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Making of the Atomic Bomb

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by Richard Rhodes

  Oliphant and, 318–19, 324–25, 329–30

  Oppenheimer and, 614

  Peierls and, 321–25, 329–30, 339, 355, 612

  thorium experiments of, 283

  Trinity and, 655

  uranium research of, 258–65, 269–71, 273, 319–20, 322–23, 610–12

  Fromm, Friedrich, 403–4

  Fuchida, Mitsuo, 391–92

  Fuchs, Klaus, 522, 568

  Fukuda, Yukiro, 393

  Fukushima family, 712

  Fulton, Robert, 313

  Fussell, Paul, 736

  Galen, 29

  Galicia, gas attacks in, 93

  Gallipoli, Allied campaign at, 89, 95–97

  Galvani, Luigi, 229

  gamma radiation, 42, 159–62, 574

  Gamow, George:

  Bohr and, 198, 269–70

  emigration of, 198–99

  nuclear model of, 228n

  Teller and, 225, 269

  thermonuclear reactions and, 370

  tunnel-effect equations of, 149–50

  Gamow, Rho, 198–99

  gaseous-diffusion plants, 368–69, 380–81, 405–6, 485, 487, 489, 492–95, 500, 550, 552–54, 601–2

  gas warfare, 90–95, 100–101, 358

  Gatling, Richard Jordan, 101–2

  Geiger, Hans, 67, 233, 296, 402

  alpha scattering studied by, 48–49, 51n

  Bethe and, 188, 189

  Chadwick and, 156

  Rutherford and, 46–49, 158

  Geiger counter, 158, 201, 210

  Genereaux, Raymond, 604

  Geneva Convention, 594

  Gentner, Wolfgang, 201, 344

  George VI, King of England, 338

  George Washington University, 269

  German Workers Party, 174–75

  Germany, Imperial, 16, 93

  Germany, Nazi, 26

  anti-Semitism in, 26, 185, 188, 192, 249, 445, 475, 630

  atomic bomb development in, 325, 385, 403–5, 406, 411–13, 417, 431–32, 446–47, 511–14, 517, 524, 605–10, 613

  atomic secrecy and, 279–82, 290, 293–95, 345, 350

  atrocities committed by, 475

  British bombing targets in, 469–75, 592–93

  concentration camps of, 249, 475, 630

  Denmark occupied by, 481–84

  Groves’s intelligence gathering in, 605–6, 607–8, 612–13

  nuclear chain-reaction research in, 371, 383–86, 609–10

  nuclear fission research in, 296, 301, 303, 311–12, 326–27, 329–31, 341, 343–46, 350, 402

  Poland invaded by, 309–10

  radioactive warfare and, 510–11, 512–13

  Scandinavia invaded by, 328–29

  Soviet counterattack and, 401–2, 469

  Soviet Union invaded by, 367, 501

  Stalingrad and, 482

  Sudetenland seized by, 244–46

  surrender of, 629–30

  tactical bombing by, 341

  uranium oxide liberated from, 607–9, 612–13

  Vemork heavy-water installation and, 455–57

  Germany, Weimer Republic of, 17, 22

  anti-Semitism in, 17–18, 116, 168–70, 174, 182, 183–85, 188

  economy of, 18, 22, 174

  Gershwin, George, 566

  Giant bomber, 100

  Gide, André, 667

  Girard, Henri, 521

  Glenn L. Martin plant, 582

  Goebbels, Joseph, 18, 184

  Goethe, Johann von, 55, 166

  Goldhaber, Maurice, 244, 246

  Goldschmidt, Bertrand, 579, 605

  Golovin, Igor, 501

  Gomorrah, Operation, 472

  Göring, Hermann, 25, 402–3

  Gotha bomber, 98–99

  Göttingen, 126–27

  Goudsmit, Samuel, 524, 606–7, 609

  Grant, Ulysses, S., 521

  Great Britain:

  atrocities committed by, 475, 592–93

  German cities targeted by, 469–75, 592–93

  nuclear research in, 329–30, 334, 339–41, 350–51, 359–63, 367–69, 371–72, 375, 377–78, 382, 485

  strategic bombing campaign of, 469–76

  U.S. atomic collaboration with, 357–59, 500, 523–24, 526–27, 537, 543–44, 546, 655

  Vemork sabotage operations and, 455–57, 468, 515

  Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, 392

  Greenwalt, Crawford:

  at CP-1, 439, 442

  Hanford piles and, 498, 546, 556–58

  Greisen, Kenneth, 668

  Grew, Joseph C., 518–20

  Grosse, Aristide von, 220, 332–33

  Grosz, George, 17

  group theory, 187

  Groves, Leslie R.:

  administration of atomic bomb project and, 424–25, 427–28, 431, 447–49, 453, 476–77, 522–23, 743, 745

  on B-29s, 585–86

  background of, 425–26

  blockbuster program and, 589–90, 591

  Bohr and, 523

  Bush and, 426–27, 477

  Clinton and, 487, 490, 602

  Compton and, 503

  Conant and, 601, 669

  Condon’s conflict with, 468

  directive for atomic bomb release drafted by, 691–92

  electromagnetic isotope separation and, 489–92, 495, 602

  Farrell and, 699

  gaseous diffusion and, 492–96, 602

  German intelligence gathering and, 605–6, 607–8, 612–13

  Hanford piles and, 559–60

  Hiroshima atomic bombing and, 734–35

  implosion experiments and, 542, 576

  Interim Committee and, 630, 633–34, 641–42, 646

  Kirkpatrick and, 679–80

  Kistiakowsky and, 542

  Lawrence and, 448, 491

  liquid thermal diffusion and, 552–53

  Los Alamos and, 449, 450–51, 453–54, 459–60, 465, 564, 567, 570

  George Marshall and, 560, 576, 605, 612–13, 640, 686–87, 743

  NRL research and, 551

  Oak Ridge and, 427–28, 486, 601

  Oppenheimer and, 447–50, 454, 546, 548, 552–53, 571–72, 612, 655, 664, 676, 734–35

  Parsons and, 477, 590, 591, 655

  pile studies and, 431–32, 434

  plutonium production and, 496–97

  political implications of atomic bomb and, 633, 638

  radioactive warfare and, 511, 512

  Stimson and, 640–41

  Szilard’s disagreements with, 502–3, 506, 508, 649

  Target Committee and, 626–28

  Trinity and, 571–72, 654, 656, 658, 661, 663–64, 666, 668–69, 675–76, 686–87, 688

  Truman and, 624, 625–26

  uranium supplies and, 427, 500, 638, 649

  Urey and, 495–96

  Vemork sabotage operations and, 455

  Guadalcanal, 518–20

  Guadalcanal Diary (Tregaskis), 519–20

  Guam, 554, 591, 593–94, 597

  Guggenheim, Daniel, 185

  Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory, 185

  Guillain, Robert, 588, 590–91, 598–99

  Gunn, Ross, 295, 303, 551

  Gustaf V. King of Sweden, 483–84

  Haakon VII, King of Norway, 328

  Haber, Clara Immerwahr, 95

  Haber, Fritz, 16, 81, 109, 112, 173

  gas-warfare work of, 92–93, 95

  Hachiya, Michihiko, 713, 714, 716–17, 724–32, 747

  Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich, 55

  hafnium, 236

  Hafstad, Lawrence R., 271–72, 334

  Hagiwara, Tokutaro, 375, 459

  Hague Declaration of 1899 Concerning Asphyxiating Gases, 91–93

  Hahn, Edith, 250

  Hahn, Otto, 78, 263, 312, 352, 402, 603

  actinium-lanthanum experiment of, 253–55, 260

  Bohr and, 248

  Fischer’s collaboration with, 79

  gas-warfare work of, 92–93

atomic bombing and, 735

  Meitner and, 23, 45, 79–81, 187, 191, 220–21, 232, 234, 236, 250–51, 253–54, 256, 257, 260–62, 612

  Pash and, 609–10

  radioactivity studied by, 45, 80–81, 85

  Rosbaud and, 253, 256, 261

  Strassmann’s collaboration with, 234, 247–48, 251–55, 257–58, 262

  Szilard and, 45

  uranium research of, 232, 234–35, 247–48, 250–55, 257–58, 260–62, 266

  Haigerloch, 609–10

  Halban, Hans von, 290, 296, 344–45, 359

  Halifax, Edward F. L. Wood, Lord, 526, 528, 538, 620

  half-life, 43

  Halsey, William F., 517–18

  Hamburg, bombing of, 471–75

  Hamburg, University of, 147, 190

  Hamilton, Sir Ian, 96

  Hanford Engineer Works:

  chemical separation buildings at, 603–4

  construction of, 498–500, 557

  plutonium production piles of, 497–500, 548, 557–60, 603–4

  Hankow, bombing of, 589

  Hansell, Haywood S., Jr., 587–89, 591

  Hansen, Hans, 73–74

  Harnack, Adolf von, 78–79

  Harper’s, 445, 520–21, 693, 696

  Harriman, Averell, 621–22, 625–26

  Harris, Sir Arthur, 469–72

  Harrison, George L.:

  Interim Committee and, 628–30

  Little Boy’s readiness and, 689, 691

  Stimson and, 685–87, 688–89

  Trinity and, 685–87, 688

  Harrison, Stewart, 446

  Harteck, Paul, 296, 343, 402

  isotope separation and, 311–12, 326, 329, 345–46

  Harvard University, 121–23

  Harvey, William, 97

  Hashimoto, Mochitsura, 694, 696

  Haukelid, Knut, 455–57, 513–17

  Heisenberg, Elisabeth, 383–86

  Heisenberg, Werner, 126, 132, 206, 208, 263, 402–5

  appearance of, 115

  Bohr and, 115–16, 129–31, 383–86, 513, 523–24

  heavy-water reactors and, 513, 523–24, 609–10

  neutron multiplication measurement by, 343–44

  nuclear chain-reaction experiments of, 371, 383

  nuclear fission and, 311, 326

  Pash and, 607, 609–10

  Peierls and, 386

  quantum theory studied by, 116–17

  Schrödinger and, 128–29

  Speer and, 404

  uncertainty principle of, 130–33, 151, 364

  helium, 43, 45, 72

  as pile coolant, 411, 497–98

  Henry, Thomas, 273

  Herschel, Sir William, 118

  Hersey, John, 518–19

  Hertz, Heinrich, 36–37

  Hess, Rudolf, 175

  Hevesy, George de, 139, 235–36, 263

  awards of, 106

  background of, 105, 106, 109–10

  Bohr and, 67, 69, 72, 81, 84–85, 110, 115, 225–26, 329

  Hilbert, David, 117

  Hill, A. V., 334

  Hill, R. D., 246

  Himmler, Heinrich, 181, 235, 402–3

  Hirohito, Emperor, Japanese surrender terms and, 684, 686, 689, 742–46


  atomic bomb run over, 708–11

  as atomic bomb target, 627, 628, 632, 639, 689, 691, 696, 699, 700, 708

  casualties in, 714–34

  devastation of, 710–11, 714–15, 717–21, 727–30, 732–33

  history of, 712, 728

  Little Boy detonated on, 710–11, 713–17

  map of, 729

  mass cremations in, 730–32

  military importance of, 712–13

  politicians’ reactions to atomic bombing of, 734, 736–37

  propagandizing atomic bombing of, 736–37

  radiation sickness in, 731–32

  scientists’ reactions to atomic bombing of, 734–36

  survivors of, 713–33

  Hiroshima bomb, see Little Boy

  Hiroshima Castle, 712, 718

  Hirschfelder, Joseph O., 662

  History of Modern Philosophy (Høffding), 61

  Hitler, Adolf, 25, 183, 292, 335, 370, 518

  Anschluss and, 235, 237, 241–42

  anti-Semitism of, 174–76, 181, 184, 475, 482

  atomic bomb and, 404–5

  Battle of Britain and, 341–42, 470

  Bohr on, 524, 532

  Chamberlain and, 244–46, 320

  Danish occupation and, 482

  Goebbels and, 18, 184

  Mussolini and, 241–42, 245–46

  Polish invasion and, 309–10

  Soviet counterattack and, 402

  Soviet invasion and, 367

  Speer and, 403, 404–5, 418

  suicide of, 628

  twenty-five points of, 175

  H. K. Ferguson, 553

  Høffding, Harald, 55, 60–61, 76

  Holy Sonnets (Donne), 572

  home refrigeration, Einstein and Szilard on, 20–21, 174

  Honshu, 641

  Hooper, Stanford C., 293–95

  Hoover, Gilbert C., 314–16

  Hoover, Herbert, 237, 310, 314, 337, 618

  Hopkins, Harry L., 337–38, 521

  Horgan, Paul, 122, 124

  Hornig, Donald, 665, 667–70

  Horthy, Nicholas, 15–16, 112–13, 292

  Houdaille-Hershey Corporation, 494, 495–96, 552, 554, 601

  Houtermans, Fritz, 106, 370–71

  Hubbard, Jack M., 658, 663–67, 676–77

  Hull, Cordell, 310, 684–86

  Hungarian Revolution (1918), 109–11

  Hungarian Soviet Republic, 110–13

  Hungary, 104–7, 109, 112–13, 185, 292

  Hurewicz, Witold, 309

  Huxley, Aldous, 468

  hydrogen, spectral analysis of, 73

  hydrogen bomb, 422

  atomic bomb as detonator for, 563–64

  atomic bomb compared to, 418–20, 563–64

  Conant and, 563, 643

  destructive potential of, 563, 643

  deuterium as prime explosive in, 563–64

  Los Alamos’ development of, 466, 476, 539–40, 543–44, 546, 563

  Oppenheimer and, 546, 563–64, 643

  political implications of, 564

  Teller and, 374–75, 416–18, 539–40, 543, 546, 563

  tritium required for, 543–44, 546, 563, 564

  Ulam and, 543

  uranium and, 371, 375

  “Hymne to God My God, in My Sicknesse” (Donne), 572

  I-58 submarine, 694, 696

  Ibuse, Masuji, 711

  Ihne, Ernst von, 79

  Imperial Army Fifth Division, Japanese, 712

  Imperial Guards, Japanese, 745

  Imperial Navy, Japanese, 457, 580

  implosion, 542–43, 546–47, 561

  diagnostics developed for, 573–74

  hydrodynamics of, 544

  lenses used for, 545, 549, 575–78, 655, 656–57

  shock-wave behavior in, 544–45

  implosion bomb, see Fat Man

  incendiaries, 596–97, 598–99

  Indianapolis, torpedoing of, 693–96, 738

  indium, 246–47, 254

  Infeld, Leopold, 169–70, 196

  Inferno (Dante), 595

  “Influence of hydrogenous substances on the radioactivity produced by neutrons—I” (Fermi), 219

  information theory, 19

  Ingeborg, Princess of Sweden, 483

  Institute for Advanced Study, 109, 186, 284, 636

  Institute for Theoretical Physics, 114, 165

  Interim Committee, 628–29, 637

  atomic bomb’s use recommended by, 650–51, 697

  industrialists present at, 649–50

  Scientific Panel of, 630, 633, 641–49, 696–97

  Interior Department, U.S., 100

  International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sci
ences (1938), 243

  International Physical Congress (1927), 128, 131–32

  Interpretation of Radium (Soddy), 44

  Iowa State College, 435

  Irving, David, 346

  Isezaki, 745

  isothermal sphere, 671

  isotopes, 43, 83

  Italian Research Council, 209

  Italy, 240–42, 249

  Iwo Jima, 593–95

  Jahrbuch der Radioaktivität und Elektronik, 172

  James, Henry, 53–54, 57

  James, William, 60


  atomic-attack warning proposal and, 647–50, 682, 684, 685–86, 691

  atomic-warfare propaganda in, 736–37

  atrocities committed by, 475

  civilian casualties in, 595, 599–600, 640, 649, 714–34, 740–42

  conventional bombing of, 407, 554, 586, 588–92, 595–600, 612, 627, 639–40, 649, 679, 687–88, 734

  military policy of, 390, 518–20, 555, 556, 593–95, 597–98, 687–88, 698–99

  nuclear research in, 327, 346, 375, 457–59, 580–82, 612

  Pearl Harbor attacked by, 389–93

  Stimson’s program for, 683–85, 689, 693, 742

  surrender terms and proposals for, 684–89, 691, 692–93, 697, 736–37, 742–46

  U.S. proposed invasion of, 641, 693–94, 698, 713, 736

  Jeans, James, 84, 230

  Jeppson, Morris, 705–6, 708

  Jette, Eleanor, 569–70

  Jette, Eric, 569–70

  Jewett, Frank, 336–37, 362–66, 373–74, 386–87


  in Hungary, 105–7, 109, 111–12, 185

  see also anti-Semitism

  Joachimsthal mines, 118–19, 120

  Jodl, Alfred, 629

  Joffe, Abram, 501

  Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 588, 589, 641, 686–87

  Joliot-Curie, Irène and Frédéric, 327, 344, 427, 505, 606

  beryllium radiation research of, 159–64

  nuclear fission and, 271, 290, 296

  positron research of, 200–201

  radioactivity research of, 201–4, 209, 211, 213, 230

  uranium research of, 234–35, 247

  Joly, Maurice, 183

  Jones, R. V., 455, 529–30

  Jordan, Pascual, 117, 206

  Jornada del Muerto, 652–53, 664, 666, 675, 678, 700

  Joseph II, Emperor of Austria, 179

  Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes, 16, 20, 23, 25, 45, 78–79, 81, 93, 173, 233–36, 251, 312, 331–32, 343, 345, 402, 607, 610

  Kaiser Wilhelm Society, 78–79, 403–4

  Kalkar, Fritz, 228n

  kamikaze attacks, 597–98

  Kapitza, Peter, 165, 216, 501, 528–29

  Rutherford and, 38, 164

  Kármán, Mór, 105–6

  Kármán, Theodore von, 104, 415

  background of, 105–7, 109–11, 113

  emigration of, 185

  Károli, Mihály, 109–10

  Kedourie, Elie, 781

  Keegan, John, 102

  Keitel, Wilhelm, 402–3

  Kellex, 494–96


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