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Eye of the Albatross: Visions of Hope and Survival

Page 46

by Carl Safina

  off-limits near Midway, and tuna

  practices, and eating fish

  regulation of, to protect birds

  risks and dangers of

  seabirds follow boats for food

  in tropics

  tuna and

  turtles killed by

  wildlife and islands endangered by

  fishing gear. See also specific types

  by-kill and type of

  derby vs. transferable quotas and

  Steller Sea Lions caught by

  traps, vs. lines and hooks

  Fitzgerald, Jim

  flight, seabirds built for

  Flinder, Matthew

  Flint, Dr. Beth



  shark attacks

  turtle tumors



  eggs, PCBs in

  Flying Squid


  albatross’s search for, north

  of albatrosses

  of Hawaiian Monk Seals

  of Hawaiian seabirds

  search for, smell and

  of Tiger Sharks

  food additives

  food shortages. See also starvation of wildlife

  albatross chicks, and sea temperatures

  El Niño and

  Monk Seals and

  sea lions and

  Steller Sea Lion and

  “fool birds”

  Forceps Butterflyfish

  Fork-tailed Storm-Petrels

  Forster, George

  Forster, Reinhold

  Fox Sparrow


  French Frigate Shoals. See also East Island, Tern Island, Trig Island

  debris polluting

  Monk Seal survival at

  ocean waves wash over

  turtle breeding in


  built to fly

  mating by


  Frost, Robert

  Fryer, John

  fuels, carbon-based

  Fujisawa, Mr.


  hunger and aggressiveness of


  Gales, Dr. Rosemary


  Galápagos Islands

  breeding sites

  finches observed by Darwin

  Galápagos (or Waved) Albatross

  breeding sites

  fishing industry and


  range of

  Galápagos Sharks

  Gardner Pinnacles

  gecko lizard

  ghost crabs

  Giant Cuttlefish

  Giant Petrels

  Giant Squid

  Giant Trevally (Ulua)

  Gilded Triggerfish

  Gill, Dr. Frank

  Gilmartin, Bill

  gillnetting, eaten by albatrosses

  Gladstone (ship)

  glass, on beach

  Glaucous Gulls

  Glaucous-winged Gulls

  global warming

  Glossy Nightshade


  Golden-crowned Sparrow

  Goldring Surgeonfishes

  Gough Albatross

  Gough Island

  Cough Wandering Albatross

  Grant (fishing schooner)

  grasses and sedges

  alien, on islands

  Laysan Island

  Gray-backed Terns

  Gray Chub (Nenue)

  Gray-headed Albatross

  breeding by

  Gray Reef Sharks

  great albatrosses (group)

  Great Frigatebirds

  lifespans of

  weight of

  Green Abalones

  greenhouse effect


  Green Turtle (Honu)

  blood samples for

  breeding beaches

  egg laying by

  shark injuries of


  travels of

  tumors of

  grenadier (fish)

  Grigorovitch, George

  Grizzly Bears


  Gulf of Alaska


  fishing industry and

  habitat destruction


  hatching and life of


  halibut fishery


  “seasons” in Alaska

  hammerhead shark

  Handel Seamount

  Harbor Seals, go

  Harrison, Craig S.

  Hartman, Johnny

  Hasegawa, Dr. Hiroshi

  Hattori, Toru

  Hawaii (island)

  Hawaiian Anthias

  Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse

  Hawaiian Domino Damsels

  Hawaiian Hogfish

  Hawaiian Islands. See also specific islands

  first people to reach

  guardian spirit (‘aumakua) and

  introduced species in

  isolation of

  origin and movement of

  sharks and

  turtle tumors and

  Hawaiian Islands Bird Reservation (later Northwestern Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge)

  Hawaiian Monk Seal (Monachus schauinslandi)

  attempt to save, from extinction

  endangered by human actions


  skewed sex ratios of

  Swordfish and tuna fishery

  Hawkins, Sir Richard

  Hay, John

  Haydn Seamount


  Hemingway, Ernest

  Hendrix, Jimi

  Henkel, Tim


  herpes virus


  Herring Gull


  hooks, fishing

  danger of, to wildlife

  in fishheads thrown overboard

  on long-line

  “hook stripper”

  hormone-mimicking contaminants

  Horn of Africa

  Huin, Dr. Nic


  albatross and

  albatrosses on Midway killed by

  albatrosses killed by, at island breeding sites

  animals and

  birds on Laysan Island killed by

  chemicals and trash created by

  exploitation vs. restoration by

  global warming and

  images of wildlife painted by

  lack of fear of wildlife, on Laysan Island

  Monk Seal decline and

  oceans and wildlife needed by

  overpopulation of

  seals and

  shark attack feared by

  Short-tailed Albatrosses killed by

  similarity of, to sharks

  spiritual connection of, with endangered wildlife and

  spread of, to remote islands, and seabirds killed by

  squid-fishing by

  Steller’s Sea Cow killed by

  turtles killed by

  Humboldt Current

  Humboldt Squid

  Humpback Whale

  Hurricane Mitch


  Île de la Possession

  immune system, go

  Indian Ocean

  Indian Ocean Yellow-nosed Albatrosses

  Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQs)


  “International Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels” (1996)

  International Whaling Commission

  “intersex” individuals

  islands. See also specific islands

  fragile ecological balance of

  losses of nesters on

  spread of humans to remote

  subsidence, coral reef growth and

  Isles of the Apostles

  Itano, David

  Iwago, Mitsuaki

  Iwo Jima

  Izu Islands

bsp; Jacobs, Capt. W. V. E.

  Jakovleff, (mining engineer)


  breeding sites in

  feather hunting by

  international conservation and

  Midway and

  seafood market of

  Japanese fishing

  U.S. waters and


  Jaws (film)


  Jorgerson, John

  Juola, Frans

  Jupiter, moons of

  Justman, Bob

  Kahului Bay


  Kamehameha, King of Hawaii

  Kane, Herb Kawainui

  Kancohe Bay

  Kauai (island)

  Keeltailed Needlefish

  Kenai Fjords National Park

  Kepler, Cameron

  Kerguelen Island

  Kilauea Volcano


  Killer Whales

  King, Joyce

  King Crab

  King Penguin

  King Salmon


  Kitanoshima island


  Kobisho island

  Kodiak Island

  Kolai ‘Awa (morning glory)

  Komatsu, Maseyuku

  Korean fishing

  krill, decline of

  Kure Atoll

  rats on

  Kuril Islands

  Kuroshio Current trash in

  lab work, by seal team

  Ladd Seamount

  Lake Baikal Seals

  Lamkin, Dr. John


  La Pérouse Pinnacle

  Laysan Albatross

  appearance of

  breeding by

  breeding sites of

  chicks, first flight of

  chicks, survival rate

  courtship dance of

  decline of, and global warming

  fishing industry and

  food of

  group of

  killed by humans

  killed by longlines

  Laysan Island

  Midway Island

  nests of, and behavior toward chicks

  number of

  plastics eaten by

  rats and

  resilience of

  sighted from Masonic

  sighted off Midway

  Tern Island and

  use of ocean by, vs. Black-footed.

  Laysan Duck

  Laysan Finch

  Laysan Honeyeaters

  Laysan Island

  albatrosses killed by feather hunters on

  arrival at

  as breeding site

  biology crew of

  Bonin Petrels on

  debris on shores of

  first scientists to see

  human exploitation of, for eggs, guano and feathers

  nesting birds on

  protected as bird sanctuary

  rabbits and devegetation of

  remoteness of

  sandbur, vs. bunchgrass and

  shrubs and grasses on

  size of

  snorkeling reefs off


  wildlife on

  Laysan Rails

  Lazy Bay fish-packing plant

  lead-paint chips, chicks eating

  LeBris, Jean-Marie

  leg bands, in albatross studies

  Leinecke, Jerry

  Lepturus (grass)

  Levine, Philip

  Light-mantled Sooty Albatross

  courtship dances of

  group of

  long-distances traveled by

  reproductive rate of

  Lindbergh, Anne Morrow

  Linnacus, Carolus

  Lisianski Island

  birds killed by humans on

  turtles on


  fishermen, vs. seals

  Loihi, forming island

  longline fishery


  chick mortality and

  effort of, to reduce seabird mortality

  management of, and ITQs

  need to control, to protect albatross

  pay in

  seabirds killed by

  Short-tailed Albatross and

  size of


  bottom vs. drift

  effect of

  gear described

  streamers or “scare” lines and

  Lowe, Chris

  Lum, Ron

  Lundsten, Mark

  Luther, Capt. Hiram

  Macaroni Penguin

  McArthur, David “Mac”

  Machado, Walter


  MacLeish, Archibald

  Macquarie Island, Australia

  McVay, Callahan

  magnetite, in birds


  Mahler Seamount

  Majestic (fishing boat)

  Makaloa (sedge)

  Manybar Goatfish


  Marcus Island

  Marine Mammal Commission

  marine mammal die-offs

  Marine Mammal Protection Act

  Mariscus (sedge)


  Maro Reef


  Marshall, Greg

  Masked Booby

  divorce in

  Masonic (fishing vessel)

  Maui (island)

  Mead, Margaret

  Mediterranean Monk Seals

  Melville, Herman

  Meredith, Mike

  Mew Gulls


  Midway Atoll

  albatross and toothbrush on

  birds killed on

  as breeding site

  dimensions of life on

  Eastern Island

  fishing off

  management and maintenance of

  military clean-up of

  rats and

  Sand Island and

  scuba diving off

  Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge

  Midway Phoenix Corporation

  Milletseed Butterflyfish

  Mills, Bill



  Minke Whales


  Mitchell, Joni

  Moby-Dick (Melville)


  Moloney, Coleen

  Monk Seals

  adopted pups and

  beach debris and

  diet of

  on East Island

  endangered by humans

  fishing industry and

  food scarcity and

  population decline


  foraging by

  name derivation of

  offspring survival of

  sampling of, by biologists

  sharks and

  skewed sex ratios of

  survival problems of


  Moorish Idols (fish)

  moray eel


  Moriori people


  Mouritsen, Dr. Henrik

  Mozart Seamount

  Mundy, Peter

  Murphy, Jim

  Murphy, Robert Cushman



  Musicians Seamounts

  Nama (Hawaiian succulent)

  Namakaokahai (goddess of sea)

  national forests

  National Geographic

  National Marine Fisheries Service

  national parks

  National Research council

  Native Aleutian people

  natural selection

  Naupaka bushes



  by seabirds

  Necker Island

  Neon Flying Squid


  burrow vs. underground

  grasses necessary for

  abandoned because of heat

  time spent incubating egg on

  visits to, by humans

  nets. See also drift-nets; gillnetting; shrimp industry

  amount and travel of

  on Laysan Island

  on reefs

  sea lions and

  seals and

  shrimp, by-kill

  New England fisheries disaster

  New Guinea

  New South Wales, Australia

  New Zealand

  breeding sites

  conservation measures back by

  Department of Conservation

  streamer lines and

  Nickerson, Nick

  Nihoa Island

  Nixon, Richard


  Norfolk (ship)

  North America

  North Atlantic

  Northern Bluefin Tuna, price of

  Northern Fulmars

  Northern Fur Seal

  Northern Gannet

  Northern Royal Albatross

  breeding sites

  distances traveled by

  North Pacific

  breeding sites in

  cold vs. tropical side of

  killing of albatrosses in

  longline fisheries in

  North Pacific albatrosses (group)

  North Pacific Albatross Working Group

  North Pacific Current

  North Pacific Longline Association

  Northwest Hawaiian Islands

  as breeding site

  feather and down hunters in

  food needs of seabirds of

  importance of

  movement of

  seals in

  turtles in

  Northwest Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge

  Oahu (island)

  Oceanic Society


  careers in

  human effects on

  temperature of

  vastness of

  water flow rate and nutrients in


  fishing for


  Orangeband Surgeonfishes

  Orange County Marine Institute

  Orangespine Unicornfish



  Ornate Butterflyfish


  of tuna, threat to seabirds of


  Oyashio Current

  Pa’ao (Tahitian priest)

  Pacific Cod

  Pacific Halibut

  Pacific Plate

  Pacific Yellowtail


  Pairis, Amber

  Palenosed Parrotfish



  Parker (whaler)


  passenger ships

  Patagonian Shelf

  Patagonian Toothfish (“Chilean seabass”)


  Black-footed Albatrosses and


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