproved by epidemiological evidence
disproved by WHIRCDMT
a great scam
Harcombe’s testimony
little proof in support of
main tenets
Mayosi’s support for
NIH-funded trials
Rossouw’s support for
Steyn’s support for
supported on ‘Big Fat Debate’ website
Teicholz’s testimony
underlying bad science
see also diet, low-fat, high-carb (LFHC); Keys, Ancel
diet, high-fat
increases large, fluffy LDL particles
vitamin/mineral absorption
diet, high-protein
diet, ketogenic see ketogenic diet
diet–liver–heart hypothesis
diet, low-carb, high-fat (LCHF)
affordability of LCHF foods
aligns with paediatric guidelines
Bueno’s meta-analysis
Canadian study
corrects abnormalities causing arterial disease
definition of ‘high fat’
and dietary fibre
evolutionary perspective on
and exercising
hearing, Adams’s verdict
hearing, closing arguments
hearing, Teicholz’s testimony
hearing, Zinn’s testimony
HPCSA statement on
HSFSA website article
and hunger control
intake, limits on carbohydrates
intake, recommended fat
a lifestyle, not a diet
no risk of increase in disease
Noakes’s case studies
Noakes’s switch to
not a high-protein diet
not a new way of eating
not one-size-fits-all
Opie’s partial endorsement of
reduction in hypertension
reversal of atherogenic dyslipidaemia abnormalities
reversal of dental caries
reversal of hypertriglyceridaemia
reversal of renal failure
review published on SA Breaking News
rise in cholesterol levels
Rossouw modifies views on
safety in pregnancy/childhood
SAHA warnings against
Sboros’s research into
studies showing benefits of
treatment of obesity/various disorders
see also weight loss
diet, low-fat, high-carb (LFHC)
abnormalities linked to arterial damage/CHD
Ancient Egyptians
‘deleterious metabolic effects’
and familial hypercholestrolaemia
increased risk of CVD
infants, inadequate energy intake
infants, risk of obesity/T2DM
lacks essential nutrients
link to atherogenic dyslipidaemia
more than 50 grams per day
no long-term data on
population of New Guinea
promoted by CDE
semi-starvation studies
and weight gain
see also carbohydrates, dietary; diet, ‘heart-healthy prudent’; Women’s Health Initiative (WHIRCDMT) study
diet, Mediterranean
benefits of
foundations of
and long-term health
Lyon Diet Heart Study
and renal function