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Seductive Surrender [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 4

by Paige Cameron

  He barely held on. He wanted to come inside her pussy, at least this time. But when she sucked on the end of his dick, he almost lost it. Gently, he stopped her and pulled her beside him.

  “Now it’s my turn.”

  Brittany lay on her back, and he kissed his way down her body. His lips brushed across her stomach, before he separated her lower lips and sucked on her tiny jewel. Her body bowed, and she pushed herself closer against his mouth. He sucked on her clit and licked several times.

  Then he savored the taste of her from her clit down to the opening to her pussy. His tongue flicked inside, and she yelled out his name. She tasted like honey. He wanted to continue, but his cock throbbed with the hunger to sink deep inside her pussy.

  “Please, take me now.” Her body trembled with desire.

  Ward grabbed the condom on the bedside table and sheathed his cock. Then he positioned himself at her opening and watched her face as he moved slowly inside her pussy walls.

  Her pupils dilated, and she threw her head back. Her hips rose, bringing him in further. Damn, she felt good, too good. He stopped for a second as the fiercest desire swept over him to make her his.

  “Don’t stop.” Her hands held on to his buttocks, and she moved her body up and down against his wide cock.

  He caught his breath as a raging hunger hit him, and he took over driving into her hard and fast. He struggled to breathe as the frenzy of passion led him on.

  She clenched and unclenched her inner pussy walls around his cock. Suddenly a kick of pleasure spiraled throughout his body as his orgasm overwhelmed him. He heard her yell of satisfaction as he spun out of control. He fell onto his back on the bed and gasped.

  His heart thundered in his ears. He was dazed by his reaction to her. What the hell happened? This is twice I’ve lost control around her. I don’t like being out of control.

  * * * *

  Britt gulped in air and lay, enjoying the pleasure rippling through her body. When she’d caught her breath and her heart had stopped pounding, she realized Ward lay silently beside her. She rolled to face him. He looked at her with his usual noncommittal face.

  “Are you okay?” Britt asked.

  “I’m fine. How about you?”

  She started to say wonderful, but held back. “Good, I’m good. I guess I’d better get dressed. You can take me home.”

  Ward looked at his clock. “It’s one. We’d better leave.” He got out of bed in one smooth motion and went to the bathroom.

  What did I expect? Undying love? He’s pulled back into his shell, and I’m not sure whether to be pleased or disappointed. Either I was too good, or not good enough.

  After quickly dressing she went out to the living room and waited for him. Ward soon followed her. He’d dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. He opened the front door, and the elevator whooshed them to the parking garage.

  Neither said much on the ride back. Ward did see her to her door. “I’ll call with the final instructions in the morning.” He kissed her lightly on the lips. “Try to get some sleep.”

  She closed the door behind her. Yeah, right. Between the job tomorrow and his reaction to our lovemaking, I’m sure to sleep very soundly. I don’t intend to let him get that close again. He doesn’t know what he wants, but I know I don’t want someone who makes me feel sad after making fabulous love to me.

  Going into her kitchen, she put the kettle on to boil water for tea. Then she went to her room to change into her nightgown. She’d sip her tea and watch old movies until she fell asleep. On impulse, she glanced out the corner of her curtain. He stood under the light. Whoever he was, he wanted to be seen.

  The old movies and warm tea did the trick. Her phone woke her where she’d fallen asleep on the couch.


  “Ms. Hook, there’s a courier here for you. He has a package.”

  “Send him up.” She put down her phone and ran to put on a thick robe. When he knocked, she glanced out the peep hole. A tall, dark-haired man stood holding a small package and a bouquet of flowers. She opened the door with the chain on.

  He smiled. “I could break that little chain in a second. Don’t count on it.” He handed her the small package and the flowers. “Chad thought the flowers might make it more convincing that the money came from Ward.”

  Her face flushed. “Thank you.” As she closed the door, she heard a chuckle. Damn men, they think they know it all.

  She placed the flowers in a vase and studied the package. No sense in opening it. There’d be the right amount. She fixed herself a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee while she waited for Ralph’s and Ward’s phone calls.

  When her phone rang, she jumped. “Hello.”

  “Meet me at one this afternoon.” Ralph gave her an address of a deli across town. “It’s near where I live. There’s usually a crowd on Saturday morning. No one will notice us.”

  “Why don’t you ask if I have the money?”

  “You aren’t a fool.” He hung up.

  Almost immediately Ward called. “You knew Ralph had contacted me.”

  “They were able to get a warrant to monitor his cell. Take a cab to the deli. We’ll be behind in a light-green Cadillac. He lives in a district where Cadillacs are not an unusual sight.”

  “I’m depending on all of you to keep me safe.”

  “We will. It’ll be over soon for you, and then I’ll fly you to my home.”

  “Is that really necessary?”

  “You know it is. Don’t worry, I’m coming back to New York right after I drop you off. I want to see this plan go down.”

  She didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing. She clicked her cell phone off and went in her bedroom to decide what to wear. It was obviously a well-to-do section of town. She pulled out her black slacks, black silk shirt, a green blazer, and flat black shoes just in case she needed to run. She wished she hadn’t eaten. Her stomach was churning.

  In the bathroom, she put on her makeup, adding a bit more color than usual because of her paleness. She left her hair down and placed a gold chain around her neck. She licked her lips. She was ready as she’d ever be.

  The hands on the clock moved slower than usual. She fingered her necklace and paced the floor. Her mouth got dry, and she went in the kitchen and drank some cold water. Then she had to return to the bathroom.

  Britt studied her face in the mirror. Get a grip. I agreed to this. I can do this. I’m not a coward, and I’ll be protected. She took another deep breath and squared her shoulders. She’d check the clock again. It had to be eleven fifteen, the time they suggested she leave.

  It was. Thank goodness. Grabbing the package, she headed out the door and downstairs. The doorman hailed a cab for her. She sat back and tried to relax. Now that she was actually on her way, her nerves settled. Once she glanced around and saw the Cadillac two cars back of her taxi.

  When the taxi swerved to the curb, her heart jumped. She took a breath and calmed herself. She handed the cabbie his money and got out in front of the deli. At first, she didn’t see Ralph. She walked inside, and he waved from where he was sitting at a left corner table. Britt nodded, and then she walked slowly across the room.

  He glanced at his watch. “You’re right on time.”

  She pushed the package across to him. “This is it.”

  “Who’d you get the money from?”

  “It’s none of your business. I got it. I’ve paid you, and this is all over.”

  “For now.”

  “What!” she shouted.

  “Hush. Everyone’s looking.”

  “It’s your fault. I am not going to continue to be blackmailed. I have no one else to ask for money.”

  “Too bad. Guess I’ll have to tell the boss your name.”

  His eyes sparkled with dislike. He leaned across the table toward her. “No one rejects me and makes a fool of me,” he snarled.

  “You did a good job of that yourself.”

  “You must not want to live long. I
can still tell the big boss what you heard and who you are. In fact, I’d enjoy doing just that.”

  “You don’t know if I heard anything, or if I did whether it would be damaging or not.”

  “He’d consider it necessary to take you out either way.”

  “Whatever. You have the money. Don’t call or speak to me again. I mean it.” She started to walk away, and then thought of the man who’d been standing outside her apartment building. “By the way, you didn’t have to put a guard on my apartment. Did you think I’d run off?”

  His face paled. “What guard?”

  She shrugged. “Good luck with the boss.” Then she strolled out toward the door on weak legs, with her heart pounding in her ears. Ralph didn’t know about the man. Then who sent him and would he go away now that they had their money?

  A taxi drew up to the curb. She jumped in after the couple inside got out. Britt gave the driver her address and leaned back. A shiver ran across her body. It must be a reaction to the tenseness she’d felt since starting out. It was over. She hoped.

  Britt glanced back and relaxed when she saw the familiar green Cadillac, three cars back. When the driver stopped to let her off, she paid him and rushed inside her building. She’d just got inside her apartment, and her phone started ringing.

  “You’re next,” a gravelly voice said.

  “Who are you?”

  He clicked off, and all she heard was the dial tone. She rushed into her bedroom and peeked around the curtain. The man was gone, at least for now.

  The doorman buzzed her. “It’s your friend Ward Jarvis, wanting to come up.”

  “That’s fine.”

  Britt waited at the door. She wondered whether whoever had been watching her knew she’d been working with the FBI.

  Ward knocked. After checking the peephole, she let him in.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  “I’ve got to call my boss and let her know I’ll be gone. She isn’t going to be happy. I just got back.”

  “It’s necessary.”

  Her boss was annoyed to say the least. “This is unacceptable. You had a month off visiting your sister. If you go this time it’ll be considered a leave of absence. I can’t promise your position will still be open when you come back.”

  “I’m sorry, but I have to go whether my job is still available when I get back or not. Good-bye.” She shrugged and looked across at Ward. “It seems I may be burning my bridges behind me.”

  “Your life is more important than your job.”

  “I know. I’ll get my suitcases.”

  “More than one?”

  “Of course. What woman could travel somewhere for an indefinite time without plenty of clothes and other incidentals?”

  “What is the matter with my brain that I’d make such a statement?” He grinned at her.

  “It’s a male brain.” She went in the bedroom to get her cases. This time the man was back. “Ward,” she called out.

  “What is it?” He quickly came to her side.

  “Look out there.”

  “Is this the first time you’ve seen him?”

  “No, and I had a strange phone call just before you arrived. The person said, ‘You’re next,’ and then hung up.”

  “That’s not good. We need to lose the guy watching your window and get you safely out of town.

  “It’s a good thing I have my Ferrari. I’ll take you to my place until dark. Then Chad can arrange to have a male and female agent drive my car and get the guys who will be waiting to follow us, to follow them. After they leave, we’ll take a taxi to the airport where I have my private jet ready for takeoff.”

  “You fly yourself back and forth?”

  “I love flying. I can come and go as I please.” He punched in numbers on his cell phone and talked with Chad about his plan. Then he disconnected the call. “He likes my idea. He’ll drive my sports car and have a woman agent with him. I’ll let Jared know what’s happening. Then we can relax until dark.”

  “The time is going to drag.”

  “I might be able to think of something to occupy us.”

  The sizzling look he gave her had Britt’s body hot and her heart beating fast. She’d be lying to say she didn’t want him to make love to her again. But she wasn’t going to be as open this time. She’d keep a guard around her heart.

  When he strolled back into her bedroom, she saw the flash of lust in his sky-blue eyes. “Jared’s looking forward to seeing you. He’ll pick us up at the airport.”

  Ward walked into her space. She started to step back, but he reached out and pulled her into his arms. His heat was like a furnace. Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  His muscled chest pressed into her breasts, and his big cock pulsed against her abdomen. When he lowered his head to kiss her, she went up on her tiptoes and met him halfway. He brushed his lips across her mouth, and then his teeth raked along her bottom lip.

  She opened her mouth, and his tongue darted inside. He tasted of cinnamon and coffee. He devoured her mouth and held her lower half hard against his cock. Her head spun as her heart raced, and she breathed in his scent of musk and sandalwood, plus his own personal essence.

  He leaned back and faced her. “I want you.”

  She pulled his head down and kissed him. “Then take me.”

  Ward quickly removed her clothes and his. Britt loved seeing his broad, tanned chest, narrow hips, and his cock standing straight up and outward. His long legs were tanned, too. He had a beautiful physique. He picked her up and placed her on her bed.

  “I felt you looking at me,” he said and stared down at her body.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  “Women are beautiful. Men are handsome.”

  “No, you are more than handsome.” Her hand glided across his shoulders and down his chest. “Warm skin pulled taut across muscles”—one finger trailed across his flat stomach—“and a large, hard cock.” Her finger moved across the crown and down around the sides of his dick.

  She watched his expression closely. He gave little away. When her fingers touched his cock, she saw a flash of desire in his eyes, but he quickly covered any further emotion. Britt was determined this time to bring him to his knees, so to speak. She scooted down so that her mouth was level with his cock and wrapped her hand around his girth.

  Then she licked his cock and took him into her mouth as deeply as she could. He groaned softly. She moved her head back and forth. His fingers held on to her hair as she slowed and then speeded up. She sucked on his cock, and his grip on her tightened. She went down again and ran her tongue along the underneath part of his dick.

  “Damn, stop.”

  She looked up at him. “What’s wrong?”

  “I want to be in your sweet, hot pussy, now.” He rolled a condom on his large cock and pulled her under him, and then spread her legs wide before plunging in to the hilt. He pulled her legs up on his shoulders and thrust back and forth. His face was still an unreadable mask.

  His hands cupped her breasts, and his fingers pinched her nipples. His movements were harsh. Yet he didn’t hurt her. In fact, she’d never been so bombarded with feelings. Her pussy delighted in being stretched by his big cock. Her inner walls were drenched with moisture. She clenched him tight when he thrust inside her.

  There was a darkness about him, but she wasn’t frightened. Her heart thrilled at his demands. She raked her nails across his chest and stared into his darkened eyes.

  Finally he plunged in one more time, as deep as he could go. He held hard against her womb, as his cock shuddered with release. The feeling made her pussy start rippling around his cock. She closed her eyes as her release swept her up and away.

  As before, he rolled off of her and covered his eyes with his arm. His chest heaved as he tried to get his breath.

  Her orgasm had not been as intense this time. She’d managed to hold herself back by observing him more closely. She was glad she had. He was no more open this ti
me than he’d been before.

  He got up and went into her bathroom. A man of few words. How was she ever going to get to know the real person?

  When he came out, she grabbed her clothes and went in to shower and dress. He had dressed and was looking out the window when she returned.

  “Is he still out there?”

  “Yes. I think we can leave in about an hour. Make sure you have everything you want. It might be a month or more before you get back,” he said, managing to avoid eye contact.

  “I have all I’ll need.” She glanced at her two suitcases and her overnight bag.

  “I’m going out to the living room to make some calls.” He bumped his leg against the end of her bed in his hurry to leave the room.

  She sat on the side of her bed and rubbed the back of her neck. Britt didn’t know what to make of his actions. How could she break through his guard? And did she want to? Thank goodness he wouldn’t be around the ranch that much. He hadn’t acted this way when she first met him.

  I know when it started. It was after we made love the first time. The feelings he aroused in me blew me away. Did he feel the same, and was he scared by the intensity? No, I’m not lucky with men. He probably realized how I felt, and he’s afraid I’ll want this to become a serious relationship.

  Ward certainly knows how to keep things cool. I need to learn from him how to hide my emotions so well.

  Her door opened, and Ward stuck his head in. “Chad said for us to go on to my place.”


  He took her suitcases and waited for her to leave the bedroom ahead of him. Downstairs, the doorman held the door while Ward carried the bags through and went to where he’d parked his car just beyond the front door. Britt thanked the doorman and followed Ward.

  “I’m surprised you can get all of those cases in your small trunk.”

  “It’ll hold smaller suitcases like these.” He slammed the truck closed and glanced across the street before opening her door. “We may be followed. There’s a black van parked across and down the street. Two men are sitting in the front and looking this way.”

  He hurried to the driver’s side and took off. “I’ll drive fast. But if it’s the men after you, then I’m almost certain they already know where I live.”


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