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Page 18

by Olivia Hawthorne

  He propped himself above me and slowly, languidly slipped in and out of my clenching core, his eyes on fire with love.

  “This,” he said as he thrust inside, “is where I belong.”

  I grabbed at his hips and curled my legs around his thighs. I pulled him hard against me and exhaled. “This is where I belong,” I said and arched up to meet him, to join him and become one with him. Caleb Harder, my husband, my lover, my life.

  His strokes gained speed and power as he got closer to climax. I dug my fingers into his hips and felt as though my body melted against his, as if we truly joined as one being. I could almost feel his orgasm building along with mine.

  “Harder,” I gasped and smiled at our inside joke. I wanted him to fuck me harder, but I wanted to call out his name. It was perfect that one word meant both. “Oh god, harder!”

  He responded with an almost frantic explosion of movement, his thick shaft slipped in and out of me and the noise of our sex hurried me on towards my release.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and settled in to enjoy my orgasm, but Caleb had other ideas.

  “Open your eyes,” he demanded. My lids snapped open and found his own bright green intense gaze locked on mine. “Come for me, I want to see your face and your beautiful eyes when you come, my bride.”

  “I’m coming,” I exhaled and he gave one final thrust deep inside as I screamed his name and clung to him. I felt his cock pulse and throb against the quivering walls of my pussy and I clenched and quaked until I’d milked his seed and was full of it.

  “I want to have your baby,” I said, burying my face in his neck at my desperate confession.

  “I want to get you pregnant,” he rasped. “I’m going to fill your belly and watch you grow big with our child.”

  “Oh god I want that,” I said and felt tears stinging my eyes at the emotions playing through me just then. “This is it, Caleb. This is the kind of love people dream about.”

  “This is the kind of love I never thought I deserved, babe,” he said and dropped down beside me as he slid out.

  “Oh be careful, you don’t want to pull a Bill Clinton on my dress,” I laughed and helped him tuck his spent member back in his pants.

  “This is what I mean,” he told me and laid on his side, staring into my eyes. “You’re gorgeous, sexy, I can’t keep my hands off you and you’re damn funny too. But more than that, it’s your love that I can’t get enough of. I never imagined a man like me would be worthy of a woman like you, with a heart as pure as yours.”

  Emotions gripped me again and I wanted to cry in his arms at the words he spoke. I managed to keep it together and told him, “I love you like that because of the way you love me. You’re a good man, Caleb Harder, and you deserve a love like this.”

  “We deserve love like this,” he said and kissed me softly but passionately. It amazed me how much love could be transferred through the simple act of a kiss, but I felt it there in his lips as surely as he could taste it on mine.

  Our love was pure and it was for each other. Every time we shared our love, it grew and made our lives and our hearts better for having it in our lives.

  I could have stayed there in his arms like that forever, but we had a wedding reception to host and guests to attend to.

  I wondered how I’d face them all when surely they would know what we’d been getting up to.

  But standing next to Caleb after cleaning up a little and wiggling back into my sexy little panties made me realize something.

  I didn’t care. I was too damn proud to give any thought to what they were thinking.

  * * *

  “Where were you two?” Addy asked and elbowed me hard after we made it down stairs. She and Gary were arm in arm and looking as in love as ever. He’d recently proposed and she’d said yes. They were waiting another year or so though, until her divorce settlement was finalized.

  “I’m not saying a word,” I told her and picked up a carrot stick from the side buffet table. It was laid out with snacks and nibbles for our guests to enjoy until the main dinner. I took a big crunchy bite of it and looked at her sideways.

  “I think we all know what you were up to,” Addy told me in a low conspiratorial tone, “and we’re all so happy for both of you.”

  “You’re happy I was upstairs banging my husband like a broken door?” I asked with my eyebrow raised and a smirk on my face. I crunched down the rest of my carrot and waited for her reply.

  “Oh get out,” she laughed, “you know what I mean. We’re happy that you’re happy. And anyone who’s known Caleb for a while is definitely happy that he’s out of his grumpy shell.”

  “I guess I’ll take credit for that one,” I smiled.

  “Must be the magic vagina,” she chuckled.

  “Addy!” I exclaimed and playfully punched her.

  “Well it’s got to be something,” she replied and strolled away laughing.

  I smiled to myself and knew there was something magic between Caleb and I. I wasn’t sure if it was our magic body parts, but I was sure it was something in the chemistry between the two of us.

  “You look satisfied with yourself,” my mom said as she walked up to me. “It looks good on you.”

  “Thanks,” I replied, “how are you holding up?”

  “Okay, I suppose. I sure do miss him though.”

  “Me too,” I replied quietly.

  I hugged her quickly and she said, “Tut, tut, let’s not get weepy today. Today is your day and it’s a day of blessing. I’m so happy and proud of you, Brooke. Your life has worked out to be truly blessed.”

  “Thank you, mom,” I replied, “that means so much to hear you say it. I thought I’d ruined our relationship when I left but I’m so happy that you guys welcomed me back. It meant the world to me.”

  “Of course we did,” she said, “you’re our baby girl.”

  “And now she’s mine,” Caleb said with a lighthearted growl and wrapped his arms around me from behind while he nuzzled my neck.

  “And I couldn’t be happier to let you have her,” Mom laughed.

  I hooked my arm in Caleb’s and we strolled out onto the lawn to greet the rest of our guests.

  We made it to the dinner, the tossing of the bouquet — the new waitress at Virginia’s diner caught it — and then to the first dance of the night.

  Caleb and I had taken lessons, but the moment the music started it was like we were in our own little world. We forgot all the moves we’d carefully rehearsed and ended up pressed against each other in a tight embrace and rocking slowly to the music.

  It was emotional and beautiful and everything I’d ever wanted.

  After that it was one heck of a party. We celebrated with our friends and family until the wee hours of the morning. Lucy made it until midnight when my mom finally took her upstairs to go to sleep.

  Caleb and I stumbled into our bedroom at five in the morning, tipsy and drunk on love and celebration.

  We fell into our bed fully clothed and holding hands, too exhausted and content to do much beyond falling into a slumber next to each other.

  It was the perfect way to start our life together.

  Chapter 33

  We held off on our honeymoon until Mom had the time to stay with Lucy over the summer break. We’d taken a family honeymoon trip to Mexico right after the wedding with Mom, Lucy, my brother David and his girlfriend, but it wasn’t the same thing. We’d ended up taking the jet with David as the pilot and everyone had somehow managed to tag along.

  Caleb surprised me six months later with a holiday to a private island in Greece and waiting to go had been pretty difficult. Finally the time had passed and we were about to leave; we were renting an entire villa with full complement of staff for half a month in August. Lucy was more than happy to be with her Nana for that long, she knew it meant two weeks of being spoiled rotten.

  I was happy because as much as I would miss Lucy, it meant two weeks for me to be spoiled rotten by the man I married.
  It wasn’t easy on me to leave Lucy, but she seemed perfectly content. “Try not to miss me too much,” she said as we packed up the car to drive to the airport. We were taking Caleb’s private plane again but the weather was going to get worse so we had to leave within the hour.

  “Of course I will,” I told her and hugged her tight. My mom and brother David laughed as she tried to wiggle free.

  “Mom,” she whined, “I’ll be fine. I’m practically grown up now, you know.”

  “Not even close, missy,” I laughed and held her tighter. “You might be almost nine but you’ll always be my little baby.”

  “You need to make me a little brother on your honeymoon so you can squeeze him to death,” she pouted but finally gave into my hug. She wrapped her arms around my neck and let me kiss her.

  “You are a cheeky devil,” I said and let her go. “I love you anyhow.”

  “Same,” she grinned and stood in between my mom and David. “I’m going to have the best time though. Nana told me she’s going to let me eat cookies for breakfast and Uncle David and his girlfriend are taking me to the fair next weekend. They have this ride called the Sizzler that spins you around until you puke!”

  I did my best to not roll my eyes at the things my family was promising. I wouldn’t be around so it didn’t matter if she ate cookies and puked on a ride, she would be safe and happy. “I hope you have fun,” I said and Mom and David both raised their eyebrows and stared at me. “I mean it,” I added. “I’m not going to judge how you look after her, I’ll be in Greece.”

  “Not if we don’t leave right now,” Caleb said as he walked back up the front steps. “Car’s all packed, now we just need to get on the road and head out.”

  “I love you guys,” I said and hugged mom, David and Lucy one more time.

  We were at the airport in no time and I slept most of the flight so it felt like Greece was a hop, skip and a jump away to me.

  The villa was everything I’d imagined and so much more.

  It was white with columns along the front and the back. It had a wide veranda sweeping out towards a swimming pool and a long green lawn that ended at our private white sand beach.

  There were more rooms than I bothered counting and the staff was attentive and yet discreet. They fed us and cleaned up after us, but they gave us the space we needed to celebrate our marriage.

  And celebrate it we did…on practically every surface of the estate, from the kitchen table to the pool to the beach outside.

  After a week I was so well fucked that I swear I had trouble walking straight. Our bonding time had left us both with sore, aching bodies and huge matching grins on our faces.

  I had never been so tanned…no tan lines…satisfied and utterly content with everything in my life.

  A few days before we were due to leave I caught a bit of a bug though and couldn’t stomach any of the beautiful breakfast that had been laid out for us.

  “Even just a boiled egg?” Caleb asked, trying to spoon-feed me something.

  One look at it made my stomach roil and jump. “Oh god no, not unless you want it on your lap.”

  “We both ate the same thing last night, I hope it’s not food poisoning,” he said with concern painting his eyes darker green than usual.

  “It’s just the flu or maybe too much sun,” I replied. “Let’s spend some time in bed and maybe I’ll feel better in a while.”

  “Are you sure? We could find a doctor…”

  “I’m fine,” I said and forced my stomach to calm. “I’m feeling better already.” I lied to him and managed to get down a small piece of toast with no butter and some plain tea. I didn’t want him to worry and ruin our honeymoon.

  After Caleb had finished breakfast we went back upstairs to spend some more time in bed. It was so absolutely indulgent, I had my kindle to read the latest trashy romance I’d downloaded and Caleb had some business section of an American newspaper to look in on some merger his company had done the previous week.

  He had the paper up and I lay back on his flat stomach, using it as a pillow while I read my naughty book.

  We read in silence, our mutual comfort complete. We no longer felt like we had to fill those moments with meaningless chatter, we could spend our time quietly enjoying each other’s company.

  I was getting to a pretty good scene with the girl in the book and two dirty talking stepbrothers when Caleb cleared his throat, distracting me.

  “What’s up?” I asked, reluctantly tearing my eyes away from the screen.

  “I was reading some of that,” he said with a smirk.

  “Oh god, seriously?” I asked, flipping the kindle face down on the bed.

  “It’s okay, it’s just that…” his voice trailed off and his eyes wandered down his body to his lap.

  I turned my head and was confronted with a ready and waiting massive hard on peaking at me from the waistband of his boxer briefs.

  “Oh,” I said and rolled over onto my elbows to look at him. “You were reading my book, you dirty thing.”

  “Two at once, hey?” he asked with his eyebrow raised.

  “Yeah, but it’s just fantasy,” I laughed and slipped my hand into his underwear. I began to stroke him slowly. “This is more than enough for me.”

  “Good, because I will never share you with anyone else,” he growled and reached for my hips. He pulled me towards him, tossed his newspaper to the side and helped me wiggle out of my panties.

  I slid the waistband down and his cock sprung forth, thick and ready for my mouth.

  I lifted my leg to straddle his chest and he gripped my hips to guide me backwards to his waiting mouth.

  I slipped my lips around his throbbing cock, swirled my tongue around the ridge of the head, and pushed myself down on it. I heard his sharp intake of breath when I slid it deep in the back of my throat, relishing my ability to make him feel so good.

  It didn’t take long for us to reach the peak of orgasm together, where I would normally scream his name I was muffled by his cock in my throat. It was sexy somehow, to have him choking me with his thick shaft.

  Our bodies stiffened up and I heard his own growls as he lapped at my pussy hungrily.

  I felt him pulse and throb and explode in the back of my throat. I drank him deeply as I had hundreds of times before but this time was different.

  I felt my stomach lurch and flip flop. I finished and slipped my mouth off him, letting my own body relax and recover from my orgasm.

  But my stomach wasn’t happy.

  I flopped onto my back next to him and tried to stay still until the little quakes in my abdomen calmed down.

  “Are you okay, babe?” he asked and slid his hand along my flesh. It helped center me and let me focus on ignoring the twinges at my core.

  “Just a bit of a bug I think,” I said and smiled at him as I curled into the nook of his arm. “I need a little nap and I’ll be good as new.”

  “Sure thing,” he replied and pulled the light blanket up over us. “Let me know when you’re ready for round two.”

  “I think it would be more like round two hundred and two,” I said and closed my eyes.

  “Yeah, but I lost count ages ago,” he chuckled and petted my head until I fell into a restful slumber, satiated and complete.

  Chapter 34

  My stomach was weird from that moment on. The final day in the villa I could barely get out of bed because even the slightest movement made me feel like I was going to hurl.

  Caleb was amazing, he made about a million jokes about the time I threw up on his shoes in the nightclub, but he was by my side constantly and taking care of me the best he could.

  We made it the airplane and I was a little upset to see the villa go, but mostly happy to get home. I’d never been a traveler and I could see that two weeks was probably my limit. I loved Lucy and our home too much to leave them much longer.

  “You really don’t look well, babe,” Caleb said as we were settled into our seats. “A
re you sure it’s just a bug?”

  “It must be,” I replied, “besides, you’re not supposed to comment when I look bad.” I gave him a half-hearted grin and ignored my stomach lurch as the engines of the jet fired up.

  “I’m worried about you,” he said and put his arm around me and kissed my forehead. “You aren’t pregnant, are you?”

  “No, I couldn’t be,” I laughed, “I’ve been taking my pill…”

  “What?” he asked.

  “Um…” I said and my brain cycled rapidly around the idea of my pill. I had been taking it religiously and waiting for the right moment to start a family with Caleb, but I’d taken some antibiotics for a respiratory infection a couple weeks before we left.

  “What is it?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

  “Antibiotics and the pill,” I said as it dawned on me. “Why the hell didn’t I remember that? I don’t think you can take them and expect the pill to be as effective. I might have read that somewhere.”

  His face lit up and he grinned, a look of pure joy. “You might be…?”

  “I might be,” I said, screwing my face up.

  “What’s wrong? This is what we wanted,” he said and squeezed me close.

  “I was hoping to get some school in before I got pregnant,” I said as the idea of being a mom again flowed through me.

  It turned out I liked it. I wanted to have Caleb’s baby. My body ached to carry his child with every cell in it. My womb throbbed at the idea of our love creating a new life.

  “You’ll have plenty of time for school,” he said in a hoarse whisper, “I love you, Brooke. God how I love you.”

  He bent down and kissed my stomach, tickling me and making me laugh.

  “I love you too, Caleb. And wow, if I am pregnant this is going to be big.”

  “The biggest,” he replied and came up to kiss my mouth. As he pulled away he looked at me with intense emotion, pride, love, and pure adoration. “You’re going to give me a baby.”


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