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Seductive Surrender [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 11

by Paige Cameron

  “The whole divorce got ugly before it was over. To add to my misery, I often ran into him or her going in the building where I worked or eating at the same nearby restaurant at lunch. The first few times I think it was planned.

  “He said I was barren. We’d been trying for the last two years to have a child. But he and his new wife haven’t had any children either.”

  “If I ever meet him, I’m going to smash his teeth in.” Jared’s harsh tone surprised Britt and made her smile.

  “I wanted to do that myself a few times or at least slap his lady friend. But I was a good girl, and I didn’t. What really hurt was disappointing my mother. My divorce was the first in the family for about a hundred years. We marry for life. She understood once she knew the whole story, but I did mess up the family tree. I’m sure she thinks I should have chosen better. I’d known him since I was a teenager. If I couldn’t pick the right person after that length of time, then how can I decide on you two when we barely know each other?”

  “You and Ward have a problem with trust. I can’t solve it for either one of you. For myself, I know I’ve never had these intense feeling for anyone but you.”

  Ward cleared his throat. “Tonight, I tried to express how much I liked being with you. It’s difficult for me to say the words. One day soon, I’ll try to explain why.” He stood. “I’m going to bed and will let you two enjoy the evening.”

  Britt saw the slight slump in his shoulders. She got off of Jared’s lap and went to the door. She touched his arm as he went out. Ward turned and stared at her with his summer-blue eyes. She thought she saw a flash of hope in them.

  “I thought at the restaurant you two planned on being with me together tonight.”

  “We did. But I understand you’re upset with me and…”

  She put her hand on his mouth. “I want you and Jared like you’d planned.”

  Ward kissed her fingers. “You mean it? You don’t just feel sorry for me?”

  She laughed. “Feel sorry for a hardheaded man like you? Hardly.”

  Jared whooped, rushed across the room, and picked her up in his arms. “We’ll go to my room. I have a large bed.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Brittany’s heart raced, and she trembled in Jared’s arms as he took quick, long strides to his bedroom.

  “Are you scared, darlin’? Don’t be. We’d never hurt you.”

  “I’m excited and a little scared. It’s the unknown that’s scary.”

  Jared turned into his bedroom. “We’re just going to make love to you in that lovely bed.”

  She looked around and saw a king-size bed that seemed higher and larger than average. Jared let her body slide down his. When her feet touched the floor, Ward moved behind her, brushed her long hair to the side, and kissed her neck.

  Ward unzipped her dress. Jared removed her lacey bra and threw it on the nearest chair. Ward had let her dress drop to the floor while he eased her panties down. She stepped out of them, and Ward neatly placed them and her dress on the chair.

  “Look at me, darlin’.” Jared cupped her face and kissed each spot as he worked his way to her mouth. He ran his tongue along her lips. When they opened, his teeth nibbled on her full, lower lip. Then he raked his tongue inside, and licked and tasted her.

  Ward had apparently undressed. His warm, naked body moved against her back and butt. He massaged her shoulders before working his way down her back. “You do have one sweet ass.”

  He kneaded her buttocks, causing a gush of her juices to coat her lower lips. Ward knelt and continued to work on her legs and one foot at a time.

  Britt had trouble keeping track of what was happening. They were bombarding her body with wonderful sensations of heat and electrifying desire.

  Jared had moved to her breasts. His teeth grazed across her nipples while his hands caressed her full globes.

  A smoldering heat filled her body and a decadent hunger grew as Jared and Ward had her sandwiched between them. All her inhibitions loosened with each touch of their mouths or hands.

  Britt tried to reach Jared’s hard cock. Her fingers brushed across the crown, but she couldn’t take hold as she’d have liked. So she ran her hands across his wide chest and down his six-pack.

  “I want to play with you two.”

  “Next time, darlin’. This time is for you.”

  Ward started moving upward from her feet. He kissed the back of her legs and across her buttocks. As he straightened, he put his hips against her backside. His hard shaft pulsed against her butt. His hands rubbed her back on either side.

  “Look at me, darlin’,” Jared said. “I’m going to kiss your lovely face and rub your clit.” Jared bent down and kissed her thoroughly. His finger separated her folds and brushed across her tiny nub. Her body screamed for release. Her pussy was pulsating and hungry.

  Ward nibbled along her shoulders and bit the edge of her earlobe. Her body shivered with delight. Jared sucked on her peaked nipples and kept rubbing her clit.

  “Spread your legs further apart.” She did, and Ward slid his finger between her lower lips from the back and touched the opening to her pussy. A hot flash of ravishing desire heated her body.

  “I want you on the bed with your ass in the air, honey. Help her, Jared.”

  Jared placed her on the bed, and Britt knelt on her knees and arms. He lay beside her where he could massage her nearest breast and tease her nipple.

  Ward sheathed his cock and got on the bed behind her. Jared moved away. Holding on to her waist, Ward guided his cock to her pussy opening and surged forward. Her whole body trembled with pleasure.

  “Am I hurting you? You’re so tight.”

  “No. I want you inside me. My pussy was aching for your attention.”

  He pulled out and thrust in again hard. He cupped her breast with one hand and rubbed her clit with the other. She screamed his name as he pumped faster and harder.

  She’d never felt this full or this much exotic pleasure. Between the two of them they had played her body like a fine violin, and at any moment her strings were going to tear apart in a huge orgasm. She felt the pressure building in her core.

  His cock put pressure against her G-spot. She pushed her hips hard back at him. When Ward pinched her nipple and clit, the pleasurable pressure spread throughout her body. A powerful orgasm shook her from her toes straight up her spine.

  She heard Ward’s shout as he ejaculated. Her pussy rippled around his pulsing cock as he held himself tight against her womb. He put his forehead against her back. “You scare me. I feel deeply when we make love, open and vulnerable.”

  Wet with perspiration, she gasped for her breath. Her heart pounded against her chest wall. A warm glow filled her on hearing his words.

  “It felt decadently wicked, and very good to be surrounded by the two of you.” She reached for Jared’s hand. “You didn’t get your satisfaction yet.”

  “Rest. We won’t rush things. In the morning I’ll have my turn.”

  “We’ll go riding tomorrow, take a picnic lunch, and we’ll have a serious talk,” Ward said.

  “Will you explain why you have a hard time trusting me, but expect me to trust you?”

  “I promise to try. Trust and being vulnerable are difficult for me.” Changing the subject, Ward looked across at Jared. “You can go to work for a change tomorrow,” he said, teasing his brother. He rolled her toward Jared and cuddled against her backside. “Go to sleep. You must be tired and sore.”

  “A little, but it’s a good tired.”

  * * * *

  Ward got out of bed once she was asleep. He motioned to Jared that he was going to his room. Jared shook his head no, and spoke in a low voice. “She’s going to expect you here in the morning. She’ll be confused if you rush off.”

  “I’ve never slept with the women I’ve been intimate with. I take them home later. And with two people in the bed, I’ll never go to sleep.”

  “All right.” Jared got up and walked to his bath
room. He stopped at the door. “Having her warm, soft body against mine won’t bother me a bit.” He closed the door, and Ward heard the shower go on.

  Ward walked to the side of the bed and studied Brittany’s face. In repose, she looked relaxed and vulnerable. He wanted to crawl in the bed and hold her tight. Maybe after tomorrow, when they’d talked, he’d be able to let down his defenses. Tonight, he had to find his courage to deal with the morning.

  He slipped out the door and went to his room. This was his private sanctuary. Another king-size bed dominated the space, but his room was bigger, more like a suite. One end had bowed windows with chairs facing out where a person could sit and read or stare out at the mountains. Some of his favorite books from childhood were still on his bookcase. Pictures he’d taken at home while growing up and on trips around the country when they went on vacation were on the top of the bookcase.

  He held the picture of his adopted mother and father. He’d loved them both. They’d taken him out of a horrible environment and saved him. He’d had a happy childhood.

  Dad had tried to teach him how to run the ranch with Jared, but he didn’t have the love for the job like his brother. Once his dad accepted he would never be a true cowboy, he helped him find his strength, which turned out to be numbers. After college Ward managed their money, all the financial aspects of the business. Jared ran the ranch. It had been a perfect fit.

  But the nightmares of his abusive childhood until he was adopted still haunted him at times. Ward pulled the drapes back.

  Numerous stars sparkled in the sky. He missed the stars when he was in New York and other places well-lit with artificial light. If he ever resolved his restlessness, he’d be happy to stay here at the ranch and only occasionally go to the city for business.

  Ward sat in his chair and picked up the latest thriller off his side table. He couldn’t sleep, so he might as well read.

  But he did fall asleep, and he woke in the early hours of the morning, wet with sweat. The dreams had come back, and in them he was always the frightened, hurting little boy.

  * * * *

  When Britt awoke, Jared had his arm around her waist and slept with his body curved against hers. She tried to ease off the bed.

  “Wherever you’re going, hurry back.” Jared’s husky voice curled her toes.

  “I will.” She hurried across the room and into the bathroom. Her hair was a mess. She borrowed his comb and straightened it as much as she could without her brush. Then she found a new toothbrush and cleaned her teeth. After finishing, she walked back to the side of the bed.

  “Give me a moment.” Jared walked by her, stopping for a second to kiss her mouth.

  She explored the room. Peeking between the curtains gave her a view of dew on the grass and wide plains leading to the mountains. The sun was bright. The dew would soon be gone. A few fluffy clouds coasted along the sky. They’d have a nice day for their picnic.

  Strong arms pulled her close to a warm body. “How do you like the sight outside the window?” Jared kissed the side of her neck, and she shivered.

  “I find it very peaceful and am beginning to like the area more each day. But I keep expecting to miss New York.”

  He nuzzled her neck and one hand cupped her lush breast. “It’s getting to you. Before you know it, you’ll feel more at home here than anywhere else.”

  Britt turned in his arms to face him. “You are an eternal optimist.”

  “My mom made the same remark about me. I guess I am positive in my daily life. Why not look on the bright side? If bad happens, you deal with it at that time. No need to ruin your good days worrying. And I’m hoping good things will happen this morning.”

  “Such as what?” she said, poking fun at him.

  “It already started. I woke up with a warm, soft, beautiful woman lying against me. But I’d like more of her body rubbing on mine.” Jared kissed her deeply. His fingers ran through the strands of her hair and his cock pulsed against her abdomen.

  Britt ran her hands across his firm shoulders and down the planes of his six-pack. His tongue tangled with hers. He tasted of peppermint. Her body curved as close as she could get to him, and she moaned with pleasure.

  “Wait a second.” He stepped aside and quickly rolled a condom onto his cock. He came back to her and kissed her mouth, then he whispered in her ear, “I’m going to put your legs around my waist. Hold on to my neck.”

  “But we’re by the window. One of your cowboys might see us.”

  “No one’s around for miles. Be daring, darlin’.” He took hold of her legs and raised them. His whiskey-brown eyes stared into hers. “The windows are double-paned, so they’re strong.”

  Then he pushed her back against the cold glass.

  “My front is warm from you, and my back is cool.”

  “Are you uncomfortable?”

  “Not really.” She took a deep breath and breathed in his musky scent. “I’m aware of the differences in the warmth, and coolness, and the scent of you. All my senses are heightened.”

  “Good.” He bent his head and took her pebbled nipple into his mouth and sucked. His hand caressed her breast.

  Britt let her mind relax and become aware of his hard cock rubbing against her lower lips. Moving her lower body against his cock made her pussy clench with desire. In response, he grazed her nipple with the edge of his teeth.

  She ran her fingers through his silky hair and nibbled on his muscled shoulders. His fingers continued to pull on her nipple as he moved to her neck and kissed the spot where her neck and shoulder connected.

  When he glanced at her, his eyes smoldered with desire. Her breath caught in her throat. They stared at each other. A spot deep inside her went soft as though he’d touched her center, and they’d made a connection.

  Jared reached between them and placed his cock at her pussy opening. Slowly, while they still looked into each other’s eyes, he pushed his dick into her slick pussy. Gradually, he began to move slowly in and out. Her pussy walls reacted by tightening each time he came deeply inside her.

  “Ah baby, we were made for each other.” His rhythm picked up. He sucked on her nipple while he thrust in faster and as deep as possible.

  Britt met his every stroke. Her body temperature went to high and passion rushed through her veins.

  His hands held her butt tighter as he pounded into her body. He bit her shoulder lightly as his impassioned loving took them higher and higher.

  “Give me all of you,” he demanded in a guttural voice.

  She spread her legs wider and brushed her breast back and forth across the soft hair on his chest. Her mind was crazed with wanting to feel more and more. A ravenous appetite for this man consumed her. Suddenly, a feeling of ecstatic gratification started at her core and spread out, taking her out of herself and soaring upward. She shook with the most intense orgasm. Her pussy rippled and pulsed with satisfaction.

  Jared plunged in a few more times and yelled out as he found his release. He held her close, and his heart pounded against her chest wall. His breath came hard and fast. Gradually, her pussy relaxed, and she floated down on a delightful cloud of soothing joy.

  Jared carried her to the bed and climbed in beside her.

  Their skin glistened with perspiration. Britt took deep, slow breaths. She ran her fingers along the side of Jared’s face. “I’ve never felt that way before.” She grinned. “I even forgot about the window behind me.”

  He studied her hard. “What’s wrong?” Britt asked.

  “Nothing. I was wondering how I got so lucky to find my soul mate. We connected. You know it, whether you are ready to admit it or not, but I won’t push you. Eventually, we will be together.”

  Britt ran her finger across his lips. “I know we connected, but the world doesn’t always let us have what we want.”

  “Being cynical is not you. If you need to go back to New York after this is over and face your ex-husband, I won’t like it, but I’ll understand. See how you feel. I beli
eve you’re carrying empty baggage you can let go of.”

  “How did you get so wise?”

  He laughed. “Those are my thoughts. I might be wrong.”

  “No. It’s a good idea. A step I’ve known I needed to take for a long time. But you are forgetting one other obstacle. I may be barren.”

  “I don’t believe it.”

  “There you go being positive again.”

  “Whatever happens, remember I love you. This is your home when you’re ready.”

  Tears came into her eyes. He brushed them off her cheeks, and then he kissed her. “Don’t be sad. There is an exciting time ahead for all three of us.”

  A knock sounded at the door and Ward stuck his head in. “Get up. It’s a beautiful day for our picnic.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. I’ll shower and dress in my room.”

  “Have a good time. I’m going to get ready and go check on my cowboys.” Jared gave her a quick kiss, tapped her bottom, and got out of bed. “Hurry, he’s nervous about talking with you.”

  “I know. It won’t take me long.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Britt put on brown jeans and a gold top. She was glad she’d decided to leave a few of her clothes here instead of taking them all to her sister’s house. She had a comb and lipstick in the small purse she’d carried last night. The rest of her face would have to be au naturel. The comb pulled on the tangles in her hair, but she finally had it looking soft and wavy.

  Ward was pacing the floor when she got to the kitchen. “Are you hungry, or can you wait until we get to the picnic site?”

  “I’ll wait.”

  “Jared has our horses saddled and ready.” Ward led the way to the barn. She had to almost run to keep up with him. Jared gave her a boost up on her mare and waved good-bye to them.

  Full saddlebags lay on either side behind Ward’s saddle. He kept the horses at a fast trot across the prairie.


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