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Forever Yours

Page 4

by Lisa Evans

  Digging my hands into her hips, I pin her down as I start to thrust in and out of her.

  “Oh Clark… Clark…” she whimpers beneath me, her body moving as I push myself deeper and deeper inside of her. All I want is to make her come, I need to hear her scream with passion when she climaxes.

  “Aww, Alicia,” I growl. Fucking her is so much more pleasurable than I could have imagined, and it’s hard keeping myself from coming right away. She drives me wild with desire, and I’m desperate to reach deeper and deeper inside of her with each thrust.

  “Clark… I… Ah… Ah…” she wails, and then I sense her entire body tensing up. “OH GOD – CLARK…” she finally screams as she begins to orgasm. Kissing her on the mouth, I push one more time, deep into her, way deeper than before, and that’s all I need. I come hard and fast, but it feels so good that I come with a smile on my face.

  “Alicia,” I cry out, and nestle myself deep inside her body, lingering inside of her while catching my breath.

  My world has changed for all of eternity. We belong to each other now, and nothing’s going to change that. Nothing.

  It’s in the middle of the night, and Alicia’s right here with me, sleeping on my arm. She looks so sweet where she’s lying, looking like a doll where she rests.

  I can’t believe this has finally come true, this dream of mine. But I’m glad it has. It was about time.

  She’s mine now. For all of eternity. There’s nothing in the world that’s going to change that.


  Absolutely nothing.

  I love her too much.

  I love her to death.

  Waking up to the sun shining its first rays of morning light into the bedroom, I feel elated. My sweet, sweet Alicia is still fast asleep in my arms, and I hold her tight where we lay in my bed. I am fucking ecstatic that this is finally happening, and when I feel her naked body against mine, it makes me want to wake her up and start making love to her again.

  Alicia’s back is pressed against my chest, and as I breathe in the scent of her, I feel my arousal growing inside. She smells so good, and her soft, supple skin is so warm and feels so good against mine. I want to remain like this with her for all of eternity. I want us to wake up side by side like this every single day from now on.

  I still can’t believe she’s remained untouched until now, but I’m really glad I’m the only one she’s ever been with. Ever since I laid my eyes on her some – what? Six, seven years back? – I haven’t so much as looked at another female. That’s how long I’ve belonged to her, and that’s how long I’ve already been faithful to her.

  Wondering what she’ll think of the house once she sees it in daylight, I hope she’ll appreciate the fact that I went out of my way to decorate the bedroom in her favorite color – blue. I remember it is because she told me when I was picking out the new outfits for the diner. She said she’d always loved blue as a kid and that she still loved it then. Hopefully, she hasn’t changed her preference, but if she has, I’m willing to redo the entire house if that’s what she wants. Because whatever she wants she should get. That’s the reason why I worked my ass off these last four years and saved up as much money as I could. I bought this whole house for her sake – not mine. Without her, I wouldn’t need a house. But now, now that this is finally happening, I’m glad I went ahead and did it. That way, once we’re married and start having kids, we’ll have enough space to let the kids each have their own bedrooms.

  Twisting a strand of her curls around my finger, I wonder how many kids she wants to have. If it were up to me we’d have a whole bunch of them, but I’m a gentleman so I’ll let her decide. She should get whatever she wants. I’ll make sure of that.

  Since I can’t wait to look her in the eyes and make love to her all over again, I move her hair aside, and start kissing her neck. Gently, I press my lips against her beautiful, pearl white skin, and move my hands down her body to caress her hips. She’s so smooth and just absolutely perfect that it makes me hard within seconds. I’ve never wanted a girl as much as I want Alicia, I don’t know what it is about her, but she drives me absolutely nuts with hunger and passion.

  Kissing her behind her ear, I press my crotch against her warm body. I want her to wake up right this minute so that I can make her come all over again. Man, it’s so beautiful to hear and watch her come. I want to make her come every single day from now on, whether she wants it or not I’m going to make that my mission.

  She’s my woman.

  And I’m going to please her in every way shape possible.

  Chapter 7


  WAKING UP LIKE this is heaven. Clark’s got his hands all over me, touching me, stroking me, making me feel so aroused without even touching me down there… How does he do that? How is he able to have this effect on me? It feels like he’s cast a spell on me, and I’m completely and utterly in his control. Whatever he asks of me, I’ll do. It doesn’t matter what it is, I’ll do it. I’m willing to give up everything if he’ll just have me. And judging by the way he’s touching me and kissing my neck right now, it feels like he does really want me. For real.

  With my eyes shut, I lie here, enjoying the feel of his hands on me. I can sense his hard shaft pressing against my back, and I can’t wait to have him inside of me again. I hope he enjoyed our first time together as much as I did, at least I think he liked it. He must have. I mean, men don’t really come unless they like it, right? I hate how insecure I feel around him. Maybe it’s just because I like him so much and I want him – no, I need him to like me too. He’s got to do that, right? He can’t just be one of those guys who’s willing to tell you anything they think you want to hear just to get inside your pants? No, I can’t believe Clark is like that. He’s way too good to be one of those guys.

  My belly starts filling up with butterflies when Clark grabs hold of my breasts. By now, I’m already so worked up that I’m gasping even though we’ve hardly gotten started. Keeping my eyes firmly closed, I reach my arm over my head to touch his hair. I want to kiss him on the mouth, and the moment I move my head slightly to the side, I feel his breath on my mouth. Parting my lips, I let him slide his tongue into my mouth, and moan as it rolls against mine.

  “Good morning baby,” Clark whispers, and pushes me onto my back. Then he moves on top of me, and when he does, I glance down and see him in all his glory. He is so big that it’s beyond me how he fit inside me last night. Especially considering that it was my first time. I do hope he doesn’t mind my inexperience, I mean, after all, I did save myself for him. And I know I could have slept with someone else back in college just to get it over with, but I didn’t. I didn’t want to. I guess I’ve always belonged to Clark, even well before he knew it.

  “Good morning,” I say, my eyes big with wonder at his sexy body. His muscles are bulging, and when I place my hands on his shoulders, I tremble at the prospect of his prowess and strength. He’s hard, and it’s all for me. It makes me feel so special. He really must want me…

  Placing himself between my legs, he kisses me on the mouth before moving down my body. Rolling his tongue around my nipples, he then moves on to my belly button. My heart is beating so fast right now, I can hardly catch my breath. My chest is heaving, and I’m too scared to keep my eyes open any longer. Is he about to do what I think he is?

  His right hand cupped around my left breast, he moves his head farther down my body. I’m already so worked up, that my heart is about to jump straight out of my chest once I feel his breath on me. The moment he dips his tongue into my wetness, I’m lost. I’m completely lost and out of control.

  “Oh Clark,” I moan, and dig my hands into the sheets beneath me.

  “Aww, Alicia,” he murmurs between my thighs. “You taste so good, baby…”

  Flicking his tongue around my most sensitive spot, he arouses me so much that I feel my orgasm building up. Clutching the sheets, I squeeze my hands so hard my knuckles must be turning white. Deep inside of me, I
sense my climax drawing closer and closer with every heartbeat, and my entire body is tingling with passion. I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe Clark’s got his head between my legs, kissing me in my most sacred place…

  “Oh God…” I mumble, and lift my pelvis upward. At the same time, Clark slips his fingers inside of me, and as he does, I erupt. I come so hard that I wail out loud, creasing my forehead with the pleasure he’s giving me.

  Giving me a couple of moments to catch my breath, he breathes cool air onto my belly, and hushes me. “Easy, baby… Calm down, sweetie,” he whispers. But I’m too worked up, my head is spinning, and I feel like I’m inside some kind of magical dream right now. I’m not though, this is not a dream. This is reality, and I know because I can feel Clark’s hands on me. He’s really here. And when I open my eyes to meet his, I see him towering above me, mounting me.

  Pushing inside me, he fills me up completely. I clutch my arms around his neck, and simply enjoy the wonderful sensation of having him in me. I love this. I love him, and I love us together like this. I can tell from his movements that he’s about to reach climax, and I too feel my own orgasm build up again.

  “I love you Alicia,” Clark murmurs, and then grunts as he pushes deeper and deeper inside of me. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too,” I tell him, and look him straight in the eyes. Then he penetrates me even deeper and harder than before, which is all it takes to push me over the edge.

  I come.

  I come hard, and loud and clear.

  Yelping out loud, I shut my eyes and hold him close to me.

  “ALICIA,” Clark growls, and then I feel him coming inside of me, filling me with all of him.

  Afterwards, we rest in each other’s arms. Calm, and tired from the love, we hold each other. And Clark whispers into my ear how much he loves me.

  Regardless of what happens next between us, I’ll always be forever glad that I at least had him not once, but twice. Clark’s in the shower right now, washing himself after our lovemaking. Me, I’m still resting in bed, waiting for him to come back to me.

  For the first time since I came here, I take a look at this place. It’s beautiful. Everything is newly decorated, and the bedroom feels almost like a room in some expensive hotel, but still comfortable and cozy. Just like a home ought to be.

  My eyes wander out the window. Here from the bed, I’ve got a perfect view of the lake. I can’t believe Clark bought this house, it must have cost a fortune. Living here must be amazing, I think to myself.

  I’ve always wanted a lakeside house. It must be wonderful to live here. Absolutely wonderful.

  Watching Clark prepare breakfast, I feel like a princess. He’s my king, standing there by the stove, whipping up a batch of his famous pancakes. I’ve always thought he’s so handsome and sexy when I’ve seen him cooking at the diner, but this – this is something completely different altogether. Being able to watch him cook at home, wearing his clothes, sitting in his kitchen for God’s sake – that’s just mind-boggling.

  Sitting here in the cutest breakfast nook I’ve ever seen (it’s literally like something out of a magazine – yellow walls with white trimmings, a decorative rooster on the counter, and curtains with a floral pattern on them) I feel out of breath. Each time he turns around to say something to me, he winks at me, and smiles – yes, he smiles that perfect to die for smile which just melts my heart every single time – I feel like the center of the universe. Nothing else matters now, except him and me. And I feel so blessed to be sitting here.

  “I really love your house,” I tell him, admiring the country style kitchen decoration he’s opted for. “Really, I couldn’t have done it better myself.”

  “You do huh?” Turning around to face me, he looks at me with such intensity and love in his eyes that it warms me up inside. “Well, I’m glad you like it.” Turning around again, he serves me a couple of his famous pancakes and drizzles some maple syrup on them. Then he walks over to me and puts the plate on the table in front of me. “Here you go kitten,” he says, and gives me a quick kiss on the forehead. I love this. I love the way he’s taking care of me, so gentlemanly and masculine.

  “Thanks, this smells so yummy.”

  “Well, you’d better get used to it.”

  “Huh?” I say, already digging into the first pancake.

  “I said, you’d better get used to it, because as long as you’re here with me, I’ll be looking to serve you whichever kind of breakfast you want.”

  “Really, you don’t have to – ”

  “Really, Alicia. I mean it. I’ll give you anything you want. As long as you stay with me.”

  His words astound me. For some reason the prospect of belonging to him scares me somewhat. Not that I don’t want to be with him, but it just feels like such an honor that I don’t really know that I deserve it, or if I could live up to the expectations he might have on me. What does he expect from a woman? Does he want her to be submissive, and simply do what he says?

  “Hey,” his deep voice says. “Come on, don’t give me that worried face again.” Sitting down next to me, he crosses one leg over the other, and then wraps his arm around my shoulders. This feels so safe and secure. “Tell me what’s on your mind. I’m not scaring you or anything, am I?”

  “No,” I blurt out. Dropping the fork on the plate, I crane my head to the side and face him. “No, I’m not scared of you, I just…”

  “Just? What?” he asks, tipping my chin up when I refrain from looking at him.

  “I’m just worried…”

  “About what?”

  God, his eyes are so intense and sincere, I feel like I’m being looked at by some kind of a predator, a tiger or a lion prowling on the savannah getting ready to pounce on its prey. “About you… And me… And…”

  “What?” he demands, brow furrowed.

  “Us, I guess. If there’s such a thing as us…”

  “Of course there is. Isn’t that what you want, baby?”

  “Yes, yes of course,” I say, and feel stupid for even saying something. “I want that. I want you. I just want you to…” I say, and let my eyes stray from his face again.

  “You want me to what?”

  “I want you to always want me too. Because I think I’m in love with you Clark, and I want to be with you. Forever.”

  There, I’ve said it. I can believe I just did, but I did. Now he knows. And it scares the crap out of me that I’ve just revealed my heart’s deepest secret.

  That I want him to want me permanently.


  Chapter 8


  ALICIA’S WORDS WEIGH heavy on me. Doesn’t she already know how I feel about her? That I want her forever as well?

  “Aww, baby,” I tell her, and wrap both my arms around her and lift her into my lap. “Come here, honey. Of course I want you. Always. I’ll always want you. I’m in love with you, kitten. I’ve been in love with you since… Well, let’s just say for a very long time.”

  “How long?” she asks, still scared to look me in the eye. Damn she’s cute when she looks like that, all shy and timid.

  “A very long time. I’m not sure I ought to disclose exactly how long I’ve been wanting you since you used to be an employee of mine, but let’s just keep it at that. I’ve wanted you for years, sweetie.”

  “Really?” she says, her voice sounding less somber now. “I… I’ve been in love with you forever it seems.” She’s giggling, and I can tell she’s blushing right now. Her cheeks turn scarlet, and it makes me hard. “Or at least since I walked into the diner and asked you for a job.”

  “Is that so?” I ask. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Damn that’s cute.


  “Hah, well then that makes two of us I guess.”

  I’m a little surprised by my own candor, but it doesn’t really matter now. She’s no longer an employee of mine, and she’s a grown woman now too. Who cares what anybody t
hinks? We’re in love and we have the right to be together. It doesn’t matter what anyone says. The only opinion that matters to me is Alicia’s. Everyone else can just shut up for all I care.

  “Come here,” I whisper into her ear, and steal a kiss from her cute little lips. She tastes marvelous, and I love kissing her. I could go on kissing her forever, but part of me knows my body wouldn’t have that. It needs more. I’m a man and I have certain needs. And from the way Alicia’s been acting in bed, I kind of think she’s got some needs of her own. Which is why I’m not surprised when she straddles me and starts reaching for my zipper.

  “Clark,” she mumbles, and looks so sexy and horny with her cheeks all red that I want to take here right here and right now.

  Reaching inside the T-shirt she’s wearing (which she borrowed from me) I cup her marvelous breasts in my hands. Her nipples are hard, and the feel of them against my palms sends jolts of desire through me.

  “Aww, Alicia,” I murmur, and thrust against her. She fiddles with my zipper and then reaches into my boxers. Having her wrap her hand around my shaft is like no other feeling in the world, and I’m stunned that she’s behaving like this so soon. I always thought virgins were shy, that it took them a while to get going, but I like that Alicia’s taking what she wants.

  “I want you Clark,” she says, and gets up. Pulling off the sweatpants I lent her, she bares herself to me. She’s so beautiful my jaw drops. Then, when she straddles me, and sits down on top of me, I feel like I must have died and gone to heaven. Because there’s no way this angel could really be wanting me so much. Right?

  Penetrating her here in the kitchen during breakfast, I grab her by her hips, and slip my tongue into her mouth. Fuck how I love her. And damn she feels good. Her tits bob up and down as she rides me, and I love it. I love watching her face when we fuck, and when she shuts her eyes and tilts her head back, cheeks all red and mouth shaped into an ‘o’, I know we’re close to climax.


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