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Redeeming Kyle: 69 Bottles #3

Page 20

by Zoey Derrick

  “Hi cowboy.”

  “Hi panda,” he says with a sly smile.

  “Kiss me,” I breathe.

  “With pleasure.” He smirks and plants his lips on mine, hard and fast. Love, lust and devotion pour into me at a pace that leaves me breathless. His tongue slides past my lips and he caresses mine with his. Desire explodes and I moan, melting into his embrace. Our first kiss since his return and it feels like he never left, but that his love for me has grown by leaps and bounds.

  I want him, I need him, I need them both so bad. I pull back, my breathing jagged and hard. “We have the bus,” I whisper.

  He chuckles. “Later, baby, promise.”

  I melt into his smile and the promise of fulfilling my need for him. Talon comes up behind me, pressing me between the two of them. I can feel their erections probing into me and I turn to putty in their hands. “If you make me wait, I just might explode.”

  They both laugh. “We have to make you wait. Not because we want to. We have to do the sound check,” Talon says into my ear then he pulls my lobe into his mouth. I hiss through my teeth as my clit throbs.

  “Mmm, seems we discovered a new hot spot,” Kyle teases me.

  Talon lets my ear go. “I like it,” he says with a lust filled growl.

  “Okay, if you’re making me wait, we better get going because I’m about three seconds away from sliding my hand down my pants.”

  “Oh no, you don’t. Those orgasms are ours and ours alone.” The command in Talon’s voice makes my knees weak and they both hold me tightly.

  “Yes,” I breathe and then they slowly let me go. Each taking a hand in theirs and escorting me into the theater.

  Once we’re inside and near the stage the guys all stop what they’re doing and come over toward me. All except Dex. I watch him as he goes straight to Raine. “Hang on guys,” I say holding up a finger and I walk over to Dex and grab him by the ear. “Down boy.”

  “Hey, come on, stop cock blocking me.”

  “She’s my assistant,” I say, letting his ear go. “She’s not for you to schmooze.”

  “Schmooze…? What are you, five?” He laughs. “And I’m not schmoozing, I’m working it.”

  I shake my head. “I hope she plays hard to get.”

  “She already is,” he growls.

  “Good. But she doesn’t need to be another notch in your bedpost, Dex.”

  He leans into me, and whispers, ”I want her to be the last notch in my bedpost.”

  “Prove it!” I tell him in a whisper.

  “I’m trying,” he growls again. “Now stop blocking me.”

  I burst out laughing. “It’s your funeral.”

  “Thanks so much.” Then he throws his arms around me. “I’m so glad you’re back. Fucking missed ya, little mama.” I roll my eyes.

  “Thanks for bringing him back.” For the first time ever, I hug him back.

  “Anytime. Now let me go, I got schmoozing to do,” he says with a laugh and I punch his shoulder.

  I turn around and Mouse and Peacock are standing there like little boys waiting for candy on Halloween. I throw my arms wide. “Come here, boys,” I say with a laugh and they both come at me, hugging me and kissing my cheeks repeatedly. “Alright,” I say.

  “Missed you, Red. Happy you’re back,” Mouse says with a big smile then he punches Eric in the shoulder.

  “Don’t scare us again,” Peacock says.

  “You told Mouse?” I whisper. He nods. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Told Mouse what?” Talon asks.

  I pull back from Peacock and I nod, taking his hand in mine. “That I’m gay,” he says confidently.

  “About fucking time you admitted it, brotha,” Dex says from behind me. I raise an eyebrow at Peacock, in a ‘see I told you’ kind of way.

  Talon wraps his arm around Peacock’s shoulder with a smile on his face. He taps Peacock’s chest with an open hand. “I know, Eric, but you know what?” Eric shakes his head. “I’m glad you finally told me.”

  “It doesn’t bother you?” Eric asks.

  Talon lets him go and grabs Kyle, pulling him close and kissing him. Kyle is frozen for a moment, but then I can see him melt much the same way I do when Talon is kissing me. When Talon pulls back, he looks at Eric. “I have no room in my heart to judge you. You’re my brother, you’re my friend.” He holds his hand out and he and Eric grab each other’s arms near the elbow, holding on.

  I feel like crying, I do cry. “Oh crap,” I say out loud. Covering my mouth. Looking for the bathroom something anything. Trash can. I go over to it and wretch.

  “Ah hell,” I hear Dex tease. Kyle is at my side in an instant, holding my hair and rubbing my back.

  “Oh god, I missed this,” I sob between heaves.

  “Puking?” Kyle says with a chuckle.

  “No, you holding me.”

  I heave a few more times and someone brings up a chair behind me. “Sit, baby girl. I got you.”

  I put my head in my hands, waiting for the dizziness to pass.

  “Just because you’ve finally come out, doesn’t mean it changes anything,” I hear Dex tell Eric. “I will still tease you, I will still rib you and I will do my best to keep it strictly to girl ribbing.”

  “You’re a dick, dude,” Eric says back and both he and Dex laugh.

  “No, you need a dick,” Dex says back and I balk, looking over at both of them.

  “I think it might be you who needs one.”

  Dex grabs his crotch. “Got one right here.” Both Dex and Eric are laughing and my heart warms.

  I see Raine off to the side and she’s staring at Dex. She’s just as smitten with him too. But I hope she knows what she’s getting herself into.

  “How you doin’, angel?” I smile up at Talon.

  “Better. I think I’m making up for not puking this morning and the nausea medicine is wearing off. Downside is, there went my lunch,” I pout.

  “Kyle, take her back to the bus, get her some food?” Talon asks. “We can handle sound.”

  “Come on, baby girl.” He stands and holds his hand out for me to take, I do and stand up slowly. Talon wraps his arms around me, but he doesn’t kiss me. I know why, because I always deny both of them until I’ve brushed my teeth.

  Kyle escorts me back to the bus and I use the facilities, brush my teeth and then take a seat. I can see my purse and messenger back have been brought in. I pull out the journal, log my food, my puking and then close it up. “We need to take a picture,” Kyle says. I smile and nod and we go back to the bedroom while the water for more mac n’ cheese boils on the stove.

  After we’re done taking pictures of the pouch, we come back up front and Kyle plays on his phone while he makes me some food. After a couple of minutes he shows me what he did. “Look, baby girl.”

  I take his phone and look at the picture. He put them side by side and you can definitely see the change, though still subtle, it’s there. Along the bottom of the left picture it says, “5 weeks” on the right it says, “6 weeks 1 day”

  “That is so cool. It’s hard for me to see the changes. I feel them, like with my pants and shirts, but seeing them is hard because I see me every day.”

  “There was a big change in three days, or I just really missed seeing it.”

  “Don’t do that to me again, please? Pregnant or not, it will destroy me.”

  He smiles, “I don’t plan on it.”


  He serves me my mac ’n cheese and I devour the entire box, plus an entire sleeve of saltines and a bottle of apple juice. Shortly after I finish up, Talon comes onto the bus.

  “I have a bone to pick with you, mister,” I tell him, wagging my finger at him.

  “Oh my god, what did I do?”

  My eyes get real wide. “You. Told, My, Mom.”

  “Oh shit, Talon, why?”

  “Because I panicked when you got sick and they took you to the hospit
al. I wanted to let her know and it just… it slipped out.” He looks positively scared that I’m really pissed off. “She wasn’t supposed to tell you.”

  I burst out laughing and he melts a little bit. “You can’t tell my mother something like that then not expect her to ask me about them. I called her on the way over and she asked me about the babies and I nearly blew a gasket. When she explained that you’d called her and that you were scared and I can understand why you hesitated to tell her. I appreciate that. Now we have even bigger demands to go to Kansas City when the tour is over.” I smile.

  “Did she say anything else?” he asks through his eyelashes.

  “Nooooo, why?”

  “Oh, no reason.”

  “Talon Carver, what the hell are you planning?”

  “Nothing, baby, honest. I promise.”

  I smirk. “I don’t believe you, but I’ll let it go, for now.” He perks up. I notice Kyle is a little too quiet in the kitchen. “Kyle Black, you’ll tell me. Won’t you? I know you know, I can see it.” He blushes and shakes his head. “I know how to get it out of you.”

  “Oh no, you don’t, you little minx.” Talon wraps his arms around me as I stalk toward Kyle. “We promise you’ll find out soon enough.”

  “Talon?” Mills calls from the door of the bus. “The producers are here.”

  “Shit, I forgot they were recording and filming this week,” I say. “Oh good, that saves my arguments.”

  Talon turns to me. “Arguments about what?”

  “Performing tonight.”

  “Oh no, you’re not.”

  “Ha! You don’t have much of a choice.” I stick my tongue out at him and he charges toward me. I squeal and go running toward the bedroom. He catches me, pinning me to the bed on my back, hands over my head. His legs are in between mine.

  “I do have a choice, and the answer is no.”

  I flick my hips and his eyes roll up. “You don’t have a choice. You can’t have a live video without your star.” I smirk.

  “Yes, we can, there will be plenty of time to film…” I flick my hips again, rubbing my sex against his denim covered cock.

  “No arguments, big man. Doc said it was okay. I feel fucking fantastic for the first time in two weeks. All the weight of my pregnancy is gone because I no longer feel like every little thing I do is going to push one of the two of you over the edge. I didn’t realize how much that was weighing me down until this morning when I woke up. I actually have some energy, and I want to be on stage singing our songs with you tonight.”

  He crushes his lips to mine and I moan. “I fucking love you,” he says against my lips. I smile. He’s such an animal when he says it like that and I know he means it with every fiber of his being.

  “I fucking love you too.”

  “I have to go deal with the producers.”

  “I know, sorry I got you worked up.”

  “Angel, around you, I’m always worked up.” He kisses me on the lips one more time. Then he kisses down my chest. “By the way, you look like you’ve grown two cup sizes, what the hell?”

  I laugh, “I’m actually wearing a bra.”

  He perks up. “It doesn’t hurt?”

  “Oh no, it hurts, but my nipples always seem to be hard, so even against my tank tops they would rub. I thought I’d try this.”

  “Is it better, baby girl?” Kyle asks and I look over at him in the doorway.

  “It is, in that they don’t rub, but even covered they’re still hard.”

  “Let me see,” Talon says as he tugs on my shirt.

  “You, mister, have work to do. You can see them later. Now get.”

  He pouts, I kiss it away and he lets my hands go as he gets off of me. “I’ll be back in a bit.” He turns to Kyle. “Don’t wear her out too much.” He winks and leaves the bedroom.

  “Can I see?” Kyle asks sweetly.

  I smirk at him. “Why?”

  “Because I want to see you.”

  I laugh, “No, you want to see my nipples.”

  He smirks and blushes. It’s freakin’ adorable. I lift up my shirt, reach under my bra, lifting it so my breasts spill out. His mouth drops open and he lets out a rush of air. “They’re darker?”

  “I have a feeling they’re going to get much darker.” I smile.

  He comes over to the bed, between my legs hanging over the side. I spread them for him. He reaches out for my hands and I give them to him and he pulls me up, then reaches around to undo my bra. He tugs on my shirt and pulls it all over my head. “That’s better,” he sighs as he slides to his knees. His mouth is right there. I feel my nipples tingle as they harden further. My nipples are still puffy, but with a definite definition at the tips. The color has darkened from the pink they were to a more dusty pink color. He brushes his nose against one and I shiver, leaning forward he takes my silent invitation and licks his tongue across it.

  “Ahh,” I moan and my panties dampen. “Again,” I breathe and he switches sides. Running a wet fat tongue along it. “Don’t stop.” I moan and he pulls it into his mouth, gently licking and sucking it. Every pull is felt in my clit as it throbs.

  His other hand comes up and he gently runs his palm along the now fully hard point. When my nipples are hard, they grow large and long, so the movement caused by his palm adds to the pleasure and pain combination. I moan again and he releases my nipple from his mouth.

  “I need you so bad,” he groans, “but I’m going to be honest, I don’t think it’s fair for me to do this without him.”

  My mind clears of the lustful fog and I look at him. “Is this a permanent choice, you and I don’t do anything without him?”

  “Oh god, no. I think being sexual one on one is very important for all of us. But yes, I left. Yes, I want makeup sex with you so bad I’m getting blue balls, but I left him too, and I think it’s best if we all makeup together.”

  I put his head in my hands and I lean down, kissing him hard. Silent tears streak down my cheeks. “I think that sounds like an amazing idea.”

  “Then why are you crying?”

  I chuckle. “Because I cry at just about everything now. But really it’s because you’re putting mine and Talon’s needs above your own.” I kiss his nose. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need a clean pair of panties.” I smirk.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t…”

  I tap his nose. “Don’t, it’s alright and all the more sweeter because you talked through it, you asked, spoke your mind and your concern. Besides they’re pretty great nipples if I do say so myself. If it didn’t hurt so much for me to touch them, I don’t think I could leave them alone.”

  “Why does it hurt when you do it versus when we do it?” he asks and it’s a perfectly logical question.

  “Because, when you and Talon do it, the pleasure is so much more than the pain and the pain brings the pleasure higher. When I do it, it doesn’t feel the same. It’s like what would you prefer more; your own hand job or mine?”

  “Definitely yours.”

  “It’s the same for my nipples and even masturbating. When you two play with it, it’s deep and it’s intense. When I touch it, it becomes a game of hurry up and rub it out.”

  “Okay, that’s just too weird,” he says, standing up.

  “Why? Because it’s the same for you?”

  “Yes, except when I’m doing it for you it’s so you can enjoy the show.”

  “Mmm,” I bite my lip. Then lick it.

  “Exactly.” He smirks again. “Come on, panda, let’s clean you up.”

  Thank goodness for not taking everything into the hotel. Worst case scenario, I have enough here to change if I don’t make it back to the hotel. After I’m cleaned up, Kyle and I head into the theater and track down Talon. “You’re supposed to be taking it easy,” he tells me.

  “I’m perfectly fine and fed.” I hold up my bottle of water, “Hydrated too.”

  He comes over and kisses me. “I didn’t expect to see you guys so soon,” he s
ays with a smirk.

  “Kyle said it would be better for the three of us to makeup together.”

  He looks over at Kyle. “I left you too, not just her.”

  Talon smiles. “Okay then. You better get back to the hotel to get ready,” he tells me then kisses my forehead. “You don’t need to do make-up, they have a team coming, they will be here at six thirty for make-up, apparently we’re all gonna need it.” He rolls his eyes. “I think I’m handsome enough without it.” He snorts.

  “You are, but the camera will love you more for it,” I tell him and he shrugs.

  “Go on, take him with you. We’re good here. I’ll be about another hour then I’ll be there. We’ll have dinner before we come over.”

  “All of us?” I ask, skeptical.

  “Well, I figure if you have to eat, so do Kyle and I. It only seems fair.”

  I smile, kiss him and Kyle and I leave for the hotel.

  “Kyle!” I shout from the bedroom.

  He comes running in. “What, what’s wrong?”

  I laugh, “Sorry, nothing’s wrong. Well, not with me anyway…. Crap, um, can I wear this?” I turn.

  “You look amazing,” he says. I’m wearing the green plaid skirt they bought for me back in Minnesota, but the problem is the skirt is high-waisted and my shirt is tucked in.

  “No, look, I mean really look, down there.”

  “Oh,” he says and I turn again. “Oh um…shit, Addie, already?”

  “I know. I thought I could cover it up, but…damn it, I guess not.”

  “Hey guys!” Talon says as he comes into the room. “Wow, angel that outfit looks amazing on you.”

  I feel like crying. “Watch,” Kyle says and he nods to me, and I turn sideways.

  “Oh! Oh!” His eyes go wide. “Shit, Addie.”

  “Yeah, that about sums it up,” I say softly. “Is it really noticeable?”

  “It’s hard to tell,” Kyle says, “he and I are so attuned to your body we know it’s there so we see it, all the time. Hang on, I have an idea.” I watch as Kyle goes to the bedside table and grabs his phone and pushes a button before putting it to his ear. “Hey Raine, can you come up to the suite? Addie needs your help.” There’s a pause, “perfect, have them let you in.” Another pause, “okay, thanks.” He sets the phone down. “She’s on her way up. She doesn’t know you like we do. Let her be the judge.”


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