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Educating Jane Porter: A Jane Porter Story

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by Dominique Adair

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  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

  Macon GA 31201

  Educating Jane Porter

  Copyright © 2009 by Dominique Adair

  ISBN: 978-1-60504-479-8

  Edited by Bethany Morgan

  Cover by Anne Cain

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: March 2009

  Educating Jane Porter

  Dominique Adair


  Libby—It’s time to expand your horizons…

  Chapter One

  “You have to tell me everything.”

  Lily’s voice interrupted Jane as she was counting the crates of freshly washed glassware. The brunch was set to begin in less than an hour and her business partner had waited until now to show up? Jane wrote the number of crates on her checklist before she forgot it.

  “A little late aren’t you?” Jane kept her gaze focused on the list of items to be completed.

  “I slept in.”

  I’ll bet.

  “I’m dying here. Tell me.” Lily snatched the clipboard from Jane’s hands. “How was it?”

  “How was what?” Jane scowled at the redhead.

  “You naughty girl. You’re holding out on me.”

  “Give me my clipboard. Unlike you I have work to do.”

  Lily tucked the board behind her, and Jane rolled her eyes. Unless she wanted to engage in a childish shoving match, she’d have to wait until Lily decided to give it back.


  “The least you could do is look at me when you lie.” Lily was grinning from ear to ear.

  “I am looking at you,” Jane snapped. “You can be quite tedious…”

  Her attention was caught by a pale bruise on the other woman’s throat. Lily had a love bite. Jane began to smile. It looked like her friend had a few stories to tell as well.

  “You have a hickey.”

  “Son of a bitch.”

  Lily shoved the clipboard at Jane then pulled a silver compact from her pocket. She flipped it open.

  “I told him to not leave any marks.” She dabbed the puff over the faint spot on her throat. “I have to work this weekend, and I can’t wander around with love bites all over me.” She muttered the last bit under her breath.

  “Mmm, I guess he didn’t hear you.” Jane bit her lip. It was all she could do to keep from laughing outright.

  Lily shot her a dark look. “Well, you’re looking pretty pleased with yourself for someone who has razor burn on your jaw.”


  Jane dropped the checklist and snatched the compact out of Lily’s hand. There along her jaw was a faint pink line. Blood rushed to her cheeks. The burn combined with the sleepy, satisfied look in her eyes practically announced she’d had hanging-from-the-chandelier sex last night. It would be more subtle to take out a newspaper ad proclaiming the end of her self-imposed celibacy.

  “It’s not like you can hide anything from me, Jane.” Lily sounded smug. “Not only am I your best friend and business partner, but your name has been on the lips of every envious woman here.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  Jane carefully covered the razor burn with the powder. She hadn’t noticed the mark this morning, then again she’d been in a hurry to escape the bedroom before Antonio awoke. Having the most mind-blowing sex of her life in the dark with a complete stranger was one thing; it was another to face each other in broad daylight. She knew very little about him and he was seven years younger…

  “Girl, everyone is talking about how you waltzed in here and took possession of the birthday boy last night.” Lily made fake sniffing noises as she wiped away non-existent tears. “Mama is so proud of you.”

  “So am I.” Jane shut the compact and tossed it at her friend. “I think I’ve got my groove back.”

  “Yes you do, my sister. And it’s time to celebrate.” Lily turned toward where the head of the serving team was setting up the bar. “Richard, can you bring me a bottle of champagne and two glasses?”

  “Right away, Ms. Tyler.”

  Feeling like a child who’d skipped school, Jane allowed Lily to drag her outside onto the terrace. The wide space had already been setup for the coming meal.

  Multi-colored pastel tablecloths gave the tables a floral garden feel. Each table boasted a round bowl of color-coordinated blooms along with silver trimmed china and an array of sparkling glassware. It was funky and elegant, exactly what Kitten had ordered.

  Jane made a mental note to pass her thanks on to Richard and his staff.

  Lily chose a table in the corner with a yellow cloth and a bowl of fresh daisies. Before they were seated, Richard appeared with the champagne and glasses on a silver serving tray.


  “Thank you, Richard.” Jane took her seat. “The terrace looks lovely.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Porter.” The man beamed. “I’ll pass your words on to my staff.” He poured them each a glass before leaving.

  “Let’s drink to your newfound sexual prowess.” Lily hiked her glass. “It’s been a long time coming.”

  “I’d rather drink to us.” Jane raised her glass.

  “And to a night of the most amazing sex ever.” Lily’s eyes gleamed with amusement.

  “And may there be many, many more.”

  They touched glasses then Jane took a sip. The champagne was crisp, perfectly chilled and tasted just a little too good.

  Even though it was barely nine in the morning, she couldn’t help but feel hopelessly decadent. After last night, drinking champagne in the morning seemed tame in comparison. What next? Chocolate cake for breakfast?

  Lily touched Jane’s arm. “You have to tell me all.”

  “The only thing I have to do is assist with setting up the buffet.” Jane teased.

  “It can wait.” Lily waved her hand. “After last night, no one will be down before ten at the earliest.”

  “Only if they were lucky.”

  “How did you manage to hook up with Antonio?” Lily’s gaze drilled into hers. “I want all the details.”

  “Well, we ran into each other last night—”

  “How? What did he say to you?” Lily snagged the bottle and topped off Jane’s glass. “Did he come on to you first?”

  Memories of last night’s erotic show and Antonio’s sexy voice in her ear washed over her. He’d definitely made the first move, and what a move it was… Her nipples hardened.

  “He did, didn’t he?” Lily’s truck-horn laugh had Jane both wincing and blushing at the same time. “I knew it.”

  “You’re such a liar.”

  “Am not. Ever since you accepted the invitation I’ve had a feeling about it. Jean Jacques mentioned Antonio’s weakness for curvy blondes. I figured, after his last toy, he’d go for a grown-up for a change.” She raised her glass in Jane’s direction. “His taste is improving.”

  “What was he last girlfriend like?”

Jane wanted to bite her tongue even as the words came out. Hooking up with Antonio had been an aberration, a once-in-a-lifetime event that would read well in her future autobiography, after she made her first billion of course. She’d already decided on a title, Born Again Virgin, the Jane Porter Story.

  Then again, after Antonio she might need to revise the title to The Closet Hussy, the Death of Jane Porter’s Love Life. In her opinion, the chance of finding a man who was half the lover Antonio was, was pretty slim.

  “Giselle is beautiful, sexy, a complete airhead and manipulating gold-digger to boot.” Lily shrugged. “She’s totally forgettable, which is why I’m so pleased he hooked up with you. I enjoy it when a good man realizes what’s really important in a woman.”

  “Like what? A 401K?”

  “You’re so not funny.”

  “But how do you know he’s a good man?” Jane asked. “You only met him a few weeks ago.”

  “It was several months ago and I listen to what people say. Dirk, Kitten, Jean Jacques, they all think a great deal of him. Hell, even the household staff adores him.” Lily refilled her glass. “With the exception of his ex-plaything, I’ve yet to hear anything negative.”

  “So he has the Lily Tyler seal of approval?”

  “And you know how hard it is to accomplish that. Hell, I don’t like anyone.” Lily grinned. “He seems to be a genuinely good guy. A few weeks ago he and Kitten were discussing the funding of after-school centers here in Denver. The goal is to give children of working parents a place to go where they’re safe and can use computers or play basketball. They want to hire us to plan the grand opening festivities.”

  Jane thought about the man she’d spent the night with. She could see him in the role of philanthropist. The way he’d wrapped his arms around her as they sat in the window indicated a gentle, caring side. She hadn’t expected that from a one-night stand.

  Well, a weekend stand.

  “He’s a really nice guy.” Jane reached for her glass.

  “But that’s not what I want to hear.” Lily eyes gleamed. “Is he a kitten or a tiger in bed?”

  Jane began to laugh. Leave it to Lily to cut to the heart of the matter.

  “Definitely the latter.”

  “I knew it!” Lily slapped her hand against the table. “He has that look that screams ‘Wild Man’. You know, according to Mia, Dirk’s housekeeper, Antonio’s sexual exploits are…um…legendary.”

  “Really?” Jane lowered her voice and leaned forward even though no one else was on the terrace. She wanted to be sure no one overheard them gossiping. “How so?”

  “I guess he and Giselle stayed here on numerous occasions when they were together.” Lily leaned toward Jane. “Mia said they had sex in practically every room of the house.”

  Jane’s eyes widened. That was a lot of sex.

  “They were like rabbits.” Lily leaned back. “Well, he’s young, and they say he’s insatiable.”

  Yes, he is…

  “And he can get multiple erections in a short period of time.”

  Oh yeah…

  “Then there’s his sexual wingman—”

  “Wait a minute.” Jane frowned. “A what?”

  “A wingman. You know, someone who hangs with the leader and follows him—”

  “I know what a wingman is.” Jane interrupted. “But what is a sexual wingman?”

  “They like to bed the same woman.”

  “They share their women?”

  “No, Virgin Mary,” Lily snorted. “They like to bed the same women at the same time. You know, a ménage?”

  Jane swallowed hard. Last night Antonio had mentioned a friend, someone named Santos. He’d called him a good friend. Surely he wouldn’t…

  “His name?” Jane’s voice was little more than a whisper. “What is his wingman’s name?”

  “I don’t remember for sure but I think it was something Spanish.” Oblivious to her friend’s torment, Lily was busy inspecting her red nails. “Santino, Santiago or maybe it was Greek. Xanos maybe?”


  “That’s it.” Their gazes met and her friend’s eyes narrowed. “Did Antonio mention him?”

  “Just briefly—”

  “Girl… You’d better not be holding out on me.” Lily reached for the champagne bottle. “I’ll take away your key to the executive washroom.”

  “We don’t have an—”

  “Well, when we get one I’ll have to give you the key then immediately take it away again.”

  “Will you focus, please?” Jane snapped. “So they take a woman, one woman, to bed? Together?”

  “They’ve been doing it for years. One of Mia’s friends was their playmate for a while, and now the woman will only have sex with two men at a time.” Lily laughed. “I think they ruined her for any man flying solo.”

  Jane wasn’t a complete dunce. She enjoyed reading ménage romances, but she’d never thought she’d meet someone who actually lived the lifestyle. There was something very naughty about just thinking of a ménage, naughty yet arousing at the same time.

  “That’s too bad, that they ruined her I mean.” She downed the last of her champagne.

  “Who are you kidding?” Lily’s gaze took on a faraway look. “Can you imagine? Two men in your bed and all of the focus is on you and your pleasure. Yummy. Where do I sign up?”

  After spending last night with Antonio, Jane could imagine it. Then again, she wasn’t sure she’d survive two men at once. Antonio had tested her stamina last night, but two men!

  A ripple of heat washed through her pussy.

  “Peter did accuse me of being insatiable.” Jane shifted in her chair.

  “Asshole.” Lily snapped back to attention. “He was too busy looking at himself in the mirror to keep up with you.”

  Jane snickered. She wanted to enjoy her orgasmic hangover, and the last thing she wanted to do was to think of her ex. Besides, she could still smell her lover’s scent on her flesh…

  Pressing her thighs together to quiet the soft ache, she reached for the champagne.

  “So, am I safe in assuming you and Jean Jacques have declared a truce?”

  A telltale smile flashed across Lily’s face for a split second before it vanished. She held out her glass for a refill.

  “Not exactly.”

  “But you had sex with him?”

  “Several times.” She shrugged. “Having sex doesn’t exactly mean we like one another.”

  “Pffft. Both of you have had the hots for each other from the moment you met,” Jane said. “The problem is both of you are too damned stubborn to admit you need each other.”

  Lily’s mouth twisted. “He’s obnoxious…”

  “Only when you get smart with him.”


  “Protective and rightfully so.”


  “You’re such a bad liar.” Jane laughed. “There is nothing boring about Jean Jacques, and you know it.”

  Lily glared at her.

  “Besides, the man is as sexy as hell.”


  “You know, if you don’t want him…”

  “I will snatch you bald if you even look at him sideways,” Lily snarled.

  “His accent alone should be declared a lethal weapon,” Jane said. “I swear, all he did was walk into the ballroom last night and women came out of nowhere to get close to him.”

  Lily sat upright as if someone had just pinched her ass. Her mouth went tight, and she did not look amused.

  “Well, he is a free man.”

  “That he is. Jean Jacques is kind, good-looking and filthy rich. Any woman would consider him quite the catch.”

  “I suppose that’s true.”

  Jane struggled to hide her amusement. Her friend was jealous as hell to hear other women had been eyeing her man. She claimed she wasn’t really interested yet she didn’t seem to like the thought of Jean Jacques with another woman. Hypocrite.

>   “You really should pay more attention, Lily. Last night this hot little blonde had her hand practically down his pants, and he wasn’t exactly fighting her off.”

  Jane felt only a twinge as the lie passed her lips. She was damned tired of watching two friends sniping at each other trying to ignore their mutual attraction. The reality was both of them mooned over the other when they weren’t around. It would be very sweet if it wasn’t quite so sickening.

  Okay, it was sweet, but she wasn’t about to tell Lily that.

  “Well, look at the time.” Lily hopped her feet. “I’d forgotten, I’m needed elsewhere. Catch you later.”

  Before Jane could respond, her friend was off and running. With her Italian stiletto heels clicking on the tile, she vanished into the ballroom. Oh yes, Lily Tyler was pissed and Jane had the feeling that a very handsome Frenchman was the object of her ire.

  She could only hope Jean Jacques didn’t want to strangle her for lying. She lifted her glass in a silent apology. He might be in for it, but she was pretty sure the Frenchman could handle Lily. Besides, if she didn’t throw them together, they were just foolish enough to miss out on the best thing that would ever happen to them.

  Speaking of the best thing to ever happen…

  An image of Antonio and her in bed flashed before her eyes. He was, in one word, delicious. With his fallen angel face and wicked hands, he’d rocked her world. Her nipples hardened. The way he’d moved, muscles bunching beneath her hands, his hips thrusting in a sensual dance that brought her to the edge over and over. She licked her lips as a damp heat engulfed her pussy.

  But, Antonio and another man in her bed?


  She drank deeply of the pale golden liquid. The thought of two men in her bed was a heady one. Several of her past boyfriends had felt she was insatiable. Peter certainly wasn’t the first one to say it. Jane’s lips twisted. What was it with men? They always said they wanted a woman with the libido of a man, but when they got one, they invariably fell short.

  She bit her lip. It was possible that maybe, just maybe, she’d had the misfortune of hooking up with guys who couldn’t go the distance. Maybe it had nothing to do with her after all?


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