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Dark Rapture_A Disturbing Psychological Thriller

Page 14

by Logan Fox

  He passed the rope through the knot at Gia’s spine and then looped it over her shoulder.

  Gia shuddered but stilled an instant later.

  “Play with your ears,” the wolf instructed.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Gia lifted both hands and began rubbing the back of her fox ears. This left enough room for the wolf to maneuver the rope through her arms without having to reposition her each time.

  The only sounds in the dungeon were the soft splutter of candles, the whisk of the rope as he drew the cords over each other, and Pearl’s wrist-bell jangling softly whenever she moved. And her own breathing, of course. It was getting louder and faster as she sat forward, cursing her ears whenever they caught on the cage, trying to make out the intricate flow of rope and fingers.

  And his mouth.

  Pearl was torn between watching the wolf’s hands and watching his mouth. Something had come over the man behind the mask: he moved with calm precision and grace. He kept opening and closing his lips, pursing them, biting the inside of them as he worked.

  Such concentration, such focus… all while a nubile thing on drugs pleasured her own ears inches from him. From what Pearl could see through the wolf’s tight pants, he wasn’t even hard.

  And yet she was getting damper by the minute.

  Whisk. The rope snaked between Gia’s breasts.

  Whisk. Deft fingers wove the rope through the cords already positioned on Gia’s bra-line, had she been wearing a bra, or indeed any clothes.

  Whisk. The rope passed over her other shoulder.

  It was beautiful. Magical. Hypnotic. As zen as a mandala. The contrast of red rope against Gia’s creamy flesh was so stark it kept drawing Pearl’s eyes away from the wolf’s mouth. Until another parting of his lips drew her gaze back. A constant tug of war between artist and canvas.

  She thought he was finished when the loose ends of the rope accumulated in a knot behind Gia’s back. He tugged, and Gia moaned as the ropes drew taut around her torso. He’d crafted a harness around the girl’s chest, each breast snug in its own holster, yet her movements were surprisingly un-impaired.

  “Good girl,” the wolf murmured. “Ready for more, little one?”

  Gia’s response was a breathless, “Yes, Sir. Gia’s ready, Sir.”

  “Of course you are.” The wolf tested Gia’s sex with his finger again. She sucked it off before he could bring it all the way to her lips. “Greedy little thing, aren’t we?”

  “Sorry, Sir,” Gia whispered around his finger. But she didn’t stop sucking.

  The wolf tugged his finger free, shot another unreadable glance up at Pearl, and unraveled a new length of rope.

  Pearl squirmed, her tail finding a new spot wrapped around her wrist. The fur was so incredibly soft and supple that the sensation of it against the inside of her wrist was orgasmic. Well, almost. It certainly didn’t help with her throbbing, but she couldn’t pull it away either. It was like popcorn at the movies: the more intense the on-screen action, the more handfuls you shoved into your mouth.

  “Your stray friend’s never had an owner before, has she?” the wolf mused as he drew Gia’s hands out in front of her. “You should be thankful for the privilege, little one.”

  “Yes, Sir. Gia’s thankful, Sir. Thank you, Sir.” Gia’s eyes opened, and she stared at the wolf in rapt wonder. “You make me want to be a better fox, Sir.”

  “I know,” the wolf said, sliding the rope around Gia’s left arm, an inch or two above her wrist. “I know.”

  He wound the red cords around Gia’s lower arms in an intricate pattern that bound the inside of her wrists together. Then he slid what was left of the new rope to the front of the rope harness he’d spun around her chest.

  The wolf jerked on the rope.

  “Thank you, Sir,” Gia said breathlessly as her wrists were yanked against her breasts. She pressed her hands together with palms flat, as if in prayer, and drew a breath that inflated her chest and forced the ropes deep into her skin.

  Pearl shuddered. It looked glorious. She wanted to know what it felt like, too. If it was just the huge number of chemicals rushing through Gia that was producing such a vivid reaction, or if it was the craftsmanship of the rope-weaver himself.

  The wolf moved to Gia’s hips. He wove a new rope around Gia’s pronounced hipbones, over the bottom curve of her buttocks, and along either side of her sex, webbing her lower body with ropes and knots. He wove the loose ends of the hip harness through the spine knot of her chest harness, connecting the two sections of her body. He tied off the rope, forming a wide loop, and tugged hard.

  “Thank you, Sir,” Gia murmured.

  Again, the wolf’s foot slid beneath the altar. Something gleamed in the air a few feet above Gia. Pearl watched in fascination as a hook descended from the ceiling, attached to a high-tensile cord. The wolf slipped the loop in his hand over the hook. Gia leaned forward, leaning her weight into the chest harness.

  “It’s perfect, Sir,” she said. “And it feels fucking ama—”

  The wolf slapped Gia’s rump. “What are little foxes not allowed to say?” the wolf hissed.

  “The f-word, Sir,” Gia moaned. “Sorry, Sir. It won’t happen again, Sir.”

  “It better not, little one. You know how I feel about that.”

  Gia mewled softly, but Pearl had no idea if this was helping or hindering her case.

  The wolf wound the second-last rope around Gia’s right ankle. Then he lifted the bottom of her leg so she rested on her knee, and bound her calf to her thigh with her foot tucked just beneath the curve of her ass.

  Had it not been for her tail, Pearl would have been staring at Gia’s exposed sex again. Thankfully, the wolf seemed so intent on his intricate knots that he wasn’t taking the time to consider this, either.

  The wolf repeated the knots and bindings with Gia’s left foot, again tying her calf to her thigh. Now both her feet were tucked under her ass and she rested solely on the chest harness’s bindings and her knees.

  Running his fingertips over Gia’s skin, the wolf tested each of the knots he’d made on Gia’s ankles and thighs.

  “Can you break free, little one?”

  “I don’t want to, Sir,” Gia said.

  The wolf brought his hand down on her rump again, and Gia gasped. Then she made a pained sound in the back of her throat and tossed her braid.

  “Not what I asked. Can my little fox get free?” The wolf came to stand in front of Gia. “Can she scratch me with her nails—” he grabbed her chin, shoving his thumb inside her mouth and running it over her canines “—or bite me with those sharp little teeth of hers?”

  Gia moaned, but then she began to struggle. At first, she simply shrugged her shoulders a bit, as if she had an itch her trussed up limbs couldn’t scratch. Then she really began struggling, the hook above her swaying as she tried to tug her legs free, as she tried to wriggle out of the chest harness. The wolf stood back, watching with Pearl as the girl tried to free herself from his web of red knots.

  She could have told Gia that it wouldn’t work. From her cage, Pearl could see that even if Gia had a knife on her, there was no way she could saw through her bonds fast enough that the wolf couldn’t stop her.

  But still, she struggled.

  “I can’t—” Gia began, but her voice didn’t sound like before. There was a note of panic now. “Sir, please… I can’t—”

  “What was the first rule I ever taught you, little one?” the wolf asked casually. He began walking around the altar, watching as Gia struggled and fought against the ropes.

  “Not to disobey, Sir. But please, Sir, please, it’s too tight. I can’t breathe!”

  Pearl’s heart began racing. Couldn’t he hear her? Couldn’t he see how upset Gia was? Maybe the drugs had worn off. Maybe it was E that Seth had fed her, but something that lasted only a half an hour or so. Enough time for the wolf to bind her, but not enough time for her to be out of it while he took to ravishing her.

/>   Maybe they’d planned it that way.

  “Hey,” Pearl called out. “Let her loose.”

  The wolf glanced up at Pearl, but she could see no expression behind his mask, behind those glass eyes. He returned his attention to Gia. Standing in front of the altar, Pearl could catch glimpses of him whenever the thrashing Gia allowed it.

  That bulge in the front of the wolf’s pants hadn’t been there before.

  Pearl grabbed hold of the cage, rattling it. Her wrist-bell jangled as she tried to get the wolf’s attention.

  “Hey! She’s not into it anymore, you sick fuck! Let her—”

  The instant the word ‘fuck’ left Pearl’s mouth, she knew it had been a mistake. The wolf strode around the altar, grabbed a bar of her cage, and yanked it closer. His arm muscles bunched as he held the cage still, glass eyes intent on Pearl. Pearl scrambled back, but the cage was too small for her to go anywhere.

  “You might not be mine,” the wolf hissed, “but I won’t tolerate insubordination from anything with a tail and a pair of ears, hear me? You defile this place again with that filthy little mouth, and I’ll shove my dick through that cage and into your slit whether you like it or not. Hear me, stray?”

  Pearl’s breath had gotten caught in her throat. She let out a low moan, nodding furiously at the wolf until he stepped back and released the cage. It began to swing again, Pearl clutching the grates below her with white-knuckled hands.

  He watched her for a few seconds, as if making sure his threat had reached sufficiently deep within her nerve to make an impact, and then strode back to Gia.

  “Your new friend is having a bad influence on you, my pet. I don’t think you should associate with her anymore. Do you hear me?”

  Gia’s struggles slowed, but only long enough for her to pant, “Yes, Sir.”

  The wolf slipped his foot under the altar. It began to descend.

  “No!” Gia screamed.

  Her struggles intensified but, with her leverage disappearing beneath her, there was absolutely nothing she could do to free herself.


  Seeing Red

  After five seconds, Gia hung suspended in the air more than four feet above the floor. The altar had almost completely disappeared into the dais. The wolf took off his cloak. Kicked off his shoes. Tore off his shirt. As he undressed, he walked around Gia’s trussed up body staring at her and occasionally tugging at a rope or knot to check it.

  “Please, Sir. It hurts.”

  Pearl’s stomach constricted into a knot as tight as the one on the back of Gia’s spine.

  “Isn’t this what you want from me, little one? Every time I come see you, you beg me to fuck you, whining about how I’m torturing you.” Sarcasm steeped his voice. He tugged at the laces of his pants, his erection tenting the front of the fabric. Stopping in front of Gia, he began toying with those laces.

  “Please, Sir. I’ll behave.” Gia’s voice broke. She let out a sob. “I’ll be a good—” another sob broke the sentence into pieces “—little—” a gasp for breath “—fox.”

  “Glad to hear it,” the wolf said. “But I can’t just ignore that word your filthy little mouth spewed earlier. This fox must be punished.”

  Gia sobbed again, struggling weakly against her bonds.

  This had to stop. Pearl stared at the dark mirror set into the wall beside them. Couldn’t Seth see what this freak was doing to Gia? Couldn’t he see how non-consenting this entire thing was? She was sobbing, for fuck’s sake. She wanted out. What more proof—

  She swung her head back to the wolf.

  “Please… Sir,” Pearl called out quietly. “Please don’t.”

  Hadn’t Seth said the wolf might relent if she begged for mercy on Gia’s behalf?

  The wolf paused, thumbs behind the waistband of his pants, ready to tug them down. Gia’s head hung loosely, her braid dangling over her shoulder. She’d begun to spin: perhaps from her struggles, perhaps from the way the rope was tied. The wolf grabbed hold of her braid, bringing the twirling Gia to a halt.

  “Your friend thinks I’m being too harsh with you, little one.” The wolf tugged at her braid, sending Gia into a slow spin. “Does the stray understand anything about punishment?”

  “No,” Gia managed through a sob. “She doesn’t, Sir. Gia must be punished for what she’s done wrong, Sir. But Gia doesn’t have to like it, Sir.”

  “You’re right,” the wolf said, catching hold of Gia’s braid in his fist. “Little foxes must accept their punishment, so they can atone for their mistakes.”

  He tugged down the front of his pants, freeing his curved cock into the dungeon’s cool air. Pearl drew a deep breath, eyes wide, unable to look away as the wolf drew Gia closer by her hair.

  She’d stopped sobbing but he used the tip of his dick to wipe away her tears. Then he painted her tears over her lips. Gia kept her mouth pressed closed and her eyes squeezed shut, her tight face a sure indication that the last thing she wanted was to suck the wolf’s dick.

  The wolf swung her around. He lifted Gia’s tail, holding it straight up in the air as he painted those same tears over the folds of her sex.

  “Please, Sir,” Gia moaned. “Don’t do this.”

  The wolf slapped his cock over Gia’s sex, bringing a deep sigh from the girl.

  “Don’t do this, what?” the wolf said.

  “Sir,” Gia called out. She swung a tear-stained face to him, turning to keep facing him as he spun her around with a tap on her rump. “Don’t do this, Sir.”

  “I’ll do whatever I want to your sweet cunt, little one,” the wolf said. “After all, who does it belong to?” He tugged her braid.

  “You, Sir,” Gia said. She bowed her head over her praying hands. “It all belongs to you, Sir.”

  “And this? Does this belong to me?” he asked, tugging at a nipple hard enough to make Gia cry out.

  “Yes, Sir.” Gia’s voice was rough now. “It all belongs to you, Sir.”

  “It does?” The wolf spun her around and shoved his middle finger deep inside Gia’s dripping sex. “And this, little one? Who does this tight, wet little hole belong to?”

  “You, Sir!” Gia cried out. “It all belongs to you. You and no one else, Sir.”

  “Damn right it does,” the wolf said.

  He rammed his cock into Gia, glancing up at Pearl as he did. A tremor shot through her, her own sex aching painfully. Warm wetness slid onto her thigh, and she squeezed her legs together: horrified, ashamed, so fucking turned on that she could barely stifle the urge to shove her hand between her own legs and get herself off while the wolf watched.

  Instead, she curled her legs against her and forced her thighs as tightly together as she could, willing her eyes closed.

  It didn’t help.

  She could smell Gia’s arousal in the air. Could smell the wolf’s musky excitement — an animal in heat.

  There was a wet slap as the wolf drove himself into Gia again. Ropes twanged and chafed. The wolf grunted loudly, and Gia hissed at the sound of another damp thwack.

  “You’re dripping for me, little one,” the wolf said. “I thought I told you to play with yourself at least three times a day while thinking of me. Have you lied to me?”

  There was a slap. Gia yelled wordlessly. Rope twanged.

  “You won’t bite through it, pet. I made sure it was as tight as this—” Gia cried out “—sweet, sticky hole of yours.”

  Pearl’s eyes flew open.

  He’d wrapped Gia’s tail around the shaft of his dick. His head was thrown back, his taut stomach and muscled arms bunching as he moved the fur up and down his cock. Gia shuddered in her constraints, her sex suffocating his cock, clinging to him as he drew out.

  Using the black tip of her tail, the wolf tickled Gia’s clit. She murmured unintelligible words to him, sighing with deep regret when he drew out and spun her around.

  His cock disappeared into her waiting mouth as soon as he proffered it to her. He used her braid to tug her he
ad back and forth, standing motionless as the trussed-up fox’s mouth slid over his curved shaft.

  Pearl heard herself panting and tried to stop. God, but she wanted to touch herself… if only to end that insistent throb, that aching tension along the walls of her sex. She used the tip of her tail as a brush, running it over her mouth as she watched the fox and her master playing a few feet away from her.

  “Eat it all, little Gia,” the wolf murmured.

  Gia closed her eyes, and the wolf’s entire cock disappeared between her lips. Gia gagged. The wolf tugged at her nipples — first one, then the other — as if milking her while she milked him.

  Then he spun her back again.

  He took a few steps to the left, grabbed Gia’s tail, and clenched the tip between his teeth.

  Gia began thrashing and moaning, mumbling incoherent phrases mixed with mews and meows. She sounded like a psychotic kitten.

  Which, apparently, the wolf liked.

  Pearl’s fingers, previously wrapped around her shins to keep her legs tight against her, dipped down and ran along the inside of her thighs.

  She radiated heat.

  The wolf glanced over his shoulder. He must have seen that Pearl’s fingers had moved, because he kept staring at her, waiting.

  Pearl’s belly thrummed under his scrutiny. She willed her fingers closer to her own sex. The texture under her fingers changed from smooth inner thigh to soft, curly hair. Damp. Hot.

  The wolf touched the tip of his dick to Gia’s sex. The girl moaned and became still, panting quietly in her cage of hemp rope. Pearl touched the outer fold of her sex with a hesitant finger. She couldn’t see the wolf’s real eyes, only the glassy green disks covering them. And in them, a tiny reflection of her cage.

  She slid the tip of her finger inside herself.


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