Letters of E. B. White
Page 88
Nielsen, Aage, 392, 392n.
The Night the Old Nostalgia Burned Down (Sullivan), 351, 351n.
NIXON, RICHARD M., 430. Letter: 529
NIZEN, DONALD A. Letter: 609–610
No Place to Hide (Bradley), 457n.
NORDSTRUM, URSULA, 252, 329, 354, 540, 579, 582. Letters: on Book-of-the-Month club plan, 360–361; on book promotion, 349–350; on Charlotte, 303, 324, 325, 330–331, 332–334, 335, 356–357, 447, 534; on Stuart, 254, 255, 261–262, 488–489; on Trumpet, 533–534, 536, 554
North Brooklin, Maine, centennial, 285; description of, 172, 208, 342, 471; library (see Friend Memorial Library); pollution problem, 544–545; summer in, 310–311; Walden Pond comparison, 469; during wartime, 226–227; Whites’ first summer in, 100; winter in, 559, 561–562, 585, 645, 659.
North Brooklin farm, animals at, 229–230, 232, 335; chimney fire, 247, 283; improvements to, 112–114, 163, 168, 323, 360, 363, 410, 667; move to, 99, 141, 159, 164, 166–167; pond at, 513, 532, 535, 663; power failures at, 514–515; upkeep of, 682. See also White, E. B., at North Brooklin farm
Northeast Harbor Fleet, 153–154, 153n.
Norwich Terrier News, 605
NOSHER, PATRICIA. Letters: 430, 434
Notes and Comment. See Comment page
Nuclear weapons, 338, 432, 449, 453, 670
“Obituary,” 109n.
Ochs, Adolph, 27, 28, 651
Office of Facts and Figures, 211, 213
“Of Thee I Sing” (Kaufman and Gershwin), 106
O’Hara, John, 98
Ohio, 38–41
Omnibus (TV program), 365n.
Omori, Hyozo, 181n.
“Once More to the Lake,” 321, 674
O’Neill, Eugene, 158
One Man’s Meat (book), Army ban on, 243, 243n.; author’s copies, 221; in conception, 195, 210; essays in, 168n., 185n., 369, 369n.; introduction by Morris Bishop, 287n.; introduction by Walter Blair, 467–469; literary merit of, 470; new editions, 233, 239, 467, 476, 645, 648, 667, 671; production of, 213–214, 213n., 220; response to, 457, 457n., 580, 605
“One Man’s Meat” column (in Harper’s), advertisement for, 169; collection of, 210; content of, 208; EBW’s resignation from, 209, 228–229, 230–231; editing of, 198n.; Mr. Volente in, 357n.; origin of, 141–142; writing of, 174, 202, 203
Ontario. See Camp Otter (Dorset, Ontario)
Onward and Upward in the Garden (Katharine White), 622, 624, 626, 630
Orioles, 471
Ortner, Howard, 21
ORTON, VREST, 418, 418n. Letters: 646, 653
Osborn, Mary, 70, 497, 654
OSBORNE, JOHN. Letter: 460–461
Otter Bee (newspaper), 95
Otters, 383, 490
Pacificism, 527
PACKARD, ELEANOR GOULD, 574. Letter: 574–575
Paladino, Ralph, 71, 75, 75n., 120
PALMER, ROBERT S. Letter: 480–481
Panter-Downes, Mollie, 375, 682, 682n.
Paris Herald, 77
Parker, Dorothy, 98, 501, 502, 528
Parker, Seth, 152
Parson, Annie, 512–513
Parson, Artley, 550
Parson, Charlotte, 550
Parson, Fred, 531
Parson, Ken, 224
“Party of One” editorial (Herald Tribune), 268–270, 272
Pathways of Sound, 485n., 546
PATRICK, TED, 257. Letter: 381–382
PATTERSON, ROBERT W., JR., 371n. Letter: 371–372
Peanuts (comic strip), 577
A Pearl in Every Oyster (Sullivan), 178, 178n.
PECK, PENNELL. Letter: 668
Peffer, Nathaniel, 217, 217n.
Pegler, Westbrook, 215, 222
Pennsylvania Station, 7
Peppe, Carmen, 71
Perelman, Laura, 522
Perelman, S. J. (Sid), EBW’s affection for, 637; as humorist, 558; at New Yorker, 98; photograph in dictionary, 631; vocabulary of, 521–522
Perkins, Maxwell, 451
Perkins, Milo, 218
PERKINS, THOMAS R. Letter: 680–681
Peron, Eva, 345
Pervear, Howard, garden maintenance, 114; on meat storage, 227; sailing, 135; tree removal, 197; water quality report, 113, 113n.; working hours, 152
“Peter Henderson in Florida,” 112
Peters, Astrid, 451n.
Peters, Russell, 410
Peterson’s Field Guide to Birds, 479
Petrunkevitch, Dr. Alexander, 388, 389
Pets, alligators as, 5; August (EBW’s dachshund), 404, 411; Baby (EBW’s canary), 78; Chloe (Evelyn Angell’s St. Bernard), 246, 246n.; crow (Joel White’s), 201, 204, 205; Daisy (KSW’s Scottish terrier dog), 81, 89, 93, 93n., 100–101, 105, 109, 109n.; in EBW’s childhood, 13; Ezekiel (Zeke; EBW’s puppy), 167, 169; Fred (EBW’s dachshund), 133, 133n., 134, 197, 223, 227, 247, 280, 295, 305, 384–385, 404; Jeannie (James Thurber’s Scottish terrier dog), 89, 664; Jones (EBW’s Norwich Terrier), 498–499, 498n., 513, 522–523, 531, 535, 536, 549, 556, 573, 585, 586, 605, 620, 627–628, 631; Mac (EBW’s collie), 15, 15n., 16, 677; Maggie (mongrel), 498–499, 498n., 504, 531; Minnie (EBW’s dachshund), 197, 197n., 207, 227, 247, 281, 295–296, 356, 357; Moses (EBW’s Labrador retriever), 151, 152, 154, 155, 177; Nick (bird), 167; Raffles (Joel’s wire-haired fox terrier), 207, 207n., 223, 227; Red (dog), 673; Susy (EBW’s West Highland White Terrier), 549, 556, 561, 586, 599, 605, 628, 652; Tunney (Roger Angell’s bulldog), 132, 149; Wilbur (pig), 343–344
Petty, Mary, 98, 337, 484
Phi Gamma Delta (fraternity), 17, 73, 106, 514, 566, 664
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 423, 515, 516
Philadelphia Orchestra, 560, 561, 563, 581
Philadelphia Zoo, 515–516, 550, 554, 564
PHILLIPS, JANE BAKER, 683. Letter: 683
Phillips, Spud, 566
Phyllis (sloop), 555
Pierce, Walter, 197, 207
Pigeons, 15, 251, 401, 402–403
Pigs, 229, 232–233, 241, 246, 343–344, 508–509
Plagiarism, 314, 315–316
Poems and Sketches of E. B. White, 641, 645, 667
Poetry, 118, 597, 653. See also specific titles
Point Four program, 328
The Points of My Compass, “Bedfellows,” 382; Beulah Hagen’s work on, 448; Letters from the East in, 425; “The Railroad,” 420n.; “A Slight Sound at Evening,” 362n.; “Unity,” 481; Walden piece, 455; “The Years of Wonder,” 63
Poland, Susan, 494
POLHEMUS, WENDY. Letter: 671–672
Pollution, 408, 421, 422, 432, 544–545
Polo Grounds, 349
Pomerantz, Betty, 505, 505n.
Poor, Henry Varnum, 213, 213n.
Population growth, 470–471
Porcupine, 492, 627–628
Portland Press Herald, 172
Portland Sunday Telegram, 285
Pound, Ezra, 521
Powers, Myrtle, 265, 266
Pratt, Ashley, 532, 532n.
PRATT, THEODORE (TED), 307, 351. Letter: 307
Praying mantises, 494, 587–588
Presidential elections, 109–110, 333, 379, 380, 430, 479
Presidential Medal of Freedom, 456, 465, 473, 621n.
Presidents (U.S.). See specific names
Press, capitalism/Communism conflict over, 481; corporate sponsorship and, 611–615; EBW’s view of, 290; freedom of, 20, 345, 394, 482, 517, 614; ownership of, 265, 613
PREUSSER, JUDITH W., 462. Letters: 462–464, 489, 679
Pringle, Henry F. (Hank), 23, 28, 205, 211, 212, 213, 218
Profiles (New Yorker), 413, 414, 575, 576
P.S. 2 on Lincoln Avenue, 7–8
Publico piece, 145
Public speaking, 8, 382, 578
Publishing industry, corporate subsidization in, 611–615; decisions made in, 551; editor role in, 451; foreign, 344–345, 401. See also specific publishe
Puck, 298
Pulitzer Prize, 621, 670
PULLEY, R. (BOB). Letter: 639
Punch magazine, 320–321, 375
Putnam’s publishers, 58n.
Queen Elizabeth (ocean liner), 374
Queen Mary (ocean liner), 277
Quill and Dagger (Cornell Senior Honor Society), 18, 510
Quo Vadimus?, Canfield work on, 174; “The Doily Menace,” 102n.; “Dr. Vinton,” 77n.; “Obituary,” 109n.; publication of, 142, 182; title of, 164, 175
RABINOWITZ, FAY. Letter: 590
Raccoons, 426, 434, 629
Race, Hubert, 651
Racism, 301–302
“Radio in the Rain,” 195, 195n.
Raffles (Joel’s wire-haired fox terrier), 207, 207n., 223, 227
Railroads, to Belgrade Lakes, 8–9; EBW’s belief in, 246; EBW’s trips on, 397, 586; in Maine, 422, 671; New York-Belgrade trip, 420; pace of, 615; Triminghams’ hatred of, 162
“The Railroad,” 420n.
Raptors, bald eagles, 493, 496; hawks, 496
Rationing, food, 226–227; gas, 231, 242, 253
RAUSCH, MARGARET, 304n. Letter: 304
Reader’s Digest, editing done by, 232, 525, 581; on exercise, 504; on expressing love, 391; New Yorker reprints and, 238–239
Recordings, of Charlotte, 488, 546–547, 548–549, 550, 555; of Stuart, 485, 485n., 546, 549
Red (dog), 673
“Red Channels” blacklist, 328
Redmond, Jean, 224
Reves, Emery, 682–683
Reynolds, Debbie, 586
REYNOLDS, LEWIS. Letter: 305
“Rhyme for a Reasonable Lady,” 80
Richmond, Chandler, 561, 561n.
RICHMOND, MIRIAM L. Letter: 305–306
RIGG, H. K. (BUN), Astrid sail with EBW, 115, 116; in Coast Guard, 220n.; hosting EBW, 215, 215n. Letters: dachshund on stairs photo, 295–296; on Harold Ross’s death, 317; on New Yorker submission, 323; from North Brooklin, 168–169, 232–233; on World War II, 220
Ringling Brothers Circus, 461, 490
Rivera, Diego, 305
ROBERTS, WILFRED BOB. Letter: 624–625
Robins, 475, 561
Robinson, Marien, 677
ROBINSON, SUSAN LOVENBURG, 657. Letters: 643, 672–673
Rogers, Ginger, 281, 285, 359
Romanoff, Michael, 575
ROONEY, ANDREW A. (ANDY). Letter: 619–620
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 506
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Four Freedoms, 211, 212, 213, 215; happiness of, 159–160; illness of, 204; inaugural, 109–110; supporters of, 196
Roosevelt, Theodore, 4
Root, Esther, 661
ROOT, DR. MAURICE, 496. Letters: 496, 578, 642–643
Rose, Carl, 120, 120n., 142n., 634
Rose, Dorothy, 120, 120n.
ROSS, HAROLD, Alexander Woollcott and, 576; anti-noise opinions, 273; Comment page and, 309, 676, 676n.; Communist writer and, 289–290; death of, 291, 316, 317, 318–319, 321; as editor, 441, 505, 588, 640; encouragement of EBW, 70, 359; on fishing trip, 286; Grant book on, 508; on Is Sex Necessary, 299; as Judge editor, 29; KSW and, 72; Luce Profile, 413, 414; at New Yorker, 69, 71–72, 102, 281, 298, 468, 513, 614; New Yorker archives and, 472–473; Peter Vischer and, 514; Reader’s Digest and, 238; Thurber and, 443; Thurber book on, 413, 422. Postcard: 150. Letters: about address book, 76; on Comments, 119, 130–131, 186–188, 202–203, 221–222, 230–232, 280; on EBW’s U.N. accreditation, 258–259; on gas rationing, 242; on grammar, 288; on Harper advertising, 245; on Malott speech, 314; on newsbreaks, 79, 166, 237; about newsbreak staples, 244–245; on New Yorker advertising, 107, 169–170; on New Yorker department titles, 115, 123; on New Yorker publishing schedule, 241–242; on New York taxicabs, 292–293; from Paris, 77; on pigeons, 251; on politics, 248; about Roger Angell, 234; on “The Morning of the Day They Did It,” 282; about vacation, 75–76, 83–84; on war, 234–235
Ross, Patty, 277
Ross, The New Yorker, and Me (Grant), 507, 508
Ross and the New Yorker (Kramer), 296, 307, 310
Rotary Clubs, 32
Rovere, Richard, 317
Royalties, for anthologies, 188–189, 201; for Charlotte, 447; for collected essays, 601; for Elements, 407, 407n., 423, 647; for OMM, 476
“Rubbing Elbows,” 646
Rudder magazine, 317
Rusk, Dean, 531
RUSSELL, MRS. M. R. Letter: 301
Russia. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Rutick, Julian A., 507
Ryall, George, 286, 286n.
Sagittarius Productions, 552, 553, 557, 567, 569, 583
Sailing, EBW, 115–117, 131–136, 148–150, 392, 392n., 504–505, 529–530, 558; Joel White, 429, 531, 535n., 536, 538, 542
SALINGER, J. D. Letter: 318
Salisbury, Harrison E., 611–614
SAMPSON, EDWARD C. Letters: on Cornell’s honorary societies, 510–512; on EBW biography, 597–598; on world peace organizations, 513
Sampson, Martin, 18, 19, 478, 512, 679
Sandburg, Carl, 61
Santayana, George, 165, 450
Sarasota, Florida, 450–452, 466, 508, 520, 585, 620n.
Saratoga Racing Association, 503n.
Saturday Evening Post, 156n., 160, 167, 190
Saturday Review of Literature, EBW job offer, 124; editors at, 173, 173n.; “Mencken” poem in, 127n.; Thurber piece on EBW in, 173, 173n.
Saudek, Robert, 365n.
Sawyer, Etta, 265, 266
SAXTON, EUGENE, death of, 174, 233; as EBW’s editor, 80; new writers and, 451; OMM and, 213, 217. Letters: on OMM, 195–196, 210–211, 220, 221, 223; on Stuart, 182–183, 184; on war, 180–181
Sayre, Joel (Joe), 73n., 98, 154, 158, 212
Sayre, Nora, 158
Schirra, Captain Walter, 519
Schoen, Eugene, 121, 121n.
Scholz, Charles, 128, 128n.
School classes, letters from, 335–336, 369, 412–413, 519–520, 593–594, 596–597, 604; prayer in, 495
Schuler, Freddy, 360
Schulz, Charles, 577
SCHUMAN, HENRY. Letter: 293
Schuyler, Mrs. (EBW’s teacher), 8, 359–360
SCOTT, ALICE J. Letter: 554
Scribner’s publishers, 451
Seagram’s endorsement, 136–140
Seaman, Frank, & Company, 69, 115
Seattle, Washington, 59–63, 461
Seattle Times, 59–61, 63, 105, 313, 566, 683
The Second Tree From the Corner, “About Myself,” 242n.; “Afternoon of an American Boy,” 359; Book-of-the-Month Club offer, 352, 353, 353n.; Bronx Zoo piece, 274; “A Classic Waits for Me,” 238n.; “The Hotel of the Total Stranger,” 357n.; “The Morning of the Day They Did It,” 281; publication of, 322; as Talking Book, 399; title story, 343, 367, 367n.; “A Weekend with the Angels,” 235; “Zoo Revisited,” 145
The Secret of Santa Vittoria (Crichton), 501
Sergeant, Caroline (Aunt Crully), 81, 356, 357, 365
Sergeant, Charles S., 80–81, 161
Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley (Elsie), 151, 151n., 175
Sevareid, Eric, 379
“The Seven Steps to Heaven,” 409, 409n.
SHAWN, WILLIAM, EBW and, 454, 555–556, 571; as New Yorker editor, 290, 323, 326, 326n., 588; on Harold Ross, 276; KSW and, 368, 625; in New Yorker Fact Department, 98–99, 254; Tom Wolfe piece on, 482. Letters: on “afresh” usage, 249–250; EBW’s newsbreak resignation, 646; on Letter to the East, 377–378; on Luce Profile, 414; on pulp mill, 275–276
Sheep, acquiring, 302, 303, 333; care of, 191; lambs, 216, 227, 240, 241, 323, 324, 326, 358, 363; shearing, 220
Shenker, Israel, 528, 528n., 529, 530
Shepley, Annie Barrows (Aunt Poo), 181, 181n., 217, 265, 527
SHERMAN, ALICE. Letter: 395
etter: 441–442
Shouts and Murmurs (New Yorker), 98
SHUMAN, IK, 167, 169, 204. Letters: 167–168, 193
Silver, Nathan, 497n.
SILVERSTEIN, MR. Letter: 638
Simon & Schuster publishers, 234
Simplified Spelling, 14n.
Simpson, Elwyn, 10, 10n.
Simpson, Kezzie, 10, 10n.
SINGER, MARK. Letter: 647
SISSMAN, L. E. Letter: 530
Skipper Magazine, 115
Slaven, Nila, 99
“A Slight Sound at Evening,” 362n.
Smallpox, 265–266
Smelts/smelt fishing, 191, 229, 240–241, 565
Smith, Alan, 586
Smith, Albert W. (“Uncle Pete”), 27, 65, 651
Smith, Alpheus, 675, 675n.
Smith, “Aunt Ruby,” 27, 28, 651
SMITH, EDMUND WARE. Letter: 385–386
Smith, Edward (Ned), 115, 116
SMITH, KELLOGG. Letter: 434
SMITH, MILDRED HESSE, 10, 338, 650, 662, 677. Letter: 673–674
Smith, Russell, 545, 545n., 585–586
SMOCK, ROBERT L. Letter: 373
Snow, Madeline Day, 133, 133n., 134, 135
Snow, Ward, 509, 611
Society for the Suppression of Vice, 307
“Song of the Queen Bee,” 305–306, 381, 381n.
Soviet Union. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Spark’s Circus, 40
Speak, Memory (Nabokov), 521
“Special Care” (Coates), 450, 450n.
Speech, delivering, 8, 382, 578; freedom of, 20, 345, 394
SPEYER, GERARD W. Letter: 401–402
Sphinx Head (Cornell Senior Honor Society), 511–512
Spiders, as Charlotte model, 564, 582; EBW’s relationship with, 142; filming of, 389; illustrations of, 325, 440; populations of, 418; research on, 563, 593; Robert the Bruce and, 331, 331n.; webs, 491–492. See also Charlotte’s Web
“Spinach” joke, 142
STABLEFORD, CINDY, 618, 618n. Letters: 620, 652–653
STABLEFORD, JONATHON (JON), 283, 283n. Letters: 616–618, 620, 652–653
Stableford, Katherine S. (Kitty), 209, 283, 283n., 421, 462
Stableford, Louis, 209, 225
STABLEFORD, NANCY ANGELL, appendectomy, 144; at Bryn Mawr, 166; in childhood, 81, 87, 88, 99, 109, 120; marriage of, 209; as mother, 238; at North Brooklin, 132–133, 149, 283. Letter: 625–626
Stableford, Sarah, 283n.
Stage Magazine, 164
Stanwood Wildlife Foundation, 561n.
State Fair (movie), 553
Stein, Gertrude, 501