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Dark Rapture_A Disturbing Psychological Thriller

Page 15

by Logan Fox

  It was so unbelievably wet in there.

  The tip of the wolf’s cock penetrated Gia’s folds, but he wasn’t watching his trussed up fox anymore. He was watching stray Pearl as she tried to release the auguring lust that had accumulated inside while she’d watched the wolf’s assault of Gia’s most intimate sanctums.

  The wolf released his hold on Gia’s tail, freeing his lips to speak.

  “You know what your little feral friend is doing right now, pet?” the wolf asked in a tight voice.

  “No, Sir. Please tell Gia, Sir.”

  “Your little friend can’t stand the sight of me fucking you. She wishes she was down here, instead. Should I bring your friend down here so you can play together?”

  “No, Sir,” Gia said, sounding sulky. She squirmed around the wolf’s dick. “You’ll forget about me, Sir. And you promised.”

  Pearl drew her finger out, biting the inside of her lip as the wolf stared up at her.

  “Fine, Gia. Your friend stays in the cage. But I want to see your little tail moving like you’ve a hiding coming, hear me?”

  The tail began to twitch.

  Pearl sighed as the wolf sank the entire length of his pulsing dick into Gia. Her finger trailed up, tracing a light circle around her clit.

  The wolf pounded into Gia until the girl screamed at him to stop. Instead of stopping, or slowing, he grabbed the knot at the base of Gia’s spine where her hip harness ended and used it as leverage. Gia’s screams became wordless, frantic, and so filled with pleasure that Pearl came with a low groan.

  Her knee slammed into the grate, sending a shooting pain down her thigh. She knocked off her ears as her head flung back, the cold metal bar digging into her scalp.

  Waves of intense heat, tightness, and a breaking strain snapped through her before her muscles relaxed and she could draw breath again.

  Pearl’s eyes flashed open. The wolf’s back muscles bunched. He grabbed Gia’s braid and tugged her head back, cutting off the girl’s scream. He came inside her, ramming his dick sporadically deeper as his orgasm took control. The strange grunting sound he made had Pearl shivering in the throes of her own climax, her fingers pressed hard over her clit to stem its throbbing.

  “No,” Gia yelled, tugging her head free. “Please, Sir, I didn’t cum.”

  The wolf groaned a last time, folding over Gia’s contorted legs, and rested his forehead against the rope binding her to the ceiling.

  “Sir?” Gia whispered. “Please, Sir.”

  The wolf drew his fingernails over Gia’s back. She shuddered, moaning when he reached her buttocks. He cupped his hand beneath her sex, slowly drawing himself out of her. She groaned at the loss.

  “You’ve been obedient today, little one.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” Gia murmured, gasping when he slid a finger inside her.

  “Can you feel it?” the wolf asked.

  Pearl sat forward. What the hell was he doing?

  “Yes, Sir,” Gia replied breathlessly. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Are you going to cum for me?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She moaned loudly, her back muscles contracting.

  “Three times, little one.”

  “No, Sir.” Gia shuddered, struggling weakly. “I can’t. Not three times.”

  “But I insist,” the wolf said.

  With just his index finger inside her, not even moving from what Pearl could see, Gia began to pant and moan and writhe in her bindings.

  “Ah!” Gia cried out, tossing her head back. Pearl watched the girl’s orgasm rush through her body, tightening her muscles and making them quake.

  The wolf didn’t remove his finger. Instead, he began stroking her clit with the tip of Gia’s tail.

  “No, please,” Gia moaned in a strangled voice. “It’s enough. It’s enough, Sir.”

  “Not for me, little Gia. Your master wants you to cum again.”

  “No, please—” Gia cut off with a gasp. This time, she arched her back in her restraints, her breasts protruding from their harness — nipples hard and proud.

  “Oh God,” Gia cried out. “Okay, stop. Please. Enough.”

  “Were you referring to me as God, little one?”

  “No,” Gia moaned. “Yes. Please, Sir…” Her words dissolved under another shudder.

  “Last one, kitten.” The wolf murmured.

  He bent forward and kissed the top curve of Gia’s buttock. She trembled, moaning and twisting in her bonds.

  The third orgasm arrived with a scream and the wolf’s fully erect cock shoved hard and deep inside the quivering fox. He pounded into her repeatedly as she gasped for breath and let out another yell that resounded against the dungeon’s dismal walls.

  The wolf came again too, while Gia was still trapped somewhere in the infernal realms of passion and pain, a limbo of nice and naughty that looked so glorious it made Pearl want to join them. He drew out at the last minute, spurting white against her bound-up sex, the base of her twitching tail, and the curves of her ass. He used this thumb to smear it over her skin until she glistened beneath the candlelight like an oiled slab of meat. And then he thrust his thumb deep inside her again.

  “Red!” Gia shouted.

  Pearl snapped out of whatever comatose limbo she’d entered. The wolf did, too.

  He immediately drew back from Gia, his foot diving under the altar to find the suspension’s release.

  “Is it a rope? Which one?” the wolf asked.

  “No,” Gia panted. “I’m fine. I’m fine, Sir. Sorry, Sir. I shouldn’t have—”

  Pearl never knew what Gia should or shouldn’t have because the instant the girl’s knees touched the altar she broke into silent, racking sobs.

  The wolf tugged his pants up and began freeing Gia. The process took almost as long as the binding had taken. Her flesh had been distorted by the ropes, indents, and scratches marring her skin. Pearl hadn’t even noticed, but the girl’s feet had started turning blue.

  Pearl crowded into the back of her cage, her heart thumping as she watched the wolf release Gia. Finally, once the last rope had been removed, Gia slumped onto her side and curled into a tight little ball, hugging herself.

  The wolf retrieved his shirt and tugged it on, but his cloak he drew over Gia’s shaking body. He drew her up, wrapping her in the expansive fabric.

  A light flared on high above them.

  Pearl jerked, blinking up at the strange illumination. More lights bloomed, some set in the dungeon’s floor, some in its ceiling.

  Instantly, the damp, dark room was transformed into a cheery, old-fashioned storeroom. The altar no longer looked sleek and threatening. Even Pearl’s cage looked shiny and new — the perfect accommodation for an unruly tiger.

  The wolf murmured into Gia’s ear, but Pearl couldn’t make out any of the words. The girl’s sobbing ceased as he rocked her against his chest.

  The dungeon’s doors opened and Seth came inside holding a thick, black blanket. The wolf gave the top of Gia’s head a light kiss and stepped back, glancing over his shoulder at Pearl.

  “Let me know when you’re looking for an owner,” he said with a smile. “You’d make an excellent pet.”

  And with that, the wolf left the room.

  Seth bundled Gia in the blanket, glancing up at Pearl as he rose with the girl in his arms.

  “I’ll be back for you soon.” A pause, and he added, “You done good.”

  So Pearl hung in her cage, tail squashed against her mouth with her knuckles, watching as Seth left.

  Her eyes flickered to the shadow-mirror; the room beyond was empty.

  Seth had another thick blanket with him when he came back for Pearl a few minutes later.

  “You okay?” he asked, as he helped her out of the cage.

  “Sure,” she murmured.

  She did her best to hide her nakedness from him, but he seemed only intent on her eyes and face. Her legs shook as she stood, and he slung the blanket over her shoulders in a smooth, practiced moti

  The same type of blanket Ivy had been wearing when he’d brought her into the fox den yesterday. It was thick and warm and soft against her skin. She snuggled into it, let Seth drape his arm over her shoulder, and followed him out. Hobbling slightly, her face grew hot as she replayed what had happened in there: what she’d done, what she’d seen being done—

  “This isn’t how it normally…” Seth’s voice trailed away, and Pearl looked up at him.

  His mouth was set in a tight line, his black eyes hard as he navigated them through the dungeon’s passage to the ground floor of the villa. Rusting metal was swiftly replaced with sweet cherry, and Pearl closed her eyes as she inhaled the scent filling the air.

  “In there?” Pearl managed. Her voice sounded thick and husky to her own ears.

  “No… now. I should have tried talking Caden out of this. I didn’t know you’d want to join in like that.”

  Fire licked at Pearl’s cheeks, and she tried to burrow deeper into the blanket.

  What the hell was wrong with her? So she was embarrassed, so what? It would pass. She’d gotten over it at the club, hadn’t she? It only took a few dances before she’d stopped blushing and could actually start taking off more than just her shirt. If she could get naked in front of a whole bunch of people, why was this any different? Hot tears pricked at her eyes, and she blinked furiously to clear them.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Don’t be,” Seth said, squeezing her shoulders. The tone of his voice made it clear that this was a command, not a suggestion. “All I meant is that you’ll have to come with me and Gia.”

  “Where?” Pearl looked up again, but his face was still stony, still staring forward.

  “You’ll see. Just hope Gia’s okay with it.” His lips pressed closed again. “Fucking Caden,” he muttered.

  Pearl shivered inside the blanket, hating the way her inner thighs were sticking together with every step. How her tail bobbed against her ass.

  As if reading her mind, Seth’s hand searched for an opening in the blanket. He slid his fingers along her waist, making her tremble, and unhitched her tail’s belt. This went into a bag at his side, one she hadn’t even noticed him carrying.

  Luckily, her earlier spasm of emotion seemed to have passed. Seth led her through the fox den and into her room. Gia was already there, a shivering lump under her blanket.

  “Ready, kitten?” Seth asked, abandoning Pearl and going over to Gia’s bed.

  There was a mumbled conversation between the two. Pearl heard a brief argument, quickly dampened by an insistent “Enough, Gia,’ from Seth, and then he was helping her off the bed.

  He glanced over at Pearl, face grim. “Can you walk?”

  Pearl huffed at him but, as if in protest, her legs quivered beneath her. “Uh… I think so.”

  Seth lifted Gia to his chest and strode past Pearl. “Come.”

  She followed him back to the fox den, eyes burning. She could walk… couldn’t she? So why the hell did her legs feel so unsteady? Maybe it was being in the cage for so long. As they emerged on the villa’s ground-floor landing, Pearl realized the angle of the light streaming in through the frosted windows on either side of the door had shifted.

  When Seth led them to the back of the villa, through the patio he’d earlier spoken to Pearl on, the sun was dipping its toe into the peaks of the distant mountains.

  How long had they been in there? It had felt like two, maybe three hours. But then again… the wolf had taken a long time to wrap each rope. Had taken a long time to untie them. And the Ravishing of Gia… well, that performance hadn’t exactly been a kitchen-counter quickie, either.

  Four hours? Six? Was that even possible? It would explain the numbness in her legs. The exhaustion she felt tugging at her shoulders, wanting to make her fold over and collapse on the neatly trimmed grass they trod over.

  Seth led her through a small strip of lawn toward a metal archway dissecting a tall hedge wall at least eight feet tall.

  A labyrinth.

  “Stick close,” Seth said to her.

  And Pearl did. It took them at least ten minutes to get to the center, and Seth obviously knew the shortcuts. It was beautiful, disorientating, and hypnotizing. By the time they arrived in the center, Pearl’s eyes felt too heavy to keep open and her blanket was barely covering her.

  With the sunlight almost gone for the day, the inside of the labyrinth was dark and mysterious. As twilight settled its gray shroud over them, a handful of fairy lights bloomed into luminescence around them. Here, in the middle of the labyrinth, a patch of artificial grass carpeted the even ground. In its center, a firepit had been dug into the ground, a cement ring cast around it. A sunken bench encircled the pit, heavily padded and upholstered with pale, thick fabric.

  Seth set Gia down on the bench and motioned Pearl closer. She sat down a few feet away from Gia and watched as Seth went over to a serving cart and opened one of the doors.


  She was, of course. Seth took her silence as assent and returned with three bottles of water. She would’ve preferred a soda, but he hadn’t seemed inclined to ask and it required too much effort to argue. She drank half the bottle of water before Seth sank down between her and Gia.

  He scooped up the girl and cradled her in his lap, tugging the blanket over the top of her ears and bundling her up like an infant. She seemed asleep already; the way Pearl felt she couldn’t blame the girl.

  Seth’s eyes weighed on her. Pearl turned to him. He sat less than a foot away from her. His eyes fixed on her a second longer before returning to Gia.

  “You good, kitten?” Seth murmured down to the girl. She squirmed a bit but didn’t reply. “Talk to me.”

  After a few seconds, Gia’s voice emerged from the blanket.

  “’M ‘kay,” she whispered.


  “Tired.” After a pause, “Don’t want her here.”

  Pearl’s heart stuttered. She cringed away from the pair, her hands closing tightly around the plastic bottle.


  Seth glanced at her, narrowing his eyes and giving his head a brief shake as if to tell her to ignore the comment.

  Then his eyes went back to Gia. “No more sharing, okay?”

  “S’posed to be my time,” Gia mumbled. “Not hers.”

  “I know,” Seth said with a sigh. Then, “I’m proud of you.”

  Pearl swallowed, forcing down an unexpected knot of emotion. Seth sounded so… caring. Like a doting father with his child. Pearl shuddered at the comparison, and the motion caught Seth’s eye. He glanced at her, eyebrows drawing together.

  “Cold, kitten?” Another shiver, this at that name he kept calling her and the other girls. A good shiver, or a bad one? She couldn’t tell. Her head swam with half-formed thoughts and erotic reveries of her visit to the dungeon. How brazen: getting off in front of two strangers. No… not two: four.

  She hunched her shoulders and tried to bury herself in the blanket. Seth had seen her, hadn’t he? Doing that. Unable to control herself. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to fight back the building pressure of tears wanting so badly to come out.

  “I was good,” Gia said. “I listened. I obeyed.”

  Pearl’s eyes flashed to Gia’s bundled form and up to Seth’s face. He wasn’t watching Pearl anymore, and her stomach twisted at the loss.

  “I know you did, kitten. That’s why I’m so proud of you. You looked beautiful you know, strung up like that. Like a Christmas present.” Seth touched his fingertips to Gia’s forehead, tracing the outline of her eyebrows.

  The girl shivered under his caress, and Pearl clutched her blanket tighter.

  “Hey, there’s the evening star,” Seth said.

  Gia lifted her face from the blankets, her cheeks tear-stained and pale. Her eyes slid past Pearl without a flicker of acknowledgment before settling on the bright star and its backdrop of purple-hued twilight.

  “I shouldn
’t have stopped,” Gia murmured.

  Pearl shifted her grip on the blanket as a cool breeze found its way through her defenses. Stopped? Was that when the girl had cried ‘red’ so loud it had felt like a physical force snapping everyone in the room out of their erotic fixations?

  “Your limits are there for a reason, kitten.”

  “But I never push myself. I’m too safe, too—”

  “You did. I saw you. Today?” Seth stroked the top of Gia’s head, his elbow bumping into Pearl’s shoulder. “You did so good today.”

  Gia’s only response was to burrow into Seth’s chest again. He sighed and squeezed the blanket-clad bundle in his lap. After a few minutes, Gia’s breathing grew long and even.

  Seth looked at Pearl. She glanced up at him, wriggled deeper into her blankets and turned her eyes back to the evening star.

  “How are you feeling?” Seth asked quietly, obviously trying not to wake Gia.

  “Fine,” Pearl whispered back. “A little cold.”

  “You did good too, kitten.”

  “Don’t call me that.”

  There was a pause from Seth, but she forced herself not to look at him. She wasn’t his pet: she was here to do a job. Thirty days, a hundred thousand dollars, right? Whatever the hell he thought he needed to do to keep the other girls on track or whatever, that didn’t apply to her.

  She desperately tried to ignore the urge to lean against him. It was just the cool night air. A desperate need for warmth.

  “It helps to talk it out. Technically, the clients are supposed to take care of their subs before they leave, but they never have the time.”

  “What, they’re supposed to cuddle us?” Pearl asked with a snort. “I’ve never liked cuddling.”

  “It’s not the same,” Seth murmured. “You’ll see tomorrow.”

  She glanced at him, narrowing her eyes at the ominous comment.

  “I’ll see tomorrow?”

  “It’s a mental drain. Being so vulnerable with a stranger. Being asked to surrender on such a deep, deep level.”

  Pearl shook her head. “Getting tied up? Getting screwed in front of the staff? I think I can handle it, thanks.”

  “Good to know,” Seth said. His voice held a note of sarcasm. “Thought you might have been in over your head.”


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