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Fulfilling Torment

Page 8

by B. L. Purser

  After finishing the call with Reed, I clicked back to the security footage. Cameras were only located in public facilities of the building. Therefore, I had no idea what she was currently doing. Images flashed through my head of what she could possibly be doing in her apartment. Many scenarios played through my mind, but they all ended with me screwing her over every square inch of that apartment. It was even conjuring up images that I had experienced earlier when she was in my apartment. For some reason, I fancied my desk in these illusions. Dammit, I had to stop these fantasies. The hard-on that was making itself painfully known confirmed that I needed to get my mind off of Cam. After all, I had decided that we would not engage in any sexual acts until after I had read Reed’s report. After contemplating my options, I determined that a good work-out was the only way to exert this pent-up energy. I quickly changed into a tank top and gym shorts and made my way to the gym.

  Chapter 12

  – Cam

  My emotions were all over the place. I went from feelings of desire and need to pure hatred and loathing. He was such an ass. Why had I agreed to this? I knew that I didn’t want a relationship with him and vice versa, but was it too much to ask for him to be nice? Did he associate politeness with weakness? He truly was an enigma, and I hated the way my mind tried to figure him out.

  “Stop it Cam!” Great! Now, I was reduced to reprimanding myself out loud. I needed an outlet!

  I had already gone through the apartment from top to bottom. Since I had very few things, there was nothing left to unpack or tidy up. I had used the laundry service one last time from the hotel, so I didn’t even have any dirty clothes to wash. I knew I needed to take a shopping trip soon to purchase more clothing, but I couldn’t make myself go out into the world.

  It seemed that Aiden had figured me out with ease. He could sense that I didn’t like being around people or crowds. The way he knew things about me, prior to my ever revealing them, made me even madder. I needed to stop letting him get to me. After all, I knew this was what he wanted. He was like an all-consuming wildfire. Even though he acted as if all of this was just purely physical, I could sense that he was still playing the game. His need for control combined with my unwillingness to give it to him made it too enticing to end. Even though I acted oblivious to this, there was no way in hell I was going to give in.

  I changed into my boy shorts and sports bra. I had not gotten my run in today, and I figured it would be a good time to check out the gym. Since there was nobody else around, and I had left Aiden in his business suit working at his damn computer, I surmised that I would have the gym all to myself. I grabbed a towel, stuck my earbuds into my ears, and secured my mp3 player to my arm. I stuffed my towel and key card into a small bag and rode the elevator up to the gym. I had to place my card into the elevator slot again to get the doors to the gym to open.

  I entered the gym and was immediately in awe. It appeared to be a state-of-the-art fitness center with many machines that I had never even used before. I deposited my gym bag onto the bench at the entrance of the gym. Feeling like a kid in a candy store, I tried to figure out what I wanted to try first. It appeared that the machines took up the front of the gym. I guessed that the free weights were probably toward the back, but the machines masked the back of the gym. I wasn’t interested in free weights anyway. I was always scared they might fall on me or crush my toes or something.

  I decided to stick with the familiar initially, so I jumped onto the treadmill and began to gradually pick up the pace. After just a few minutes, I was in a full-fledged run. I found my sweet spot and let my mind go on auto-pilot. I listened to the pre-selected work-out music that I had loaded on my mp3 player. The songs were heavy metal beats loaded with electric guitars and drum solos. They were nothing like the music I use to listen to, but I knew I could never listen to that stuff again. In fact, the only time I listened to anything was when I was working out. I sighed internally, if only work-outs would vanquish the nightmares. Then, I wouldn’t worry about a guy and all the drama that came with that shit.

  I ran for about thirty minutes, then I decided that I would try some of the other machines before completely exhausting myself. I grabbed a towel from my bag and toweled off the perspiration that had accumulated around my hairline and on the back of my neck. I had forgotten to grab my water bottle from my apartment, so I decided to check out the back of the gym to see if there was a water machine. Surely, this gym had some form of liquid hydration available.

  I made my way to the back of the gym and stopped abruptly when I realized I was not alone after all. Aiden was on his back splayed across one of the seven weight benches. He was heaving a bar, with large weights attached to each side, above his chest. We realized that I was standing there gawking at about the same time. He placed the bar on the rest and sat up.

  “Like what you see?” He smirked as the remark oozed seductively from his lips.

  I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. What an arrogant ass! I removed the ear buds as a way of additional explanation and responded.

  “I didn’t even realize you were here. I thought I was alone. Seeing you here just startled me that is all.”

  I figured that it would be okay to omit the part about his sweat drenched muscles making me tingle in places that had not tingled in a while. He needed no additional ammunition to use against me.

  “I was just going to get some water. I’m sorry to disturb you. I will come back another time.”

  I felt like a dog retreating with its tail tucked between its legs as I quickly turned to depart. I was extremely embarrassed. Why had I started my music before I ever entered the gym? If my ear buds had not been in, I was certain that I would have heard Aiden prior to discovering him the way I had. Then, I could have quickly left without him knowing.

  “Wait Cam; come here.”

  I stopped in my tracks but didn’t turn around. I wasn’t sure exactly how this conversation was going to play out, but I wanted to make damn sure that my feet were pointed toward the door. I hesitated with what to do long enough that he felt compelled to restate his demand.

  “Cam, I said come here…please.”

  I was stunned that he’d shown a small form of politeness. I knew this required a lot of effort on his part, so I turned around and gazed into his molten eyes. It was the only way to read his thoughts, and I needed some advantage over the current situation. I knew the look all too well. It was desire, and seduction rolled into one, and it was the look that I had seen both times immediately prior to our sexual escapades.

  He motioned at a spot on the weight bench directly in front of him. I decided to hear him out, so I took his nonverbal cue and straddled the bench to sit facing him. I knew that this could go several different ways, and my uncertainty was nerve-racking. This is why I liked to be in control of my life, and at this moment it felt like Aiden was in control. This was not good.

  – Aiden

  I had known the moment she entered the gym. I’m surprised that she had not felt it. I could only imagine that the god awful music that blared through her earphones was frustrating her other senses and keeping the electric charge from registering. I watched her from my location for a while. Although she was unable to see me, I had the perfect view of her amazing body. She ran on the treadmill like a frightened animal trying to get away from a devouring beast. I questioned how accurate of a picture that really was, but I wouldn’t allow my mind to go there. I had made a commitment not to venture into her past. I had to honor that stipulation, for I knew all too well if I didn’t, she would be gone. I was beginning to notice a pattern with her. She did everything the same way, as if her life depended on it. Her work ethic made this evident, but more than that, every single conversation revealed this about her. I knew this observation was important, so I locked it in the back of my mind for future consideration.

  Now, I had to figure out what to do with this beautiful creature sitting across from me.

  “Cam, are you clean?”

sp; Her eyes grew large, and she stuttered her response. “Uh, well I have been ru… running, so I probably need a sh… shower.”

  Her naivety and misunderstanding of the question made me have to hide the smile wanting to break through my cool demeanor. She was always full of surprises.

  “No Cam. I mean have you been tested recently for anything sexually related?”

  Her embarrassment was revealed by the pink color splayed across her cheeks. I bet she hated that. After all, anything that revealed her thoughts without her permission was probably not on her list of assets.

  “Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize what you were asking. I get tested every year. I was just tested about six months ago. I was clean then, and I always use protection. I know that is not one hundred percent effective, so I guess I can’t answer that question with complete certainty. But didn’t you say that your doctor would do all of the tests in the morning?”

  “Yes, Reed will do the testing in the morning, but that doesn’t help with what I want to do to you right now.”

  I reached up and gently brushed my hand down the side of her face. Her smooth skin sent signals straight to my rapidly growing erection.

  “I can’t father children, and you have said that you can’t have children. So, if I told you that I get tested every few months, and I’m clean, would you be okay with me fucking you right now without protection? I have always used protection prior to this, but I crave you with no barriers.”

  I could tell that she didn’t know how to respond to my proposition, so I decided to turn on my powers of persuasion. After all, I had to have this. Before she could make up her mind either way, I reached up to the right strap of her sports bra and slid it down her arm to reveal one of her supple breasts. I mimicked my movement on her left side; then I sat back to admire what I had revealed. The bra was now positioned around her mid-section, and she was bare from the waist up. There was something so alluring about the sight of her positioned that way. At that moment, I would have paid any amount of money to have a sculpture capture that pose permanently.

  I bent down and licked the areola around her right nipple. After licking my way completely around, I pursed my lips and gently sucked at the hardening bud. The way that she arched her back and let out a small moan made it clear that my persuasive efforts were working. As I continued to suck her right nipple, I reached up with my other hand and began twirling her left nipple at the same time. I could sense her getting slicker the more I sucked and twirled. Finally, I slid my entire body close enough to her that my knees were pressed firmly to the inside of her thighs. This position allowed me to keep her legs spread open to me. While I relished the control this was giving me, I was also monitoring the effects it was having on Cam. So far, she seemed calm and inviting. I only hoped that this demeanor would hold out for what was to come.

  I released her briefly and stood, explaining that I wanted her to swap places with me. Even though the look of confusion contorted her beautiful features slightly, she fulfilled my request without defiance. Once situated where I had been on the bench, I instructed her to clasp her hands together and rest them against the bar above her head. As soon as she had completed my request, I gathered an elastic band from beneath the bench and secured her wrists to the bar. I knew the heavy weight and elastic band would keep her in that position no matter what I had in store for her.

  We had not discussed bindings during our negotiations. In actuality, I had purposefully left that out of the arrangement. I knew that not using them would be a deal breaker for me, and I was afraid using them would possibly be a deal breaker for her. After all, it boiled down to control. However, I had to have her this way. I was hoping that showing her how good it could be would persuade her to remain in our arrangement, but I realized in that moment, I may be destroying everything that I’d worked so hard to achieve.

  I was not oblivious to the fact that those scars could have been caused using similar situations to what I was putting her in, but I was hoping that she would see that only pleasure would come from this experience. I even rationalized that this may teach her another way to cope. So far, she was taking the binding fairly well. Her breathing had increased slightly, and her eyes took on a wilder look. I knew I was pushing her, but she was rising to the challenge.

  I grabbed her on each side of her thighs and slid her to me until her arms were extended well above her head. I was now sitting on a small portion of the bench at the bottom.

  “I don’t give a damn about how sweaty you are. I am looking forward to getting you even wetter.”

  With those words fresh on my lips, I removed her shorts and lowered my face to meet her sweet smelling sex. I ran my tongue along the length of it and stopped at the base of her clit. I began rapidly flicking my tongue. I took it as a positive note that she was not screaming or begging me to stop. I could only hope that she was enjoying it as much as I was. My desires were confirmed when I heard her confessing as much.

  “Oh my god Aiden. Right there! That feels so fucking amazing. Please don’t stop!”

  Her words were making it hard to focus. If she kept on, I was going to have to bury my length deep inside her before I was ready to.

  Her hips were unable to contain the passion as she bucked about wildly. I grabbed her ass cheeks and held her in place as I continued my plight. I knew she was close, but I wasn’t ready for her to be done yet. I released her and sat back on the bench. I sparred a moment to take in her beautiful figure from top to bottom.

  Misunderstanding my intent, she looked into my eyes and began begging. “Please Aiden. I can’t bear what you did to me the other day again! Please do not leave me like this! Please fuck me! I’m so close. Please don’t be cruel.”

  Her words bit into my euphoria. I had no intention of ever treating her that way again. I thought about explaining how wrong she was in her thoughts. I wanted to reassure her that she never had to worry about me doing that to her again, but the words could not find their way out. So, I decided to show her how wrong she was.

  I had shed my shirt earlier in my workout, so I made quick work of removing my shorts. Now, I matched her in complete nakedness. I grabbed her hips roughly and ran my hands around them to grip both ass cheeks. I used my grip to position her so that I could ram into her with all the force I could muster. The binding kept her secure and in the perfect position. I withdrew slowly and then pounded into her again. I repeated this movement three more times. Each time I rammed into her, she screamed out with pleasure. The screams were more than I could bear, and I found myself increasing the pace and intensity. I was close to completeness, and I knew that she was getting there fast too. As I pushed into her warm perfect body one last time, I felt the rush of my explosion. In that same moment, her orgasm hit and radiated through her body and into mine.

  I had never felt something as intense and hedonistic as I had at that moment. Removing all of the barriers and feeling skin to skin was life changing. I would never again look at sex the same way. At that moment, I was changed. Screwing was no longer a pleasant feeling that I craved at times. It was now a need that I realized was as strong as the need for my next breath of air. My only fear, was that it wasn’t just the sex.

  Chapter 13

  – Cam

  What had just happened? So many things had violated my senses at once, and I was having difficulty processing it all. The binding had terrified me. I wasn’t expecting it, and I almost lost my composure when Aiden first did it. Something in his eyes had told me that I was okay, and in that short moment, I had decided to trust him.

  Then, he had stopped for a moment, and my biggest fear with him threatened to become reality. I thought he was going to torture me sexually as he had previously. I knew I couldn’t handle that again. Begging was not the strongest point of my life, but it seemed to clue Aiden in on how severe my panic was becoming. The thoughts of my willingness to gnaw off my arm to escape crossed briefly through my mind. Luckily, I didn’t have to act on my outlandish escape plan

  I could now understand and appreciate why Aiden had not wanted to use protection. That experience was the most intense experience of my entire life. Even though I had experienced sex without protection before, I had no idea that it could be as intense as this encounter had been. I wondered if Aiden had felt the intensity of it as well. Did it feel different than with other women? I figured that the only way to truly get the answer to this question was to ask. However, there was no way in hell that I was going to broach a discussion about Aiden’s sexual experiences. After all, I had just begun communicating somewhat effectively with him. I didn’t really want him to go into total shutdown mode on me, because I had suddenly become Chatty Cathy.

  He was still sprawled on top of me, and I was hoping that he had not passed out cold.

  “Aiden, could you please untie me? My hands are starting to lose feeling.”

  He groggily sat up, and it took a minute for my predicament to register with him.

  “Oh shit! Cam, I forgot. Hang on, I got you.”

  He jumped up quickly causing his cock to dislodge from its warm, soft resting spot. The emptiness left in its place felt tragic. He made quick work of the binding and began massaging blood back into my wrists.

  “Stay right here. I will be back in just a moment. Don’t move.”

  I don’t know what his fetish with leaving me exposed stemmed from, but it was definitely something that was going to be hard to get used to. I knew that no one would walk in on me, but there was still vulnerability in being alone and unclothed. I didn’t have to remain that way long, because he returned quickly with warm, wet towels. It felt like heaven as he began wiping me off. He startled me even more when he started to explain.


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