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Redeeming Kyle: 69 Bottles #3

Page 23

by Zoey Derrick

  Kyle comes to lie next to us. He kisses me gently and rests his head on my shoulder then he puts his hand on Talon’s cheek. Comforting him too. The moment is so sweet. I could stay like this forever with my two men. Talon moves slightly, lifting his head and shifting downward. He kisses my pouch once, then again. He doesn’t say anything, but I can see the emotion in his eyes as he looks at me.

  “It’s alright, everything is better now. After this week, do you honestly think there is something in this world that can pull us apart?” I ask him and he gently shakes his head from side to side. “Good, because it can’t.” I tap the tip of his nose with my finger and turn to Kyle and kiss the top of his head.

  All our sentiments are broken the moment my stomach rolls. “Oh no…” I try to move and I am trapped by them, “guys…you…” I swallow, “you gotta move.” My stomach heaves. “Now.”

  Finally they get it and all contact with me is lost, I roll towards Talon’s side of the bed. I stop, swallowing. Then I get up and fly into the bathroom. Our tender moment is brought to a halt by morning sickness. Though neither one of them leave my side.

  After I regain my strength, Kyle gives me my toothbrush and then Talon starts the shower. “We need to get moving, Kyle,” he says.

  “What about me?” I pout around my toothbrush.

  “You don’t need to come right away. We’re going to be in make-up for a little bit before they start the shoot. You can stay here, relax and get ready at your own pace, angel.”

  “I want to come,” I pout with toothpaste on my lips and they both laugh.

  “Alright. Let’s shower,” Talon says with a kiss to my head.

  I finish brushing my teeth and slip into the shower. Both Talon and Kyle take to washing me from head to toe and I return the favor to each of them.

  When we get out, I am dried off quickly, and wrapped up in a dry towel. Then Kyle disappears. I wonder where he went but before I can speculate, he’s back, still naked as a jaybird. I look at him, raising an eyebrow. “I ordered you breakfast.”

  “Oh.” I smile. “What did you get me?”

  “Oatmeal, toast and a side of sausage. Two glasses of apple juice.” He smiles.

  “Mmm, thank you.” I drop my towel and both guys groan. “What?”

  “You have no idea how sexy you are, do you?” Talon says with a wicked grin and I watch as both men harden.

  “Oh no, we don’t have time” I tease them. “I’ll go into the bathroom.”

  “Hell no, we’re just going to sit down and watch,” Kyle says as he sits down on the bed. Talon quickly joins him.

  “Oh dear god, it’s not as much fun when I cover up.”

  “Says who?” Talon says with a laugh.

  I get dressed and pull my hair up. I know that I’ll be done up by make-up a little later, so there is no point in getting creative. “Breakfast is here,” Kyle calls from the bedroom.

  “I’ll be right there.”

  About three hours later and the band is standing around waiting for their photo shoot. Well, Dex is in front of the camera first. I’m surprised by how photogenic he can be, but then again, Dex is a very attractive guy, until he starts talking. Though today he’s been pretty mellow. I think Raine really has something to do with this.

  When Dex is done, Mouse is up. That’s when Cami shows up. “Hi boys,” she greets them as she comes into the studio.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask with a smile and I hug her.

  “We have a lunch date.”

  “What? Oh!” I squeak.

  She laughs. “Come on. Go kiss your boys.”

  I turn around and Kyle and Talon are standing there with big ass pouty faces. I can’t help but laugh. “I’ll be back,” I promise as I walk over to them. They both wrap me up in their arms and Talon kisses me first.

  “Have fun,” he says with a smile that makes my panties melt. He kisses me again and then releases me to Kyle, though he doesn’t actually let go.

  “Enjoy yourself. See you in a bit.” He kisses me a little less heated but no less passionate.

  “You behave,” I tease and they let me go.

  “Is Tori coming?” I ask.

  “No, we have Tyson and where we’re going, everyone’s a celebrity.”

  I leave with Cami. “Where are we going?”

  “Le Cirque.”

  “Holy shit,” I squeak.

  She bursts out laughing. “Have you ever been?”

  “Uh no. Not usually in my budget.”

  She laughs, “It is now.” When we leave the studio, there is a limo out front. “Tristan’s joining us, is that okay?”

  “Oh absolutely.”

  “We have some business to discuss.”

  “Oh dear…”

  She laughs at my discomfort. “Good business.”

  Tyson holds open the door for me and I step inside. I take one of the side bench seats as Tristan is sitting opposite the door. “Hi Tristan.”

  “Good morning, Addison. How are you?”

  “Great, thank you, you?”

  Cami climbs in. “You look great by the way,” she says to me. They’d already attacked my hair for my photo shoot and it’s stick straight and has a fresh coat of new color in it. It’s hot pink with streaks of purple throughout.

  “Thank you.”

  “Much better than you did yesterday.” She smiles. “Are you still feeling good?”

  “Great actually.”

  She smiles. “That’s awesome.” The limo starts moving. “I have a folder for you. Don’t let me forget to give it to you.”

  “Oh, what’s in it?”

  “Your copies of the ‘Your Eyes’ and ‘To Be Free’ recording contracts that outline in detail your pay for the recordings, which is more of an advance than anything, and your royalty breakdown based on sales. It’s not much, 69 Bottles gets the majority of the available royalties.”

  “I don’t care about that.”

  “I know, but you still stand to make some pretty good money, especially with ‘To Be Free’ since it’s not on the airwaves yet.”

  “You should hear their new stuff. It’s pretty awesome.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” Tristan chimes in.

  “I have a couple sound bites.”

  “Really?” he gets all excited.

  “I do. We tried to use them in a PR release but the label wouldn’t allow it. The recording isn’t that great and it’s raw. They were jamming around a campfire back in Philly.” I pull my phone out and pull it up. Giving my phone to Tristan, he listens to it.

  “That’s awesome. I can’t wait for the new album,” he says with enthusiasm.

  “I don’t know if I ever pictured you as a fan,” I say.

  He laughs, “I think the only difference is I don’t really get nervous around celebrities. They’re human too.”

  I snort a laugh, “that’s my line., “ I say.

  He and Cami both laugh.

  Lunch with Cami and Tristan was so much fun. We talked shop, talked life and we talked about some upcoming things for me. Tristan came alive as lunch progressed. I gather that he’s actually quite shy most of the time, which for an actor is odd.

  When we return to the studio, I am whisked away to freshen up my hair and then to make-up. I don’t even see the guys before I’m put in the chair. I ate so much during lunch that I have a hard time keeping my eyes open. But my make-up artist is talkative, so it helps. This is what I miss about caffeine and coffee.

  After about forty-five minutes, she finally turns me around to the mirror and I’m blown away. “You’re gonna have to show me how to do this,” I tell her and she laughs.

  “So you like it?”


  “Good!” she chirps and then someone else comes in.

  “Hi Addison, I’m Liz, I’m here to take you to wardrobe.”


  “Come on,” she says and I stand up, my head spins for a minute, but I don’t have any n
ausea, thank goodness. I regain my balance and she escorts me to another room. There are racks of clothing, a rack of shoes and a chest that’s open with some jewelry on it. Beyond that there is a screened area for me to get dressed in.

  “I’m thinking…” Liz pulls out a sleek black sheath dress, accented with a four inch wide red belt.

  It’s actually a pretty hot outfit.

  An hour and half, plus three wardrobe changes later, I’m finally done with my personal photo shoot. It was so much fun. I understand why models enjoy their job. Then again the photographer is pretty awesome and extremely encouraging.

  Liz comes back. “Your guys are ready. Are you ready for another outfit?” I groan. “Come on,” she says, leading me back to the room with the clothes. Hanging on the rack is something that doesn’t look like clothes. It looks like a wrap of some kind.

  “What exactly is that?”

  She smiles widely. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to have to help you get into it. Do you have issues being naked in front of a woman?”

  “Uh…not really?” my voice is skeptical.

  “Okay, why don’t you go get out of that, and then go ahead and come out. I locked the door so it’s just me and you.


  When I’m disrobed I come out from behind the curtain and I feel like I need to cover up, but decide against it. I can do this, I tell myself as I walk toward her. “Wow,” She says with wide eyes. And I know I blush. “Sorry, you’re just very pretty.”

  “Well, thank you for that. Let’s do this thing,” I say.

  She has the material in her hands. It’s solid white and rather long. She starts along my hips, though she dips below my pouch, covering my sex, but leaving my little bump exposed. It looks like I’m wearing a really short skirt. Then she crisscrosses the material behind me, and then brings it back to the front where she covers my breasts with another cross at my neckline. Then she brings one side around my arm to the front, then the other, crossing it again below my breasts then pulling it to the back. She hangs onto it, “Turn around for me.” I do and she goes to work tying it off.

  She turns the remaining parts of the length of fabric into a bow behind me. I can feel her tugging and straightening it. “Perfect. Go take a look,” she says with a smile and I walk toward the mirror.

  “Wow,” I say as I take in the full effect. Really the only thing exposed is my legs, my tattoos on my arms and my tummy. Which actually looks a lot larger like this. She comes over and puts a purple choker around my neck that is studded with white stones that look like diamonds. The effect is complete.

  “You’re all set.”


  “Nope. Just as you are.”

  “Okay then.”

  “Are you ready?”


  We leave the room and go back into the studio. The background has been changed to a light blue.

  “Hey Addison, wow, you look amazing,” Elli, the photographer says. “We’re gonna take a couple pictures of just you while Liz gets the guys.”

  “Okay. I step onto the mat and Elli sets out to pose me. I’m standing sideways with my hands resting below my bump.

  “Arch your back,” she says and I do. “Lean your head back a little, but keep looking at me.” I do. “Perfect, hold that.” Her camera starts going nuts. “Smile for me.” I smile and she takes some more pictures. “Okay, keep your pose but look down at your babies,” she guides and I do. Her camera goes nuts and I can see her moving into different positions, different angles, up high, down low. Then she comes to stand in front of me and crouches down. Looking up at me she starts snapping more pictures. “Less smile.” she says and I do my best to lighten up my smile. “Perfect.” She snaps away.

  “Okay, go ahead and kneel for me.” I do, “now sit back on your feet.” I sit down, “okay, take back the same pose looking at your babies.” She is standing over me, snapping pictures downward. “Hold your babies,” she says and I put one hand up top and one below. “Beautiful,” she says and snaps away. “Can you stay like that?”


  “Okay.” She moves around and I feel someone come up behind me and I feel one hand, then another on my shoulder. “Alright guys, look at your girl.” She snaps away. My skin is electric with their touches on me. “Put your hands under again, Addison.” I do and she snaps some more. “Kyle, why don’t you stand in front of her. Talon, stay where you are.” Kyle stands in front of me and my line of vision is greeted to black slacks and very sexy dress shoes. “Kyle, hold your right hand out. Addison, take his hand, but leave your other one where it’s at.” I do, “now look up at Kyle.” I look up slowly and I hear clicking of the camera as Elli captures my slow visual orgasm as I take in Kyle’s black suit. When I reach his chest, he is in a full tux with a purple vest.

  A huge smile spreads across my face. He’s freshly shaven and looking sexy as hell. Our eyes lock and Elli goes crazy with pictures. “Addison, stay put. Talon and Kyle, switch places.”

  Kyle kisses my hand before letting me go and handing me over to Talon, and Elli’s camera is going crazy. I look up at Talon, and hiss through my teeth. “My god,” I breathe and Elli continues taking pictures. Talon is dressed in the same tux as Kyle, with matching vest and tie. It wouldn’t be a shock except Talon never wears anything but jeans, t-shirts and his leather vests.

  “I know he’s sexy as hell, Addison, but can you relax a little?” Elli says with a laugh. Kyle’s hand is now resting on my shoulder and Talon is standing before me, looking down on me. Elli takes a few dozen pictures. “Okay, Talon, take a knee. Kyle, help Addison stand up.”

  He leans down and helps me up and Talon takes a knee. Looking up at me. Kyle wraps his arms around me, putting his hands under my pouch. “Addison, take Talon’s hand.” I do and Talon’s eyes are full of emotion as he looks up at me. “Kyle, kiss Addison.” He kisses my hair while we hold the pose. Elli takes several pictures. “Okay Talon, let’s say hi to your babies.” He slides closer to me and releases my hand. Both of his hands come gently to my belly and Elli takes several pictures. “Okay Kyle, look over her left shoulder down at Talon and your babies. Addison put your head back on Kyle’s shoulder.” I do and then I feel Talon’s lips against my belly and the camera flies. “Addison, reach back with your right hand and grab hold of Kyle’s pant leg.” I do, taking away a lot of activity along my stomach. “Perfect. Hold that.” Elli takes several pictures like this. Then Talon pulls back from kissing my belly and Kyle cups his cheek.

  Elli continues snapping picture after picture. The guys trade places and we repeat the process. Then both men are kneeling in front of me, with their backs to Elli and I’m facing the camera. Elli moves around from one side to the other snapping pictures, then when she’s behind the guys, they both hold up their hands and I take them.

  “Addison Lynae Beltrand,” Talon says. “I promise to cherish you, love you, hold you and take care of you for the rest of our lives. You mean more to me than anything in this world.”

  Tears start sliding down my cheeks.

  “Addison Lynae Beltrand,” Kyle says, “I have never felt more complete than when I’m in your arms. I promise to love you, honor you, care for you, and be your rock.”

  More tears as they talk to me. Elli’s camera hasn’t stopped flashing. The guys shift, reaching into their pockets and I want to cover my mouth, but I can’t because they won’t let me go. Tears streak down my face and drop onto the floor.

  Together they say, “With these promises we, Talon and Kyle, ask you to be our partner, our lover and our wife, will you marry us?”

  “Oh my god,” I breathe and Elli is going crazy with the camera. I can hardly breathe. A million and one things are flying through my mind, but the only resounding thing comes from my lips, “Yes!” I say and they both light up, releasing my hands, I bring them to my face. Trying to wipe away the flood of tears and they open up their boxes and hold them up to me. There is a lot of app
lause, cheering and whooping, but I can’t look up.

  In Talon’s hands there is a silver ring inlayed with stones. At first I think it’s crooked, but the stone is off center.

  Then Kyle opens his. It’s a matching ring and the stone is off center opposite Talon’s. They both pull them free and Talon reaches for my left hand. I give it to him and he slides the ring onto my finger, a perfect fit. He kisses the ring before handing my hand to Kyle, who slides his ring on and they click together, both stones creating a circle on my finger. He kisses my rings. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Not as beautiful as you,” they both say together and I laugh cry.

  “Get up here,” I tell them and they stand, wrapping their arms around me.

  Elli continues snapping pictures as Kyle, Talon and I become raw and animated. While they shed their jackets, I am hugged and congratulated. When Cami comes up to me, “you knew all about this, didn’t you?”

  She smiles wide and nods wildly. “I set up the photo shoot for the three of you. The guys did the rest.”

  “Well, thank you.”

  “You deserve to be happy. They love you so much.” She hugs me again.

  I’m not sure what was hotter, Talon and Kyle in full on tuxedos or when they shed their jackets and roll up their sleeves. It was fucking hot and it took everything I had to not jump them right there in the studio.

  The rest of our New York stay was action packed with studio time, concerts and air time for the band at many of the local news stations. Talon and I were able to record ‘To Be Free’ in five takes during our studio time. Monday and Tuesday were filled with media obligations. The band had scheduled appearances on the nationwide news shows and it was so much fun.

  It took all of Monday before Talon spilled the proposal beans to the world. Though, at Kyle’s insistence, we limited the news to Talon and I. We have friends and family who wholeheartedly love and support our relationship, but the world might not see it that way.


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