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Crush: The River Demons MC of Louisiana

Page 5

by Brair Lake

  “What about you, Alex? When you leave me here, will you go and fuck one of the whores at the club? I know what you do. I know what the club gets up to.”

  Alex chuckles as he mounts his bike. His fingers nimble as he fastens the strap of his helmet. “Don’t believe everything Hank tells you. Now come here and give me a kiss to keep me going over the next three days.”

  Alex reaches for, and my feet disobey my brain as I move into his hold. His fingers brush the base of my spine. I know I should run. That I shouldn’t let Alex seduce me with his eyes. “Why three days?”

  “I’ve got to work. Dump the boyfriend, Mia. I don’t fancy sharing you with anyone.” Alex leans forward. This is a deep, hungry kiss and I groan into his mouth. “Not yet anyway.”

  “I’m not a club whore.”

  Alex releases me and the engine of his bike roars to life. His gaze is lazy as he studies me from head to toe. His eyes lingers on my breasts and my nipples push against the thin material of my tank top, then lowers to the junction of my legs and I lick my lips as I step away from the burning gleam in his gaze. “I know. That’s why I’ll not share you.” His gaze hardens. “With anyone.”

  “I’ll date who I want. You’ll not dictate who I can and cannot sleep with. That’s why I’m bringing Cole to River Demon’s Spring Family Day.”

  Alex waves as he rides down the street, and I watch until he is no longer in sight. Shit, he knows about Dale. How much does he realize I based Dale on him and that Dale and I have now broken up? I snort as I turn towards the restaurant where I’m meeting Cole. A chuckle escapes me. Maybe I’ll keep Dale around a little longer. After all, it looks as though my fictional lover may be the one to get me into trouble with Alex.

  When I reach the small family-run restaurant, I spot Cole sitting in the far corner away from the window and a sigh escapes me. I would hate for him to see Alex kiss me. And that’s just what it was. Alex kissing me and not me kissing the infuriating man. I smile as I reach Cole, “I haven’t kept you waiting, have I.”

  Cole stands and when he goes to kiss my check, I turn my head untill our lips touch. He tastes of red wine and although the kiss is enticing, there’s no igniting fire in my pussy. At that moment I hate Alex. For five years I compared other men to him. Maybe if I wasn’t hung up on the biker, I would have found someone else. Or was it my jealousy? That I want to be the one to heal him after Jo-Leigh.

  “No. I just got away from a meeting with a contact on a story I’m working on.”

  As I sit, Cole pours me a glass of wine, and I pick up the menu. “What’s the story you’re working on.”

  Cole smiles, “a journalist never reveals that until it goes to print.”

  “Maybe I can help.”

  “And if you do. How will you know I’m dating you for you and not for what I can pry out of you?”

  Coles eyes gleam and I chuckle. “I’m not much of a fountain of information.” I raise my eyebrow at him. “Not unless you’re after makeup tips.”

  Chapter 7

  Alex: Mia’s home Noir Valley

  It's four days since I’ve seen or tasted Mia. And thanks to Teach casually dropping in conversation, I’m aware Mia was seen with Cole Johnson again. Three days wasted as I worked on Demon’s Lair while Johnson monopolized her company. The streets pound under my feet. I should be in bed. I’ve worked fourteen hours straight for each of the last three days, but the adrenaline pumping through my body refuses to let me settle. Shit, even my brain refuses to settle as I lay in bed. Images of Mia and Cole’s bodies twisted together. Cole leaning over Mia as he kissed her. Mia accepting his touch with abandoned bliss, tormented me. Her lips against his mouth as she ran her fingers through his hair kept me awake. As I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, Cole’s image morphed into mine, and my dreams grew darker. Where Mia knelt on her knees, sucking my cock as I thrust into throat. As I climaxed after pumping my cock to Mia’s image it had dawned on me the last woman I touched was Mia. That it’s over a week since I fucked Candy and she was the last whore I’d fucked. Shit. The interview with Teach and TJ hadn’t panned out as planned.

  The streets merge as I pound down the road and as I run up to a set of security gates; I halt and press in the key code. Like I said, it’s four days since I saw Mia. The street is quiet. Bastian’s house is the sixth one out of the small community of twelve. I slip round to the back, enter without knocking and find the kitchen bustling with life. Pond stands at the counter slipping several boiled eggs into bright green egg cups, Data, Mia and Poppy sit at the round kitchen table, where there are several slices of toast on a plate set in the center. Neither Data nor Pond have a shirt on, while Poppy lounges in skimpy PJ’s. But it’s Mia who has my attention, and I battle with the scowl threatening to break out as I glare at her. She’s wearing the same short housecoat she wore on my last visit. Her long-tanned legs stretch out in front of her. Her hair is ruffled, calling for my fingers to run through the silk strands as I hold her head and kiss her. Her face is bare of make-up and my cock twitches. I slip my smile into place.

  “Isn’t this domesticated,” I said as I enter the kitchen.

  As Pond glances across the kitchen, I sit on the only vacant chair and grab a slice of toast. “If there’s any spare eggs going, I’ll take them,” I don’t need to look at Pond as he places two eggs in front of me. Then I hear the click of the stove as he boils more eggs. Neither do I look at Data as he chuckles. My gaze is on Mia and the bare flesh of her upper chest where the housecoat meets in a vee and I spot the outline of the matching pink and flowered vest she’s wearing beneath it. “Data, when you’ve finished, I’d like a chat.”

  “Do you need me?” Pond said.

  I glanced over at Pond. Although both bikers are no longer prospects, having gained their cuts six months previously. They are still low on the ladder and I nod.

  “Morning, Alex.” Poppy’s smile is over bright, and her eyes are alight with suppressed laughter.

  I return her smile with a lighthearted one of my own. She is the younger sister of Firebird and growing into a beautiful woman. She also has a stalker problem. So far, apart from the occasional photographs which keep turning up at the club, there’s been no serious threat to her life or interruption to her daily routine. Data is her official bodyguard. Pond sent in to spy on Data. To make sure he doesn’t mess too much with the young woman. My smile deepens. I’m not sure whose idea this is, Day’s, or Poppy’s brother-in-law, Leon. “Morning, beautiful. You got school today.”

  Poppy rolls her eyes. “Yep. One more year to go. Then I’ll be free.”

  I nod as I turn my gaze back to Mia. She’s about to bite into her toast. When our eyes clash, there is a sparkle in her hazel gaze. “Morning, Gorgeous.”

  Mia bites into her toast and I watch her lips twist as she eats. My cock throbs. I want to reach over and kiss her. To taste her and find out if she tastes as good as I remember. When we spent the night together. Not that it was much of a night. Just a few hours before the break of dawn. Then she had slipped away before I woke and for another round of love making. When her tongue slips out to brush at the crumbs, I gulp at the coffee Pond just handed me. His snigger has me glaring at him and he responds with an innocent gaze and shrug as he peels the shell off his own egg.

  “Morning, Alex.”

  Her voice is dark as runny chocolate and more blood pounds to my cock, and I shuffle. I’m horny and frustrated. The last time I went this long without sex was when Jo-Leigh died. Shit, that was the only time I went without sex for a while. Six months after burying her, I returned to Noir Valley and hooked back up with the River Demons. I think I was back three days when I fucked some whore. I take a sip of my coffee. Shit, I couldn’t even remember her name and I’ve probably fucked her several dozen times since. Shit, when Mia went off to college, I’d found someone to fuck a day or so later. I take another sip of my coffee. That was the year I noticed Mia and began to fall for her.

  “What’s with the sco
wl, Alex.”

  I glance at the woman responsible for my sleepless nights There’s laughter in her as she taps her fingers on her mug. My gaze lingers on the polished nails. I want those fingers around my cock, circling and pumping my shaft. To watch her hand as it is covered in my cum.

  “I should be in bed, Mia. Fucking some blond. Have her screaming in my ear as she comes over my cock. Instead, I’m running some errand.” Mia’s fingers stop tapping as she hides her gaze behind her lowered eyes. “What do you say, Mia? Wanna be that blond?”

  “Shit. Is that the time. I’d best get dressed. Pond, I’ll be ready in thirty.”

  I watch Poppy dash from the room as Data and Pond stay seated. Mia watches me as she places her mug on the table, then she stands, freeing the belt from her housecoat, revealing the matching vest and shorts which only just cover her pussy and ass. She drops the housecoat and straddles my lap, and I gulp. “Get out boys.” There’s a shuffle of chairs and a door slamming. Now there’s only Mia and me in the room. Her morning scent surrounds me. The heat of her pussy warms my jogger pant clad thighs and my gaze lingers on her heaving, barely covered tits. My cock throbs, pushing against the jersey cloth. Mia wiggles and I moan as I trace the ridges down her spine. Her fingers tease the base of my neck.

  “You think you can handle me, Alex.” Her lips brush against my ear. “I’m not going anywhere this summer. I’m in Noir Valley for good.” Her lips find mine and my fingers clench against her hips. Her tongue slips into my mouth. Warm butter torments my taste buds. As the kiss deepens, my fingers slip under her thin top, Mia ends the kiss, and leans back. Her eyes glitter, turning almost black. “I’ll not be a one nightstand this time, Alex. If you want me. The four days you’re not working, you spend with me. The three days you are working, I spend with Cole.”

  My fingers still as they wander under her top. “I’ll not share you, Mia. While I’m fucking you. No-one gets to fuck you.”

  Mia’s watching me. Her fingers tease my ears and blood pounds through my head. I ache and there is only one cure. Mia brushes her lips over mine, then she’s breaking out of my hold and picking up her housecoat. I watch her pull it back on, groaning at the loss of her lush body. There is no smile as she stares at me. “We do this my way. Or we don’t do it at all.”

  My lips are dry. My mouth parched, my cock throbs, and blood races through my body. I want Mia. I need to fuck her out of my system and my head. I lean forward and nod. “Okay.” I stand and glance at my watch. “And I get to fuck the whores at Demon’s Lair.” Mia blinks and nods. “I’m on my four-day break now. I’ve some stuff to do today. I’ll collect you tonight.”

  Mia shakes her head, “I’ve a date with Cole tonight.”

  Fire burns in my stomach and it has nothing to do with the raging desire I have for the blond. “Break it.”

  Mia shakes her head, “tomorrow night–I’m free.”

  I nod. Shit, I’m acting like a stray dog, glad of any scraps thrown his way. “I’ll pick you up at five. Have a bag packed,”

  There’s that shake again and a tilt to her chin which warns me Mia is trouble. “Take me out on a date like a human being, Alex. Before we fuck, there are a couple of things you need to do.”

  I suppress my groan. Mia’s turning my balls blue, but not in a way I enjoy. “Like what?”

  “Get tested for STDs and HIV. When you have the results. Then we’ll talk about taking this further.”

  “Fuck, Mia. It’ll take a couple of days for the results to come through. Besides, I do use condoms so there’s little chance I’ll have anything.”

  “I don’t care. Take the tests or we call this thing off.”

  I nod, and as I reach the kitchen door, I turn to her. “We’ll take the test together.” My gaze roves over her. “After all. You already have two lovers and I’m about to become your third.”

  I close the door before Mia answers. When I find Data, he is by his bike and has his shirt and cut on. His hair is wet from the quick shower he has taken. He watches me as I stroll over to him, his lips quirking. “Hank’s going to kill you.”

  I glance at the house and shake my head. “She’ll not tell him.”

  “She won’t have to. As soon as you move her onto Demon’s Lair, he’ll hear.”

  “Hank’s my problem. I’ll handle it when I have to. Do you have the information?”

  “He’s who he says he is. Just some journalist from NOLA. He was working on a story about some big shot called Delaney. Then he dropped it and ended up in Noir Valley.”

  The bells clang in my head. Shit, I was dealing with Jono, and now it looks as though Cole is going to be more of a problem than I anticipated. “And this blog.”

  Data whistles. His smile splitting his face. “It’s hot stuff. I’m still trying to trace the boyfriend.” Data chuckles as he passes me a file. “I think he’s closer to home than anyone realized. This is what I’ve got on Johnson.” I take the file Data removed from his bike trunk. “I was going to drop it off later.” His gaze goes to the house. “There wasn’t any need to come over.”

  “I was out for my run. It wasn’t a problem.”

  Data’s chuckle follows me down the path as I leave the house. I’m still frustrated, and it’s going to be a few days before I find any relief. I smile. On my return to the riverboat, I’ll be passing Doc Holden’s place. I’ll see if he can rush the results through.

  Chapter 8

  Mia: Her home Noir Valley

  “Shit. Shit. Shit.” I pace the kitchen floor, my hands clutching at my housecoat and my pussy throbs. It had taken everything in me not to say yes to Alex’ offer of a date tonight or to take him to my room and fuck him. A giggle escapes me. Shit, I can’t believe I straddled Alex while Data and Pond watched. I was mad with Alex. The way he watched me as he taunted me about taking me to his bed had turned my blood molten. The blue of his eyes gleamed, and I had risen to the bait without a blink. My blood racing through me and as I straddled his lap. The thin silk material of my pjs failing to hide the evidence of his arousal. An arousal which increased my already raging libido. His earthy, sweaty scent hadn’t eased the ache in me.

  From the kitchen window, I watch Alex and Data chat. My frown deepening when he accepts a file from the younger biker. I nibble my lower lip. Shit, I’ve just agreed to have an affair with Alex Whitton whilst dating Cole. My giggle turns into a nervous chuckle. I’ve managed to delay the inevitable with Alex while he has his tests. Tests he wants me to have. Fuck, I haven’t had sex since that night with Alex.

  “Everything okay?”

  Lost in my thoughts, I jump when Poppy enters the kitchen. “I’ve agreed to have sex with Alex.”

  Poppy’s eyebrow rises as she bites her lip. “You know what you’re doing.”

  I nod. Inside, I am quaking. I have no idea what I have just got myself into. What I do know is I should run. That I should keep Alex at arm’s length. “He’s agreed I can keep seeing Cole.”

  “You–He–Cole.” Poppy checks her purse. Then collects a set of keys from the hook beneath the top cupboard. “Shit, if I didn’t have a test this morning, I’d skip class.” Poppy’s amber gaze penetrates into me, and I hold my breath. Her lips set straight. “You really think Alex is going to accept you seeing Cole while you’re his?”

  “I’m not his. And he has agreed.”

  “For how long?”

  I shrug. Hopefully long enough for me to get my defenses into place. “He also knows about Dale.” I say on a gulp of air.

  Poppy chuckles as she shakes her head. “You mean the fake boyfriend.”

  I nod, “shut up, Poppy. You make me sound like an adolescent.”

  “I’m not mocking Dale. Shit, he’s paid for our weekends away. And talking of weekends away. Have you told Alex?”

  “I’ll tell him.”

  “You do.” Poppy pecks me on the cheek, then heads for the kitchen door. She turns to look at me. “This is going to be fun to watch.” The sparkle in her eyes mat
ches her smile. “Best thing Firebird did was hook up with Leon. Otherwise, I’d miss out on all this drama. Shit, it’s better than the TV.” She shrugs, “hearing about it second hand through Noir Valley’s gossip chain, wouldn’t have been the same as watching from the sidelines.” Poppy shakes her head. “You’re about to become notorious. And that blog of yours will pay for spring break. And yeah–you’re coming.”

  I shake my head as the door closes on Poppy and make a fresh coffee. Shit, eight days ago, I gave up on Alex. Now, he’s bang center in my life. The door from the hallway opens and Pond strolls in. He’s fresh from the shower and in his hands are his bike keys. He stops as he looks at me. His gray eyes full of concern. “Is there any spare coffee?”

  I nod and watch as he pours himself a mug. “I thought you were on Poppy duty.”

  “I am. But I can spare five minutes.” I smile as he sits opposite me. “Shit, I’m sorry about this morning. Beneath the surface, Alex is a nice guy.”

  “He is nice, Pond. Anyway, I’m a big girl and I know what I’m doing.”

  Pond’s smile twists, “He saved my life. I was living on the streets when he found me.” He scratches his head. “He’s a jerk because he’s still hurting.”

  “I know and I like him.”

  Pond nods as he stands. “I’ll catch you later.”

  I nod and as the door closes, I find myself on my own. Lost in my own world. Cole is a defense against Alex. I’ve never used anyone before, but right now, I need the defense Cole offers. Besides, I like Cole. He’s fun to be with. Not like Alex, who is a grouch.

  I glance at the house as Cole parks his bike outside a small townhouse. The tap of his fingers against my jean clad thigh draws my attention.


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