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ZetaTalk: Science

Page 29

by Nancy Lieder

  the Solar System on a sling orbit not acknowledged by man to be possible, is proof that we are not ignorant in these

  matters. As our predictions on what is about to happen will soon prove out.

  Etchilhampton, Aug 4, 2004

  Coventry : July 4, 2004[2/5/2012 11:54:59 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Rings of Planet X

  Crop Circle confirmation of Planet X

  location vs a vs the Ecliptic[2/5/2012 11:54:59 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Eye of the Storm

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  ZetaTalk: Eye of the Storm

  written Aug 17, 2004

  An Aug 13 12 Hour Wobble was followed by Days of Wobble from Aug 14-17, the Sweeps remarkable


  A term familiar to all who watch hurricane or cyclone updates is 'eye of the storm', where the high winds and

  devastation swirling at the periphery of the storm seem eerily absent. Much of the distress experienced by the Earth as

  she approached the point last Dec 25 when she halted in her orbit, or during the intervening months when Planet X

  continued to round the Sun's S. Pole and climb to the Ecliptic, has been due to the disjunct between directives from

  the Sun and interference from Planet X. There were two monsters giving directives, pulling in different directions.

  Principally, this was a pull on the Atlantic Rift toward the side of the Sun, where Planet X rode during this time, and

  toward the center of the Sun. As the Global Quake pattern shows, this resulted in global shuddering when the Atlantic Rift either faced or was in opposition to Planet X. The position of Planet X can even be inferred from the timing of

  these face and dark side global shudders, more in keeping with UTC 12:00 and 0:00 times when Planet X was centered

  with the Sun across the solar system from Earth, and then pulling to the side to be a tad earlier in UTC time as the

  Earth came round in her orbit to put Planet X to her East. As Planet X became Sun centered, from the vantage point of

  Earth, and a single directive is given to the Atlantic Rift, the tearing at the Earth's plates lessened. A sudden silence.

  Does this mean all is well?

  Unlike hurricanes, where a spot on the Earth does not arrive at the eye unless the periphery is encountered both

  coming and going, the Earth has arrived at the eye almost like a spotter planet dropping into the eye from a high

  altitude. She slid into her place in front of the Sun while Planet X was arriving to be Sun centered, in essence, before

  Planet X as a hurricane developed its full fury. We are not speaking here of solar winds, we are speaking of magnetic

  interference, where the Sun's dominance will be blocked and Planet X as it rolls and twists will be the voice the Earth

  will listen to. As we have explained, this time of rolling and twisting will not be as traumatic for the Earth as the point

  when Planet X pierces the Ecliptic and exits, swiftly, lurching the Earth into a sudden pole shift. The twisting and

  rolling at the eye of the storm, while a shock to those watching the Sunrise West, does not tear the crust from the core as there is a single directive from Planet X, supplanting the Sun as the magnetic dictator, as it now stands in front of

  the Sun, squarely. So lest you set the picnic table at the beach, and think all is well in the eye of the storm, beware![2/5/2012 11:54:59 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Lull in the Eye

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  ZetaTalk: Lull in the Eye

  written Sep 11, 2004

  We have explained that What Magnets Do is primarily line up end-to-end, side-to-side, or along the magnetic flow lines of the dominant magnet, depending on the size of the magnets, the distance maintained between them, and the position relative to the poles of each other. We have explained that Planet X, as a massive planetary magnet forced too close to the Sun by the plunge it takes toward the Sun on its sling orbit, is not aligned like the other planets in orbit around the Sun, who have established a comfortable distance from the Sun. Coming in at a 32° angle toward the Sun from the direction of Orion, it slings its S. Pole away from the Sun’s S. Pole, positioned along the strong Magnetic

  Flow Lines that surround the Sun, first at an angle that puts it almost in an end-to-end alignment, but increasingly into an almost horizontal alignment as it approaches the Sun’s middle, the Ecliptic. This has been depicted in Crop Circles and even captured by an amateur astronomer’s eager Camera. We have also stated that Planet X will do a dual 270° roll during its passage, carried by its momentum and adjusting to particle flow crowding that presses it in these directions, due to the retrograde direction of rotation within Planet X as a planetary body.

  What happens to the Earth is a matter of record during the time it is rounding the Sun’s S. Pole, as the tilt and lean of the Earth has been well documented these months since the Earth halted in her orbit on Dec 25, 2003 and the Earth’s Wobble has become more pronounced during this time. Of late, as Planet X has moved to center itself between the Earth and Sun, the Wobble Points have likewise even moved in synch, a clear sign of this dance of the planets, the Earth is the lesser partner and in the grip of Planet X . But as the S. Pole of Planet X is pointed more and more in the extreme directly at Earth, and when Planet X has risen so close to the Ecliptic to be literally at the midpoint of the Sun’s middle, this tilt and lean in the Earth has lessened. The answer lies in the dominance of the Sun, by far the larger magnet. The Earth Wobble is caused by dictates from two magnets, somewhat offset from each other. But at a time when the S. Pole of Planet X is pointed toward the Earth, this reduces to the dictate of one magnet only, the Sun, allowing the Earth the freedom to return to her Winter stance, the Dec 25


  Magnetic particles flow out from the N. Pole and return at the S. Pole, thus the S. Pole is an intake that is less disruptive to another magnet in the area than a strong N. Pole would be, pointing a stream of magnetic particles at a planet. For the Earth, this is a minor deflection of particles from its own magnetic field toward the S. Pole of Planet X, but the Earth’s alignment is not disrupted as the dominant magnet, the Sun, temporarily exerts its influence on all sides of Planet X. Planet X, in this position, is like an adjunct to the Sun’s intake of magnetic particles at the tight magnetic flow lines that curl around the Sun’s middle. A tight, close, hug of particle flows, like the Eye of the Storm,

  seemingly placid while danger lies on all sides. Thus, temporarily, the Earth’s wobble and tilt and lean are lessened, but mankind should not be lulled by this, as real drama, unlike the slow and almost subliminal drama that has taken place over the past months, is about to begin!

  Signs of the Times #1140

  The Earth Wobble is caused by dictates from two magnets, somewhat offset from each other. But at a time when the S. Pole

  of Planet X is pointed toward the Earth, this reduces to the dictate of one magnet only, the Sun. [quote form ZetaTalk: Lull

  in the Eye ] Yesterday [Sep 21] appeared this "rice" circle 30 miles from my town in Italy. [Note: the crop circle from Italy confirms ZetaTalk description of where Planet X is located, and its magnetic alignment.][2/5/2012 11:55:00 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Lull in the Eye[2/5/2012 11:55:00 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Dark Meaning of Sedna

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  ZetaTalk: Meaning of Sedna

  written Mar 16, 2004

  It looks like NASA is really trying to tell the public something with this so called Sedna

  discovery. They put up some bizarre diagram showing Sedna as a huge Red Object low in the

  SW evening sky near Venus. What i
s NASA's true message with the much toted Sedna

  discovery and why now, when it was discovered last November?

  Going into 2003 NASA and their lackeys

  attempted to confuse the public by calling all

  manner of items Planet X. Should one do a

  search on the Internet, the true meaning of the

  inbound planet and the meaningful discussion

  about it would be lost in the noise. At this

  moment, when NASA has made so much of a

  ball of ice smaller than the Moon, located so far

  beyond Pluto to be considered a non-entity,

  months after it was discovered and even

  announced to the scientific community, one must

  wonder why. And the public is wondering why.

  Consider what NASA would do to confuse the

  common man so that terminology long used to

  describe Planet X would be associated by this

  hoopla with that distant ball of ice. Look at the

  commonalties in this attempted association. It is

  presented as red, presented as having an elliptical

  orbit, is presented as having an orbit of 10,500

  years which is an approximate multiple of the

  3,600 orbit ascribed to Planet X, putting it close to the time of the last Ice Age on Earth, and is called the 10th planet

  though tinier than the Moon!

  Why, when it is so tiny that the most powerful scopes were used to discover it in the first place, is it being presented as something the common man could see in the SW skies, larger than Mars or Venus? Because NASA also has a

  dilemma in the Earth’s dark twin rounding the bend and coming up behind it in the orbit path they share. This will

  become visible soon, if not already, and will come close to the Earth before other dramas intervene. What is the

  common man to presume? Ah, that’s Sedna, saw it on the NASA site. What other messages are buried in this

  confusion attempt by NASA? You should be looking in toward the Sun for the real monster 10th Planet, not out into

  the dark skies, and they once again are pointing the public in the wrong direction. You should assume if NASA tells

  you about this with fanfare, they would surely tell you about something more momentous, and this is anything but the

  truth. Unfortunately, one thing remains the same. They lie, and care not for the tax payer whose funds they are using to

  ensure themselves safe place to go when the cataclysms starts.

  Images Source:

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  Jet Propulsion Laboratory

  California Institute of Technology[2/5/2012 11:55:01 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Dark Meaning of Sedna

  Caption for Image at left:

  This view shows where the newly discovered planet-like body, dubbed "Sedna," would lie in the evening skies at

  around 8:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Currently it is located in the constellation of Cetus and forms a

  triangle with Mars and Venus in the direction of the setting Sun. Sedna is so faint, however, that it can not be

  seen with the naked eye, or with telescopes typically used by amateur astronomers.[2/5/2012 11:55:01 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Jerking Nancy Around

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  ZetaTalk: Jerking Nancy Around

  written Mar 4, 2004

  In our response to the query about Mercury transiting the Sun, as shown in the SOHO images provided for this date,

  we posed rhetorical questions. Such as ‘ What do these SOHO images present? ’ and followed with the statement ‘ A

  clockwise orbit of Venus, without a doubt! ‘ and again with a rhetorical question ‘ But look how the SOHO evidence

  stands up in our argument, that the Earth has halted and it moving back and forth more or less in a December

  posture. ’ And everyone looked, and found Mercury transiting the Sun as it is expected to do on Mar 4, 2004. Now that

  we have your attention. Did we lie, again, another White Lie? If you examine those SOHO images, they are not

  exactly what would be expected for the date posted. Recall last summer, when SOHO burnout was a frequent problem,

  and often images from the archives, with a cut and past date to appear current, were provided. SOHO suffered from

  burnout on May 27, extreme packet loss on June 1, obvious date pasting on July 14 and careless image flip-flop of images on July 17. Did all of those problem just go away, as Planet X approached? Hardly, and after many downtimes, the decision was made by the end of the year to simply post from the Archives, which is the mode today. In that these images for Mar 4, 2004 are not current, due to the halted orbits of both Earth and Venus, they do show Venus moving in a clockwise orbit, in effect.

  So why did we put Nancy between rhetorical questions and SOHO images, looking like a fool, once again? Other than

  to force a lot of attention on the issue of orbit halting, a resounding debate where the bebunkers love to slam and those curious what ZetaTalk are up to examine and research, there is a purpose. Debate is the mode to be in, as it sharpens

  awareness, creates interest if only for the entertainment, and brings awareness of a situation far beyond what can be

  brought by a mere statement. Recall what happened when Hazelwood took the stage, quoting almost verbatim what

  ZetaTalk had put into print over the years on the effect of the coming pole shift. The date, ‘ Blindsided in 2003’, the

  description of the shift down to sloshing oceans and hurricane force winds, the description of safe places. Now on the

  talk show circuit are Ed Dames, David Booth, James McCanney and others warning that in 2004 or future dates Planet

  X will pass with devastation. Regardless of the lack of prediction history, or prediction accuracy, any and everyone but

  Nancy will appear on the circuit. But will they take ownership of the orbit halting and reversal statement? No way.

  NASA denies this, and to make such a statement is so outlandish that it spells doom even for those who fence sit and

  waffle in their predictions.

  We have stated Ecliptic rise, Ecliptic drop, and tilt, all of which are supported not only by reports and observations but

  also by photographic evidence. But orbit halt? A difficult call, even when a tilt toward the Sun and a lean toward

  Planet X coming in from Orion places the constellations seemingly in their proper place. For those who think we abuse

  Nancy in this, she has been through this before with the Hale-Bopp issue, when we stated it was a comet that was being pointed to going into the 1997 grand show, but she was still under the assumption that it was going to be a no-show, and the famous May 15, 2003 White Lie wherein we did lie and she firmly believed the rotation stoppage and shift were imminent. She understands the chess game at play, when those who would use both she and ourselves want

  the information but want to take the credit and become the spokespersons. The establishment does not want Nancy as spokesperson, they want those they own and can control. Thus, she is black listed, and kept off the talk show circuit.

  Does this mean that the orbit has not halted? We have stated firmly that this is the case. But will any but Nancy claim

  this? Stay tuned, watch the squirming, and most certainly watch the skies![2/5/2012 11:55:02 AM]

  ZetaTalk: June 8 Transit

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  ZetaTalk: June 8 Transit

  recorded May 30 2004 on the F2F Live Radio Broadcast, streaming audio archive available

  Will the Venus transit occur on June 8?

  We have deliberately avoided answering this question because the government is going to ste
p forward and do

  something they will regret. They listen to what we say and counter it. So if we are closed mouthed about this matter,

  whether Venus will pass in front of the Sun and move on its way or not, the government will proceed with the plan

  that they have which is to present to you doctored photos and doctored videos, whether it happens or not. Wait until

  the time comes because this is a game of chess and we are holding our next move in abeyance. You will see the drama

  when it happens.

  Signs of the Times #841

  Just a word of warning. The Venus transit will not be visible from SOHO. It will have the wrong

  perspective. It will be visible from Earth. This just shows how Earth biased these things are and

  how inconsequential they are to the heavens. Those of you prepared to view this on EIT will be

  disappointed. The link below gives you alternate on-line viewing sites. Courtesy of NASA.

  [and from another source]

  For 40 degrees North, Internal Egress and External Egress can be approximated as 11:05:58 UT

  and 11:25:56 UT, respectively. Thatś all the information you require. Depending on your

  longitude, you may either see entire transit, partial transit in progress, or the transit will not be


  [Note: The much hyped Transit of Venus on June 8, 2004 will be visible by few. To view it, one must

  have a telescope, with a sun filter, be in the correct location on Earth at the correct time. If viewing

  it from an online site, one must assume a superimposed transit over the video as a possibility, ala

  Hollywood which superimposes a leaping Spiderman in front of a cityscape animation. The transit

  will be a tiny dot on the Sun, moving across its surface, hardly visible by naked eye due to the glare

  of the Sun.][2/5/2012 11:55:02 AM]


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