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School, Sex and Secrets II (School, Sex and Secrets #2)

Page 25

by Sheila Michelle

  The bitch knew she better not have! Because her trying to hit me with that car that night is a lot worse than the way I hit her today! I thought, but didn’t wanna say anything because my parents didn’t know it was her who tried to run me down that night when I left work. “Yeah, I know,” I replied.

  “Now, we’re still going out to dinner to meet with your dad’s co-worker and his wife. I already made your dinner for you, so all you have to do is warm it up. I don’t want you getting into any fights with anyone over the phone, computer, or on social media about what happened today — learn how to ignore,” Mom said.

  “Okay,” I said, and then walked out of the kitchen and up to my room.

  I changed out of my clothes and into my loungewear. I laid on my bed and put my headphones on and listened to some jazz — something that I loved listening to because it was so calm and soothing, and I needed it after today. I didn’t wanna look at anything on my phone or on my computer — I just wanted to quickly forget about this day, even though it was very unforgettable.

  Almost an hour later, there was a knock on my door. “COME IN!”

  Mom opened the door. “There’s someone here to see you,” she informed me.


  I stared at my mom since she told me that there was someone here to see me — it could be anyone. “I don’t wanna see anyone.” I didn’t even wanna ask who it was.

  She sighed. “Vanessa, I know we shouldn’t be letting you see anyone, but we’re gonna make an exception in this case. Look, meet me downstairs in a few minutes because we’re about to leave so we can make it to our dinner reservation on time.”

  I let out a sigh. “Okay, I’ll be right down.”

  Minutes later, I walked downstairs to see who it was that had come over here uninvited. I walked into the family room and saw Brad talking to my dad as he had the shoe box that I threw at him this morning, as well as a more fresh-looking bouquet of flowers.

  Brad smiled at me when he saw me. “Hey, Vanessa.”

  I continued to stare at him coldly.

  My dad looked at me and grinned since he knew that I was mad at Brad. “Well, it looks like the two of you have a lot to talk about. We’ll be back in a few hours, Vanessa. Take it easy, Brad,” he said.

  Brad smiled. “I will. Have a good night, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis.”

  “Good night, sweetie,” Mom said with a big smile.

  They left and locked the door behind them.

  “I should go with them,” I said, as I stared at the door.

  Brad sighed. “Vanessa, c’mon, baby. You know why I’m over here. We really need to talk. Yes, I heard about what happened with you and Lisa in Senior English today. You hurt her bad, Vanessa — she had to go to the hospital to get stitches—”

  “I DON’T GIVE A FUCK HOW BAD I HURT HER! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!” I yelled, and then ran up to my room.

  “VANESSA! C’MON, NOW!” he shouted as he ran after me.

  I ran into my room and threw myself on my bed and started crying. He put his hand on my back; I smacked it away. “Just go away, Brad! Okay! I’ve had it with you and everything that’s been going on! Leave me alone!”

  “I’m not going anywhere until we talk, Vanessa, and I’m gonna stay over here until we do,” he informed me.

  I continued to cry as I laid in my bed on my stomach. I looked up from time to time and saw that he was still here. I knew that we needed to talk, but I just didn’t feel like doing it. I cried myself to sleep.

  “Vanessa,” Brad said to me.

  I woke up to find him staring down at me with a smile. I slightly smiled back because even though I was so mad at him right now, he still looked so good to me. I looked up to find my dinner on a tray right next to me, as well as the flowers that he had bought for me sitting in one of my mom’s best crystal vases. “How long was I sleeping?”

  “For over an hour,” he replied with a smile, as he sat in a chair by my bedside. “I thought that you might have been hungry so I found what it looks like your dinner since your parents went out to eat.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, it’s my dinner. Thanks for warming it up for me.” I wasn’t ready to thank him for the flowers and the shoes that he was obviously trying to give back to me. I started to eat. “I love my mom’s roast beef and mashed potatoes. I’ve been eating comfort food all day today and you know why.”

  “Vanessa,” he said as he sighed.

  “Well, you better start talking and talking now because if I continue to eat like this then I’m gonna blow up into a big, fat fuckin’ pig and you’re gonna break up with me because I know you don’t like fat girls,” I said.

  He grinned. “I’m not worried about you getting fat, Vanessa — you take very good care of yourself.”

  I glared at him as I continued to eat.

  He sighed. “Well, first of all, before I get into what happened today with you and Lisa, I wanna talk about what happened as to the reason why you’ve been mad at me and Ava. Baby, you don’t know how sorry I am about that. I knew that the minute that I got caught by you that it was just a bad idea to of had that party because it was obvious that I couldn’t get enough of Ava sexually after that night.”

  “And it was obvious that she felt the same way about you,” I replied while I picked at my mashed potatoes.

  “Well, we agreed that we really hurt you and that we’ll never be involved with each other sexually again. So, of course, I’m not having any more sex parties — BF3P ones especially — because look what it has done to the four of us? This shit is not worth it. When I made you my girlfriend, I meant it when I said that I wanna be with you for years to come. I don’t want any crap like this tearing us apart, and I don’t want it to tear your friendship with Ava apart.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, well, I don’t want it to, either. I’m still very mad about this, Brad. You may have caught Marc and me kissing, but I caught you and Ava fucking — how was I supposed to act?”

  “Like the way you did — there would’ve been something wrong with you if you didn’t.”

  I nodded as I ate my roast beef. I took a sip of my soda. “So, are you and Marc talking?”

  “We are,” he replied with a smile. “We started talking when we heard about you hitting Lisa in Senior English. We then started talking about you and Ava, and how you two are best friends and shouldn’t let anything come between you two, and we said that we shouldn’t let anything come between our friendship, either, so we decided to forgive each other.”

  I smiled. “Well, that’s what Marie and I were talking about at lunch today about how sex seems to ruin everything.”

  He grinned. “You told her that you caught me having sex with Ava, huh?”

  “Yeah, I did,” I informed him as I stared at him. “I told her not to tell — I know she won’t.”

  “I know,” he replied as he still grinned. “But you’re right — sex can ruin a lot of things, just like secrets. It’s the reason Natalie was killed, and the reason why the four of us were mad at each other. It all started with that BF3P — hate to say it, but it did.”

  “Yeah, it did. But I didn’t tell her about you catching me and Marc kissing — I don’t wanna add more drama. Even though she said that she wouldn’t tell anyone, I know that she would’ve went back and told Lisa. I just can’t tell her everything like the way I told Ava.”

  He looked at me. “Told? You sound like she’s not your friend anymore.”

  “Well, it doesn’t feel like she is.”

  He sighed. “C’mon, Vanessa. You need to find it in your heart to forgive her for what she did with me.”

  I slammed my fork down on my plate! “LOOK! It was hard for me to let the two of you fuck and suck each other at that BF3P, and especially for me to be in the same bed watching it, okay?! I really didn’t wanna let that happen, but I wanted everyone to be happy and to have fun at that party so I did. If I knew that all of these sexual feelings that we all had about each other were gonna continue then I wou
ld’ve said no from the start and there would not have been a fuckin’ BF3P!”

  He nodded with a slight grin. “Yeah, you’re probably right. But it’s over, baby, okay? No more sex parties; no more secrets or walking in on one. The only secret that we need to blow wide open is John killing Natalie, and we can only do that if we get his DNA.”

  I nodded as I looked down at my half-empty plate. “I know. But I’m to a point now where I’m thinking about telling the cops everything and they can get it from him. I just don’t want any of us to get hurt.”

  “We’re not gonna get hurt, Vanessa.”

  “Oh, really? Well, did you forget that fast about what happened to me on Saturday? I mean, I wasn’t hurt, but I could’ve been and even possibly killed! I’m sick of this, Brad, I really am. If you wanna try and still get his DNA then go right ahead — I’m through with this shit.”

  He looked at me in shock! “C’mon, Vanessa, it sounds like you’re giving up on wanting to see John put away for good.”

  “I’m not giving up on it, Brad — I’m just tired of all of this shit, that’s all. I mean, I was not in the mood for anyone’s bullshit today and when I came into class and John and Lisa were looking at me all fuckin’ crazy and laughing at me, I just fuckin’ lost it. I almost even told the whole class that it was John who killed Natalie.”

  “Are you fuckin’ serious, Vanessa?”

  “Yeah — but I knew better. I don’t know if anyone would’ve believed me or not because of course, I don’t have any proof that he did. But it definitely would’ve given everyone something to talk about, even more than that fuckin’ punch I gave Lisa.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, you’re right about that, baby!” he said as he continued to chuckle. “So, that’s how it all started, huh? I was wondering what led to it. Do you know it’s already gone viral on that video site?”

  I grinned. “Yeah, fights usually do.”

  He laughed. “I have to admit that I have a lot of fighting videos in my favorites as well.”

  “Do you have mine and Lisa’s in yours? Even though it really wasn’t a fight since I laid the bitch out in one punch — all she did was push me.”

  “I saw that,” he said with an even bigger grin.

  I grinned back at him. “Did you make a comment under the comments?”

  “No, I didn’t,” he replied as he still grinned. “I’m not gonna get started on that because I know how many people will be trying to ask me for some exclusive shit — I’ll just let people say what they want. Only we know what’s been going on in our relationship and why Lisa doesn’t like us.”

  “Oh, no, Brad! She doesn’t like you — she loves you,” I informed him.

  He looked at me. “When did she say this?”

  “She says it all the time to Marie — that’s what Marie told me.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, okay. Well, I never loved her, and as you see I meant that when I told you.” He got up and kissed me on my forehead; he smiled as he sat back down.

  I slightly smiled since I was still a little mad . . . but it was slowly wearing off.

  He reached over to get the box with the shoes in it. “Do you still want these?”

  I kept staring at the box because I wanted them bad — I just didn’t know if I should take them.

  He sighed. “You know, you really embarrassed me this morning when you threw this box at me and the flowers — people were laughing at me all day because of it — I’ve never been humiliated like that before, Vanessa.”

  “And you don’t think you deserved it?”

  “I never said that.”

  “That’s because you know you did.”

  He sighed with a slight grin. “Yeah, I did.”

  I kept staring at the box.

  He held it up to me as if he was gonna give it to me. “C’mon, Vanessa, you know you want them.”

  I glared at him . . . and then quickly snatched the box from him.

  He grinned. “That’s my girl!”

  I opened the box and grinned. I checked both shoes to see if there were any missing crystals or spikes from me throwing them at him earlier — they were fine. “You know, Marie told me that I should’ve put them on, marched over to you, and kicked you in your balls.”

  He laughed hard! “Yeah! And I would’ve deserved it! That’s for sure!”

  I laughed with him. “Yeah, you would’ve! At least you admit it!”

  He continued to stare at me as he smiled. “Don’t you wanna try them on? Just to see if they fit? I know your size with this designer, but I know that they can vary.”

  I got up and put them on the floor to try on. I slipped them on and they were a perfect fit. I began to walk around the room as a favorite song of mine played. “They fit fine — these shoes do run small. Damn, I look so fuckin’ tall in them!”

  He got up and came over to me. “And you look sexy as hell in them. You know I wanna see you in them when we go out — wherever it may be.”

  “Hopefully that’ll be soon — after all of this shit is over with. I think I’ll just have a lot more fun going out and everything when John is in jail. I mean, we were having such a good time at the restaurant, and look what happened? He abducted me right from it and at fuckin’ gunpoint at that. I just don’t want anymore fucked-up shit to happen to me or to you or anyone who knows that John killed Natalie.”

  He nodded with a smile. “I know, baby. Come here.”

  I walked towards him as I still had on my shoes. We embraced. “Wow, you’re still so much taller than me even though I’m wearing five-inch heels!”

  He laughed. “Hey, I’m tall, what can I say?”

  We started kissing.

  I admitted that even though we hadn’t talked since Saturday night and it was only Monday evening, I really did miss kissing him. I stopped as another favorite song of mine began playing. It was smooth and sexy, and I always thought about Brad when it played. I started dancing.

  He bobbed his head as he smiled at me. “I love this song. I always think about you when I play it.”

  I continued to dance around my room. “And I think about you, too, baby.”

  We held each other as we began dancing.

  I slowly pushed him back down in the chair that he was sitting in. I slowly twirled around in front of him and then slowly shook my butt from side-to-side in his face.

  “Damn, baby!” he said with a big smile. “C’mon and dance for me, sexy!”

  The music was getting to me and since Brad was in my presence, I started dancing in ways that I’ve never danced in before. Slowly, I began to take off my top, and then my bottoms, and now I was just in my panties and the shoes that he’d bought me.

  “Oh, shit!” he said with a big smile as he still sat in the chair. “Damn, you’re making me harder than a motherfuck, baby!”

  I laughed as I put my right leg up on the chair that he was in and began slowly circling my hips as I kept my hands on them.

  He smiled big! “Can I touch you?”

  “Fuck yeah, baby!”

  He laughed and then started stroking his left hand all up and down my thigh. “Mmmm . . . you’re always so soft, baby.”

  “I have to be that way,” I replied with a smile as I kept dancing. I took my leg off of his chair and tried to slowly lower myself to the floor in an attempt to look sexy since I wasn’t a stripper; just a girlfriend who was putting on a playful, sexy striptease for my boyfriend. I smiled seductively at him as I lifted both of my legs up in the air and slowly moved my panties down them and pulled them off. I dangled them at him as he smiled back at me; I threw them back behind me. I was completely naked now as I continued to lie on the floor as I slowly moved my hips up and down as I still had my shoes on.

  “Fuck, baby! You know I’m gonna have to fuck the shit out of you now!” he said, as he breathed heavy as he hurried to unbutton his jeans. He took them off as well as his underwear, and then laid down on the floor, lifted up my legs, and put them on his shoulders. “But
I need taste that hot spot first, baby.”

  “Oh, fuck, Brad!” I said, as he licked my hot spot so good that I felt like I was gonna pass out. I screamed and squirmed all over and let out a long, loud scream as he satisfied me to the fullest. I couldn’t even describe how good it’d felt, and I think it felt even better since I was so mad at him earlier.

  He whisked me up off the floor and put me on my bed. “That’s right; keep your shoes on, baby. I love a beautiful, butt-naked woman in a pair of beautiful, fancy shoes!”

  I laughed. “I just bet you do!”

  He laughed as he lifted my legs up on his shoulders and went inside of me with no warning. He went at it fast and hard like we hadn’t fucked like this in a long time — and it felt like it. “Damn, baby! Shit! You feel so fuckin’ good!”

  I nodded as I got very loud because it was feeling damn good, and after this weekend and especially today, I needed a good fuck like this.

  “I bet this feels good after the day we both had, huh?!” he said with a chuckle as he breathed heavy.

  “FUCK YEAH, IT DOES!” I shouted as I laughed.

  He laughed as he kept moving as fast as he could. He then let out a very load moan as he pulled out of me very fast as he had a major ejaculation. “I think I pulled out in time,” he said, as he had his hands on his thighs.

  “I fuckin’ hope so!” I said as I laughed.

  He laughed as he laid next to me. He then put his arm around me, and I cuddled up to him like I usually did after we had sex. “So, are you still mad at me?”

  I laughed. “Not anymore. That was some good fuckin’ sex we just had. Even though it didn’t last long, that was one of the best quickies we’ve ever had!”

  He laughed. “It sure in the fuck was!”

  “Let’s just say that we sure in the hell know how to make up after a fight, huh?” I said with a grin.


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