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School, Sex and Secrets II (School, Sex and Secrets #2)

Page 26

by Sheila Michelle

  He laughed even harder! “We do! And it’s the best way to make up in my opinion!”

  I laughed. “Of course you think so! You’re a guy!” I looked at him and smiled. “By the way, thank you for the shoes and flowers.”

  He smiled. “You’re welcome, beautiful.”

  We started kissing as we held each other, and I had to admit now that I was glad that he did come over because I just didn’t know when I wanted to talk to him again . . . but I still didn’t know when I wanted to talk to Ava.

  Several minutes later as we still laid in bed, the doorbell rang. We jumped up!

  “Are you expecting anyone?” Brad asked, as he put on his jeans.

  “No,” I said, as I quickly put on my lounge clothes. I walked over to my window and slowly moved the curtain out of my way to see who it was. “That’s Marie’s car down there — I wonder what she wants.”

  “Well, let’s go find out,” he said.

  The doorbell rang again followed by some knocks as Brad and I ran down the stairs.

  I opened the door. “Hey, Marie! Come on in,” I said.

  “Hey, guys,” Marie said with a huge grin since she knew that I was very mad at Brad earlier.

  “Hey, Marie,” Brad said, as he also grinned.

  We all walked over towards the family room and sat down in it. Brad and I sat on the same couch but at a distance from each other as Marie sat on the other couch.

  Marie continued to grin at us. “So I take it that the two of you made up?”

  Brad and I grinned at each other.

  “Yeah, we did,” I said.

  Brad nodded in agreement as he smiled. “I’m glad she forgave me.”

  “That’s good. I was hoping that the two of you would make up soon,” Marie said with a smile. She then sighed. “But what I have to tell you, Vanessa, I’m not making up.”

  I gasped, as did Brad. “What is it, Marie?” I asked.

  “Well, I went to go see Lisa in the hospital after she got her stitches from you hitting her. She was still in one of the emergency rooms and John was with her since he’s the one who took her there since both of her parents were at work. Well, when I was about to walk into the room, I heard her and John talking about you, Vanessa, so I backed up around the corner since they hadn’t seen me yet.”

  Brad and I looked at each other, and then looked at Marie.

  “What were they talking about, Marie?” I asked as my curiosity was at its highest peak.

  Marie took a deep breath. “They were talking about Saturday night — what you told me about how he abducted you from the restaurant. I heard Lisa say verbatim that she was mad that you got away from John that night because if he succeeded at bringing you back to his house where she was waiting for him, that she would’ve beaten the shit out of you so bad that you’re the one that would’ve been in the hospital instead of her being there because you would’ve never had the chance to hit her like the way you did today in English.”

  I tried not to gasp as I shook my head! “So it’s obvious that she was in on my abduction. Unfortunately, there’s no proof of it other than what you overheard, Marie, and there’s no proof that you overheard what you overheard.”

  “Unfortunately, that’s right, Vanessa,” Marie said. “I just stood there — I couldn’t believe it! It was one thing for you to tell me at lunch that John abducted you from the restaurant on Saturday night, but to overhear John and Lisa talking about it and her totally incriminate herself into the whole plan was just crazy!”

  Brad shook his head as he was clearly upset. “They better be lucky that I don’t kill both of them.”

  I scooted over to him and held his hand. “Brad, I know you feel that way, but whatever they had in mind about wanting to do to me, I quickly foiled it as you know. I’m actually not surprised at this at all considering the fact that they both want me dead for two different reasons. John wants me dead because he knows that I know that he killed Natalie and he still feels like I dogged him for you, and Lisa wants me dead so she can have you back,” I said.

  “Sounds that way to me, too,” Marie said.

  “Well, she’s never getting me back, Vanessa. It makes me now very embarrassed that I stayed in a relationship with her for as long as I had,” Brad said.

  Marie smiled. “Lisa is not stable right now. I think she’s far more unstable than I am, and what I’ve been through is a lot worse. She just seems really selfish at a time where she should be the least selfish since we’re still trying to get John’s DNA for killing Natalie since she was Natalie’s good friend. Of course she doesn’t know that he killed her because I feel like the two of you about certain people that I want to know that he killed her and certain people that I don’t want to know, and given Lisa’s severe instability, she’s one that I don’t want knowing because I think she’ll confront John and he’ll probably end up killing her.”

  “And believe it or not, I wouldn’t want that to happen even though I hate her,” I said with a slight grin.

  Brad grinned as well. “I wouldn’t want it to happen, either, but she needs to get help for her craziness,” he said.

  “And I agree with the two of you,” Marie said with a grin.

  We all looked at each other and broke out into a laugh.

  “Well, I better get going. I just wanted to stop by and tell you this in person, Vanessa. I just don’t feel the same about Lisa anymore since overhearing this, but I’m gonna continue to talk to her because I can’t let her know that I heard what she said, so of course I’m not gonna tell her about what I’d heard — don’t want her freaking out on me! But please, Vanessa, be careful around her and John, especially if you’re all alone somewhere,” Marie said, with a clear look of concern in her eyes.

  I smiled. “I will, Marie.”

  We all walked to the front door.

  “Oh, have you made up with Ava?” Marie asked.

  Brad stared at me, and then lowered his head.

  I sighed. “Not yet,” I replied.

  Marie nodded with a slight smile. “Well, let me know when you do.”

  “I will,” I said, and opened the door for her. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Of course. Good night, you two,” Marie said with a smile.

  “Good night,” Brad and I replied with a smile.

  Minutes later, we were sitting back on the couch in the family room as we quietly watched TV as I thought about whether or not I wanted to make up with Ava. I knew that if I made up with Brad then I should make up with her as well because it just wasn’t fair for me to forgive him and not her. I found that if I did something like this then I was the immature, jealous bitch who only cared about having a boyfriend and not a best friend, and a best friend was something that I had throughout all the boyfriends that I’d ever had. But Brad was different than all of the rest of them and Ava knew that, so I didn’t know if I could forgive her for this.


  Hours later, I laid in bed with my eyes closed as I thought about the great, quick sex I had with Brad. I had to admit that when I saw him downstairs, I knew how sorry he was because I just didn’t think that he would’ve came over if he really didn’t care at all about what he did — I believe that he would’ve just waited for me to talk to him first, and there was no way that I was gonna do that.


  I opened my eyes to Ava staring down at me; she slightly smiled. I closed my eyes again and rolled over on my side away from her.

  “Vanessa, come on, now. Please talk to me,” she pleaded.

  I opened my eyes again and sat up in my bed. I refused to say anything.

  She let out a sigh. “Vanessa, please. You know that I’ve been trying to call you and text you all day today.”

  “And if you wanted to talk to me then you should’ve came to school like what Brad did,” I said while I stared coldly at the TV. I still couldn’t get myself to look at her, and was very mad at my mom or dad because I know that they let her in here.
r />   She sighed again. “I know, Vanessa. I didn’t come to school today because I just couldn’t face you because of the shame I feel about what I did on Saturday with Brad. He called me and told me that he was over here a few hours ago and told me to try and see you since he made up with you.”

  I shook my head. “A part of me is still very upset with him, Ava, even though I’m not showing it. The two of you really hurt me with what I caught you two doing. That fuckin’ BF3P almost ruined friendships — and you know it. I knew that you always had some attraction to Brad just like almost all the girls at school, but I thought none of us were gonna take our attraction for one another beyond that night.”

  She sat down in a chair next to my bed as she lowered her head. “Vanessa, I am so, so sorry about what happened. Yes, I can’t deny my strong, sexual attraction to Brad — but we said we’re never doing what we did again, and I mean it. You just don’t know how sorry I am about what happened. I’m actually glad that you caught us because that showed me that what we were doing was wrong in every sense of the word and deserved to be caught and I’m glad that we were caught by you.”

  I nodded. “Well, I didn’t know if I ever wanted to talk to the two of you again after that night, but then that would’ve showed my immaturity because I knew that the party is what sparked all of this shit. Like I told Marie earlier when I had lunch with her off campus, sex seems to ruin everything.”

  She nodded as she stared at me. “Vanessa, I don’t want this to ruin our friendship. Brad told me that him and Marc are talking again, and I want us to start talking again, too. I can’t even tell you the way it’s been for me since Saturday; I’ve been so lonely and miserable. I don’t want our friendship to end over this because we’ve been friends for way too long.”

  I sighed . . . and then started to cry.

  She came over to me and sat on my bed with me as she held me. She began to cry as well. “I love you, Vanessa, I really do. I don’t want us to ever fight like this again because this is not us. Like I said before, Brad and I said that we’ll never have sex with each other again and we mean it.”

  I held on to her as I continued to cry. “I hope you do mean it, Ava. You two hurt me so bad when I walked in that room and caught the two of you. I don’t wanna ever see anything like that again.”

  “And you won’t,” she sobbed.

  “You know I love you, too. I just didn’t think I would ever see the two of you having sex again. I mean, that one night was the only exception — Saturday was inexcusable. I mean, after what happened to me on Saturday, it was just unreal that I would wake up in the middle of the night and find the two of you fucking each other.”

  “It won’t happen again, Vanessa. My friendship with you is too important for something like this to continue. No more secrets, no more lies, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.”

  I looked at her and smiled. “I know you do.”

  We cried as we continued to hug.

  A few minutes later after we both stopped crying, we started to talk about what I did to Lisa earlier at school.

  “Wow, Vanessa. I still can’t believe you hit her! When Marie texted me and told me about it, I had to see it to believe it, and within minutes, it was up on that video site for everyone to see! You know it has almost two million views now?”

  I grinned. “Yeah, I believe that! I mean, I was in no mood for her bullshit or John’s, and I swear, Ava, I almost lost it on John and almost told the whole class that he killed Natalie and abducted me by gunpoint from the restaurant on Saturday night, amongst other things.”

  “Yeah, you’re right about that. I probably would’ve lost it on both of them as well if I was in your place — it’s only natural. But I told you that you could knock out Lisa in one punch and you did!” she said as she laughed.

  I laughed hard! “Yeah, I did! I mean, I didn’t even think about it, I just did it! She kept on telling me to hit her so I did!”

  She laughed. “Yeah, victim participation! She asked for it and she got it! The pop of your hit on her totally echoed, Vanessa! It sounded like it hurt bad!”

  I continued to laugh. “I hope it did! She now knows that I won’t hesitate to knock the shit out of her! Everyone knows!”

  “That’s right!” she said, as she continued to laugh. She then smiled at me. “Actually, I’m glad you didn’t hit me like that on Saturday night, Vanessa.”

  I smiled as I sighed. “Well, as mad as I was, I just don’t think that I would’ve had the heart to do it. I love you, and I can’t hit anyone that I love like that. I hate Lisa — that’s why she got hit like that and hit hard at that. And John? What I feel for him goes beyond hate. If he does another thing to me like kidnapping me and pointing guns at me, and if I have one as well, I’ll probably kill him and I will claim self-defense.”

  “I know you’ll feel like doing that, Vanessa, but we need him in jail so he can face the harsh consequences of what he did to Natalie. Actually, Vanessa, when we do get him for Natalie’s murder, I would really want you to tell the cops about all of this shit that he’s done to you, as well as what Lisa tried to do to you.”

  “I would like to, but I have no proof that he did any of these things to me, just like with Lisa — that’s the only thing, otherwise, I would tell them.”

  “I think that they should still know about it, though, because that’ll make the case against him for Natalie’s murder that much stronger. As much as you don’t wanna do it, you need to tell about your relationship with him, especially when you were seeing him in secret because it was obvious that he was seeing Natalie in secret the same time that he was seeing you, until you broke it off with him to stay in the one with Brad.”

  I nodded. “That’s very true, Ava. I think I will tell them. I just want so much shit against John for what he did to Natalie, and if there is anyone that can put his ass away for good it’s me. Look at all of the shit that I’ve been through with him? He can say what he wants, but he hasn’t and will never get over the fact that I’m Brad’s girlfriend.”

  “You’re right, Vanessa, he won’t.”

  “Now I can really say for certain why I never wanted him as a boyfriend — he’s just flat-out fuckin’ crazy. He’s verbally and physically abusive, and not to mention a narcissistic psychopath. And he wonders why he never had a girlfriend throughout his high school years. Maybe a lot of girls were like me — liked him, but there was always something about him as to the reason why I never wanted to pursue anything serious with him.”

  “And he showed that when it came to you — but especially when it came to Natalie.”

  “That’s for sure.”

  “And him saying that he wants to be a neurosurgeon? Please! I wouldn’t want a narcissistic psychopath performing any brain surgery on me! He needs to perform it on himself and get his own damn brain corrected!” she laughed.

  I laughed hard! “Isn’t that the fuckin’ truth?!”

  We continued to laugh as we hugged again.

  She looked down at the shoes that Brad gave me. “Wow, those shoes are beautiful. I guess Brad really did feel bad about what we did.”

  I smiled at her. “Well, I would hope that the two of you would feel bad about it, and I know that you both did and that’s all that matters to me. Did he tell you what I did with them at first?”

  She grinned. “Marie told me. And I have to admit that I would’ve done the same thing that you did if I were you, Vanessa.”

  “Pick up those shoes and let me throw them at you now!” I said jokingly as I laughed.

  She laughed as she picked up the shoes. “I should hit myself with them, but they’re so beautiful that I wouldn’t wanna ruin them because they could cause a lot of damage to someone’s face!”

  “Exactly!” I laughed. “Oh! I almost forgot to tell you, Marie came over here while Brad was here.”

  “She did?! What did she want?”

  “She told me that she went to go see Lisa in the hospital after she got her
stitches, and just before she was about to walk into the room, she heard her and John talking about me and about him abducting me on Saturday night.”

  She gasped! “No way, Vanessa! What did they say about it?”

  “Well, Marie told me that she overheard Lisa saying that she wish that I hadn’t escaped from John because the plan was to bring me back to his house where she was obviously waiting to beat the shit out of me.”

  She shrieked! “Oh, my God! No way! Damn, that bitch is crazy!”

  “Yeah, to say the least. And let me tell you, if John succeeded at getting me back there, they would’ve had a hard time succeeding at hurting me because it would’ve been her ass that would’ve gotten the shit beaten out of, not mine!”

  “Oh, I know it would’ve!” she laughed. “But I’m glad that you foiled it, Vanessa. I guess when Natalie told you that she was gonna try and do some extreme shit in trying to get Brad back that she wasn’t kidding!”

  “Obviously not. We both know that they both want me dead for two different reasons — John wants me dead because he knows that I know that he killed Natalie as well as for me ending the secret relationship that I had with him to continue the one with Brad, and then I became Brad’s girlfriend and not his. And Lisa just wants me dead because that way she just knows that she’ll have Brad back if she succeeds at it.”

  She shook her head. “Yeah, that’s exactly why. But neither one of them are gonna kill you because if they even try one more time I’m gonna kill them! I have my best friend back and we’re gonna be best friends forever!”

  I smiled. “That’s right!”

  We were talking like what we were, best friends, and I admit that it felt so strange not talking to her since Saturday night. I was glad to have my best friend back like how she was glad to have me back, and now I considered what her and Brad did to be in the past and I had no desire in ever bringing it up again.

  A few hours later while I was getting ready for bed, my phone rang. I reached for it and pressed talk without even looking to see who it was. “Hello?”


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