The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
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its Asia-Crisis therapy boomerangs
claims credit for handling the Asia Crisis
crisis augmentation by the
economic shock therapy demanded by
founding principles of
government debts owed to
holds Poland’s economy at ransom
in Iraq
antipathy to democracy in the
neoconservatives working at
opposition to the
powers within and over the
state opposition to the
See also Independent Evaluation Office (of the IMF)
Imperial Life in the Emerald City (Chandrasekaran)
Independent Evaluation Office (of the IMF), report of
index, puzzling self-reference to
India, post-tsunami economic effects in
aftermath of the 1965 coup in
economic depression in
post-tsunami economic effects in
yields to IMF demands
in Argentina
in Bolivia
in Chile
in Germany
hidden sources of
a key trigger for disaster capitalism
low values of seen as primary
in Poland
seen as a sign of market restrictions
in Thatcher’s U.K.
in the U.S.
information technology services (U.S. government), privatization of
Innovative Emergency Management
Inspector General’s Office (U.S.), investigates fraud in Iraq
Instinctive Shooting International
Institute for Policy Studies (Washington)
Institute of Globalization Studies(Moscow)
insurance industry
Inter-American Development Bank
interest rates, a key trigger for disaster capitalism
International Commission of Jurists
International Homeland Security Conference
International Labor Organization
International Monetary Fund. See IMF
International Nickel Co.
International Republican Institute
International Security Instructors
International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT)
interrogation, privatized
intolerance, rising levels of
Iqbal, Asif
civilian casualties in
civilian prisoners in
democracy ordered stopped in
disappearance of
economic shocks to
failed reconstruction in
kidnappings in
life on the ground in
looting of and in
military operations in
mismanagement of war in
new constitution for
oil ownership in
religious conflict in
selected for invasion
the shock doctrine in
shock experienced by contrasted to that of Russia
troop “surge” in
See also Coalition Provisional Authority
Iraq (government), debt relief and the
Iraq Study Group
Iraqi Governing Council
closures and
conflict in
economics of violence in
as a Green Zone
high-tech economics in
military spending in
politics of security economics in
Russian migration to
social and political unrest in
Jackson, Bruce
Jackson, Michael P.
Jara, Victor
Jaruzelski, Gen. Wojciech
Jeppesen International Trip Planning
Jiang Zemin
John Paul II, Pope
J.P. Morgan & Company
Juakali, Endesha
Kaczyński, Jaroslaw
Kaczyński, Lech
Kadane, Kathy
Kagarlitsky, Boris
Kaifu, Toshiki
Kalaiselvam, Seenivasagam
Kapur, Ajay
Kastner, Gail
Kastner, Zella
Katrina. See Hurricane Katrina
Kawzally, Saseen
Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR)
Kelly, Martin
Kelly, Roberto
Kennedy, Cyril J. C.
Keyes, Derek
Keynes, John Maynard
its opposition from Chicago School neoconservatives
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail
Kia Motors
surges of in Iraq
Kinzer, Stephen
Kirchner, Néstor
Kissinger, Henry
Kissinger Associates
Klein, Fritz
Knight, Frank
Kongwatmai, Ratree
Kowalik, Tadeusz
Krueger, Anne
Krugman, Paul
Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation (handbook)
Kumara, Herman
Kumaratunga, Chandrika
Kupperman, Charles
Kurnaz, Murat
laissez-faire economics. See capitalism; Chicago School; corporatism (in government); disaster capitalism
Lamy, Pascal
land reform
farmers’ attempts to achieve
South African promise of
Landless Peoples Movement (MST, Brazil)
Laor, Yitzhak
Larroulet, Cristián
Lawson, Nigel
Lay, Ken
Leahy, Patrick
resistance to shock therapy in
Ledeen, Michael
Letelier, Francisco
Letelier, Orlando
assassination of
Lewis, Anthony
Lexus and the Olive Tree, The (Friedman)
LG Energy
Lighthouse Disaster Relief
Likud Party (Israel)
Lipton, David
Lipton, Eric
Livingston, Ken
Liwsky, Norberto
lobbyists (U.S.), increased numbers of seeking government contracts
Lobov, Oleg
Lockheed Martin (defense contractor)
LOGCAP (privatization program)
Lone, Salim
Lonely Planet (travel guide)
Long, Huey
looting. See Iraq, looting of and in López, Jorge Julio
Los Angeles Times,
Loser, Claudio
Lourie, Richard
Lowy Fred
L-3 Communications
Lucent Industries
Lukoil (Russia)
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio
Lyonnaise des Eaux
Maass, Peter
Machel, Samora
Machiavelli, Niccolò
Madhi Army (Shia, Iraq)
Madres of the Plaza de Mayo(Argentina)
Mahdi Army
Mahmoud, Faraj
Major, John
Make Democracy Work (South Africa plan)
economic depression in
economic success of
resists demands of IMF
Maldives, post-tsunami economic effects in
Mandela, Nelson
Manuel, Trevor
Mao Tse-tung
Marais, Hein
Marcos, Ferdinand E.
marketing, merged with intelligence gathering
Marks, John
the Marshall Plan
Marsh & McLennan (insurance company)
Martens, Robert J.
Soler, José Antonio
Martínez de Hoz, José Alfredo
Marx, Karl
Marxism (economic orthodoxy) state-amplified fears of
Massera, Admiral
Mattis, Jim
Mau, Vladimir
Mayet, Ike
Mayfield, James
Mazowiecki, Tadeusz
Mbeki, Thabo. See also Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC (Gumede)
McCoy, Alfred W.
McGehee, Ralph
McGill University
MCI Communications Corp.
McIntyre, Jamie
McPherson, Peter
McQuaig, Linda
media (communications), links to disaster capitalists
Meisner, Maurice
Meltzer, Allan
Menatep (bank)
Menem, Carlos
Mercedes-Benz Corp.
mercenary soldiers, in Iraq
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Merry, Wayne
Mexico, unpopularity of a corporatist state in
Michael D. Brown LLC
Michnik, Adam
as a model modern corporation
Mikhailov, Aleksandr
Milbank, Dana
military activity, privatization of
Military Commissions Act (U.S.)
the military-industrial complex
Milken Institute
Miller, Geoffrey
Miller, T. Christian
Milne, Seumas
Milošvić, Slobodan
Minihan, Ken
minimum wage. See also wages
Miranda, Juan
Mitrione, Dan
MKUltra (project/manual). See also “psychic driving” Modzelewski, Karol
Moffit, Ronni
Mohamad, Mahathir
monetary crises
in Bolivia
seen as opportunities for change
in South Africa
Mont Pelerin Society
the Montonero movement
Morales, Evo
Morgan Stanley
Mormon Church
Mossadegh, Mohammad
Mulroney, Brian
multinational corporations
interests of
opposed by Sukarno
opposition to Allende among
Muravchik, Joshua
murder rates, in Russia
Murillo, Inés
Murray, Hugh
Murrow, Edward R.
Musa, Yasmine
Mussa, Michael
Mussolini, Benito
Muttitt, Greg
Mydans, Seth
Nasr, Hassan Mustafa Osama
Nasrallah, Sheik Hassan
Nation, The
National Counterterrorism Center (U.S)
National Defense University
National Guard (U.S.), troops of
National Institute for Public Policy (U.S.)
National Party (of South Africa)
National Post, (Canada)
National Security Agency (U.S.)
nationalization of industries
Naylor, Colin
NBC (broadcast network)
Neiman, Vitaly
basic tenets guiding
See also “neoliberalism”
as brutal
greed and
lawlessness and
reactions against
unintended consequences of ignored by
See also Chicago School (economic orthodoxy); democracy, potentially incompatible with free-market economics
Neruda, Pablo
Netanyahu, Benjamin
Nevzlin, Leonid
New Age Security Solutions
New Bridge Strategies
New Deal (post-Depression)
New Orleans
its fate seen as a national portent
loss of public schools in
survivor wishes concerning
New York Times,
New York Times Magazine, The
New Yorker,
as disaster capitalism scapegoats
Nice Systems
Nijam (Sri Lankan fisherman)
Nike, as a model modern hollow corporation
Nitisastro, Widjojo
Nixon, Richard economic actions of
Noboa, Álvaro
Nogueira, Ana
Norilsk Nickel
Norquist, Grover
Norris, John
North Korea, acquires nuclear technology
Northrop Grumman
Novak, Roger
Novak Biddle Venture Partners
Nunca Mais (Argentina commission report). See also Brazil: Never Again
OBAN (Operation Bandeirantes)
Ochsner Medical Center (New Orleans)
Office of Government Ethics (U.S.)
Office of Reconstruction and Stabilization (U.S.)
appropriation of access to and control over
exploitation of
Iraq as a desirable source for
nationalized control over
the pricing of
privatization of control over
profits made from
oil industry. See also names of specific oil companies
Olin, John M.
Oliver, David
Olmos Gaona, Alejandro
O’Neill, Paul
One Percent Doctrine, The (Suskind)
“open land,”
Operação Limpeza (Brazil)
Operation Bandeirantes. See OBAN “Operation Condor,”
Oppenheimer, Harry
Option, Edward Jr.
Ortega, Daniel
Ortiz, Dianna
Orwell, George
Oslo Peace Accords (Israeli-Palestinian)
Overthrow (Kinzer)
“ownership society,”
Oxford Research International
Pacific Architects and Engineers
Padayachee, Vishnu
Padilla, José
Paladin Capital Group
Palestine, the conflict in
Palestinian people and economy
Pan American Airways
Panitchpakdi, Supachai
Paris, Roland
controversy over laws regarding
misuse of
Patinkin, Don
Patriot Act (U.S.), constitutionality of
Patterson, Albion
Pavlovsky, Eduardo
Paz Estenssoro, Victor
peace, economic disincentives for
Peace Committee (Chile)
peacekeeping (international)
Pelosky, Jay
pension funds
South African injustice and
pension plans
privatization of
Peres, Shimon
Perle, Richard
Perón, Isabel
Perón, Juan
Perry, Jamar
Perry, Jeff (pseudonym)
Peters, Ralph
Peters, Tom
Pfizer Chemical
pharmaceutical industry, military protections for the
Philippines, the
economic depression in
torture in
yield to IMF demands
Phillip Morris Co.
Phuket, Indonesia
Piñera, José
Pinochet, Gen. Augusto
advised by Friedman
as economy worsens
death of
forced to retreat economically
overthrows his military rivals
his reign of terror
his “war” on Allende