Letters of E. B. White
Page 87
Hutchens, John, 307, 307n.
HUTCHINS, ROBERT M., 394n. Letter: 394–395
Hyde, Fillmore, 71, 187, 468
Hyman, Stanley, 326
Hyphen, use of, 574
“I’d Send My Son to Cornell,” 188n.
Illian, Arthur (Art), 147, 147n., 177, 224, 249
Illian, Carol. See Baker, Carol Illian
Illian, Lillian White, at Belgrade Lakes, 9; in childhood, 4; at Heywood Broun show, 101, 102; job loss, 26; marriage/family of, 7; mother and, 126; as redhead, 360; visit to EBW (1945), 249; visit to EBW (1950), 300
Illian, Noel, 7, 101–102, 249, 338
Illian, Sidney, 7, 249, 300
“Inflexible Logic” (Maloney), 130
Ingersoll, Ralph McAllister, Luce Profile and, 414; at New Yorker, 71, 664; on Roseanne Magdol (McVay), 646; sending EBW to Chrysler Building, 338n.; society background of, 468; Society for Suppression of Vice and, 307
Institute of Personality Assessment and Research (University of California), 537, 537n.
Integrity (schooner), 535n.
International White House Libraries, 457
“I Paint What I See,” 305
Irvin, Rea, 71, 86, 88, 98, 164
Is Sex Necessary? (Thurber and White), dust jacket, 627; film proposal, 404, 405; foreign editions of, 344–345; illustrations for, 443; introduction to, 282–283, 283n., 284; publication of, 80; response to, 299–300
Ithaca, New York, EBW’s arrival in, 17; EBW’s fiftieth reunion, 566; EBW’s invitation to (1961), 431; EBW’s visit to (1923), 65; postwar, 638; weather in, 19
Ithaca Journal News, 20
Jeannie (James Thurber’s dog), 89, 664
JENNISON, CHRISTOPHER S., 485n. Letters: 485, 486
Jessie (launch), 9, 381
Johnson, Lyndon B., 473, 517
Johnson, Nunnally, 552
JOHNSON, DR. PHILIP M. Letter: 334
Johnston, Alva, 575
Jolly, Alison Bishop, 431, 431n.
Jones (Norwich Terrier), background of, 498n., 605; death of, 631; fight with poodle, 522–523; in Florida, 498–499; loyalty to EBW, 620; and muskrat, 513; at North Brooklin, 531, 535, 573, 585; with porcupine, 627–628; with Susy, 549, 556, 586; with worms, 536
JONES, CHUCK. Letter: 639–640
JONES, W. B., 612, 615. Letter: 612–615
Jonsson, Ebba, 364, 364n.
Journalism, corporate sponsorship in, 611–615; EBW’s attitude toward, 677; as vocation, 463, 608
“Journey’s Dead End,” 173
Joyce, James, 501
Judge (comic weekly), 29, 298
Jungle Princess (movie), 159
KASTON, MRS. B. J. Letter: 344
Katz, Joel, 552
Kaufman, George S., 106, 151
Keast, Rae, 431, 431n., 477
“Keep Your Dreams Within Reason” (McNulty’s song), 252–253, 584
Keller, Elsa, 134n., 135
Keller, Lucy, 134, 134n.
Keller, Nan, 134, 134n., 135, 136
Keller, Theodore (Ted), 134, 134n., 135
Kennedy, John F., 456, 465, 474, 670
Kennedy, Madge, 102, 102n.
KENNEDY, ROBERT F. Letter: 465
Kentucky Derby, 45
KENYON, ANN, 302. Letters: 302, 303
Kerr, Abram T., 21, 22
“The Key of Life,” 105n.
KIERAN, JOHN. Letters: The Books I Love, 538–539; Natural History of New York, 425–426
Killdeer, 509
Kingfishers, 286
Kingsbury, Alison Mason, 174n.
KINKEAD, EUGENE, 388. Letters: 389, 640
Kneisel, Franz, 165n.
Kneisel, Fred, 165, 165n.
Knopf publishers, 671
Knox, Philander C., 26
Koffler, Jack, 97, 97n.
Kohn, John S. Van E., 481
Korean conflict, 334
KRAMER, DALE, 307, 310, 598. Letter: 296–298
Krasnowiecki, Sally, 682, 682n.
KREMENTZ, JILL. Letter: 631
Ladies Home Journal, 479
“Lady Before Breakfast,” 616
The Lady Is Cold, dedication of, 460; earnings for, 96; in EBW archive, 630; illustrations for, 82; publication of, 70, 80; “Sunday” (poem), 301n.
La Farge, Christopher, 350
LAFFOON, MR. Letter: 633
Lahr, Bert, 200, 208
Lake Placid Club, 14, 108
LAMDEN, MS. Letter: 634
Lamour, Dorothy, 159, 206, 230, 350
Lane, Captain Louis L., 63, 435
LANE, HELEN, 524. Letter: 524–525
Lardner, Mrs. (EBW’s cook), 100–101, 104, 109, 109n.
Lardner, Ring, 98, 555
LARKIN, JOAN. Letter: 454–455
Last Poems (Housman), 178
The Last Flower (Thurber), 443–444
Latin, study of, 604
LAUSCH, GRETCHEN E., 305. Letter: 305
LAWDER, CAPTAIN H. C. Letter: 662
Lee, Gypsy Rose, 216
Lees, Benjamin, 560
LEONARD, J. JOSEPH, 385n. Letter: 385
Lerner, Max, 211, 212
Letter from the East, “Bedfellows” piece, 382; “Coon Tree” piece, 386n.; on Freddy the dachshund, 384; on geese, 571n.; in 1960s, 488; in PofC, 425; premise of, 377–378; “Railroad” piece, 420n.; Strunk profile, 368; on U.N. Charter, 396
Letter (Delayed) from the North, 435
Letter from the West, 432
Letters of E. B. White, companion volumes to, 645; compiling, 602, 603; Corona Machemer’s work on, 656; galleys of, 607–608, 607n.; letters not included in, 678; response to, 616
Levick, William, 124, 124n.
LEVY, LOUIS. Letter: 422
Lewis, Palmer, 90, 90n., 103
Lexington, Kentucky, 42–45
LIEB, MARGARET. Letter: 401
Liebling, A. J., 279, 637
Life magazine, 298, 379n., 632
LINDELL, RICHARD L., II. Letter: 521
LINDEY, ALEXANDER, 306, 499. Letters: 306–307, 499–500
LINOWITZ, SOL M., 396. Letter: 396
Lin Yutang, 350
Lippmann, Walter, 154, 619
Litchfield, Connecticut, 156
Lobrano, Dorothy. See Guth, Dorothy Lobrano
LOBRANO, GUSTAVE (GUS), at Cornell, 18; death of, 362n., 368; as EBW’s apartment mate, 69; last days, 383; marriage of, 74; at New Yorker, 254; smallpox vaccination, 265; at Town and Country, 117; on writing, 114. Letters: from Bermuda, 161–162; on children’s toys, 194; on Cornell president’s signature, 373; on fatherhood, 96–97, 99–100; on “Memoirs of a Master,” 190; from New York, 105–106, 107–108, 379–380; from North Brooklin, 117–118, 131–132, 229–230, 361–363; on nose operation, 235–236; on NYC demonstrations, 109–110; on politics, 379–380; on smallpox vaccination, 266; “Thoughts While Sowing Five Pounds of Domestic Rye Grass” poem, 299, 299n.
LOBRANO, JEAN FLICK, 74. Letter: 75
London Times, 374
Long, Lois, 71, 153
Long, Ralph, 529–530
Lord, Kate, 98
Lord, Phillips, 152n.
Lord, Russell, 19, 98, 410
Lost New York (Silver), 497n.
Louisville Herald, 45–46, 479
Loveman, Amy, 183, 183n., 221
Loyalty oaths, 267–269, 272, 328
Luce, Henry, 254, 275, 276, 413, 414
LYFORD, HARRY, 207. Letters: 207–208, 219–220, 236, 440
Lynahan, Gertrude, 73, 73n.
Lynes, Russell, 672n.
Lyons, Leonard, 255, 256
The Lyons Den column (New York Post), 255
Mac (EBW’s collie), 15, 15n., 16, 677
MacArthur, General Douglas, 230, 254
MACHEMER, CORONA, at Belgrade Lakes, 655;
as Cass Canfield’s assistant, 607; on EBW’s father, 650; as editor, 671; in Elledge biography, 657; Florida trips wtih EBW, 631, 673; work on Letters, 656; work on OMM, 645; work on Poems and Sketches, 641. Letters: 607–608, 685
Machiavelli, Niccoló, 631
MACKINNON, DONALD W., 537n. Letter: 537
MacLeish, Archibald, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 218, 631
Macmillan Company, Elements deadlines, 573, 576; Elements editing, 416, 575; Elements excerpted by, 668; Elements introduction, 407; Elements origin and, 400n.; Elements royalties, 647; Elements success for, 19; J. G. Case at, 368; proofreading at, 672
Madeline (Bemelmans), 557
Magazines, corporate sponsorship in, 611–615; editorial control in, 238; formulas of, 298; political writing in, 379. See also specific publications
Magdol, Roseanne. See McVay, Roseanne Magdol
Maggie (mongrel), 498–499, 498n., 504, 531
Mailer, Norman, 428, 428n., 665
Maine, history and lore of, 179; income tax in, 533; railroads in, 422, 671; speech patterns in, 326–327, 373; temperaments in, 174; who’s who list, 172. See also Blue Hill, Maine; North Brooklin, Maine
Maine Maritime Academy, 555
Maloney, Russell, 130, 130n.
Malott, Deane W., 314, 315–316, 373
Mankiewicz, Herman J., 71
Mann, Thomas, 174
Manning, Helen Taft, 381
Manuscript Club (at Cornell), 18, 31
March, Joseph Moncure, 71
MARGOLIS, HELEN, 367n. Letter: 367
Markey, Morris, 71, 155, 155n.
Marquis, Don, book illustration for, 627; death of, 160; as favorite of EBW, 677; influence on EBW, 522; poetic talent of, 653; quoted, 485; role in American literature, 521; Sun Dial column, 18, 502, 660; Warty Bliggens character created by, 670
Marriner, Dean, 474
Martha (sloop), 504–505, 505n., 523, 529, 558
MARTIN, FAITH MCNULTY, 387. Letters: of condolence, 387–388; on ferrets, 537–538; from Florida, 449–450; on mice, 464–465; on mouse milk and porcupines, 497; on newsbreak submission, 427; on remarriage, 393–394
Martin, Louis E., 680
Martin, Richard, 394
MARX, GROUCHO, 359n. Letter: 359
Marx, Harpo, 527, 527n.
Marx, Karl, 348
Mason, Harding, 473
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), 300, 309, 342, 463
Matthews, Lawrence, 198, 198n., 201, 207, 224
Maugham, Somerset, 349
MAXWELL, WILLIAM, 273, 578, 580, 625. Letters: on Back Bay train, 586; on foreign publication, 277–278; on geese, 571–572; on National Medal for Literature, 579, 582
McCarten, Blanche, 53, 53n.
McCarthy, Senator Joseph, 347n.
McCarthy, Mary, 574
McCarthyism, 257, 267, 270n., 272, 328, 416. See also Loyalty oaths
MCDONALD, E. J., 270. Letter: 270–271
McEachern, Hughie, 85, 94
McGinley, Phyllis, 98
McGuiness, James Kevin, 71
MCKELWAY, ANN HONEYCUTT (HONEY), 102, 102n., 121. Letters: 629–630, 665
McKelway, St. Clair, 98, 121, 164, 326
McNulty, Faith. See Martin, Faith McNulty
MCNULTY, JOHN, death of, 387–388; in EBW biography, 656; “Keep Your Dreams Within Reason,” 252–253, 584; at New Yorker, 98, 164; urbanity of, 302. Letter: 285–286
McNulty, Johnny (son), 387, 388, 393, 449, 449n.
McNutt, Paul V., 225
MCVAY, ROSEANNE MAGDOL, 646. Letter: 647
Melville, Herman, 501
“Memoirs of a Master,” 156n., 160, 161, 167, 190
Merchant, Larry, 587
Merriam, G. & C., Company, 384
MERRILL, GARY, 615. Letter: 668
Mersereau Avenue house, 12n., 123, 123n.
Messiter, Molly, 360
Meyer, Cord, Jr., 683
Meyer, Mary Pinchot, 683
Mice, 464–465, 475
Miller, Dr. Jack, 276, 277
Milliken, Mrs. Seth, 196
Minneapolis Journal, 46
Minnie (EBW’s dachshund), with Freddy, 197, 197n., 227; in heat, 247; in New York City, 281; with puppies, 207; with tapeworm, 356, 357; temperament of, 295–296
Miss Winsor’s school, 72, 81
Mitchell, Margaret, 438
MITGANG, HERBERT, 505n., 517, 627. Letters: 505–506, 634, 666
Moby Dick (Melville), 501
Model T Ford. See “Farewell My Lovely”; Hotspur
Modern English Usage (Fowler), 291, 460, 461, 671
Montana ranch country, 50–54
MOORE, ANNE CARROLL, response to Charlotte, 336, 336n.; response to Stuart, 181, 252, 253, 255. Letters: 182, 185
Moore, Captain Percy, 99, 114, 135, 152, 156, 157, 658
Moore, Ruth, 346
MORING, ANN. Letter: 508–509
MORLEY, CHRISTOPHER, Bowling Green column, 18, 69, 479, 502, 660; at Saturday Review of Literature, 124. Letters: on Bartlett’s Quotations, 142; on “Mencken” poem, 127; Saturday Review offer, 124–126
“The Morning of the Day They Did It,” 281–282, 299, 507
Morris, Chester, 650
Morris, Wilhemina, 650, 651
MORSE, FRANK E. 54; Letter: 54–55
MORSE, WAYNE. Letter: 408
MORTON, CHARLES, 508. Letter: 453–454
Morvich (race horse), 45
Moscow Circus, 461–462
Moses (EBW’s Labrador retriever), 151, 152, 154, 155, 177
Mosher, Jodie, 673
Mosher, John, 98, 102, 348
Mount Vernon, closing up house in, 123, 123n.; commuting from, 69; EBW’s childhood in, 1–10, 351, 467–468; reminiscences of, 359–360
Mount Vernon High School, 10, 17, 479
Movies, Charlotte as, 306, 337, 337n., 388, 389, 439–440, 499–500, 534, 534n., 552–553, 556, 557, 562–563, 567, 569–570, 576–578, 586, 595; criticism, 143–144; Here Is NY as, 337n., 341–342, 341n.; industry blacklisting, 267; Is Sex Necessary? as, 404–405; “The Morning of the Day They Did It” as, 507
Moxie soft drink, 9
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 583
“Much Ado About Plenty,” 118
Mueller, Frank, 73
Muggeridge, Malcolm, 375, 424
MULLER, CHARLES G. (CHARLIE), 148. Letters: 149–150, 191–192, 685
Mumford, Lewis, 98
Munroe, Robert C., 272
MUSKIE, EDMUND, 473, 474, 621n. Letter: 621
My Life and Hard Times (Thurber), 579
Nabokov, Vladimir, 521
NACHMAN, GERALD. Letter: 632–633
NADEAU, MR. Letter: 596
Nash, Ogden, 98, 501
Nash, Paul, 105, 105n.
National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 490, 491
National Institute of Arts and Letters, 263, 263n., 427n., 606
Nationalism, 480
National Medal for Literature, 578–579
“Natural History,” 88–89
Natural History of New York (Kieran), 539
Navy, 243
“The Near-Demise of Mrs. Coe,” 101, 102
NEEL, SAM, 669. Letter:, 658–659
Neumeyer, Peter F. Letter: 684
Nevin, Doris, 177
Nevin, Ethelbert, 177
Newberry, Jane, 133
Newberry, John S., 113, 133, 135
Newberry, Rosamond (Ros), 113, 133, 135, 356, 363
Newbery Award, 564
Newmark, J. H., 69, 70, 651
Newport News Shipbuilding Corporation, 354, 354n.
New Republic magazine, 239
Newsbreaks, by EBW, 70, 79, 99, 141, 166, 208, 237, 427, 453, 598; EBW’s retirement from, 644, 645, 646, 647, 656; first readers of, 234, 634–635; other write
rs of, 427; Roger Angell as first reader, 234; staples used on, 244–245
Newspapers. See Journalism; Press; specific publications
New Statesman magazine, 455
Newsweek magazine, 336
New York City, changes in, 407, 497–498, 507, 508–509, 543, 594; downtown, 381–382; EBW’s early years in, 69, 72–73, 98, 105–106, 595; EBW’s feelings about, 141, 159; FDR inaugural, 109–110; filming, 341–342; Greenwich Village, 81, 98, 104–105, 120, 595; Harlem, 95, 484; natural wonders of, 425–426; poems on, 82; subways in, 349; summer heat in, 101, 103, 275, 276, 277, 484; Sundays in, 154, 192, 274. See also Here Is New York; Turtle Bay Garden residences
The New Yorker, advertising for, 107; advertising in, 169–170, 477; archives, 441, 455, 472–473; Communists on, 289–290; compensation from, 186n., 237, 280n., 627, 651; contributors to, 322–323, 322n., 600; corrections at, 115, 251; Department of Amplification, 492n.; early days, 69–72; EBW’s subscription to, 609–610; editorial control of, 588; evolution of, 300; Far-Flung Correspondents, 317; Funny Coincidence Department, 314, 315; influence of, 296, 298; KSW obituary in, 617, 617n.; Letter from the East, 368, 377–378, 382, 384, 386n., 396, 420n., 425, 488, 571n.; Letter (Delayed) from the North, 435; Letter from the West, 432; office move, 122,
The New Yorker (cont’d) 122n.; Profiles, 413–414, 575–576; publishing schedule, 241–242; racism in, 301–302; reminiscences of, 453–454, 598; reprints from, 238–239, 407; at Ross’s death, 291–292, 316, 317; Shouts and Murmurs, 576; staff, 71, 98–99, 167, 241n., 323 (see also specific names); style of, 124; success of, 98, 106; Talk of the Town, 71, 103, 130n., 338n.; thirtieth year of, 370; Tom Wolfe critique of, 481–482; during World War II, 209, 225, 239. See also Comment page; Newsbreaks; Ross, Harold; White, E. B., at New Yorker; White, Katherine S., at New Yorker
The New Yorker Short Story Book, 234
NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE, book list in, 314n., 315; F. P. Adams on Ross in, 29; “Hollywood Ten” editorial, 267; J. Hutchens on Ross in, 307n.; “Party of One” editorial, 268, 272; T. Wolfe on Shawn in, 481–482. Letters: 267–269
New York Post, 23, 24, 255
New York Public Library, children’s books and, 181, 252, 255, 335n.; spider reference from, 325
New York Sun, 23, 24, 27, 30
New York Times, advertising in, 507; on condensed reprints, 239; EBW’s bank computer piece, 505, 505n.; EBW’s job interview at, 27; EBW’s literary award and, 579–580; EBW’s public notice, 110–111; EBW’s subscription to, 528, 609–610; funny sentences in, 576; Mitgang piece on EBW in, 627; pay rate from, 506; review of Elledge biography, 672, 676; Shenker piece on EBW in, 529; on U.N. ambassador, 517–518
New York World, 36, 36n., 37
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 211