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Desert Alpha: A Lady Boss Press Navy SEAL Novella

Page 3

by Bethany Lopez

  “I can see that.”

  “What about you? Your marriage?” I asked.

  “We were married almost five years. We tried having kids, but luckily it never came to fruition. It would have made things much more difficult if we’d been successful and it’s hard enough now. He didn’t really want to get the divorce, it was all me, so things between us can get pretty awkward.”

  “Do you still see him?” I asked. “I never see my ex, luckily.”

  “We work in the same squadron. And, actually, he’s here on the deployment with me.”

  Chapter 7


  I bit my lip and held my breath as I looked up at him.

  I was one-hundred percent sure the reason why no guys had approached me, let alone even talked to me since my divorce, was because of my ex-husband. He’d been pretty vocal about the fact he didn’t want the divorce and still considered me his.

  Which was honestly revolting and annoying.

  I mean, get the hint and move on! We’d been divorced for two years and I didn’t even speak with him unless it was about work.

  “Wow,” Rip said with a scoff. “That sucks. Must be pretty awkward, too.”

  I laughed lightly as relief hit me. He didn’t seem upset or put off by the fact Rich was here.

  “Yeah, it can be, for sure. But he’s in a different section than me, so it’s usually pretty easy for me to avoid him at work.”

  “Yeah, but at a base this small, I’m sure you’re constantly running into him. At the gym, at chow … the Cantina.” Rip looked back over his shoulder, before his head swung back toward me. “Is he back there now?”

  I grimaced and nodded.

  It felt like Rich’s eyes were always following me when I was in his vicinity.

  “I gotta see this guy,” he said, standing up and reaching his hand out to let me up. “We can get our last drink and you can point him out.”

  I chuckled and accepted his hand.

  “Oh, I guarantee Rich knew the moment you sat down with me and is very aware that we came back here. He’s a very jealous person.”

  “He was there for the divorce, right?” Rip asked.

  “Yup, signed the papers and everything.”

  “Sounds like the guy needs to learn when to let go.”

  “That’s an understatement,” I said, my heart warming when he kept his hand in mine as we walked.

  I enjoyed the feeling of his hand enveloping mine until we reached the corner and were about to join the crowd again and then I let it go. As much as I enjoyed it, I didn’t want either of us to get in trouble over the small public display of affection … which was verboten.

  “I’m sure his ass is well and truly chapped at the thought of me hooking up with you … with all of your tall, hot, bad-assness,” I informed him, then stopped walking when I realized what I’d said.

  I glanced up at Rip to see him grinning down at me.

  “Perfect,” was all he said, then he turned the corner and walked by the stage back into the Cantina and continued straight.

  I followed, noting Lori and King were still seated at the table where we’d left them, heads together as they talked. And as I reached Rip, I felt the heat of Rich’s stare and saw him glaring at us from the table he shared with is buddies.

  I wanted to sigh, eye-roll, scream … but instead I ignored him and ordered my drink.

  “He’s still here,” Rip said, which meant I must have given some indication of my annoyance.

  “At your three o’clock,” I whispered. “Average height, blonde hair, and a scowl on his face.”

  Rip looked over at Rich discreetly and said, “That guy? I could take him in my sleep.”

  I chuckled and nodded in agreement.

  He totally could. Rich was a man of words no action.

  “He’s really got a hard-on for you. How long have you been divorced?” he asked.

  “Over two years.”

  Rip’s gaze swung to mine. “And he’s still acting like a jealous husband?”


  “Jesus, does he have mental problems? Maybe he should see a doctor.”

  I wanted to laugh, but Rip sounded serious, and it wasn’t anything I hadn’t wondered myself over the years. I’d even tried to encourage Rich to see a therapist when we were going through the divorce.

  “Just try and ignore him, that’s what I do. I only wanted to tell you, so you weren’t left wondering why this random guy was giving you the stank eye while you’re here.”

  Rip grinned and said, “I’m used to average-looking losers giving me the stank eye, just for being me. At least this asshole has a reason … because I’m hitting on his smokin’ hot ex-wife.”

  I wasn’t sure if I should be put off by his cockiness or thrilled with his compliment. I went with thrilled.

  “Come on, let’s go join the others,” he said, and started back toward our group.

  “Hey, where’d you two sneak off to?” Lori asked as we took our seats.

  I felt my cheeks heat.

  “I was just showing Rip around,” I said lamely.

  Lori’s answering grin told me she didn’t believe me. At all.

  I gave her a look back that said, shut up, before turning my attention to the guys who were laughing about something.

  “He got pissed, said something about going for a swim,” King was saying.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “Scotty got mad at something the other guy, Hummer, said and took off for the pool,” Lori told me.

  “But the pool’s closed,” I replied lamely.

  King glanced my way with a smirk. “Never stopped him before.”

  “Where’s the Chief?” Rip asked him.

  “He left about thirty minutes ago to call the family. Hummer went after Scotty, but I’m sure he could use some help. You know how Scotty gets.”

  Rip picked up his tall boy and downed it at an impressive speed, before standing and looking down at me.

  “We’ve gotta go save Scotty from himself. I’ll see you later, yeah?”

  I nodded and said, “Be careful.”

  Rip smiled and King chuckled and then it was just me and Lori left at the table.

  “Did everyone else call it quits for the night?” I asked, indicating the group we’d been sitting with before Rip and King had joined us.

  Lori nodded and said,” It’s getting late. I’m about to call it a night myself, you ready?”

  I picked up my wine and stood.

  “Sure, let’s go.”

  I walked to the end of the table, where Lori met me. She linked her arm in mine and said, “And, on the way, you’re going to spill the tea about where you and that hunk of a man got off to. I need to know, was he reeling you in?”

  I laughed and bumped her with my hip. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

  “Oh my God, you kissed?” she whisper shouted.

  Lori let go of my arm and did a little happy dance before taking my arm again and spinning me around.

  We probably looked like idiots, but we stayed there laughing and dancing on the walkway until our sides hurt.

  Chapter 8


  We’d found Scotty in the pool, splashing around like an idiot, and were able to get him out and back to tent city before anyone was the wiser.

  Scotty wasn’t a big drinker, he was mostly just a loudmouth, so those three tall boys had actually given him a good enough buzz that he kept us up with his talking and singing. All in all, it was a pretty good night, ending with a fantastic night’s sleep on an actual mattress.

  By the time I woke up the next morning, breakfast was over, and the chow hall was serving lunch.

  It was completely worth it. I’d forgo eggs for sleep any day of the week.

  King and I had ended up grabbing some food to go and taking it with us to the pool. Now we were playing music with sun kissing our skin while we ate burgers, and if you closed your eyes just right, you could almost imagine yo
u were at a barbecue back home.

  “This is the life,” Hummer said with a moan. He was currently floating in the middle of the pool on an innertube someone had left behind.

  “The only thing that would make it better would be a beer in my hand and a crowd of Bettys in bikinis rather than just your hairy asses,” King said from the lounge chair next to mine.

  “Ugh, no beer,” Scotty complained.

  “Lightweight,” Hummer shot back, yelling when Scotty responded by splashing water at him.

  “My body is a temple. You know I only drank last night because it was our first night of R & R.”

  King rolled his eyes at me while Scotty submerged himself and started swimming laps.

  “I’m with you,” I told King as I finished my burger and laid back in the chair.

  “Yeah, I bet … I’m sure there’s one specific body you’d like to see in a bikini.”

  “You’ve got that right,” I murmured, remembering how quick Cass had sparked with my hands on her.

  “Her friend was pretty hot.”

  “You gonna go for it?” I asked.

  King grinned and shrugged. “She’s single, has a bangin’ body, and seemed interested, but I don’t know. We could be gone tomorrow.”

  King was the youngest of us, younger than me by a few years, and I was pretty sure Lori was a couple years older than me.

  “Yup, you’re right, we could be gone tomorrow, which is why you have to make the most of today. And, hell, I bet she could teach you plenty, no matter how long we’re here.”

  King gave me the finger and closed his eyes.

  Guessing that meant he was done with the conversation, I got up and jumped into the water.

  My breath caught with the initial chill, but by the time I broke the surface I was ready to do some laps of my own. I swam to the side and did a flip, kicking off of the wall and coming up to start the freestyle.

  I wasn’t sure how many laps I’d done, but my muscles were loose, and I was feeling good, like I could go all day, when a noise broke through, causing me to stop and look up.


  Cass was standing on the edge of the pool. She was wearing shorts and a tank top, and I could see a bathing suit strap tied around the back of her neck.

  “Hey, how’s it going?” I replied as I made my way toward the side.

  “Pretty good,” she said, pausing as I placed my hands on the edge and pulled myself from the water. I felt her eyes on me as I got out and stood before her. I bit back a chuckle as she fought to take her eyes off of my chest to meet my eyes. “I thought I’d take my workout hour at the pool today, just in case you were still here.”

  Cass looked unsure then, as if she’d just admitted too much, so I tried to ease her mind by saying, “I’m glad. I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

  The worry dropped and a smile broke out on her face, making her look absolutely breathtaking.

  I crossed to grab my towel and made a little show of drying off. I was vain enough to enjoy her perusal and may have even flexed a little.

  Cassandra dropped her bag on the empty chair next to mine and began to take off her clothes, effectively turning the tables so now I was the one watching her with rapt attention. She started with the shorts, easing the small scraps of denim over her hips and shimmying them down her long, toned legs.

  Before I could even wipe the metaphorical drool off of my mouth, she placed her hands on the hem of her top and pulled it up and over her head, dropping it on top of her bag absently, while I stood there dumbstruck.

  Her body was tight … firm and soft in all the right places.

  I forced myself to stop staring and settled back onto my chair while she moved her bag off of hers and did the same.

  “Did you have a good sleep?” Cass asked.

  “The best,” I replied. “I got about ten hours.”

  “Wow, that’s great.”

  “Yeah, I needed it.”

  I needed her to stop talking about sleep, ‘cause that turned my thoughts to bed, which had me imagining taking her to bed and thinking of all the things I would do to her there.

  I glanced over her, stretched out next to me, scraps of material the only thing hiding her from me, and I swore under my breath.

  “What is it?” she asked, turning her head toward me.

  “I need to cool off,” I grumbled, standing up as I wondered if she knew I was as aware of her body as she’d been of mine.

  “Again?” she asked.

  Rather than reply, I jumped in and kept myself underwater until I had control over my body again.

  When I came up for air, I heard her sweet laughter.

  Oh yeah, she knew.

  Chapter 9


  After a fun afternoon at the pool, Rip and I grabbed dinner before joining everyone at the Cantina.

  I’d only spent a small amount of time in Rip’s company, but I found I really enjoyed being with him. With Rich, it seemed like nothing had ever been easy, everything was a struggle or a fight, but with Rip we could just be with each other.

  It was as simple as that.

  Maybe it was because we knew our time together was limited, or maybe it was simply the kind of person he was. He lived a dangerous life. With the job he did he was aware of how precious every second was, and when I was with him, I felt it.

  “How’s the family, Chief?”

  I pulled myself out of my thoughts and into the present.

  Lori and I were at a table by the bar with Rip and all of his buddies. I could feel eyes on us and was sure some people were wondering why we got to sit at this table, while others, namely Rich, were questioning the dynamics of the group.

  “They’re doing good. One of my old teammates, Caleb Montgomery, invited them over for the weekend. His wife and kids get along well with mine, so they’re all excited to get away for a while.”

  “That’s nice of him,” Hummer said. “I always heard good things about Montgomery.”

  “Yeah, he’s one of the great ones,” the Chief replied fondly.

  I felt a shiver run through me when Rip leaned into me, his lips mere inches from my ear.

  “You wanna get out of here?” he asked gruffly.

  I kept my attention on the group but nodded.

  I wanted to spend time alone with him so badly I could taste it. After seeing him at the pool in nothing but swim trunks, then enduring all of the little touches he’d been doling out all day … a caress here and a brush of the fingertips there … it felt like we’d indulged in hours of foreplay.

  “C’mon,” Rip whispered, and I felt his hand squeeze my leg briefly.

  We both stood up, but before we could try and slip away, Scotty asked, “Where are you two off to?”

  Rip may have growled before saying, “We’ll be back.”

  I caught Lori’s eye and she winked at me, so I gave her a grin and moved to follow Rip.

  “Let’s grab round two first,” he said, and once we had our drinks, we made our way out of the Cantina seating area and out onto the dark path that led to Tent City.

  Nerves began to hit as we walked. Yes, I’d been thinking about getting Rip alone all day, but was I ready for this? I mean, if anyone found out, I’d get in trouble.

  I felt nervous laughter bubble up in my throat and swallowed it down. The last thing I needed was to start laughing like a loon out of nowhere and have Rip think I’d gone off the deep end.

  “You good?” Rip asked, grabbing my hand and holding it in his once we were alone and away from prying eyes.

  I glanced up at him and smiled, “Yeah. You?”

  “Never better,” he said, returning my smile with a sexy grin.

  Lord, I felt that one in all the right places.

  When we entered the tent city, I expected us to turn toward the tent I knew he and his team was in, but instead, Rip turned in the opposite direction.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “You’ll se

  He stopped in front of the last tent on the row, one I knew to be empty, and opened the flap.

  “What’s all this?” I asked as I walked inside, my head swiveling as I took it all in.

  There was a small seating area set up with a couple chairs, a TV stand with a TV, as well as a bunk bed set up off to the side. Obviously, it all looked familiar, since I was in charge of the storage of all of the furniture.

  “Let’s just say King and I were able to requisition a few items…”

  “I’m not going to ask,” I said, holding up my hands. The last thing I needed was for one of my guys to get in trouble because they didn’t know how to say no to a couple of SEALs.

  Rip chuckled and crossed to me, taking my hands in his.

  “I know it’s hard for your rule-following heart to see this and not call Security Police,” he joked. I rolled my eyes at him, causing him to laugh harder. “But just think of how much fun your Airmen will have when you all just happen upon this place after we leave. There will be so many theories about what happened out here … oh the possibilities.”

  He was right, they would have a field day trying to Sherlock their way to an answer.

  “You know, one time we found a bunker with a mattress and blanket. They talked about it for days, had all kinds of scenarios imagined.”

  “Well, that one’s easy, someone made themselves a fuck pad,” Rip said dryly.

  I shot him a look and asked softly, “Is that what this is? A fancy fuck pad?”

  Rip got really still.

  “Is that what you want it to be?” he asked.

  I flexed my hand in his and shrugged as I gazed up at him.

  “I don’t know … I don’t know what I want … I mean, I do, but I don’t know what I’m allowed to want,” I admitted.

  “What you’re allowed to want?”

  I sighed, found my courage, and said, “Look, I know you’re leaving. I know I could wake up tomorrow and find your tent empty. I completely understand it and totally want to be right here with you now. And, yes, I’m hoping sex is on the table.” I felt my face start to heat but the look on his face told me he was not only interested in what I was saying, but he was listening. “That being said, the fact that I want to have sex with you, as many times as possible before you leave, even though it’s against the rules and I could get in serious trouble if anyone found out, doesn’t mean I’m not hoping for more.”


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