The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
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community cooperatives
Computer Sciences
consumerism, boosterism for
consumer products and choices
contracts. See U.S. government contracts
Conway, Bill
Corcoran, Terence
growing mistrust of
the imposition of
international politics as an instrument of
private promotion of
reparations appropriate from acts of
See also “hollow” corporations; multinational corporations
Corr, Edwin
Correa, Rafael
corruption (in corporations)
governments and
ideology and
lawlessness and
corruption (in government)
blamed for harsh economic outcomes
exposed by economic shock therapy
in Iraq
opportunities for
corruption (in society), blamed for harsh economic situations
Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA; U.S.)
Courtois, Stéphane
CPA. See Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA, Iraq)
Creative Associates (education consulting)
Credit Suisse First Boston (bank)
augmenting the seriousness of
efforts urged to encourage
promoting an appearance of
Crisis Consulting Practice
the crisis hypothesis
Cruz, Penélope
Cuba. See also Guantánamo
Cuban Sugar Cane Corp.
Cubic Defense Applications
cultures, the “cleansing” of
Cunningham, Randy “Duke”
Custer Battles (private security firm)
alleged fraud and
DaimlerChrysler Corp.
Daleo, Graciela
Daniels, Mitch
Davis, Mike
Davos Dilemma
de Beauvoir, Simone
De Beers (Corp.)
de Castro, Sergio
debt (government)
in Argentina
ballooning of
in Brazil
in Chile
in China
forgiveness of
a key trigger for disaster capitalism
in Lebanon
partial relief of
in Poland
in Russia
in South Africa
in Uruguay
debt crisis. See also debt(government); interest rates, a key
trigger for disaster capitalism
debt shock
Defense Authorization Act (U.S.)
Defense Policy Board (U.S.)
Defense Venture Catalyst Initiative
dehumanization, its role in torture
de Klerk, F. W.
de la Parra, Marco Antonio
de la Rúa, Fernando
De La Rue
de Vicenti, Azucena
failures of in Iraq
first blooms in Iraq
potentially incompatible with free-market economics
the urge for
See also “neoliberalism,” its antipathy to democracy
Deng Xiaoping
deniability, provision of for illegal acts
Department of Homeland Security (U.S.)
depression (economic). See also Great Depression
enforcement of
Desai, Ashwin
planned expansion of in Chile
steps taken against
“disappearing,” as a terror tool
disaster apartheid
disaster capitalism
basic workings of
conflicts of interest due to
Green Zones and
ideology and
in Iraq
in Sri Lanka
Poland’s abandonment of
reactions to
tactics for
See also capitalism; crises; democracy, potentially incompatible with free-market economics; “disaster capitalism complex”; privatization; “structural adjustment,” disaster capitalism and
“disaster capitalism complex,”
disaster economics. See economics
disaster reconstruction, exclusion of victims from participation in
disaster relief
misappropriation of
privatization of
Dobbs, Lou
Dorgan, Byron
Dossari, Jumah al-
Doyle, Len
drug trade, in Bolivia
Dugard, John
Dulles, Allen
Dulles, John Foster
Eagleburger, Lawrence
East Timor
economic power
disguised as unimportant
removed from political control
economic shock therapy
“collateral damage” resulting from
for Honduras
for the Maldives
perceived importance of
reaction against
for Sri Lanka
See also corruption (in government); deregulation, enforcement of; disaster capitalism; IMF, economic shock therapy demanded by; poverty; privatization, enforcement of; shock therapy; social spending, enforced cuts to; wealth; World Bank, economic shock therapy demanded by
computer models of
“trickle-down” logic and
of the “security” industry and its products
See also capitalism; Chicago School (economic orthodoxy); free-market economies; “Washington Consensus” (economic policies)
Edwards, Sebastian
Eisenberg, Carolyn
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
El Salvador
Electronic Data Systems
as “therapy,” (see also electroshock therapy)
as torture see also amnesia)
electroshock therapy
Elstner, John
Emmanuel, Victor
End of History and the Last Man, The (Fukuyama)
End of Poverty, The (Sachs)
Enders, David
degradation of
protection of
environmental regulations, assaults upon
Erhard, Ludwig
Ericson, Richard
Escobar, Filemon
Espinosa, María Fernanda
Etchecolatz, Miguel Osvaldo
European Union
Even-Ezra, Jacob
Export-Import Bank. See U.S. Export-Import Bank
Falklands War (1982)
farmers, assaults upon
Farrakhan, Louis
Fast Company
Fay, Gen. George
FBI (U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation)
FDA. See Food and Drug Administration(U.S.)
“fear up,”
Federal Emergency Management Agency (U.S.). See FEMA
Federal Oil and Gas Council (Iraq)
Feierstein, Daniel
Feith, Douglas
Feitlowitz, Marguerite
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
hollow government and
unreliability of
Fernandez, Roque
Fernando, Sarath
Ferreyra, Lilia
Feulner, Ed
Financial Times (London)
ne Tire & Rubber
Fischer, Stanley
Fleischer, Michael
Fontaine, Arturo
Food and Drug Administration (U.S.)
Ford, Edsel
Ford, Gerald
Ford, Henry
Ford Foundation
Ford Motor Co.
foreign aid
potential importance of
for Russia
withholding of to amplify crises
Foundation for Human Rights (South Africa)
Four Seasons
Fox News
Franco, Francisco
Frank, André. See Gunder Frank, André
Fraser Institute (Canada)
fraud (in and of government). See corruption (in government)
equated with capitalism
Friedman’s interpretation of
personal and individual
Freedom Charter (South Africa’s)
Free to Choose (PBS TV miniseries)
Freedom of Information Act (U.S.)
free-market economies, problems seen with
free trade
opposition to
virtues claimed for
Free Trade Area of the Americas
Freire, Paulo
Frente Amplio (Uruguayan coalition party)
Freud, Sigmund
Friedman, Milton
anger at Nixon’s economic policies
awarded the Nobel Prize
Chicago School economics and
death of
disaster capitalism and
followers of
given an opportunity to test Chicago School economics
idealistic views of
introduction to
mentors Rumsfeld
as merely a “technical advisor,”
his responsibility for human rights violations suggested
shock doctrine and (see also Friedman, Milton, disaster capitalism and)
urges market “freedoms,”
voting rights and the economics of
Friedman, Rose
Friedman, Thomas
Frum, David
Fukuyama, Francis
Gaidar, Yegor
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Galeano, Eduardo
Galerías Pacifico (Buenos Aires mall)
Galtieri, Gen. Leopoldo
Gandhi, M. K.
Gardiner, Sam
Garner, Jay
Garten, Jeffrey
Garvey, Marcus
Garzón, Judge Baltasar
gas (natural). See also oil
gasoline. See also oil
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)
Gayoom, Maumoon Abdul
Gazprom (Russian energy company)
Gelb, Leslie
Gelb, Stephen
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. See GATT
General Electric
General Mills (corporation)
General Motors Corp.
Geneva Conventions
genocide, interpretations of
George, Susan
Germany, post-war reconstruction in
Gerrity, Ned
Getty Oil
Geuna, Graciela
Gibson, McGuire
Gilead Sciences
Gillerman, Dan
Gingrich, Newt
Gittinger, John
Giuliani, Rudy
Giuliani Partners
Glinski, Dmitri
claimed as a sign of economic health
praise for
said to be inevitable
See also antiglobalization
Golan Group
gold standard
Goldberg, Jonah
Golden, Bill
Goldman Sachs
Gonzales, Alberto
Good Harbor Consulting
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gordon, Michael
Gorin, Grigory
Gottlieb, Sidney
Goulart, João
Graham, Douglas
Graham, Patrick
Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo(Argentina)
Great Depression
greed (economic)
Greenspan, Alan
Green Zone
for communities
Grinspun, Ricardo
Gross, Daniel
Grossman, Steven
Guantánamo (prison)
Guardian (London)
CIA operations in
torture in
Guevara, Che
Guidotti, Pablo
Gumede, William
Gunder Frank, André
guns-and-caviar. See Davos Dilemma
Gusev, Vladimir
Gusinsky, Vladimir
Guzzetti, César Augusto
Habib, Mamdouh
Haggard, Stephen
Halimi, Gisèle
government, guaranteed loans to
Iraq contracts for
military base operations by
military roles played by
overcharging by
profits to from military spending
See also Brown & Root
Hamdan, Kamal
Hammes, Thomas
Hani, Chris
Harberger, Arnold
Harbury, Jennifer
Hariri, Rafiq
Harris, John
Harrold, Peter
Harvard Institute for International Development
Harvey, David
Hatoum, Raida
Haveman, James
Hay, Jonathan
Hayek, Friedrich von
Health Net
Hebb, Dr. Donald
Heldreth, Gary
Heller, Walter
Helms, Richard
Help Jet (emergency vacations firm)
Hemingway, Ernest
Heritage Foundation
Hersh, Seymour
aids Lebanese recovery
Hillman, Gerald
Hirsekorn, Rick
Hollinger International
hollow corporations
hollow government
in Iraq
hollow wars
Honduras, torture and assassinations in
Hong Kong
Hoover Institution
Horgan, David
Horner, Gen. Chuck
Howard, John
HSBC (bankers)
human rights
abuses of in Iraq
defined conveniently
grassroots international movement for
UN Universal Declaration of
unexamined motives for abuses of
versus politics and economics
Human Rights Watch
backlash following
torture and
Hunt Oil
Huntington, Samuel
Hurricane Katrina 5
reconstruction following
Hurricane Mitch
Hussein, Saddam
IAP Worldwide Services Inc.
ideologies, the dangers of
IMF (International Monetary Fund)