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Desert Alpha: A Lady Boss Press Navy SEAL Novella

Page 4

by Bethany Lopez

  I squeezed his hands tightly when it looked like he was about to respond.

  “Let me get it all out before I lose my nerve,” I said in a rush. When he lifted his chin in acknowledgement and kept his mouth closed, I continued. “We barely know each other, but I like what I know, and I think we’d both agree there’s a certain something between us. Call it chemistry, or a spark, or whatever you want, but it feels like I’ve known you for a long time. Like we’re in sync or something. And although your job means you’re gone a lot, in dangerous places, and we’re stationed five hours apart from each other even when you are home, I’d love to see where this thing goes.”

  I took a deep breath and paused. When he didn’t immediately reply, I bit my lip and muttered, “Oh God, you think I’m a psycho.”

  Chapter 10


  God, she’s fucking adorable.

  I fought not to laugh as she covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.

  “I don’t think you’re psycho,” I assured her. “Although you did just lay out a lot of words. But, if I get the gist, you want to have a lot of sex with me, you think I’m hot, and you want to see where all this mad chemistry between us may lead, even after we’re out of this desert.”

  Cass dropped her hands and let out a strangled laugh.

  “Uh, that about sums it up, yeah.”

  “Sounds good to me,” I said, taking her hands in mine and pulling her close. “I think we should get started.”

  “Really?” she asked, tilting her head back and searching my face. “Not about the getting started, but about wanting more than just sex until you leave?”

  “Yes. I like you, Cass, more than anyone I’ve met in a while. So, yeah, let’s see what happens.”

  I leaned down to kiss her, but she pulled her head back and asked, “Like … exclusively?”

  “There’s no one else I’m interested in, okay. And if you want to slap a label on it, that works for me.”

  I saw her smile light up her face before she tip-toed up and met my lips with hers.


  I put my arms around her, pulling her body flush against mine as I deepened the kiss. Just like last time, Cass participated with enthusiasm, her tongue tangling with mine as her hands began an exploration of their own.

  When she slipped them under my shirt and her fingertips touched my skin, I moaned and had a sudden, deep-seated urge to feel her bare flesh as well.

  Turning us quickly, I maneuvered toward the bed, never breaking our kiss as the need to get horizontal hit me. Once our legs hit the side, I paused to reach behind me and pull my shirt off. Cass emitted a sound of protest at the loss, before she realized what I was doing and moved to match my movements, her gaze never leaving the sight of my now naked chest.

  We moved quickly, eager to get our hands back on each other. Once she was wearing only her bra and panties, Cass placed her hands on the bed and lifted herself onto it. She was all tanned skin over lean muscles and I wanted nothing more than to tear those scraps of lace off of her body and sink myself into her.

  Instead, I left my boxer briefs on and stepped between her legs.

  Her hands found my hips and my cock hardened and jumped as her thighs brushed against mine. I urged her head to the side with my palm before tracing the curve of her neck and then her shoulder as I eased the strap of her bra down.

  Cass’s breath hitched as I found the swell of her breasts with the back of my knuckles and teased her gently, moving over the lace to brush across the sensitive tip.

  Everything inside of me screamed to go faster, but I kept the pace slow, loving the torturous build of anticipation as I learned her body and found the sweet spots that made her moan.

  The apex of her neck, the underside of her breasts, and the soft expanse of her stomach trembled beneath my touch, but when I urged her back onto the bed and moved my hand to the material covering her core, Cass began to writhe for me.

  “Rip,” she whispered on a sigh, and I’d never heard a more erotic sound.

  Needing to please her, I dropped to my knees before her and urged her hips down until she was right on the edge of the bed.

  No longer able to go slow, I pulled her panties over her hips and down her legs, not bothering to see where they landed before I opened her legs farther and buried my face in her pussy.

  Her hand flew to my head and she gripped me by the hair as I fused my mouth to her and began to feast.

  I worked her with my tongue, plunging it inside of her as she arched her back and pushed herself closer, searching for release. I savored the sweet heat before licking up her seam to reach the tight little nub that would give her what she craved.

  Wanting more, I shifted until I had both of her legs thrown over my shoulders and my hands grasped the fleshy cheeks of her ass so I could lift her to me and position her exactly how I wanted.

  Within seconds, her hand in my hair fisted and I shifted my eyes so I could watch as her free hand grasped the comforter and her head fell back and to the side. Her mouth opened slightly, and her eyes drifted shut as she came beneath my lips. Cass convulsed and her thighs tightened somewhat painfully around my head, and then her entire body went lax.

  I moved up onto the bed and gathered her close, kissing her softly on the forehead as she gave a satisfied sigh and relaxed into me.

  “Smazging,” she muttered.

  My chest shook as I laughed.

  “What was that?” I asked.

  Rather than reply, Cass burrowed in closer, so I tightened my arms around her.

  Within seconds, her breath evened out and I knew she was asleep. Careful not to wake her, I reached down and grasped the corner of the blanket, then shifted so I could pull as much of it as possible over us, while using my body to warm what remained uncovered.

  After one last brush of my lips against her head, I snuggled in and followed her into sleep.

  Chapter 11


  I woke slowly, feeling oddly boneless as I started to become aware of a few things.

  Like the fact that the front of me felt warm and cozy, while the back of me was downright chilled.

  I moved my hand across an expanse of warmth, pausing when I felt a coarse patch of hair beneath my fingers. Curious, with awareness and the memory of the night before beginning to settle in my mind, I reached lower.

  I came fully awake, and heat began to flood me everywhere, when I found Rip’s cock, long, thick, and very hard. I felt the length of him, then gripped him softly through his briefs. When he shifted beneath me, I paused and held my breath.

  “Don’t stop,” he said gruffly, his chest vibrating beneath my ear.

  My lips curved up and I stopped being tentative.

  Easing my hand beneath the elastic, I fisted his shaft, reveling in the velvety feel of him, and began to stroke up and down.

  “Harder,” Rip urged, his hips coming up off of the bed when I followed his instruction. He swore softly and wrapped his hand over mine, urging me to move faster.

  Overcome with a sudden and intense need, I stopped out movement and said, “Wait,” before getting up and pushing the blanket off of us and throwing my leg over him. I had the momentary realization that for some reason I only had my bra on, so I quickly took it off and moved my hand at Rip, indicating he should push down his briefs.

  Once he did, I leaned down to kiss him swiftly before grabbing his cock and lifting it to line up with my entrance. Ready and needing him with a fire that was so bright it surprised me, I eased onto him, pausing when I needed a second to adjust, and shifting until I was fully seated.

  We were both breathing heavily by the time I started to move. I placed my hands on his chest and arched my back as I rode him. Rip brought one hand to my hip, urging me faster, while his other found my breast and deliciously teased my hardened nipple.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” Rip growled.

  I looked down at him with a smile, taking in how sexy he looked
beneath me, his muscles bunched with exertion and his face full of desire.

  “So are you,” I managed to get out as pleasure began to curl deep in my belly.

  I maneuvered my body until I was in the position I needed, then began to ride him in earnest as the orgasm tore through me.

  I moved until I’d taken my fill, and when I would have collapsed on top of him, Rip flipped our positions, so I was beneath him. I did my best to meet his thrusts, but I was blissfully satisfied and feeling the euphoria of my release, so there wasn’t much effort involved.

  Luckily, Rip was already there himself and came soon after, before leaning down to give me a long, deep, sweet kiss.

  “That’s the best good morning I’ve ever had,” Rip murmured as he nibbled on my lips in between pecks.

  “I have to agree. It was awesome,” I agreed with a smug smile.

  I caressed his broad shoulders and then down his tapered back, loving the feel of him above me.

  “I love our fancy fuck pad,” he said, grinning down at me.

  I moved my hand down and pinched his perfectly toned ass.

  “Hey,” Rip complained, shifting his hips and reminding me that he was still inside of me by beginning to harden again.

  “I’m on the pill,” I said quickly. “And I haven’t been with anyone in over a year. I’m clean.”

  I couldn’t believe I’d gotten so carried away I hadn’t even thought about protection.

  “Me, too. I mean, I’m clean. I haven’t had sex in ten months, and I was tested before we left home base.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t…”

  “Hey, I didn’t either and I’m not sorry. I mean, I’m glad we’re both clean and you’re on the pill, but I’m pretty fucking stoked you wanted me so bad you didn’t think about protection. It’s pretty hot.”

  Rip shifted to kiss me and when he began to fill me again, fully hard, I moaned.

  “What time is it?”

  I hated to ask, because … hello, hot-as-fuck SEAL was currently hard inside of me … but I did have to be at work.

  “Fuck,” Rip exclaimed, and I knew our happy little bubble was about to be popped. “It’s almost seven-thirty. I’m supposed to meet Chief for a breakfast meet.”

  “And I need to get to the office,” I said reluctantly.

  We got up and got dressed, and I was starting to make the bed when Rip grabbed me and spun me around in his arms.

  “Cassandra,” he said softly, and I’d never loved my full name before hearing him say it in that tone. “Can I take you to lunch?”

  “Depends … where are you going to take me?”

  “Well, there’s this quaint little place I’ve been wanting to check out,” he joked, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Sounds intriguing.”

  Rip dropped another quick kiss on my lips before saying, “See you then.”

  “Bye,” I replied, before adding, “You should probably go out first, then I’ll go in a few minutes.”

  “Mmmm, 007 stuff.”

  A few minutes later, I was still smiling and found myself looking forward to lunch at the dining facility, which was something I’d never thought would happen.

  I stepped out of the tent, made sure the coast was clear, and started toward my building, when the sound of my name had me turning.

  My good mood fell when I saw Rich walking toward me.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I asked, hoping our interaction would be brief.

  He shrugged and said, “Just wanted to let you know I see you … I know what you’re doing, or should I say, who.”

  Chapter 12


  “I need to go find Cass. I’ll meet you back at the tent in fifteen.”

  King lifted his chin in acknowledgement, and we took off in opposite directions.

  I rounded the corner to the chow hall to see Cass standing outside talking to Lori.

  “Hey,” I called as I approached.

  She turned her head and looked so happy to see me I had the sudden urge to curse the Navy for the orders they’d just pushed down.

  “Hi,” Cass replied, her tone mimicking her expression.

  “Hey, Rip,” Lori said when I joined them.

  “How’s it going?” I asked offhandedly, not taking my eyes off of Cass. “Can I talk to you?”

  Her lips pursed in concern and she told Lori,” I’ll see you later,” before turning her attention back to me and saying, “Let’s go.”

  I wanted to take her hand but knew she wouldn’t appreciate me doing so in public, so I kept my distance, and my hands to myself.

  Once we were off to the side and relatively alone, I stopped and turned to her.

  Before I could say anything, Cass put her hand on my shoulder and asked, “Did he say something to you?”

  “Who?” I asked.


  I blinked, confused for a moment as I tried to place the name. When I remembered he was her stalkery ex, I asked, “Why? Has he done something?”

  Cass sighed and dropped her hand to clasp it with the other one and wring them together.

  “He stopped me outside of our pad this morning. Said he knew that I’d been with you.”

  “Did he threaten you?” I asked, anger filling me at the thought.

  She let out a choked laugh and said, “Not outright. More of a veiled threat. Rich is too much of a coward … He pretty much enjoys having something to hold over my head. He seemed kinda pissed about it, but I don’t think he’d actually jeopardize my career by telling anyone.”

  “Son of a bitch,” I cursed. “Maybe me leaving will actually help you out then.”

  “What?” Cass asked, her eyes wide as she looked up at me. “You’re leaving?”

  “Yeah,” I replied, running my hand over my hair. “That’s what I wanted to tell you. At the meet this morning Chief showed us our new orders. They came down this morning. We’re heading out…”


  “I’m about to go pack up, we’re leaving in about thirty minutes.”

  “Wow. That soon,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

  “Come with me,” I said urgently, needing to hold her but knowing I couldn’t right there.

  I started off at a brisk pace toward our pad with Cass hurrying behind me at almost a jog as she tried to keep up.

  Once we were inside the tent, I pulled her in for a hug and held on tight.

  “I’m sorry,” I murmured against the crown of her head.

  She shook her head against me, and said, “You have nothing to be sorry about,” as she fisted her hands in my shirt. “We knew you were going to have to leave. I just didn’t expect it to be so soon.”

  “I know.” Neither did I.

  I pulled back slightly, reaching down to place my finger under her chin and lift her face toward me.

  “I’ll miss you,” I said, before lowering my head and brushing my lips against hers.

  “Me too,” she whispered against my mouth.

  Cass reached up to put her hands behind my head and pulled me closer, her mouth claiming mine as she swept her tongue inside, deepening the kiss.

  We stayed like that for a few moments, holding on to each other almost desperately.

  “Here,” I said, pulling a piece of paper out of my pocket. “You can write me at this address. I can’t promise I’ll get it right away, but I will get it eventually.”

  She took the paper and asked, “Do you think you will come back here once you’re done?”

  I shrugged and said, “I have no idea. Depends on how fast we complete the mission and whether or not something else comes up. There are many possibilities, but since we’ve already been gone a while, it’s unlikely we’d have another R & R trip before going home.”

  “Do you have any idea of when you’re supposed to be back home?”

  I shook my head. Even if I did know, I wouldn’t be able to say so.

  “Do you have your cell on you?” When I nodded s
he stepped back and held out her hand. “I’ll put my information in there, so if you don’t come back you can get a hold of me whenever you’re able to.”

  I handed her my phone and watched as she put in her phone number and address both here and at home.

  “Want me to do the same?” I asked.

  She smiled, pulled her phone out of her pocket, and handed it to me.

  Once we were done, we exchanged phones back and just stood there for a moment.

  I looked her over from head to toe, memorizing every inch. I’d need the memory to get me through the next few weeks, months, or even years, depending on what kind of shit we were about to walk into.

  Cass moved in to hug me once more and said, “Stay safe.”

  “Always,” I promised, before asking, “Do you need me to pay Rich a visit before I go?”

  “No, I can handle him, but thanks for asking.”

  “If that changes, let me know,” I said, even though I knew once we left I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it, even if she was able to get ahold of me.

  “I will.”

  When she showed no signs of moving, I called her name gently.

  “Hmmm?” was her response.

  “I have to go.”

  Usually one to be gung-ho about getting to our next mission, I felt surprisingly reluctant to let her go and leave.

  “I know,” Cass said softly, stepping back until we were no longer touching, the look on her face forlorn.

  With a heavy heart, I moved to pass her, pausing for one last kiss before saying, “See ya.”

  “Bye,” she replied, and I forced myself to walk out and leave her behind.


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