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Crush: The River Demons MC of Louisiana

Page 6

by Brair Lake

  “No restaurant tonight,” I said

  Cole dismounts from his bike, “I thought we would have some alone time.”

  My stomach dips as I stay on the bike, staring at the house, telling myself, seeing Cole in public is one thing. In his home, it seems more intimate.

  “Are you coming in?”

  I dismount from the bike, telling myself to stop being childish and smile as I follow him into his home. As he leads me into the lounge, he takes my jacket. His fingers soft against my flesh and I step out of his reach.

  “What are we eating?”

  “Chinese. It’ll be here in about an hour.” Cole chuckles as he sits beside me. “I’m a lousy cook. I’ve lived on my own for so long it’s easier to eat out or order in. It’s either that or starve.”

  I glance at Cole and appreciative the man in front of me. At six foot, and without an ounce of fat on him, there’s definitely no sign of the lifestyle he just described. Unlike Alex and the rest of The River Demons, his hair is short. His cheeks smooth. Free of any facial hair, and he smells of lemons. “Then you must work out.”

  Cole’s smile is modest as he flexes his arm. “Three times a week.”

  The curl of his biceps teases me and to break the budding intimacy I glance around the lounge. The pale blue walls and long white drapes at the window bestows the room a sense of warmth. On the wall is a collection of photographs and I look them over. There’s one of a group of children and I run a finger over the small girl with blond pigtails. There’s something about her, but I’m not sure what it is. Cole is behind me and I turn to him.

  “This is a nice house.”

  “I’m house-sitting for a friend.”

  “So, this photo’s not yours.”

  Cole takes the photo from me, his thumb stroking over the blond girl. “No, it’s my friends. But this is me when I was ten.” He points to the small boy sat next to the blond girl.

  “That explains it,” I said.

  “Explains what,” Cole said.

  “I thought I recognized the girl, but it must have been you.” I take the photo and look at the boy. Cole’s grown up and the innocent gleam of youth in his gaze is long gone. “Are you from Noir Valley.” Noir Valley’s not a big place, but there are still people I don’t know.

  “No. I grew up in Reno.”

  I rub my thumb over the photograph. “But you were close to this family.”

  “Yeah, we were cousins.”

  “Where are they now?”

  Cole removes the photograph from my loose grip and hangs it back on the wall. “Jack’s on tour and his folks moved to Baton Rouge.”

  “He’s in the military?”

  Cole shrugs as he turns to the door. “You can say that. Want a beer while we wait for the food.”

  “That’ll be great.” As Cole goes for our beer, I check out his music collection. There’s a record player next to the vinyl collection and I find a copy of Roberta Flack’s Greatest Hits and slip it on. The room echoes with her voice and I sway as I wait on Cole’s return. When I turn around, Cole is leaning against the door jamb, his ankles crossed. The man cries out alpha and reeks of sex appeal. I lick my lips. If it wasn’t for Alex, I could easily bed this man. “You have a real music collection. You don’t see much of that these days.”

  “That’s Jack’s fault. He loves music. He’s made it his life and it kind of rubbed on to me, I guess.”

  I continue to sway to the music and Cole strolls over. When he reaches me, he passes me a beer, which I accept as I wrap my free arm over his shoulder. “Dance with me.”

  “I don’t need asking twice.” Cole pulls me in close. His arms loose around my waist. His hands cupped as he holds his beer. I slip my arm around his neck and lean my head against his shoulder. He’s a good height for me and we fit perfectly. His hips rub against mine and through the denim his erection brushes against me.



  “I’m still not ready.”

  Cole leans back. His gaze on me. “Because of Alex or because of Dale.”

  I giggle. Shit, everyone must think I’m a scarlet woman. “Neither. Alex is history,” my feet stumble as the lie slips from my lips. “And as for Dale.” I bite my lips. “That’s complicated.”

  Cole pulls me closer. “I like complicated, and I can wait.”

  My fingers clench as I close my eyes. If I didn’t need Cole for protection, I’d run. Someone was going to be hurt, but it wasn’t going to be Dale.

  Chapter 9

  Alex: Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  The cheer from the couch has me glancing across the room, and I smile as Leon thumps TJ’s shoulder. They’re playing a racing game on the game console and I shake my head.

  “You need to relax, Alex,” Day said.

  I turn to Day, sitting in the chair beside me, and watch as he takes a long swallow of his coffee. “I am relaxed.”

  The club’s president chuckles. “That’s the third time you’ve looked at your watch in the last thirty minutes. Is there someplace you need to be?”

  The gleam in his blue eyes has me smiling in response. “Nope. Not for nine hours.”

  Day’s smile disappears, “you don’t want to change your mind about this plan.”

  Change my mind. My body has not stopped humming since yesterday morning with unsated lust. My libido refuses to sleep. I have taken three cold showers and masturbated a couple of times. Shit, I spent the evening watching the whores, trying to decide which one to take to my bed. Fuck, if Mia was going to continue to see that fucking journalist and NOLA Boy. There was no reason why I couldn’t continue to fuck the whores until I had her safely tucked up on Demon’s Lair. Shit, I watched Susie as she danced, and the whore had noticed, coming over to me wearing a smile that would make any red-hot blooded man beg for just five minutes with her. And what was my response when she gave me a lap dance. Her pussy brushing over my cock as the tip of her tits thrust against my lips. The big man downstairs had continued to sleep.

  “No. I don’t want to change my mind.” I scratch my nose as Leon cheers again and TJ’s ‘Fuck,’ echoes in the saloon. “Besides, I ran into Jono yesterday. The bastard’s hanging around Noir Valley. When he finds out about Mia and me, he’ll make his move.”

  Day runs his hand through his dark hair and grimaced. “Fuck, I hate this waiting. Are you sure Mia is the one who will have him striking?”

  I search the room; Oyster left Noir Valley three days ago and is due back the day after tomorrow. In the meantime, we’ve the new prospect, Tick, staying at Ma Keys until his return. “Yeah. If he’s willing to use Rickety-Lee to get at Ma Keys, he’ll not like one of us touching his sister.” I glance at my watch and rise. “I’ve an errand to run. I’ll catch up with you later.”

  After leaving Demon’s Lair, I head for Doc Holden’s to have my blood taken. His smirking face and the glee in his voice as he tells me it’ll be several days before the results will be expected back, deepens the frustration in me. Shit, I thought they’d be back in a day and Mia would be in my bed by tomorrow night. As I mount my bike, another bike pulls up beside me and I find myself facing Jono. The street is empty and as I watch the biker, the twisted smile he flashes me turns my stomach. Shit, Mia and I aren’t together yet.


  “Slick - I did some digging into the journalist guy Mia’s dating.”

  I slip my brain bucket on and fiddle with the strap. “You did.”

  Jono nods. “Yeah. No wonder you don’t want him near Mia or in Noir Valley.”

  “What makes you think I don’t want him in Noir Valley?”

  “He’s doing a piece on Delaney.” I nod. This isn’t surprising news, Data’s already told me this. “He’s even had a couple of visits with him.”

  I mount my bike. “He has?”

  Jono nods. “He knows you have a connection with the guy.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  Jono glances down the st
reet, then looks at me. “A,” he holds a finger up at me. “He’s here in Noir Valley. If he didn’t have anything he wouldn’t be here. B,” he waves a second finger at me. “I’m having dinner with Mia and Johnson at the weekend. The connection just might slip out in conversation.”

  “And to keep this quiet. You want something from me?@”

  Jono shrugs. “Delaney wants you dead. I bet you want him dead. The sheriff won’t be wanting that kind of war in Noir Valley. He likes the peace. Shit, my bank balance shows how much it’s costing me. He’s a tight bastard and doesn’t care I’m his brother.”

  “What do you want, Jono?”

  “The pipeline between you and the Black County Stewards.”

  I turn to Jono. His hazel eyes cold as he watches me. “Shit, and there I thought you were after the presidency of The River Demons.”

  Hiss eyes darken, “I am. You betrayed me, Slick. You chose Day over me. And there I was, thinking we were best buds. Homies, BFF and all that crap. It was me who hooked you up with The River Demons. And the thanks I received in returned. Is you siding with that upstart. Get me the pipeline and I’ll call your debt paid,” Jono revs his bike “When I go to war with Day. Think about Delaney as you decide which side to choose.”

  Jono doesn’t hang around for my answer, and as I watch him turn from the street, I smile. If Jono is acting like this before I hitch up with Mia, he’s going to be twice as mad afterwards and that’ll bring Delaney out of the woodwork. I return to Noir Valley to lick my wounds. They may not be fully healed. But when Delaney strikes, I’ll lay that demon to sleep. The warmth of the sun touches my cheek and I glance to the sky, then turn my gaze back to the road, a red Corolla crosses at the midsection and instead of returning to Demon’s Lair, I ride into town and park the bike at the local café, find a window seat and watch the building across the road where the Corolla is parked.

  “Would you like a refill?”

  I glance at the young waitress and smile as I nod. It’s my fourth and I’ll best sip it, otherwise I might miss Mia leaving while I’m at the toilet. As the waitress pours the coffee the door to Noir Valley’s Gazette offices open and Mia strolls out. My fingers curl into my palm and my stomach clenches when she looks up at Johnson and laughs. About to tell the waitress I’ve changed my mind; I watch the couple cross the road and head in this direction. Neither seems to notice my bike and I drag my chair into the shadows of the corner as they stroll in. I hadn’t realized I’d been holding my breath until it slips through my teeth when Mia choses a table near the door and sits with her back to me. As Johnson sits, his gaze clashes with mine and his lips twist as he leans forward, kissing Mia on the ear. Blood roars in my head and the throb above my nose presses down as I wait for her to turn around and face me. Instead her chuckle reaches me, curling around my cock as she picks up the menu, I glance at the waitress. “I’ll have a burger and fries.”

  As I watch Mia, the bell of the café door rings, and Hank strolls in. He’s a tall man whose sexual appetite has the folk of Noir Valley blushing. That’s the ones who haven’t succumbed to the sheriff’s wooing. Shit, even Firebird has watched the man have sex on more than one occasion. Hank nods and says something to Mia, his gaze scanning the café. When he sees me, he says something to his sister, then he’s heading in my direction.

  “Alex. Mind if I join you?”

  I grew up with Jono and Hank. We played soldiers and basketball together. As we hit our teenage years, we drifted into a different lifestyle. “Sit. Want a coffee?” Hank nods, and I mime to the waitress for another coffee. “What can I do for you, Hank?”

  Hank removes his hat, running his hand over his crewcut. His hazel gaze intent as he studies me. So, like his sister’s, but there’s no lust in them for me. They are cold and hard. “Years ago, I warned you to stay away from Mia. When she returned to Noir Valley, I told you to stay away. That I’ll be watching.” Hank looks at the waitress and winks at her as she pours his coffee. When she has the coffee pot hovering above my cup, I shake my head. The dog is warning me about Mia while blatantly flirting with the waitress who responds in kind. As she sashays away, we watch her hips and only once she is behind the counter does Hank’s gaze returns to me. The warmth that was there moments ago is missing. “It’s now been brought to my attention; you and Mia have a dinner date tonight.”

  I lean back, and under the table I stretch my legs out in front of me and cross my ankles. “Mia tell you?”

  Hank shakes his head. “All of Noir Valley and anyone else who reads that blasted blog of hers, knows.”

  I raise my coffee cup to hide my smile. I’ve read that blog. Some of the things she’s been up to have earned her a spanking I’ll be happy to deliver. And if I ever bump into NOLA Boy, I’m gonna blacken his eye. “She mentioned me by name.”


  “She could be talking about lover boy over there.”

  Hank looks over his shoulder and shakes his head. “She’s describing her latest boyfriend as blond and blue eyed. Cole’s dark haired in case it’s slipped your notice.”

  “She could be talking about NOLA Boy. Maybe he’s visiting from New Orleans.”

  Hank’s smile deepens, crinkling the fine line round his eyes, and my stomach coils. His eyes tell me he knows a secret and I want in on it. “By NOLA Boy, I take it you mean Dale?” I nod. “Dale never comes to Noir Valley.”

  And that explains why I’ve never met him. I shrug, “we’re having dinner. Nothing more.”

  Hank’s blond eyebrow rises. “Dinner and nothing more. Then why were you coming out of Doc Holden’s place and what the fuck where you and Jono talking about.” Hank leans forward. His nose almost touching mine. “I don’t want any trouble in my town. The first sign of anything that’s not right, I’ll throw you and Jono in goal. No questions asked.” Hank stands, shakes his hat, caresses the rim, then places it back on. “Especially if either of you drag Mia into your petty war.”

  As I watch the sherriff stroll towards the door, I rub my forehead. Shit, why the fuck have I got myself mixed up with the Cartwrights.

  My gaze switches back to Mia, and I find hazel eyes watching me and my heart skips a beat. Blond and unblemished by life. I want some of that innocence which surrounds her. Shit, for someone who has a brother sitting on either side of the fence, Mia is still untouched and that’s what I want, and that’s why I’m willing to get myself mixed up with the Cartwrights. Mia is mine.

  Chapter 10

  Mia: Her home Noir Valley

  “Shit, Mia, you’re acting like you’ve never had a date before.” Poppy said as she lies on her stomach on my bed, munching on a bag of chips.

  I drop the black trousers on to the floor and turn to glare at her, l “I haven’t with Alex. Do you think I should dress like the whores at Demon’s Lair?”

  “Depends on where Alex is taking you.” Poppy blinks, “or what you want from him.”

  I shrug, “I don’t know. Maybe I should have asked.” I pull out a red dress and scrunch my nose as I eye it critically. The soft jersey material clings to every curve I own, and the deep vee would display my tits to Alex. I dismiss the dress, returning it back to the wardrobe and pull out a pair of jeans. “Do you think he’ll take me to Demon’s Lair?”

  Poppy’s delicately threaded red eyebrow rises. “Which part. The casino or the club’s private room.”

  I reach for the red dress again. “Maybe I should pack the dress. I can change if I need to.”

  “Or you can wear the dress and Alex will decide from there where to take you.”

  “Yeah, but what if he turns up on the bike? I can’t wear a dress on that.”

  “Then you’ll have to take your car.”

  I sit on the edge of the bed, hugging the dress. “I should have insisted on meeting him somewhere. Then I wouldn’t have this problem.”

  Poppy reaches out and strokes the dress. “The dress. It’s that tight. You’ll have to go commando.” Her warm chuckle matches the w
icked gleam in her gaze. “And that’ll torment Alex. After all, haven’t you put a sex ban on him.”

  “The red dress it is.” I turn to Poppy and snicker. “I think I’m the only woman caught up in a love quadruple who isn’t having sex.”

  “Except they all think the other is having sex with you.”

  “Apart from Dale.”

  Poppy chuckles as she leans against the pillow. “And the entire world thinks you’re having a torrid love affair with him.” Poppy pops another chip into her mouth. “I thought you were breaking things off with Dale.”

  “I am. I have to now I’ve blogged I’m going on a date with Alex.”

  Poppy coughs as she swallows a crisp. “You’ve blogged about Alex.”

  “Kinda. I’ve given him a codename.”

  Poppy’s eyes widen as she chews her lower lip. “Mia.”


  “Make me a promise?”

  I glance at Poppy and wish I had kept my gaze away from her laughing one and draw in a deep breath. “What kind of promise.”

  “That I can be there when you tell Alex the truth about NOLA Boy.”

  “I wish you wouldn’t call him that.”

  “Is that the door I hear?”

  Poppy jumps off the bed as the doorbell rings again, and I grab the red dress as I shrug out of my housecoat. As I stand by the door, clutching the dress, Alex’s voice drifts up the stairs. His voice wraps me in a warm cocoon. Oh shit, my knees are shaking, and my fingers are as thick as Ma Keys southern fried sausages and I drop the dress I’m supposed to be putting on.

  “Mia. Alex is here.” I roll my eyes at Poppy’s obvious statement and grab the dress from the floor.

  At the bedroom door, I draw in a deep breath, run my hands over the smooth cloth of the dress over my hips, then grab the short leather jacket from the hook on the back of the door. Alex is at the bottom of the stairs. When he whistles, my pussy pulses.


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