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Hold 2

Page 10

by Jayne Blue

  It was nearly dark by the time she knocked on Craddock’s back door shopping bag and overnight bag in tow. She was nervous and excited.

  He opened the door and as always, he took her breath away. He was freshly showered, his dark hair slightly too long for respectable employment and it was still damp at the ends. He had dressed for the occasion as well, black pants, a tailored white shirt, tucked in no less, but it was straining over his chest. She was drawn to his forearms, ropey, and exposed with the sleeves rolled up. She had never realized how much she loved his forearms.

  As her eyes moved over him, he took a step forward.

  “See something you like?” He teased her and took the groceries from her. He really was sinfully good-looking.

  “I see a lot of something that I like.” He put the groceries on the counter and turned his full attention to her.

  “This dress on you, I’m glad we’re not going anywhere.”

  “Why? Are you ashamed of me?” She was enjoying their playful moment. So much of their recent history had been fraught with drama. A little playfulness was in order.

  “This dress is, uh, dangerous; I’d have to kill people.”

  “Oh well, naturally.” She watched his eyes start at her high heels and travel up her body.

  “Heels, you’re killing me.”

  “They’re killing me actually, too high for me I think.” The peep toes were fashionable she knew but damned uncomfortable.

  “I want those to stay on, you won’t have to stand in them though. Come.” He pulled her by the hand into his arms.

  He ran his hand right up the hem of her dress, slid his hand up under her panties, and squeezed her cheek while also planting his lips on hers. The dual sensations igniting her need for him. She pushed against his hardness. “Damn it Cassidy I wanted us to have a nice dinner.” He kissed her neck and collarbone.

  “The food’s right there.” She said between fevered breaths. Her breasts strained against the cups of her bra. They felt heavy and she ached to have him touch her everywhere, to let his hands and tongue do what he knew she loved.

  He ignored her and continued to treat her like the appetizer. He was right. They had all night, they had dinner, and they had dressed up! In about three seconds, they would be naked on the kitchen floor and he would be gone, off to Vegas. So, she decided to slow the evening down.

  She stepped back and he gave a little lunge forward to recapture her.

  “Tsk, tsk! We do need to make dinner. You’re in training. You are all dressed up, I’m all dressed up. Just because we can’t go out doesn’t mean we can’t have a proper date.”

  “I want to fuck you on the counter right now.” The core of her body flipped over when he talked like that.

  “Caveman, did you hear what I just said?” She backed into said counter.

  “No.” She pushed his hands away from her.

  “Craddock Flynn we’re going to cook dinner, eat dinner, have a lovely dinner conversation like two grown up people and,” he was looking at her through dark hooded eyes and still, she knew, thinking about one thing so she changed tactics. She put her finger on the bit of cleavage that poked through the v-neck of the wrap dress and stroked the top. He was paying full attention then.

  “Are you listening?” She nearly whispered and then pinched her own nipple, straining at the silky fabric.

  “You have my full attention, yes.” Craddock licked his full lips like the big bad wolf he was. She continued to stroke herself, which felt delicious, but she could see the power it gave her over him. The bad guy of Tough to the Top, the one the ladies all wanted, was mesmerized by her. It was a heady feeling.

  “Get me a pot and fill it with water. I’ll start the bread,” she issued her orders.

  “Yes dear.” She blew past him to the grocery bag of ingredients and he goosed her, which made her squeal.

  While they cooked, he hovered behind her, pulling her into him, kissing her neck, and generally turning the act of making spaghetti in the best foreplay in the history of the world.

  “I do love your hair up, for this reason,” he said as he nibbled her earlobes. She managed, through sheer force of will, to get them seated at his little table, across from one another, and with plates in front of them. Craddock, despite his insistence on wanting to do it on the kitchen counter ate two plates of spaghetti instead.

  In between inhaling the pasta, Craddock opened up about Tough to the Top and what it had been like.

  “They’re a bunch of vultures, the producers, but what you see on the show with Teagan and me, that’s real, I like the guy. I’m going to knock him out next week but still, I like him.”

  “Will he have another chance at 21C,” she asked.

  “Well yeah, look at me, I found another chance after the disaster at Smack Down. Teagan is only 20 and that is young. He’ll get a lot of opportunity.”

  “So it’s going to be that Gustavo guy right? You and him.”


  “Can you beat him?”

  “I can beat anyone, but, I’m not going to lie, it’s going to be a bloody fucking mess. It will come down to who wants it more, who has more conditioning, who stays smart, even after their brains are knocked into their skulls.” Craddock said it all like it was just a day in the office and ripped off a piece of garlic bread while he was at it.

  “You’re scaring me a little.” He looked up from his plate at her and gave her the most devastatingly handsome smile. Her breath actually caught in her throat.

  “Don’t be afraid, The Fighting Flynn’s got this,” and he added a little flourish with his hands.

  “You’ve embraced the name eh?”

  “It’s all about the brand baby.”

  “Just come back to me in one piece okay?”

  “Guaranteed.” Craddock leaned over and put a spaghetti sauce flavored kiss on her nose.

  They finished their meal, talked about his family and what he was going to do with the money if he won.

  “I miss seeing Dylan.” She did and she felt like she could learn a lot from Craddock’s mom. She was strong, sometimes abrasive, but she knew what it was to hold a family together, to care for them on her own. Cassidy realized she was sorely lacking in the female role model department.

  “He misses you too; I told him you’ll come to visit soon. Is that okay?”

  “I would love to; maybe get some tips on how to keep you in line from your mother.”

  “You did a pretty good job tonight with zero instruction. But don’t think I’ve forgotten.”

  “Forgotten what?” She asked in her most innocent voice.

  “Your voice is so sexy, like honey poured over it or something.”

  “I was going for innocence.” She popped up from her chair and grabbed their plates, heading for the sink.

  “I’m going to fuck you on the counter now.” He growled it into her ear and moved his hands around to make sure she put the plates down. She braced her hands on the counter edge and he grabbed her zipper, dragging it open. His hands slid the fabric off her shoulders and the dress pooled on the floor.

  “Bra, panties, heels. I am taking a mental picture, just so you know.” She still had her back to him and she felt his lips on her shoulders and trail down her spine. Craddock’s lips landed on her ass and he bit her cheek! She tried to squirm away but he held her hips in place.

  “Craddock!” She pretended she was shocked and she jumped as he bit the other cheek.

  “I want to see the front view,” he turned her around to face him, “I’ve never seen anything so hot in my life.” She hoped she did not look ridiculous in the heels, since she had so little experience wearing them.

  “I guess I’ll have to wear these shoes more often,” she quipped.

  “Only when I’m around.” He bent over, kissing the swell of her breasts and running his fingers inside the cups. She felt her inner muscles clench and her desire build. There would be no more stalling with dinner and conversation. She smi
led as he raised his eyes from her breasts.

  “That’s a wicked smile for such a nice girl.” He said and pressed his lips to hers. Their mouths met in a swirl of tongues. She wound her fingers in the hair at the base of his neck and gave herself over to the pleasure offered form his fingertips and mouth.

  He had slid her bra straps down to the sides of her shoulders. It served her breasts up to Craddock in a way he clearly appreciated. He trailed kisses down her ribcage and across her stomach and hips and while he was on his knees, he took her panties into his teeth and dragged them down to the floor. He also maneuvered each high heel clad foot out of the panties.

  “I was serious about these shoes.” He looked up at her, only peep toes and a smile on. Craddock kissed her at her ankle. It made the fine hairs on her arms stand up as she felt a ripple of pleasure shoot from the spot to her center. As he worked his way up, again, his kisses went from feathery light nibbles of her flesh to bites and grazes with his teeth. While she had wanted to wait and go slow, she couldn’t any longer.

  “Please, now.”

  “Yeah baby, now.” He lifted her legs and drove inside her. She gasped as the length filled her. The counter half supported her and the rest of her weight was all on Craddock. His muscular body easily kept her off the ground but firmly locked around him. She saw him look to the side at her leg, naked but for the peep toe shoes. He thrust into her again and she reached up to hold on to the handles the cabinet.

  She moved against him and spied the look on his face, it was intent, sinful, and sexy as hell to see him fixate on her legs. She felt herself clench around him as he continued his erotic onslaught and she knew she was at the edge of her own control. She wanted to come with him, when he did and she held on, and tried to hold back the unstoppable orgasm he was stoking.

  He slowed way down and then nearly pulled out of her and looked her in the eye. They connected for a second and then he was there, frenetically pumping into her. She could no longer hold back.

  “Oh God, yes Craddock, harder.” She felt him get impossibly deeper with each stroke. She could not hold on above her any longer and put her hands on the counter next to her to brace herself as they both found their release together. She knew her spasms were milking him and it drew a rolling sort of growl from his throat as the climax he’d reached lingered and slowly ebbed.

  Her bones were liquid and she wrapped her limbs all around him. He carried her, draped all around him, to the bedroom as she kissed his temple and rubbed her naked self all over him on their quick trip to his bed.

  “We’ll do dishes later.” He said as he positioned them both on the bed, still entwined, still in afterglow.

  Chapter Eleven


  It was his last day of at home week. Craddock felt like he’d gotten his life in order, like he’d straightened out his mistakes so that nothing was in his way for the final stretch of Tough to the Top.

  He’d watch the episode with the GWG like the at home week script required, he and Cassidy would slip away for a little goodbye, and then he’d take care of business in Vegas until he had that Tough to the Top title.

  He was also feeling like he had prepared for the final two fights with his own corner. The Craddock Unit was not his team, GWG Grand City was.

  Coach Boggs, Whitey, and even Jessie had insights that were good to keep in mind as he finished this job. He had also kept the drama of his visit out of camera range, he thought, so that no matter what bullshit happened with the other fighters for their at home week his friends, family, and Cassidy were protected.

  He had signed up for this this for a reason and it was not to expose them. It was his second chance after blowing everything at Smack Down and he felt like he had gotten smarter and learned how to keep his raging temper under control. He had gotten in the way of his own dreams for the last time.

  This time all was clear.

  He visited Mom and Dylan at their house for the last segment they would film on the show. He allowed the camera in the kitchen as they ate breakfast and he worried a bit about his mom, she seemed a little different, but cameras did that. It was probably smart she was not too open and easy with Brian swirling around their small dinette.

  Dylan however was in no way reticent in this last moment on television.

  “So, The Fighting Flynn is a good name.” Dylan said to Craddock.

  “Okay I guess.” Craddock answered and his mom shook her head and rolled her eyes.

  “Great, play up your Irish tendency to flip your lid over minutia.” She had never liked the marketing aspect of the MMA and in that, they were in complete alignment. He hated it too but it was necessary to make bank outside of the ring.

  “You could have t-shirts and an action figure!” Dylan had appointed himself chief of all merchandise.

  “What about coffee mugs?” Craddock egged him on.

  “Oh for sure the kind of ones with lids so they don’t spill. Mom likes those kinds the best. So does my normal bus driver.” Dylan continued with his plan to turn The Fighting Flynn into a household name.

  He hugged his mom and for a change, she let him.

  “Kick ass son, you’re the best fighter there is, much less on this stupid show.” She said into his ear, outside the range of the mic and he hugged her a little harder.

  “I love you ma.”

  “I love you too. Now walk your brother.” She stepped away, back to the camera, and busied herself for her shift at work.

  There was no hiding his interaction with Dylan. His voice was loud and proud as they did their good-bye routine.

  Craddock was certain Brian caught Dylan on tape announcing on the bus, “That’s my little brother! The Fighting Flynn!” Craddock shook his head much the same way as his mother had earlier.

  He worked out at the GWG and looked at video of Gustavo. Boggs had the most to say on how to submit him. Craddock took it all in. He envisioned his game plan with Teagan and his path to Gustavo. The final would not be in the Tough House gym, it would be in Vegas, it would be a huge event. Craddock was ready.

  Cassidy got in to work and they stayed apart. Hopefully, they had been successful in hiding their relationship. He watched her, as always, anytime she was near. She had worn her hair down today; it fell in heavy sheets of that brown red, the cinnamon color that caught his eye that very first day.

  She wore jeans; he loved the way her ass looked in her classic little Levis. She had on a silky blouse and those boots of hers. She worked, smiled at members, typed things from that Sawyer guy. It was so good to know they were okay, that he had a second chance with her too.

  GWG fighters came and went; they all grabbed pizza for dinner, and then the normal activities of the place ended. Craddock watched as the GWG and producers set up the gym in viewing mode for the show.

  This is what they had done for the first six weeks. He had not seen even one episode of the show and did not have a clue how it was playing out. He knew he was cast as the bad boy and he had been doing his job on that score.

  Chairs were arranged around the big screen, and placed especially for Tough to the Top. Tommy Flannigan and Darius Brown took seats in the front row; they had the lights low, and even popcorn. It was quiet the setup.

  The hard driving theme song music began and he saw all sixteen fighters briefly appear on screen, a big “x” over their faces after then been eliminated. The four of them that were left were getting a lot of screen time.

  Cassidy had positioned herself across from him, standing in the back, behind the chairs. The lights were low but he caught her eye and gave her a wink. She raised an eyebrow at him and they watched the episode unfold. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too weird to see himself on screen.


  She didn’t know where they were going but at least they would go there together. That is the thought that popped into her head after Craddock had dropped her at her place in the morning.

  Cassidy had worries no doubt about it, namely what would happ
en after he won Tough to the Top? Would he leave her for a more glamorous life in Vegas or L.A. or even Chicago? She knew her life was here in Grand City, maybe in Detroit to help in with their massive need in the foster care system. Her life would never be about glamorous anything.

  She was happy with that and happy with how she and Craddock had repaired so much over the last few days. They were not perfect but he had stayed under control when Zeke showed up, he was genuinely sorry about not trusting her before. He also gave her a little space to breath. All the while, their explosive chemistry had not dimmed at all, if anything it was hotter.

  She caught his wink and felt a flutter in her chest when her mind flashed on their scorching activities in his kitchen, his bed, and even the car this morning. She knew they were getting all they could in because he had an early flight tomorrow after tonight’s airing of Tough to the Top. Cassidy already missed him.

  The Grand City crew would not be in this episode since the show aired the previous week’s activities. It would be fun next week she thought to watch them react to their own appearances in the show. Half the GWG was convinced they should be on it next season.

  Each episode had a formula she had discovered. Training footage, interviews and then a “temptation.” They had actually watched several fighters give in to the temptations and she had been unsurprised when Craddock never did.

  They had tempted all the fighters at various times and viewers watched as some of them got drunk while another seriously considered illegally betting. It was amazing to her that a couple of the contestants on the show seemingly forgot that they were on camera.

  Craddock never appeared to forget. He emerged, she had reluctantly admitted, before they had reconciled, and proudly now that they had, as the best looking, sexiest, and smartest one of the cast.

  Gustavo may have been the scariest but that is because he barely said a word. He did not interact with anyone in the house and his English was limited. All that made for a mysterious fighter whose silence was lining up against Craddock’s more charismatic and roguish persona to provide the perfect finale.


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