Book Read Free

Forever Yours

Page 3

by Lisa Evans

  Once we’ve finished our brunch (the pancakes as delicious as ever) Janelle reaches into her purse.

  “So, I’ve brought the keys to the new place with me. If you’ve finished, we’d might as well head across the street and have a look.”

  “Across the street?”

  “Yeah, didn’t I tell you? I figured it’d be great if you plan on picking up your job here again now that you’re back. I’m sure Clark would be thrilled as well.”

  “I don’t know. I mean, I haven't talked to Clark about it and I don’t know if – ”

  “Haven’t talked to me about what?”

  I am mortified that Clark overheard us talking. Before I have a chance to say anything at all, Janelle starts talking. “Talked to you about Alicia maybe getting her old job at the diner back. It would be perfect, wouldn’t it?”

  “Sure,” Clark says, eyes wide with astonishment. “I mean, if you’d like to, you know you’re always welcome here.”

  “Thanks Clark. I don’t know,” I say. “I hadn’t really thought about it.”

  “Well, give it a thought, will you? I could use an extra pair of hands,” he adds, removing our plates from the table.

  “Oh,” Janelle blurts out. “I almost forgot.”

  “Forgot what?”

  My eyes linger on Clark’s back as he strides across the room with our plates in his hands. He’s so sexy. I don’t know if I could stand working next to him.

  “Tomorrow’s the Midnight Movie Night. Are you planning on going?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t realize it was so soon. Are you going?”

  “Well,” Janelle says, and starts to blush. “Someone kind of asked me there…”

  “What? Who?” I ask, immediately intrigued.

  “Jerome did.”

  “Jerome? Well, that’s great. Right?”

  “Yeah, I guess it is.”

  “Oh come on, Janelle. You’ve had a crush on him for ages. Don’t tell me you’ve changed your mind about him.”

  Janelle giggles and shakes her head. Then she starts talking about what to wear and what to talk to him about at the movies. The Midnight Movie Night is an annual thing that happens in summer in Summerville, the town screens a movie outside in the middle of town, and basically everyone shows up. It’s kind of a big deal, and I’ve always attended the event ever since I was old enough to do so.

  My eyes dart across the room, and when I notice Clark emerging from the kitchen again, I choke up. Our eyes meet for a moment, and I want it to last longer than it does. But another customer starts talking to him, and I lose him. A rush of desire flows through me, and it’s bittersweet. Because I’m worried he’ll never be mine.

  “So,” Janelle’s voice says somewhere in the distance. “Are you coming along or not?”

  Chapter 4


  TONIGHT IS THE night it’s going to happen. I’ve made my mind up, and I can’t stand it any longer. Not a single moment longer.

  The town is crowded with people, and where I stand leaning against the brick wall of the diner, arms folded over my chest, I wait for her. Above me, the black sky is sprinkled with glistening stars. It’s a perfect night to fall in love. I just know it. I can feel it in my gut.

  My intentions are clear to me, and I’ve got to make sure they’re as crystal clear to Alicia. We belong together. I know it in my heart.

  As soon as I spot her, my jaw tenses. Every single muscle in my body flinches, and I breathe in deeply to provide them with oxygen.

  Alicia’s wearing a dress made of red crushed velvet. It hugs her hips perfectly, like a second skin. Her neckline is plunging, and I don’t know if I like it or not. Sure, she’s hot as hell dressed like that, but I don’t like the prospect of every other man here getting a chance to look at her.

  When she notices me where I’m standing, she lifts her hand in the air and waves at me. Mouthing the word “Hi,” at me, she looks so damn gorgeous right now I could weep. Raising my hand back at her, I press my lips together in anticipation. I cannot wait to slip my tongue into her mouth, kiss her, hold her, tell her how much I want her. Because I want her. I want her bad. My body’s been aching for her forever.

  The movie is set to start in about ten minutes, so I head on over to her. She’s talking to Janelle and that kid Jerome whom I believe is about the same age as they are. He’s not paying any attention whatsoever to Alicia, and Janelle looks like she’s going to faint from being nervous, so I figure Alicia’s kind of the third wheel right now. Rushing over to her rescue, I place my hand on the small of her back the moment I make it there.

  “Hi Clark,” she says.

  “Hey gorgeous,” I whisper. Neither Janelle nor Jerome seem to notice my arrival, so I take it they won’t mind if I steal Alicia away for a while.

  “Everything alright with you?” I ask Alicia, and rub my hand against her back.

  “I’m fine thanks,” she says, pulling a strand of hair back behind her ear. “A little thirsty is all.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yeah, I was trying to ask the two of them if they wanted to get a drink, but it’s like I’m a ghost or something to them.”

  “Oh, poor thing,” I say, winking at her. “That sorta thing has a tendency to happen when you’re in love.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Thirsty you say?”


  “What can I get you?”

  “I don’t know. A coke maybe?”

  Not knowing if this is moving too soon, I offer her my arm and ask her if she wants to head into the diner instead.

  “But isn’t it closed?” she asks, and grabs hold of my arm.

  “For you, it’s always open.”

  Inside, I pull out a pair of coke bottles and open them. Alicia’s leaning against the counter, her breasts pressed together, causing them to almost spill out of her dress. I knew I didn’t like the look of that neckline when I saw it from a distance. Better offer her my sweater to help her cover up.

  “What’s the movie they’re showing again?”

  “I don’t know, I think it’s some romantic comedy or something. But I’ve already seen it,” she says, and looks a little sullen all of a sudden.

  “Hey,” I say, leaning in closer to her. “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing,” she says, shaking her head. “I’m just… I don’t know.”

  “Come on, you can talk to me, you know that don’t you?”

  “I just…” she sighs, and glances over her shoulder. Outside the movie’s starting, and we’re in here all by ourselves. Her mouth looks so delicious, and I want to kiss her so bad that I’m aching inside. It’s torment, standing here next to her and not being allowed to do whatever I want to do with her.

  “What is it?” I ask her again. Doesn’t she trust me? Is that it?

  “I feel a bit awkward about yesterday…”

  “Yesterday?” I must admit, I’m not following her. Have I done something to offend her? Walking around the counter, I move up close to her so we’re standing face to face.

  “Yeah, when Janelle kind of threw me under the bus there asking you if I could have my old job back.” Her cheeks are red, and her eyes look sad.

  “Oh, don’t worry about that. I don’t mind. I’d love to have you come back here.”

  “You would?” she asks, eyes glowing in the single light turned on above us.

  “Of course I would. I love having you around, can’t you tell?” Tipping her face up with my right hand, I look straight into her eyes. For a moment, it feels like we’re the only ones alive in the world.

  “I…” she mumbles, leaving her lips slightly parted. God, she’s gorgeous. And just looking at her is enough to drive me insane with desire. I’m hungry for her, can’t she tell?

  “Alicia…” I whisper, and lean in closer to her. This is it. If she doesn’t stray away now, she’s practically giving me the green light to keep on going.

  Alicia doesn’t respo
nd, but her chest is heaving, and her eyes look petrified. Letting my finger move down from her chin, I trace the skin of her neck, and continue all the way down to her cleavage. My heart is beating so hard right now I can’t contain myself.

  I have to kiss her.

  I just have to…

  Chapter 5


  THE MOMENT CLARK presses his mouth against mine, I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven. There is no other way to describe the way I feel right now. I love him. I love him so much and I’ve loved him for so long that I’d kind of given up hope of this ever happening.

  The warmth of his mouth takes me by complete surprise, and I willfully accept his tongue as he slides it inside. It’s smooth and delicious, and as he kisses me with gentle intensity, I forget all about my fears and worries. Moaning into his mouth, I wrap my arms around his neck.

  I never want this moment to end.

  I want it to last forever.

  My eyes closed, I push my body against Clark, and kiss him back hungrily. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for for so long, and I’m going to make the most of it. I’m going to make him want me. Going to make him hunger for me.

  As he moans into my mouth, it makes my nipples stiffen underneath my dress, and I want him even more. His broad shoulders feel so strong, and I suddenly feel overwhelmed by it all.

  This moment right here is exactly what I’ve been yearning for. It’s erotic, it’s sexy – it’s beyond anything I could ever have conjured up in my mind. But now that it’s finally happening, I don’t know what to make of it. And for a moment, I feel out of breath. Pulling away from him, I gasp.

  “Alicia?” he whispers. I love the sound of him saying my name, and when I open my eyes to meet his, I feel like I’m going to faint. “Alicia, are you alright?”

  Suddenly, I feel the room spin around me. I want to say something, tell him something to calm him, but I can tell by the look in his eye that he’s worried, real worried about me, and that’s all I have time to think before everything turns black.

  Next time I open my eyes, everything is sort of fuzzy around the edges. Blinking, I wonder what’s happened and what’s going on. Propping myself up on my elbows, I try to figure out where I’m at. As I slowly start to come to, I realize that I’m lying in someone’s bed, inside a bedroom I do not recognize. Where am I?

  “Hey Alicia, you up?”

  Just as suddenly as I woke up, Clark appears out of nowhere.

  “Yeah…” I mumble, rubbing my forehead. “What… What happened?”

  Then it comes back to me. The diner. Clark opening up a couple of coke bottles, Clark leaning in… Clark… Clark kissing me? Clark kissing me!

  “You fainted, remember?”

  “No, not really,” I say. Although now that he mentions it I kind of recall it.

  “And then when you came to I asked you if you wanted me to take you home, but you said my place’s closer than your folks’ house, so I carried you into my car. Remember?”

  “Honestly… Not really.”

  “Huh. Maybe we should call a doctor after all,” he says, and turns around.

  “No,” I tell him. “Don’t, don’t leave.”

  I don’t want him to go. I need him next to me. I don’t know why, but I feel like I want to be close to him.

  “Okay, okay, don’t worry. I won’t leave. I’m right here,” he says, and sits down next to me on the bed.

  I still don’t understand how he was able to carry me into the car and then drive me to his place without me recalling any of it.

  “Wait a minute,” I say, and lean to the side to face him. God, he’s gorgeous. His big, strong, burly body is to die for, and I can’t believe he kissed me.

  “What is it”

  “You said you drove me here?”


  “Huh, I thought you lived in an apartment above the diner?”

  “Used to. Past tense.”

  Lying down next to me in bed, he reaches his arm around me, allowing me to curl up next to him. Placing my head on his chest, I wonder if the girl who left Summerville four years ago would have believed me if I had told her about this moment right now. Probably not.

  “So… Where are we?”

  “We’re in my house.”

  “Your house? You bought a house? Wow. That’s great.”

  “I was kind of hoping you’d like it.”

  “Really?” I ask, slightly bewildered by his remark. Did he really hope I’d like the fact that he’s moved into a house?

  “Yeah,” he says, and strokes my cheek with the back of his hand. The moment he does, I start to feel tingly all over. My blood rushes in my veins, and I feel my heart beating faster again. Looking into his eyes, I’m amazed by all of this. And as he parts his lips to kiss me all over again, I pull him closer to me, and kiss him hard.

  “Alicia,” he murmurs between our kisses. Rolling on top of me, he slides his hands down my body, gently caressing my breasts first before moving down to my hips. The feel of his big hands all over me turn me on so bad I want to scream, but I don’t. Instead I moan into his mouth, and writhe in pleasure.

  “I want you, Alicia,” he whispers. “I want you so much you have no idea…”

  “I want you too, Clark,” I tell him, and part my legs to give him some space. He instantly follows my lead and places himself between my thighs. Thrusting against me, he starts pulling up my dress. The feel of him against my body is enough to make me cry out in lust, and I run my fingers through his hair while kissing him.

  Clark slips his hand down between my legs, inside my panties, and dips his fingers into my wetness. I’ve never been so horny in my life, and I don’t know what to do but enjoy it. My mouth open, I shut my eyes and moan as he starts to rub his fingers against me. That’s it. I can’t stand it. I need him inside of me, right now.


  There’s just one thing…

  I’m still a virgin, and I probably need to tell him about it first.

  “Clark,” I whimper, and attempt to come to my senses. But then he nudges his thumb perfectly against my sex, and I come. “OH GOD… CLARK,” I gasp, and open my eyes wide. My entire lower body is pulsating, throbbing with pleasure as the orgasm ruptures through me. Panting, I cling to him as the jolts of pleasure rush through me, and finally subsides.

  “Aww, Alicia,” he mumbles, and kisses me hard on the mouth. “You feel so good…”

  It feels so bad to interrupt this perfect moment right now, but I’ve got to. I have to let him know the truth. He needs to know that I’ve been saving myself for him, and that I’m still a virgin.

  “Clark,” I whisper, and attempt to catch my breath.

  “Yeah, what is it?” he asks, and kisses me gently on the forehead.

  “I – ” I mumble, and grasp for courage. “I need to tell you something.”

  “Sure, honey. Anything you need. What is it?”

  “I’m… I’m a virgin.”

  Chapter 6


  I CANNOT BELIEVE what she’s just told me. A virgin? Alicia? This is just too good to be true. But I’m glad. Beyond that. I’m elated.

  “Say something,” she demands, and when I look at her I see that all too familiar look of worry on her face again.

  “That’s… That’s beautiful,” I tell her, and gently stroke her cheek. Because it is. It’s more than what I could have possibly asked for.

  “You think?”

  “I do. I really do.”

  “Good,” she says, and smiles weakly at me.

  “In fact,” I tell her, and stand up on my knees to pull off my shirt. “I think it’s pretty damn sexy.”

  “You do?” she asks, with a look in her eye so cute I can’t help but wonder if she’s teasing me.

  “I do,” I tell her, and lie down on top of her again. My stiffness is throbbing inside my pants, and I cannot wait to push into her.

  “You don’t mind?” she asks, and shuts her e
yes as I kiss her. God I want nothing more than to rip my pants wide open and push deep into her. She came so fast when I used my hands, I can’t help but wonder if she’ll come as fast if I fuck her.

  “I don’t mind at all,” I whisper, and reach inside the neckline of her dress. Her nipples are hard, and her skin is so damn smooth I swear I’ve never touched anything the likes of it in my life.

  “Good. Because I want you to be the one, Clark… I want you to… Be my first…”

  If I have anything to say about it, I’ll be her first and last lover. But I don’t tell her that, yet.

  “Whatever you want Alicia. Whatever you want…”

  Pulling her dress down, I expose her breasts. They’re so plump and gorgeous that I feel my cock getting even harder in my pants. I won’t be able to hold back much longer, so I hope she’s not about to make us stop anytime soon. Sucking her left nipple into my mouth, I kiss it, while rubbing her other nipple between my thumb and my forefinger.

  “Oh Clark… Clark…” she moans beneath me, and I can’t help but feel proud of myself for getting her here so soon. This has all happened much faster than I anticipated, and I’m glad it’s finally come true. It’s what I’ve been waiting for all this time… I wonder what she’ll think if she finds out the truth, that I’ve been lusting for her ever since she first walked into my diner. I knew it was wrong to want someone so young, but I couldn’t help it. We’re just destined to be together, that’s just the way things are. And now that we’re here, I’m not going to waste a single moment.

  “Please, Clark…” she continues to moan, her body writhing under mine. “I want you… I want you know… Please, fuck me… Clark… Fuck me now…”

  Since I aim to please, I’m not about to make her wait a moment longer than necessary. I’m ready to go, and so is she, so I quickly undo my zipper and pull out my cock. Not bothering to undress any further, I pull her panties aside, and thrust into her. The feel of her hot, snug wetness surrounding my shaft is beyond anything I could ever have imagined, and I feel like I’m going to come straight away.


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