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Redeeming Kyle: 69 Bottles #3

Page 24

by Zoey Derrick

  When Wednesday rolled around, Kyle took my picture again and added it to the other two he’d taken. Gradually pants are becoming hard to button up. I went shopping with Raine and sent four more boxes of clothes back to my house in LA.

  When we went back to the hospital, we were able to see both babies and their heartbeats. Everything is measuring perfectly. The guys cried, which of course means I cried too. It brought me great comfort to see that everything is going well with the twins and the raging morning sickness hasn’t let up. Oddly enough, I take comfort in it every morning.

  Each night before falling asleep, the three of us made love and then they both would say good night to the babies before wrapping me in their arms.

  We left New York for Washington DC, then headed south to Nashville and Greensboro. I continued to sing with Talon at every concert and my fan base has been growing. By the time we reached Florida, the band was tiring of being on the road. The looming vacation was a motivator in keeping everyone’s moods bolstered.

  By the time we hit Atlanta, Dex and Raine were in a full on relationship and Dex, much to everyone’s surprise was faithful to a fault with her. I was happy to see it. Mouse and Peacock stayed close. I tried asking Peacock how things with Mouse were going and he’d just smile a wide, secret smile. We’ll see, I guess.

  Talon, Kyle and I decided that the best way for us to marry was a handfasting ceremony. They both refused to marry me in a traditional setting since they said it wouldn’t be fair to the other one and three way marriage is in no way legal. We plan to have the ceremony this summer.

  Once we’re back in LA for our break, I take care of some much needed and neglected things, like my overflowing bank account. I spent an entire day with a financial advisor discussing how best to invest my money. I paid off my house, paid off my mother’s house, and became completely debt free. It was a surreal experience.

  At ten weeks and one day pregnant, the three of us walked into Dr. Paige’s office and she immediately fell in love with Kyle and Talon. We were able to hear their heartbeats for the first time. We had another ultrasound and for the first time, they really looked like babies. I started crying when I saw that their sacks had come together and they were touching butt to butt. Dr. Paige measured them and they’re both perfect. As for my growing pouch, it’s now officially a baby bump and my shirts are looser and my pants are pretty much all elastic waisted. I miss jeans. I refuse to buy maternity pants just yet.

  The guys continue to worship me, my body and the panda cubs any chance they can get and I love every minute of it. Morning sickness has now turned into anytime sickness. Though two heaving sessions is usually my max in a day, I occasionally have days of three and four times. I’m quickly figuring out what foods I can and can’t eat.

  Less than a week after our doctor’s appointment, we flew out of LA to Denver for the last two weeks of the tour. The west coast is a different animal when it comes to a crowd and we have a blast. Fatigue continues to be a problem for me, but Kyle has finally learned to go out with Talon and the guys from time to time and I love that. Though more often than not, they’re too busy worshipping me.

  By the time we reach LA again, I’m twelve weeks along and slowly starting to feel better, with a little more energy. My bump continues to grow and my clothes continue to change. I’ll be so happy when we finally spill the beans to the world so that I can stop trying to hide the bump. With two shows left in the tour, the guys are tired and ready to be done. I have to agree with them. It will be nice to stay at home for about a week before I shove off to Nashville to record my duet with Bryan Hayes.

  At thirteen weeks and two days, the news breaks that Talon and I are expecting, though we manage to keep the fact that it’s twins a secret. Kyle and Talon both come with me to Nashville along with Tori, Rusty, Beck and Mills who are now our regular security team and I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to be around all the time.

  Talon bought us a house in LA that’s gorgeous with a massive master bedroom with a beautiful alcove for the babies to be in once they join our family and Talon has it furnished quickly. I sell my condo, one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but it didn’t make sense to keep it and I didn’t want to deal with being a landlord. I don’t bring much from my condo when I move into the house because we have all new furniture which includes a custom made bed that is bigger than king size. It’s great because some nights it’s hard to sleep surrounded by Kyle and Talon when my belly is getting so big and my body temperature runs a little warmer when I sleep.

  We spent a week in Nashville while I recorded my duet with Bryan Hayes. From Nashville we headed to Kansas City. My mom was over the moon when I told her we were coming and able to stay for a week. She promptly took the week off from her job, hell bent on spending the week with the three of us and that makes me happy.


  “Yeah, sweetheart?”

  “Will you move to LA with us?”

  “Oh Addie, I don’t know…”

  “Listen, we have a guest house on the property, you’d have your own place. We’d happily find you a job, or when the babies are born you can be there, help us, help me.”

  She starts to cry. “Alright, Addison. I will move to LA with you.”

  I hug her so hard. The guys join us and it turns into a group hug. Kyle has taken to my mom and I take so much comfort in that. Talon is a little more her favorite, but I think his phone call from New York really connected them. It doesn’t seem to bother Kyle, but he’s quickly earning his own place in her heart.

  My mom and I spend the week shopping and I try to get her to start packing while we’re there. She refuses, says that she will take care of it. She plans to come out for the ceremony in a couple of weeks, but doesn’t plan to move out there until the weather starts to turn cold. She wants to finish the summer in Kansas City.

  She doesn’t want to sell the house, and I don’t blame her. Talon takes it upon himself to hire a caretaker for the property. This way she can be in LA and the house can be taken care of for her.

  This makes my mom really happy, and says that it gives her some place to go during the summers. I teased her that LA doesn’t get that hot and she disagrees. It makes me smile. I’ll take her for eight months out of the year over a couple of weeks once in a while.

  By the time the week comes to an end, I’m super sad to leave her, but with the wedding looming closer, I know I’ll see her again soon.

  When I’m seventeen weeks and four days along, our new house is the backdrop for a very private handfasting ceremony where we’re surrounded by our friends. Peacock and Mouse are finally together and it’s amazing to see. I wasn’t sure that their relationship would happen, but I guess you can’t mess with destiny. Dex and Raine are still together and they’re doing great. Cami and Tristan, along with their friends Mick, Beau, their daughter Tyler, Travis and Naomi, who are finally getting married, along with Tyson and Jolene, who’s also pregnant with their first child, and Derek and Dacotah. My mom is there along with Talon’s mom. Kyle refused to invite his mother to the wedding and when I pestered him to give her the option, he refused, saying that he didn’t want the disappointment of inviting her and her not showing up.

  Talon finally told his mom before the news broke about the babies. She was extremely happy for him, but I could sense some hesitation from Talon about it. He’d shrug it off and I decided to wait and see how it went when she came out for the wedding. She actually seems genuinely happy about the babies and the wedding. Maybe she just needed some time to let it soak in.

  My engagement rings are now worn around my neck because my fingers started to swell and before they got stuck, Talon bought me a beautiful chain to put them on. My wedding band is the same as the engagement rings without the added stone. So I now wear three rings.

  After the wedding, I legally changed my name from Addison Beltrand to Addison Carver-Black which is what the twins’ last name will be when they’re born.

  20 Weeks 1 day…

  “Are we going to find out?” I ask the guys as we drive to Dr. Paige’s office.

  “Of course. I say it’s two boys,” Talon says confidently with a smile and a rub of my belly.

  “I say two girls,” Kyle retorts with his own rub of my full on belly.

  “Ha! I say you’re both wrong.” They raise an eyebrow at me. “I say one of each.”

  The guys argue why they think it’s their particular choice, and even a little about why they want two boys or two girls. I just sit back and listen. Letting them fight about it is kinda fun to watch. Fourteen weeks ago you never would have guessed they would be here arguing about the sex of our babies.

  I decide to settle the argument. “How about we just settle for happy and healthy regardless of what’s between their legs? “

  “Deal,” They both say together.

  “Addison, I hate to do this, I didn’t want to do this, but we’ve talked about it already. Your blood pressure is much higher than I want it to be. I’m going to have to put you on bed rest.”


  “Relax, sweetheart, it’s probably not going to be permanent. But for now, I want you on bed rest to see if we can’t bring down your blood pressure. If it comes down to manageable levels I will release some of your restrictions, but for now, you’re in bed for twenty-three hours a day. The other hour you can use for a slow walk, a long bath, or minor activities, but only an hour, no more. And the thing that kills me the most to tell you is no sex.”

  Talon and Kyle groan. Dr. Paige laughs. “Sorry guys, but the more rest she gets, the less stress she feels, and the sooner she can get back up and move around.”

  “We will do whatever is best for Addison and the babies,” Talon calmly states and Kyle agrees with him.

  “Okay then. Shall we take a look?”

  I nod with enthusiasm.

  “We want to know,” Kyle says with a huge smile on his face.

  Dr. Paige chuckles. “I will do my best.” She lifts my shirt, exposing my tummy again. It’s huge. Okay, maybe not yet. But it’s getting there. She squirts warm gel on my stomach and sets about scanning my belly. She takes her measurements first then, “Okay Baby A, what are you?” she talks to the monitor as she moves the wand around. Then she clicks a couple of buttons and the image turns brown.

  “Oh my god,” the three of us gasp as we get a good look at what our babies look like in a 3D image.

  “Meet baby A,” Dr. Paige announces. “And,” there is some clicking and then a humming noise as the screen flickers. She moves the wand downward. “Well, hello there little one,” she says. “Meet your daughter.”

  “Yes!” Kyle says

  “Oh man,” says Talon.

  Dr. Paige laughs.

  “One down, now we just need another one,” Kyle says with a smirk at Talon, who laughs. I want to laugh but I’m trying to stay still.

  There is another beep and another hum when the screen freezes. She’s taking pictures. Then she pulls the wand away. Types something into the machine and puts the wand on the other side. “Okay baby B. We know you have a sister, but what does your sister have.” The image remains in 3D and though they look the same, there are some tiny differences in their look which only spurs me to think that our one in a million shot of two dads might be more possible.

  Dr. Paige continues looking, moving the wand upward. Then I see it before the guys do. “Hi there, little man,” I say and Talon laughs, Kyle huffs and I fight to sit still.

  “Yep, see,” Dr. Page says pointing between his legs. “Baby B is a boy.”

  I start to cry as Dr. Paige takes a few more pictures and finishes up with the ultrasound.

  “Oh baby girl,” Kyle says. “It’s alright, what’s wrong?”

  “I’m so happy,” I sob out.

  The guys are overjoyed because they both get a little of what they want, a boy and a girl. And I’m over the moon because I get to have both. I don’t stop crying for some time. “Why are you still crying, angel?”

  “Because, for years I was told kids were not in my cards, then to find out I’m pregnant, then to find out it’s twins, then to find out it’s a boy and a girl, it’s all so much. I couldn’t ask for more. I’m just sorry I’m on bed rest.”

  “We’ll take care of you,” Kyle reassures me.

  “I know, but…but damn it, I’m so fucking horny.”

  I cursed so of course the guys laugh at that. “I know, angel, I’m sorry, I wish I could help. But we need to follow the doctor’s orders. If we follow them then there is a good chance you can come off of bed rest before the twins are born.”

  “I know, but…” I sob.

  They both hold me. Which doesn’t help my libido. As this pregnancy has progressed, I can barely get enough of these two. Wearing them both down before I’m finally satisfied for like an hour. They don’t complain, in fact they love it, and now, nothing. My breasts don’t help that horniness any. They’ve grown a full size and my nipples are losing their puffiness, being replaced by full on nipples and it’s kinda hot to look at, if I do say so myself. They’ve also darkened to a more solid brown color.

  The guys have taken to spreading shea butter lotion on my belly at least twice a day and have added my breasts to their routine when a few stretch marks started popping up. I almost always wear a bra now because the rubbing of a t-shirt hurts and not in a good way.

  When we get home, the guys help me to bed, strip me out of my clothes and give me my other bra. “Angel?”

  I look at Talon and he looks concerned. He shows me the inside of my bra, which is white. Inside the bra there is a brownish tint. “Oh.” I look down at my breasts. I cup them both and squeeze downward toward my nipple. “Oh!” I squeak as a liquid comes out.

  I wipe it off with my fingers. “I think this is normal,” Kyle says. “The book talks about it; the start of lactation.”

  Talon’s eyes light up. I laugh. “Well, okay then.”

  Kyle gets me a couple of tissues to put between my nipples and my bra because I don’t have any pads yet and Talon is severely disappointed when I cover back up. “So not helping, big man,” I tease him. “I am so horny and this doesn’t help.”

  “I know, angel, I’m sorry. It’s just, well, it amazes me what your body is capable of. To not only see your belly growing but to know you’re producing milk that will feed our children, it’s just inspiring.” I watch as he adjusts himself in his jeans.

  I moan and climb into bed. No sooner do I sit down, I have to pee. I groan and get back up. “Where are you going?” Kyle asks.

  “I have to pee,” I whine and he laughs as I head to the bathroom.

  Once I return, they tuck me into bed and I’m tired enough that I snuggle in. Talon becomes my pillow when I snuggle into him, adjusting so that my belly is resting on his side and I close my eyes. Kyle sets out to work on making me lunch. I don’t remember much else because I fall asleep.

  Talon is standing over the stove making Addison her favorite. He’s shirtless and I can’t stop the raging hard-on I have while watching him. As he moves and shifts, his muscles tighten and release, god, he’s so fucking sexy. “You should stop staring,” he whispers with a hint of mischief in his voice.

  “How’d you…”

  He stops, turns around to face me. “Because every time you stare at me with hunger, I get hard.”

  My breath catches and he turns back around to tend to Addison’s lunch. I walk quietly up behind him, wrap my arms around his waist and my hand slides along his erection. I hear his breathing spike. His hands fumble slightly with the pan. “I can’t concentrate when you do that.”

  I kiss his neck, right behind his ear and whisper, “So don’t.” I continue kissing down his neck, along his shoulder, my hand glides along his cock and I shiver. It’s been a while since Talon and I have been together alone and I’m not one for initiating much of anything, but with Addison off limits, I can’t help myself anymore.

; Talon’s head falls back to my shoulder and his body relaxes in my embrace. I don’t stop kissing, biting, and sucking my way along his neck and shoulder while my other hand works feverishly to undo the fly of his jeans. “We can’t,” he breathes.

  “Why?” I counter.

  “Because she can’t.”

  “Do you honestly think she would be mad at us?” I ask him.

  He shakes his head as my hand slides under the waistband of his jeans, wrapping my fingers around his hard as steel erection. “Ah, fuck!” he groans.

  “I need this. I need you,” I breathe against his neck.

  My words entice him into action and he spins in my arms, my hand pulls free of his pants and his hands cup my cheeks. His lips slam into mine as he pushes me back against the counter. My breath leaves my body in rush and I moan. My hands quickly go back to his jeans pushing them down, springing his cock. I grip it in my hands and pull along his shaft. I feel him shudder and his breathing hitches.

  His hands roam along my chest, down to my shorts. He hooks his thumbs into the waistband and pushes down. He grips my cock in his hands and begins kissing down my chest. First kissing one star, then the other. His tongue slides wet and hot against my nipple then he nibbles his way down my stomach.

  His cock falls out of reach and I groan at the loss. “Easy, cowboy. I got you,” he says right before his hot wet mouth wraps around my cock.

  “Fuck,” I groan as his mouth and hand goes to work, licking, sucking, stroking. Bringing me closer to orgasm faster than I want to be. “Take me, Talon,” I say roughly. “I need you to fuck me.” He sucks me into his mouth deeper. “Now!” I growl with impatience.

  “A bit demanding, aren’t we, cowboy?” he says with a glow in his eyes, one that tells me that I’m about to be turned into submissive putty. He lets go of me and stands. “Turn around,” he commands and my muscles liquefy.


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