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Educating Jane Porter: A Jane Porter Story

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by Dominique Adair

  Her body, aided by the champagne and a long night of sin, relaxed into the chair. She felt boneless and vaguely…needy. Jane slid her hand under the table to touch her pussy through her skirt.

  Antonio certainly managed to keep up with her last night. But two, two men would be utterly sublime.

  Two mouths…


  Four hands…


  Two cocks…

  Suddenly aware of what she was doing, Jane yanked her hand away. Her gaze darted around the terrace, and she was relived to see she was alone. Her shoulders slumped.

  Then again, she might be getting ahead of herself. Just because Antonio had mentioned Santos didn’t mean he planned on inviting the other man into their bed. It was possible that he was just being friendly. Or, he might hope that Jane had a friend who might want to be hooked up with—

  “Good morning, Beauty.”

  Antonio’s accented voice flowed over her senses like warm melted chocolate. Startled, she jerked upright. A dark knit shirt accented every inch of his well-honed chest. His big hands, the same hands that had stroked every inch of her body, hung at his sides. Jeans cupped his body like a jealous lover accenting his height and his muscular legs.

  Her gaze dropped to his crotch. The well-worn denim cupped the impressive swell of his equipment. She licked her lips. Would it be too forward if she were to demand that he strip down and fuck her on the table only minutes before brunch was to begin?

  Their gazes met and the hunger deep in his eyes sent a rush of heat through her body. Daydreaming about him had served to turn her on but now, with him standing only inches away, she experienced a flash of hunger deep in the core of her body. Desire was too small of a word to describe how much she wanted him to touch her.

  Jane cleared her throat.

  “Good morning, Antonio. I trust you slept well?”

  “For the most part.” A smile curved his oh-so-talented mouth. “I was repeatedly wakened by a beautiful creature in my bed who was determined I attend to her needs every hour on the hour.” His gaze dropped to her breasts. “She was quite persuasive.”

  “And was she kind enough to return the favor?”

  “In abundance.” His hand landed on the table in front of her. “And I cannot wait to have her in my bed again.”

  When their lips touched, flames ignited in her body. His tongue teased the seam of her mouth, and she opened for him. He tasted of mint toothpaste and hungry male.

  She made a sound deep in her throat when he nipped her lower lip. Pulling away, his breath feathered her lips.

  “I’m counting the minutes until I can suck that pussy of yours. Then I will kiss you from head to toe.”

  Jane was thankful she was sitting. If she’d been standing she was sure she’d be on the floor by now. Laying her hand over his, she squeezed his fingers.

  “Mmm.” She licked her lower lip. “You taste good enough to eat, Antonio.”

  His brow arched, and his gaze dropped to her mouth.

  “Just the thought of my cock in your sweet mouth—”


  The sound of someone clearing his throat caught Jane by surprise. Antonio touched her on the chin then stepped out of the way.

  Behind him stood a strange man who was watching them intently. He was tall, maybe an inch or so more than Antonio and his stance was relaxed. Where her lover was big and muscular, this man was whipcord lean like a long distance runner. His skin was slightly darker than Antonio’s, and he had a vaguely Middle Eastern look to him. A diamond earring glinted in one ear.

  Wearing jeans and a white button-down shirt, he looked totally relaxed. His dark brown eyes were deep, thoughtful, leaving her with the feeling that this man missed very little.

  Whoever he was, this man was hot. Just standing there, he exuded confidence coupled with a restrained sensuality guaranteed to ignite any woman’s fantasy. There was something about him, a European flair American men lacked.

  “Beauty, I’d like to you meet someone,” Antonio spoke. “This is my good friend, Santos.”

  Chapter Two

  “How dare you!”

  Jean Jacques drew the razor down his cheek. Lily, the woman who’d been screaming in his arms several hours before, was scowling at him from the doorway. Judging from her stormy expression, he was pretty sure she wasn’t here to kiss him good morning.

  He reached for a towel.

  “Are you going to tell me what I dared to do? Or do I have to guess?” He wiped the towel over his face. “I couldn’t have done anything to displease you as I’ve yet to leave my suite.” He dropped the towel on the vanity. “I met this gorgeous redhead who wore me out last night so I was late to rise.”

  “Don’t you dare sweet talk me,” she snapped. “How dare you let some tramp fondle you before taking me to bed?”

  “Fondle me?” He raked his hand through his damp hair. “What are you going on about?”

  “I have it on good authority that last night, before you kidnapped me, you allowed another woman to stick her hands down your pants and play with your best friend.”

  His brow rose. A lot of things had happened last night, but he was pretty sure he’d remember a stranger putting her hand down his pants and playing with his cock. While he’d had a few glasses of champagne, his memory of last night’s events remained crystal clear.


  “What kind of man are you? Hopping from one woman to another without remorse…”

  Her words faded into meaningless jabber. Even though she was screaming at him, he couldn’t help notice she’d never looked more beautiful. Her black business suit did little to hide her mouthwatering curves, and her sexy stiletto shoes were foreplay on their own.

  His cock stirred. He was only sorry he’d never thought about making her jealous as green was definitely her color.

  “You’re a hypocrite, Ms. Tyler.” He crossed his arms over his chest. He was crazy about her, but he would enjoy taking her down a peg or two. She was too arrogant for her own good. “Quite a few people saw you in the ballroom with the Duke in your cleavage.”

  “That’s hardly the same.”

  Her spine was ramrod straight and it was a wonder she didn’t snap it in half.

  “How is it different? Another man, partaking of your…” his gaze dropped to her breasts. “…obvious charms and yet, you end up in my bed with my cock inside you.”

  Lily’s cheeks were flushed, and her impressive bosom heaved with each breath. She was the kind of woman who wasn’t familiar with the green monster nipping at her heels. He’d bet his left nut that being jealous was a new experience for her. Chances were she was more pissed at herself than the prospect of him fooling around with another woman.

  “What do you have to say to that?”

  Inside, Lily was seething. Jean Jacques had all but admitted he’d allowed another woman into his pants only hours before fucking her in the utility closet.

  Jane was right, she’d been drawn to him from the moment they met, not that she’d ever admit it to him. Even though she’d fought the attraction, she hated feeling needy especially where a man was concerned, and now she felt used.

  And betrayed.

  Stunned by the realization, she stepped backward. No, betrayed was the wrong word. The only way she could feel betrayed was if she were in love with him—

  “Cat got your tongue?”

  Jean Jacques’ deep, taunting voice broke through her panic. She stared at him, stunned to realize he’d moved closer while she’d dithered. The mixed scents of soap and warm male teased her nose. She scowled. He was too big, too masculine and he wasn’t wearing nearly enough clothing in her opinion.

  “Stop t-trying to in-intimidate me.”

  Her gaze dropped to the white towel around his trim waist. A thin line of dark hair disappeared beneath the towel, and there was a telltale bulge. A ripple of heat snaked down her spine.

  Even knowing he’d been fooling around
with another woman, she still wanted him. A sinking feeling exploded in her stomach. She’d known many women like this, willing to take whatever crumbs a man afforded her. They put up with bad behavior so they wouldn’t be alone. Just the idea of lumping herself in with those women made her ill.

  “You bastard,” she muttered.

  “Chère, there wasn’t—”

  His gentle tone lit a match to her anger. His lips were moving, but she could no longer hear what he said. She would not let any man treat her badly and get away with it. She launched herself at Jean Jacques and hit him square in the chest. While he was easily twice her size, she had the advantage of surprise. Together they slammed into the wall.

  “How dare you screw me after having some random stranger in your pants—”

  “Didn’t you hear one fucking word I said?”

  “I don’t want to hear your lies. You’re just like every other man on the planet. An asshole!”

  She swung at his head, and he caught her arm easily. Thwarted, she tried to drive her knee upward into his groin, but he sidestepped at the last moment.

  “Damn it, Lily. Will you behave?”

  “Not until I teach you a lesson—”

  Jean Jacques cut her off when he grabbed her around the waist and swung her over his shoulder. Lily pounded on his back.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Put me down, you manhandling bastard.”

  “Not until I teach you a lesson.”

  She heard the shower door open then he cranked on the water.

  “I think you need to cool off, Ms. Tyler.”

  “Don’t you dare put me in that shower. I’ll kick your Frenchie ass.”

  He slapped her on the ass. She pinched him on the butt. The next thing she knew, he’d dumped her onto the marble floor of the shower. Ice-cold water hit her in the face.

  “This-s-s is Versace!” she wailed. “You’ve ruined my favorite suit.”

  “Should’ve thought about that before you attacked me.”

  Blinking cold water out of her eyes, she stared up at the man who’d betrayed her trust. Tears stung her eyes.

  “L-like you were in any r-real danger.” Her teeth began to chatter. “You’re twice my s-s-size.”

  “Your nails are longer.”

  Reaching for the faucet, Jean Jacques turned on the hot water. Lying on the shower floor with a half-naked, very pissed off man standing over her, Lily realized she was at a definite disadvantage.

  Sitting up, she was grateful the water was warmer. Shaking the water from her eyes, she looked up his long, muscular body. Even though they’d spent the night together, she hadn’t been afforded the chance to check him out.

  Lily had always thought he was devastatingly handsome in a business suit, but now, clad only in a bath towel, looking at him was an entirely different experience.

  His dark hair was damp and tousled. He had a strong face with brooding dark blue eyes. Broad shoulders melded into a muscular chest sprinkled with black hair. Her fingers itched to play with his flat nipples. His waist was narrow, and his legs were solid and covered with more dark hair.

  Jean Jacques was incredibly sexy and more than a little pissed off.

  “Feeling better?”

  “Nope, still pissed.”

  He reached for the towel, and her gaze narrowed. He wouldn’t dare…

  The towel fell from his hips leaving his groin at eye level. Her breath caught. His semi-erect cock rose from a thicket of black hair. It was thick and dark, its vein pulsing as blood rushed to fill it. Slowly it lengthened to stand proudly from the nest of hair. A drop of pearly liquid seeped from the tiny slit in the head.

  Even though she was soaked with warm water, she shivered. It was inexplicable. She was angry as hell at him and herself, yet she was ravenous for him, his cock. It was as if he’d never touched her before this moment.

  The feeling that washed over her was new and terrifying.

  “Are you pleased with what you see?”

  Her gaze flicked to his face. He was smirking.

  “It’s nothing special.” She shrugged. “If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them a—”

  Jean Jacques leaned down and grabbed the neckline of her ruined silk blouse. With a single yank the cloth gave way, baring her to the waist.


  Ignoring her, he stepped into the shower, pulling the door behind him. Lily tried to scramble away but he grabbed her by the knees. Yanking her forward, she fell backward. She’d never seen him so angry, so…determined.

  Forcing her thighs open, he tore the away the crotch of her hose. She wore no panties and judging from the feral smile, he’d just realized it.

  His big, thick fingers invaded her flesh. Parting her pussy lips, he entered her with two fingers. Her hips thrust upward. She was torn between wanting to smack his hands away or pull him down on top of her.

  “Don’t ever accuse me of fucking you after having had another woman,” he muttered. “That’s not the kind of man I am.”

  Withdrawing his hand, he shoved his hips between her thighs. The head of his cock nudged her pussy, and he began stroking her clit with it. Need rose hot and thick in her throat.

  Even though she was pissed as hell, she couldn’t prevent the whimper that burst from her mouth. Anger had dissipated to be replaced with a powerful desire threatening to render her incapable of rational thought.

  “Jean Jacques,” she hissed. Her hips pumped upward to increase the pressure on her clit. “Please.”

  Removing his hand, he thrust into her. A keening wail broke from her mouth. The rush of sensation was heady, thick. Sliding her hand down to his ass, she gripped him tightly, silently urging him to thrust.

  “Look at me, Lily.”

  Their gazes met, and she wasn’t surprised to see he was still angry with her. She felt the same way about him.

  “Hear me when I say I call the shots.”

  He rolled his hips, pressing hard against her sensitized clit. Her breath hissed through her teeth.

  “For the past two years you’ve done nothing but make me crazy. We both know you’re a little tease, and I’ve enjoyed the chase.” He thrust again. “But now, right at this moment, I have you where I want you. On your back, begging me to fuck you.”

  Hatred and need burned through her nervous system. Digging her nails into his ass, she forced her hips up to meet his. Warm water rained down on them, shielding her tears from his gaze. Jean Jacques held her captive. His big body pressed her into the marble tile giving her no room to move. She was impaled and vulnerable to anything he wanted to do.

  “Tell me, Lily. Tell me you want me.”

  “No.” She thrashed her head on the tiles, need and pain warring in her heart. “I won’t.”

  “You will.” He thrust.

  “No, please—”

  It was as if she hadn’t said anything. He continued thrusting, and his hips hammered hers. She arched, hungry for his touch, his mouth, his passion. The thrust of his cock in her weeping pussy was a delicious pain that stole her breath. Her heart cried for the man she’d spent the night with but she refused to let the words pass her lips.

  “Submit to me, Lily, or I will fuck other women.”

  “I don’t care who you fuck—”

  His teeth bit into her throat eliciting a sharp cry from her. Need rode low and hard in her body.

  “And you’ll have to accept it, Lily. In fact, if you behave, I might even let you watch.”

  He was intent upon punishing her as much as she’d wanted to hurt him earlier when she’d attacked him.

  “Damn you, Jean Jacques.” She was sobbing. “Damn you to hell.”

  “You first,” he muttered.

  Her ankles locked around his waist allowing him to enter her more deeply than before. No longer could she feel the water on her skin. The man who moved over her had sunk into her body, her soul. They were one, bound by need, hatred and love all at the same time. She was sobbing in earnest, and
her desire spiraled higher. Her need for release burned white hot in her belly.

  “Until you give in to me, Lily, you will take what I decide to give you.” His voice seared into her heart. “I will no longer dance to your tune for you’re mine to command.”


  Even as she spoke she knew it wasn’t true. As he said, he had her where he wanted her. She’d lost the battle before the war had ever begun.

  His mouth touched her shoulder and before she could react, he bit her. Pain and pleasure rocketed through her body. Her orgasm exploded, and she screamed. Her cries echoed off the marble walls of the bathroom as wave after wave of sheer ecstasy burned through her. Her body shook with the ferocity of their coupling.

  Jean Jacques thrust several more times. Stiffening, he roared out his release. Her hands slid up his back to rest on his shoulders. His big body jerked once more before he sank onto her, his head coming to rest on her shoulder. His breathing was harsh in her ear as shudders wracked his body.

  Dear God, what had she just done?

  It’s him. It’s him.

  “I’m very pleased to meet you, Jane.”

  His voice was smooth, cultured like a fine brandy or the perfect cigar. When he assumed the chair next to her, his scent, a mixture of lime and healthy male, tickled her senses.

  This man was hot, really hot. She’d never considered going to bed with another man so quickly after bedding Antonio, but—

  When she became aware both men were giving her a curious look, she cleared her throat.

  “Uh…it’s lovely to meet you too.”

  Santos flashed her a smile that was both amused and pleased.

  You’re acting like a complete hick.

  “So what brings you…uh…here, this weekend?” Inwardly she groaned. Of course he was here for Antonio’s birthday. They were friends.

  Santos’s brown eyes twinkled. He took her hand and raised it to his lips.

  “My friend told me the women were exquisite.”

  His lips touched her skin, igniting a quick flash of heat. When his tongue touched her knuckle she shivered.


  She didn’t miss the glance the men shared. Her sex clenched.


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