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Redeeming Kyle: 69 Bottles #3

Page 19

by Zoey Derrick

  “Hi Cami, what are you doing here?”

  “Oh I got a call from a little birdie yesterday telling me what happened, about three minutes before I got the call from the studio that you’d collapsed.”

  “So you hopped on a plane and came to New York?”

  She smiles wide. “I did. So should I be saying congratulations?”

  “Oh Cami, I’m so sorry…”

  “Why are you sorry?”

  “You sent me on that bus to do a job and I end up sleeping with…”

  “Oh lord, do not apologize for that. Dear god, I am the last person to judge you, I’m married to a client.”

  “I know, but this is so not like me…”

  She laughs, “Listen, I know you’ve had a rough few days and believe me, I can completely understand.” She sits down on the bed. “Let me tell you a story that no one really knows. When I found out I was pregnant with Jaden, I ran away and hid, literally, I disappeared for a long time because I was so afraid of what Tristan was going to think. It was the stupidest mistake I’ve ever made. You didn’t run, you didn’t do anything wrong, you haven’t done anything wrong, and you’re still doing your job. What we do isn’t that demanding when we’re limited to one client.” She tilts her head down. “I know, I’ve been there.”

  “I haven’t been doing a very good job.”

  “Nonsense. You’ve done amazing, especially considering that you’ve become your own PR Rep with your own celebrity, that’s not easy to handle. It’s overwhelming at times, but you’re doing great. But, given the circumstances, I think you need some help. Raine has agreed to join the tour, assisting you with the band and handling you’re own brand building. She’s amazing at what she does and she knows what she’s doing.” I look at Raine who is smiling from ear to ear and I smile too. “She’s a decoration around my office because I don’t use her like I should and Trinity’s assistant can handle me too. You just need to take care of that baby.”

  I look at Raine and cock my head, she shrugs. “Cami, not baby, babies.” I emphasize.

  “Oh my god, how many are you having, girl?”

  I laugh at her excitement. “Two, just two.”

  “No wonder you’re a mess. God, one for me was enough to knock me on my ass for a while, I can’t imagine, two…” she breathes out the last word. “Well then, double congrats. Whose?” She asks gently.

  I laugh. “I wish I knew. They’re either Talon or Kyle’s.”

  “You little minx.”

  “Or both… they’re fraternal twins, which means two eggs, which means there’s a small chance that they could each have one in here.”

  “Oh my god.” She laughs. “Do you know when it happened?”

  “Albuquerque based on all the information I can find. That’s about the time.”

  “Oh god, that was right after you left Phoenix.” I blush. “I can’t imagine how you do it. Dealing with both of them like you do. I commend you for it, really I do. Tristan is a handful as it is. Speaking of which…” she looks to the door.

  “Did you leave him outside?” She nods. “Tristan!” I shout and the door opens. Tristan is standing on the other side and I can see Tyson behind him. “Get in here,” I say playfully and he comes into the room. Raine slides back into the corner.

  “Hey Addison, how you doing?” he asks with a little bit of a blush.

  “Better now.” I smile. “How are you?”

  “Can’t complain.” He smiles.

  “Babe, she’s having twins,” Cami tells him.

  “No way?” He has a big grin on his face. “That’s so awesome, congrats Addison.”

  “Thank you.” I blush.

  Cami, Tristan, Raine and I chat for a little longer until the nurse comes in to take some blood for some final tests. “Call me. Let’s have lunch tomorrow if you’re up to it,” Cami says with a smile on her face.

  “I’d love to.” The nurse sets about getting me ready while I talk to Cami. “Have we rescheduled the studio?”

  “We did. Marc says he’ll do it Saturday morning. Other than the concert, the schedule is clear.” She looks at Raine, who nods. “She has all the details you need. Oh, and after the photo shoot with the band, and you get yours done. I’ve arranged for some private time with the photographer, for you, Talon and Kyle.”

  “Cami, you didn’t have to…”

  “Nonsense. It was actually Tristan’s idea. When we were pregnant with Jaden, some of our most cherished pictures are from that time. Of course the ones that came after are more so, but we still have several hanging in our house. Soak it up. The session is private, you three, plus the photographer. Who is a very dear friend of mine. We can discuss when to announce, later.”

  “It won’t be until after the tour.”

  Cami smiles, “We’ll shoot for that, but Addison?”

  “Huh? Ouch.” The nurse pokes me with a needle.

  “What are you now? Six weeks?” I nod. “Big clothing isn’t going to cover you for very long. What you’re wearing now, and how you’re lying isn’t very flattering, but I think it will have to come out sooner than you want. We will keep a lid on it as long as we can. I promise.”

  I nod my understanding. “I…”

  “Oh I understand, believe me. So we will do what we can and I’m sure your fashion sense will keep you looking normal and not raise too many questions. No one even knows you’re here.”

  “Okay good. Besides, what happened could be twisted into something else, if it got out.”

  The nurse finishes and interjects, “We’ll be back shortly to take you for another ultrasound.” She quietly leaves the room.

  “Look, let’s just get you better and get you out of here. Raine’s started working on handling tonight’s show, assuming you’re not cleared to perform.”

  I snort. “I doubt Talon and Kyle would let me anyway.”

  She smiles, “They take pretty good care of you, you know?” I nod. “But if the doctor says it’s okay and you feel up to it…”

  “Oh, I can handle those two, and as of right now, if I get out of here at a reasonable time, I plan on being there.”

  “Good to hear,” Tristan says.

  “Speaking of which, is this going to affect anything else that’s in the works?”

  “If it does, I’ll sue their asses for discrimination,” Cami says with a smile on her face. “Don’t worry about that now. There’s a lot you can still do while you’re pregnant and anyone who wants you as bad as they’re claiming right now, they ain’t gonna care.”

  “That makes me happy.”

  “Good, now get some rest.”

  “We’ll see you later,” Tristan says behind her as he escorts her from the room. I smile when I see his hand on the small of her back as they leave the room.

  “Alright, Raine, what do you have for me?” I ask and we start talking.

  “Does it mean anything that you can’t see the heartbeats?” I ask the doctor who’s doing my ultrasound.

  “No, not at this stage. You’re measuring great at six weeks and they’re both looking great on the ultrasound. But I’d like for you to come back to the hospital next week to have a follow-up ultrasound. We can schedule an appointment for you before you leave. By then we should be able to see the heartbeats and we can check on things.”

  He pulls the wand out, another internal ultrasound, ugh. He hands me a couple of pictures of both babies. “I’ll go ahead and discharge you. Your lab work looks great, your HCg levels have gone up even since yesterday, so that’s a great sign. If you feel any cramping, discomfort, or something just doesn’t feel right, come back in to the ER.”

  I take a deep breath, trying not to panic. “Do I have any restrictions?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “No, just get some rest and get back on track with eating and drinking. You may notice some increased urination because of all the IV fluids we’ve given you and the anti-nausea medicine will be wearing off soon.”

  “I have a concer
t tonight.”

  “As a patron or?”

  “As a singer, but I only sing two songs throughout the show. Am I okay to do that?”

  He hesitates. “Go with your gut instinct. If you have the ability to back out of it, I would consider it, but if you continue to eat and feel alright as the day goes on and you limit your stress and excitement, I think you’d be alright. Just take it easy,” he tells me with a smile.

  The nurse helps me back into the wheelchair and takes me back to my room where Raine is waiting patiently, working on her laptop.

  “Go ahead and get changed, I’ll be back with some care instructions, your discharge papers and we will send you on your way.”

  “Thanks,” I tell her as she helps me up and then leaves the room.

  “I’ll rally the troops,” Raine says as she hops up out of her chair.

  “Can I ask you something?” I say to her and she stops in her tracks looking at me. “Are you sure you’re okay with all this? The tour and everything?”

  “Oh my goodness, are you kidding me? I am so stoked you have NOO idea!” she exclaims with such an infectious attitude that I can feel mine shifting as well. “Besides, Dex has the hots for me.”

  I snort a laugh. “Sweetheart, I hate to break it to you, but Dex has the hots for anything with legs, a vagina and tits.”

  “Oh I know, and it’s damn fun making him work for it.”

  “Oh my god, and Cami called me a minx.” We both burst out laughing.

  “Get dressed. I’ll be back in when the nurse comes with your paperwork. Which will be in like three hours.” She rolls her eyes and I know immediately that we’re going to get along just fine.

  An hour later and I’m in a wheelchair, being pushed by Raine and flanked on both sides by Tori and Rusty, and I’m on my way out of the hospital. I haven’t called the guys just yet, I’ll do it from the car. It’s just after twelve so I am left to decide what I want to eat for lunch and I decide on room service back at the hotel. Tori calls ahead to place my order. I have a feeling she’s in on this gig and will make sure I eat, even if the guys don’t. Once we are on our way, I call Kyle.

  “Hey sweet girl.”

  “Hi cowboy, how are things there?”

  “A mess, but they’re straightening out quickly. We’ve got some new equipment and we’re coordinating with the venue for some of theirs. We’ve moved everything over to the venue and the crew and the guys are getting it set up. They’re running sound around two, two thirty, at least that’s the goal. But enough about what’s happening here, how are you?”

  “I’m great. I’m in the car on my way back to the hotel.”

  “Oh sweetie, that’s awesome.”

  “What’s going on, Ky?” I hear Talon in the background.

  “She’s doing great and in the car, they’ve discharged her.”

  “Let me say hi,” Talon says and I hear the phone change hands. “Hi angel.”

  “Hi big man.”

  “You’re doing good?”

  “I’m great, now that I’m leaving. Tori ordered lunch from the hotel to be delivered to the room. Raine is with me. I want to take a shower and then come down to you guys.”

  “Nope, you need to rest.”

  “Talon, please, I’m fine. The doctor said everything is fine with me and the babies. I’m really wound up and…”

  “Alright,” he says softly. “Eat first, shower, get dressed and have them bring you down here. But Addison?”


  “You will take it easy once you get here, you hear me.”

  “Yes big man, I hear you,” I say with a smile. He can’t say no to me and I love it.

  “Alright, I love you, here’s Ky.”

  “Love you too.”

  They pass the phone. “I know, it’s fine,” I hear Talon say to Kyle.

  “What was that all about?”

  “Me arguing with him about you coming down here. Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  I love that he’s expressing his concern to me. “Listen cowboy, I have been in a hospital bed for twenty-four hours. For the first time, I slept amazing and I am full of energy. I don’t want to sit around the hotel room waiting for you guys to come back. So please, let me come there. I will behave, I will listen, and I will not lift a finger. I just want to be near you and Talon.”

  “Baby girl, you know I can’t say no to you.”

  I smile wide. “I know, cowboy. I love you. I’m going to eat, shower, and get dressed, I’ll be there soon.”

  “I love you too, baby girl.”

  We hang up and Raine looks like she’s gonna gag. “Oh come on, we’re not that bad.” We both laugh. I hear Rusty snort from the front seat. “Oh not you too, Rusty?” Then Tori snorts and everyone is laughing.

  Pressure, pain, heartache, depression and guilt, all washed away compliments of a pretend gag.

  Raine hangs out with me while I eat, then leaves to go change and get ready to go with me to the theater where the show is taking place for the next three nights.

  After my shower, I pull my hair back into a messy bun, throw on a pair of my button up, drawstring, elastic cargo nylon pants and decide that I need a lot more of these for the coming months. They stretch and fit beautifully. Not wanting it to be too obvious, and since most of my shirts are pretty form fitting, I steal one of Kyle’s from his drawer. His shirts are not overly big on me, but they hang lower, giving me flexibility in fluffing for additional hiding.

  For the first time, I wear a bra. My nipples seem to constantly be hard and rub against even my tank tops. I slip into my chucks (Converse), and I’m ready to go. Looking in the mirror, with the bra on, my boobs look freakin’ huge. Though the tug on the shirt helps hide my tiny pouch that much more.

  Once we’re in the car, I call Dr. Paige and leave a message with her receptionist, letting her know that Bellvue will be sending over the records from my visit. I tell the receptionist what happened and that I’m alright, valuable lesson learned. I expect Dr. Paige will be calling me later.

  I also call my mom.

  “Hi mom,” I say when she answers the phone.

  “Hi sweetheart, how are you?”

  “I’m doing good, in New York, how are you doing?”

  “Oh you know, same ole here. Just working. Did you know that everyone seems to know about you and your success with the singing thing? People keep coming up to me congratulating me. I had a reporter stalking me a couple days ago…”

  “Oh no mom, why didn’t you call me?”

  “Pfft,” she says, “I handled him. I ignored him, mostly, then when I got pissed off I told him to go away. I haven’t seen him since.”

  I laugh, “Oh mom, I’m so sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be, it was fun telling him off.”

  “Oh jeez, mom.” She laughs.

  “How are those boys of yours?”

  “They’re great, taking really good care of me.”

  “Oh sweetheart, I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thank you mom, that means a lot to me.”

  “How are those babies doing?”

  “What?” I nearly shriek into the phone. “Mom, how did you find…”

  “Oh sweetheart, Talon called me yesterday when you went into the hospital. He was so scared. I could tell he didn’t want to tell me, he really wanted it to be you, but I can’t resist asking you about them and well, I’m gonna be a grandma.”

  “Oh mom,” I start crying.

  “Oh baby, don’t cry. I’m really happy for you. Those boys love you with all their hearts. I think it’s a little soon in your relationship, but with all the problems you’ve had in the past, I…” I hear her choke up a little bit, “I’m so happy that this has happened to you times two.”

  “Oh mom, don’t cry, please.”

  “I can’t help it, I’m so happy for you. Now go get that tour done so you guys can come home. I want to see you.”

  We talk for a couple more minutes and then
I have to let her go because we’re pulling into the venue. “Hug them both for me, sweetheart, and make them hug you from me.”

  “I will, love you, mom.”

  “Love you too, call me soon.”

  “I will.” We hang up.

  “Did you know he called her?” I say to Raine.

  She shakes her head. “No, but I was talking to Dex when Talon called him. Then Dex turned around and called Kyle. After that Dex shut me out and left. Then the next thing I heard was that Kyle was over at the hospital. I didn’t go over there until this morning. I didn’t want to intrude and I knew Cami was coming.”

  “So you told Cami?”

  “I kind of had to. I knew with you going to the hospital, either the label or the studio was going to call her and I didn’t want the news coming from anyone other than me or Talon and I didn’t know if Talon would call her.”

  “Well, I appreciate that Raine, I really do. I was so scared to tell her.”

  She laughs, “One thing you need to understand about Cami is that she just goes with the flow and like she told you, she can’t punish anyone for dating a client because she’s married to Tristan, but she will step up if that relationship becomes a problem, which I don’t see happening here so she’s not going to say anything. Besides, she’s very fond of you.”

  I smile as we pull up between the theater and the one lonely bus, our bus. Talon and Kyle come bolting out the back door right in front of us. I laugh and open my door.

  My feet barely touch the ground before Talon scoops me up into his arms. “Hi angel.”

  “Hi ace,” I say with a laugh. “Happy to see me?”

  He smirks. “You have no idea.” He plants a kiss on my lips that is full of love and passion and I melt.

  Smiling against his lips, I say, “I missed this.”

  “Me too.” He kisses me again, sliding his tongue inside, finding mine. I shiver with desire and he deepens the kiss.

  Someone clears their throat. I open one eye to see Kyle chomping at the bit. I start laughing. “You might want to share me,” I tell Talon. He sets me down with a laugh and squeezes me to him one more time, then with barely an inch between us, Kyle swoops in.


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