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Eye of the Albatross: Visions of Hope and Survival

Page 45

by Carl Safina

  ROBERTSON, G., and R. GALES, eds. 1998. Albatross Biology and Conservation. Chipping Norton, N.S.W., Australia: Surrey Beatty and Sons Pty Limited.

  ROPER, C. F. E., M. SWEENEY, and C. E. NAUEN. 1984. Cephalopods of the World. Vol. 3 of FAO Species Catalog. FAO Fish. Synop.

  RYAN, P. G., and c. L. MOLONEY. 1993. Marine litter keeps increasing. Nature 361:23.

  RYLANDER, L., U. STROMBERG, and L. HAGMAR. 2000. Lowered birth weight among infants born to women with a high intake of fish contaminated with persistent organochlorine compounds. Chemosphere 40:1255–62.

  STEINER, R. 1998. Resurrection in the wind. International Wildlife. Sept.-Oct. 13–21.

  STEVENS, w. K. 1999. The Change in the Weather. New York: Delacorte Press.

  TENBRUGGENCATE, J. 1999. Albatrosses abandoning nests in record numbers. Honolulu Advertiser. March 7, p. 1.

  TICKELL, W.L.N. 2000. Albatrosses. New Haven: Yale University Press.

  VAN RYZIN, M. T., and H. I. FISHER. 1976. The age of Laysan Albatrosses at first breeding. Condor 78:1–9.

  WEIMERSKIRCH, H., N. BROTHERS, and P. JOUVENTIN. 1997. Population dynamics of Wandering Albatross and Amsterdam Albatross in the Indian Ocean and their relationships with long-line fisheries: conservation implications. Biological Conservation 79:257–70.

  WETHERBEE, B. M., C. G. LOWE, and G. L. CROW. 1994. A review of shark control in Hawaii with recommendations for future research. Pacific Science 48:95–115.

  WILKENING, K. E., L. A. BARRIE, and M. ENGLE. 2000. Trans-Pacific air pollution. Science 290:65–67.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages of your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.


  Aila, William


  fishery management in

  long-line fleet of

  seabird protection and

  Alaska Current

  Alaska Fisherman’s Journal

  Albacore Tuna

  albatross(es). See also breeding; chicks; Amelia; Amelia’s chick; and specific species

  adult mortality, natural

  affect of seeing

  anatomy of

  bones of, used by Maoris

  clock in brain of

  Coleridge and metaphor of

  contamination levels of

  courtship and “dancing” of (see also albatross breeding; albatross chicks)

  creatures encountered by

  distances covered by

  distinguishing feature of, vs. other tube-nosed birds

  down of, used by humans

  early descriptions of

  eaten by Aleuts

  evolution of

  extreme attributes of

  feathers and skin of

  females, courtship and

  fidelity of

  fishing industry and

  flight and

  flight altitude of

  flight speed of

  food needs

  food search methods

  food shortages and

  foraging ranges

  future of

  global warming and

  as “gooney birds”

  “honeymoon” of, at sea

  human parallels with

  human spread into islands of

  killed by humans

  landing by

  lifespan of

  male, aggressiveness of

  Masonic and

  Midway Atoll

  name of

  navigation by

  nonbreeding adults

  number of

  number of, vs. hooks on long-lines

  observed by Steller

  pollution and

  population decline of

  preening habits of

  protections for, enacted

  range of

  rats and

  reproduction rate of

  scientific study of travels of

  shooting of, by Shelvock’s officer

  sleeping in flight

  smell, sense of

  social relationships of

  sturdiness of

  symbolism of

  tameness, of

  taxonomy of

  Tern Island

  threatened species, number and proportion of

  Tiger Sharks and

  urban North America and

  wings of

  Albatross Island

  Albatross Project

  Albatross Resolution of 1996 (World Conservation Union)

  Albatross (“winged boat”)


  Aleutian Islands

  Alitak Bay

  Allen, Brian



  appearance of

  chick hatched

  distance of foraging trips by

  feeding chick

  first departure of

  flight of, as poetry

  food search, to feed new chick

  last visit of, to chick

  maternity vs. hunger and

  mental map of


  on North Pacific Current

  realm of

  transmitter affixed to


  February 17 to 25

  February 26 to March 14

  March 16 to April 14

  April 15 to 29

  April 29 to May 13

  May 13 to 27

  May 28 to August 9

  Amelia’s chick

  early feeding and brooding of

  fed by Dad

  feeding of

  first flight of


  heat stress and

  last visit from parents

  no longer needs brooding

  saved from storm

  American Bird Conservancy

  Amsterdam Albatross


  Anderson, Dr. David

  Andromeda Galaxy


  Antarctica Project

  Antarctic Toothfish (“Chilean seabass”)

  Antarctic waters


  Antipodes Albatross


  aquaculture (seafood farming)


  Arctic Terns

  Ashy Storm-Petrels

  Atlantic Cod

  Atlantic Halibut

  Atlantic Ocean

  Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatrosses


  Auckland Albatross

  Auckland Shy Albatross

  Audubon Society

  Austin, Oliver, Jr.


  breeding sites in

  conservation and

  illegal fishing and

  long-line regulations by


  Bailey, Shaun

  Baker, Jason

  Bald Eagles

  Baltic Sea, go

  Banks, Joseph

  Baron, Nancy

  Barred Filefish

  Bartle, Dr. Sandy

  Beach Heliotrope

  Beach Naupaka

  Beagle (ship)

  Becker, Brenda


  Belted Wrasse

  Bennet, Gordon

  Bennett, G.

  Bering, Vitus

  Bering Island

  Bering Sea

  crab fishery

  fishing regulation in


  Bermuda grass

  Bertilsson, Petra

  Bigeye Tuna

  bird lice

  BirdLife International

  “bird lines”

  birds. See also songbirds; seabirds

  eradicated by Polynesians

  mating for life, and cheating by

  threatened species of

  Bird Wrasse

  Black-browed Albatros

  breeding sites of


  longline fisheries and

  number of

  range of

  Black-footed Albatross

  appearance of

  beach debris and

  breeding habits of


  contamination and

  courtship dancing by

  first flight of

  food needs of

  global warming and

  group of

  longline fishing and

  losses able to be sustained by

  number of

  survival rate of chicks

  Tern Island

  use of oceans by and range of

  Black-legged Kittiwakes

  Black Noddies

  nesting by

  temperament of

  Black Surgeonfishes

  Blacktail Wrasse

  Black Triggerfish

  blowfly, parasitic

  Bluefin Trevally (Omilu)

  Bluefin Tuna

  Blue Sharks

  Bluespine unicornfish

  Bluestripe Butterflyfish

  Bolland, Ray

  Bonin Islands

  Bonin Petrels

  Laysan Island and

  Midway Atoll and



  frigatebird and


  Bradley, Russ

  Brahms Seamount

  breeding. See also chicks; eggs; nesting; nests

  areas of

  birthplace and

  contamination and

  difficulty of

  death and


  divorce and

  fishing boats and

  food sources and

  global warming and


  incubating, on nest

  language and

  military and sites of

  number of pairs

  number of sites

  shared by males and females

  social relations and

  speciation and

  survival rate of hatchlings

  time for

  weight loss during

  years skipped, to molt

  Bristle-thighed Curlews

  British Columbia

  Brown Noddy


  Bryde’s Whales

  Buhleier, Birget

  Buller’s Albatross

  distances traveled by

  Bullethead Parrotfish

  Bull Kelp

  Bulwer’s Petrels


  burrow nesting



  as percent of world catch

  Cachalot (whaler)



  longline fishing and

  California Current

  California Squid

  Campbell, Roy

  Campbell Island, New Zealand

  Campbell Island Black-browed Albatross

  Canadian fishing

  Canadian Maritimes

  canine distemper, go

  Cape Horn

  Caribbean Monk Seal

  Carsten, Laura

  Caspian Sea seals

  Cassin’s Auklet

  Cayman Island Green Turtle

  Center for Biological Diversity

  Chatham Albatross

  Chatham Islands

  chemical pollutants (toxic)

  albatrosses and

  humans affected by

  morbillivirus mortalities and

  in plastics eaten by seabirds

  turtles and

  chick(s). See also breeding; egg(s)

  ability of, to survive fasting

  adult behavior toward

  “dancing” by

  deaths of

  dehydration and

  down “harvested” from

  East Island

  feeding of

  fish hooks swallowed by

  flight by

  global warming and

  growth of

  lead-poisoning of

  Midway Atoll


  number of, in lifetime of one bird

  plastic debris and

  starvation of

  storms and


  “Chilean seabass” fishery


  Chirikof Island


  Chopin Seamount

  Christmas Shearwaters

  Christmas Wrasses


  ciguatera poisoning

  “circle hooks”

  climate. See also global warming albatrosses and extremes of

  Coast Guard, U.S.

  cod fishery

  Cold War

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

  Coltrane, John

  Columbus, Christopher

  Columbus, Ferdinand

  Commander Islands

  Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources

  Common Murres

  compass, of birds

  inclination vs. polarity

  magnetic and celestial


  conservation groups

  Convict Tangs

  Cook, Capt. James

  Cookiecutter Shark

  cooperative hunting, by fish

  coral reefs

  Darwin point and

  diving, off Midway

  fish species

  global warming and die-off of

  islands and atolls protected by

  snorkeling, off Laysan Island

  Courtot, Brendan

  Crabeater Seals



  Craig, Mitch

  Cretaceous period

  deep volcanic seamounts and.

  mass extinction in

  “critter cam”

  Cross-hatch Triggerfish

  Croxall, John

  Crozet Island

  Cry of the Kalahari


  cyanobacteria “blooms”

  “Dad” (Amelia’s mate)

  Dainty (ship)

  Daito island group.

  Dall’s Porpoises

  Dampier, William


  Dark-rumped Petrel

  Darwin, Charles

  Darwin point


  debris, beach. See also plastic debris

  on Laysan Island

  Debussy Seamount

  Defenders of Wildlife

  Defley, Mark

  “derby days”

  Desmond, Paul


  Dickey, Donald R.

  Dickinson, Emily



  of coral reefs

  of marine mammals

  Dietrich, Aaron

  Diomedea exulans. See Wandering Albatross


  diseases. Monk Seals and

  diving petrels


  die-offs of

  killed by drift nets

  Donne, John

  Donohue, Mary

  Donut Hole

  Dove Prion

  Drake Passage

  drifting organisms, at boundaries of masses of water

  drift-nets. See also nets


  birds killed by

  French Frigate Shoals and

  on Laysan Island beaches

  pollution by

  Dungeness Crabs

  Dutcher, William

  Eagle Ray



  human effect on

  life-support limits of

  magnetic field of, seen by birds

  Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund

  Easter Island

  East Island

  albatross chick survival rate

ng Tiger Shark off





  chemical contamination and


  laying and incubating

  survival rate of chicks

  taken by humans

  Einstein, Albert


  Eliot, T. S.

  Ellis, Richard

  El Niño (Southern Oscillation)

  Emperor Seamount chain

  Endeavour (ship)

  endocrine-mimicking chemicals


  Endurance (ship)

  Environmental Defense

  EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon)

  equator, navigation of birds and

  Equinox (fishing vessel)

  Eragrostis (grass)

  Española, Isla



  in Hawaii

  kill albatrosses

  kill Monk Seals

  lives of, saved by albatrosses


  Ewing, John

  Ewing, Valerie

  Fairy Tern

  survival rate of

  Falkland Islands

  breeding sites in

  Faroe Islands


  albatrosses killed for

  molting, and breeding

  seabirds killed for

  Fernandez, Patty


  field biologists, ambivalence of, about disturbing animals

  fimbristylis (grass)

  Finback (fishing vessel)

  Fischer, Karen

  fishery management. See also specific fisheries

  Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQs) and

  overfishing and

  total catch quotas, (“derby days”)


  well-managed, vs. farming


  color of deep-sea

  giant, study of

  number of

  plankton and

  unwanted, killed by fishing industry

  fishing, commercial. See also drift nets; gillnetting; hooks; longline fishery; and specific prey

  agreement to stop, in Donut Hole


  albatrosses endangered by

  by-kill and

  chemical lightsticks, on beaches


  Midway Atoll and

  modified to protect birds

  Monk Seals endangered by

  new regulations covering


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