Letters of E. B. White
Page 89
Steinbeck, John, 311
Steinhoff, William R., 457–458
Stevenson, Adlai, 332, 333
STEVENSON, H. A. (STEVE), 368, 410. Letter: 400–401
STEWART, J. THOMAS, II, 145. Letter: 145
Stinchfield, Frank, 284
Stone, Walter King, 83, 83n.
Stout, Rex, 581
Strasburger, Arthur, 304
Streit, Clarence, 682
STRIDER, HELEN, 518. Letter: 474
STRIDER, ROBERT E. L., 473. Letters: 474, 517–518, 640–641
STROUT, RICHARD L. Letter: 405
Strunk, Edwin, 407
Strunk, Emilie, 423
Strunk, Oliver, 407, 423
Strunk, William, Jr., at Cornell, 18, 19; dictionary listing of, 631; EBW’s New Yorker piece on, 368; EBW’s visit to, 65; Elements, 400, 401, 407, 414–417; as grammarian, 461; gravesite of, 664; handwriting of, 107, 502–503
Stuart Little, advertising for, 255; Book-of-the-Month Club plan, 360–361; ending of, 436; foreign language publication, 277–278; illustrations for, 253, 324, 533, 541; in manuscript, 181, 182–183, 184; publication of, 209; recording of, 485, 485n., 546, 549; response to, 253, 255–256, 335n., 336, 336n., 373, 483; sales of, 261–262; sequel to, 258; theme of, 594, 603; TV production of, 488–489, 490–491, 639–640; writing of, 287, 526, 593
Student Army Training Corps, 18, 207
Sturtevant, Peter, 133, 134, 536, 550
A Subtreasury of American Humor, “Memoirs of a Master,” 156n.; preface for, 206, 206n.; publication of, 142; Roger Angell’s work on, 234; royalties from, 188–189, 201; verse in, 539
SULLIVAN, FRANK, in New York, 23; at New Yorker, 98; as Roosevelt supporter, 196; seventy-fifth birthday, 503n.; socializing with EBW, 26; Vischer’s lifestyle and, 471. Letters: on EBW’s birthday, 386–387, 406, 528–529; on Elledge biography, 514–515; on Gus Lobrano, 383; on Harold Ross, 318–319; on humor anthology, 185–186, 194–195; on The Night the Old Nostalgia Burned Down, 350–352; on North Brooklin, 178–180, 504–505; on Peter Vischer, 471–473; on pneumonia, 458–459; on Sullivan’s birthday, 503–504
Summer, Celia, 521
“The Summer Catarrh,” 168n.
The Summer Game (Angell), 587, 587n.
Summers, Marty, 212, 218
Summit Avenue house, 1–2, 3, 8, 12, 12n., 623
SUMNER, ALICE BURCHFIELD, with bobbed hair, 21n.; breakup with EBW, 66; EBW’s letters and, 523; EBW’s romance with, 21, 33, 648; EBW’s visit to (1923), 64; hand-writing analyzed, 648–649; in Philadelphia with EBW, 515. Letters: after trip West, 65–66; courtship by EBW, 21–27, 29–30, 33–36; about EBW archive, 523–524, 525–526; during EBW’s trip West, 45–46, 59–60, 61–62; ending relationship, 66–68
Sumner, James F., 66
Sumner, John S., 307
“Sunday,” 301, 301n.
Sun Dial (newspaper column), 18
The Sun. See Cornell Daily Sun
Supreme Court justices, 214, 215
Susy (EBW’s West Highland White Terrier), catbird and, 561; with Jones, 549, 586; at North Brooklin farm, 599; porcupine and, 628; registration of, 652; surgery of, 556; temperament of, 605
Swans. See Trumpeter swans
Swing, Raymond Gram, 189, 189n.
Swope, Herbert Bayard, 36, 36n., 37
Sylvester, Leon F., 193, 193n.
Tainter, Claribel, 390, 390n.
Talk of the Town (New Yorker), EBW’s contributions, 71, 338n.; EBW’s rewrites, 99, 103; Maloney’s rewrites, 130n.
Tandy, Jessica, 548
Tarzan movies, 143
Taxicabs (New York), 292–293
Taylor, Harold, 314
Teagle, Frank, 150
TEALE, EDWIN WAY. Letter: 294
TEE-VAN, JOHN, 274. Letter: 274–275
Telephone Poles (Updike), 460
Television, blacklisting and, 328; books adapted for, 490–491; books promoted on, 587; EBW’s refusal to appear on, 619, 628; educational, 495–496; taboos of, 483
TELLER, DR. EDWARD, 432. Letter: 432–433
TERRY, DAISE, KSW and, 121; manuscripts and, 473; New Yorker office move and, 122; New Yorker role of, 98, 446, 454; opinion on drugs, 337; press releases sent by, 187; Thurber and, 161. Letters: air mail test, 235; Brooklin centennial, 284–285; at Christmas 1957, 412; Housman book request, 178; on KSW’s secretary, 429–430; on North Brooklin summer, 310–311; on North Brooklin weather, 358–359; song from hospital bed, 371; Thoreau’s Walden clipsheets, 364; travel arrangements, 275; trip to Maine, 254
THATCHER, LORLYN L. Letter: 384–385
“They Come with Joyous Song,” 185n.
Thomas, Dylan, 376
Thomas, J. Parnell, 267
Thompson, David, 378n.
Thompson, Hugh (Tommy), 25, 25n.
Thoreau, Henry David, EBW’s essay on Walden, 364; “get up and go” remark, 253; Harper publishers and, 456; journals of, 294; library of, 445; on life dreams, 600; literary stature of, 514; on occupations, 463; reading of, 506; as swimmer, 444; as trespasser, 348; Walden Pond, 469
“Thoughts While Sowing Five Pounds of Domestic Rye Grass at 40 Cents the Pound,” 299, 299n.
Thurber, Althea, 98, 121n.
Thurber, Charles L., 309, 309n.
THURBER, HELEN MURIEL WISMER, 121, 121n., 217, 526. Letter: 541–542
THURBER, JAMES, archives, 444, 444n., 526; at Camp Otter, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 95n.; cartoon given to EBW, 541, 541n., 542; collaboration with EBW, 80, 282–283; death of, 442; dog owned by, 89; EBW’s affection for, 637; EBW’s influence on, 442–443; as Greenwich Village resident, 98; health problems of, 365, 399; Last Flower, 443–444; Luce Profile and, 413, 414; My Life and Hard Times, 579; National Institute of Arts and Letters and, 606; at New Yorker, 71, 98, 105, 443; remarriage, 121, 121n.; socializing with, 216–217; temperament of, 632; Years with Ross, 413, 424, 424n., 598. Letters: daughter’s car accident, 284; drawing idea, 124; on Is Sex Necessary?, 299–300, 344–345, 405; from New York, 154–156, 158–161, 163–164, 348–349; from North Brooklin,
THURBER, JAMES (cont’d) 175–178, 308–310; Saturday Review essay about EBW, 173, 173n.; on Shawn party, 326–327; from South Carolina, 382–383; “Thirteen Clocks,” 294–295
Thurber, Robert, 309, 309n.
Thurber, Rosy, 284, 284n.
The Thurber Album, 309n.
Ticknor and Fields publishers, 445
Tilley, Eustace, 70, 468
Tilly, Mary Ann Elizabeth, 2
Time magazine, 170, 451, 513
The Time of Laughter (Ford), 505, 505n., 632
Time Will Darken It (Maxwell), 273, 278
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 614
TODD, MARGO. Letter: 531
TOTH, ALEXANDER B. Letter: 444
Town and Country magazine, 117
Travels with Charley (Steinbeck), 311
Travers, Pamela, 336, 336n.
Treman, Art, 21, 21n.
Trewargy, Mrs. Dan, 108
Trexler, Bishop Samuel, 196, 196n.
Trimingham, Ada, 161, 162, 177
Trimingham, Fred, 162
Trout, 85, 229, 532, 535, 555, 577, 663
TROWBRIDGE, MASON. Letters: 567–568, 588–590
Truax, Alethea, 515
Truax, Hawley, 276, 276n., 379, 484, 515
Truax, Rudd, 515
Trumpeter swans, 515–516, 518–519, 537, 554, 565
The Trumpet of the Swan, background for, 21; British edition, 556; as children’s concert, 560–561, 563–564, 581; Cushman’s work on, 515–516, 518–519, 550–551; illustrations for, 539–540, 545–546; publication of, 488; response to, 554; writing of, 533, 537–538, 593–594, 654–655
Tucci, Niccolò, 449
Tunney (Roger Angell’s bulldog), 132, 149
Turkeys, 141, 143, 149, 154
Turner, G
ertrude Adams, 65, 65n.
Turner, Susan, 565, 566
Turtle Bay Garden residences, birdwatching at, 426, 595; EBW enjoyment of, 502, 595; manager of, 341n.; mosquitoes at, 406; move from, 368; renting/remodeling, 257; spring at, 266; United Nations and, 258; willow tree at, 282
Twain, Mark, 467, 469
Twayne’s United States Authors series, 478
Twentieth Century Fox, 404, 405
ULM, AARON HARDY. Letter: 402–403
Ulysses (Joyce), 501
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.), 269, 327, 402
United Nations (U.N.), Charter, 396; EBW’s accreditation for, 258–259; formation of, 584; human rights and, 328; U.S. ambassador to, 517–518; world federation and, 480
United Press (UP), 24, 28n., 463
United World Federalist (UWF) organization, 445
“Unity” chapter (PofC), 481
University of California Institute of Personality Assessment and Research, 408, 537, 537n.
University of Illinois, 6, 59
University of Maine, 273n.
UPDIKE, JOHN, Comment by, 430; correspondence with KSW, 636; Harper publishers and, 428; National Medal for Literature speech, 578, 579; Telephone Poles dedication, 460. Letters: on correspondence with KSW, 635; on National Medal for Literature speech, 580–581; on New Yorker Comment, 430–431; on preface writing, 671; on Telephone Poles (poems), 446; on “The Blessed Man of Boston” story, 446
Uptight (Wilson), 573
U.S. Department of Agriculture, 143
U.S. News and World Report, 254
Valentino, Rudolph, 683
Van Doren, Carl, 158
VAN DOREN, IRITA. Letter: 314–315
VAN DOREN, MARK. Letter: 453
Van Loon, Hendrik, 352
Van Vliet, Carol, 683
Vassar College, 7
Vermont Country Store, 418, 418n.
Verne, Jules, 248
“Village Revisited,” 580
VISCHER, PETER, at Cornell, 18; death of, 514; lifestyle of, 471; marriage of, 155; as music critic, 186, 186n.; as New York journalist, 23, 28; socializing with, 26, 74, 410. Letter: 36–38
Vischer, Ruth Fleischmann, 155
“Visitors to the Pond,” 347, 347n.
Vitello, Joe, 411
Vonnegut, Kurt, 631, 638
“Walden—1954,” 362, 362n., 364, 366, 455
“Walden” (in Harper’s, 1939), 454–455, 454n.
Walden (Thoreau), 362, 364, 506, 600
WALDEN, HARRIET, 446, 609, 610. Letters: 446–447, 490–491, 509–510, 573–574
Waldron, Art, 434
Walker, Minnesota, 47–49, 313
Walker, Reverend Robert, 673–674
Walker, Stanley, 121–122, 122n., 412
Wallace, DeWitt, 232, 238
Wallace, Emily, 635, 636
Wallace, George, 484
Wallace, Henry, 213
Walters, Barbara, 587
Walters, Kenneth, 12
Wandering Albatross (Jameson), 421
War, deterring, 338, 670; nuclear stalemate and, 480; pacifist position and, 527; reasons for, 234–235; strikes during, 222; U.N. Charter and, 396. See also Korean conflict; World War I; World War II
WASHINGTON POST, 442, 670, 672. Letter: 442–443
Waterfowl. See Ducks; Geese; Trumpeter swans
WATERMAN, STANTON. Letter: 558–559
WATERMAN, SUSANNA, 546, 559. Letters: 546–547, 595–596
Waters, Horace, 2–3
Watt, William W., 425
Wattles, Ray, 86
“The Wave of the Future” (Lindbergh), 653
Weapons, as deterrent, 338, 670; disarmament and, 449; testing, 432, 453, 480
WEARN, JOSEPH T. 382, 529, 550n. Letter: 487
Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 291, 316, 384, 479
“A Weekend with the Angels,” 235, 236, 237
Weekes, Hobart G., 124, 124n.
WEEKS, EDWARD (TED), 507. Letter: 508
WEIMAR, EDWARD W. Letter: 409
Weismuller, Johnny, 143
WELCH, W. M. Letter: 519
Wells, John D., 37
WENTWORTH, JOHN B. Letter: 265
West, Jim, 574
West, Rebecca, 245, 598
Western Union, 456, 479
WESTON, CHRISTINE, Bhimsa, the Dancing Bear, 257n.; The Hoopoe, 556. Letter: 257–258
“What Do Our Hearts Treasure?,” 488n.
Wheat, George S., 28n.
Whippoorwills, 492n.
Whisky-jacks, 378, 378n, 426
WHITE, ALBERT HUNT, car purchase, 15; in childhood, 4, 5–6, 8, 9; at Great Pond, 420; in piano business, 177. Letters: 10–12
WHITE, ALLENE MESSER, boats/sailing, 531, 550; EBW’s medal and, 473; at KSW’s death, 616; marriage of, 342; as mother, 353, 370, 421, 429; in North Brooklin, 389, 404. Letters: for birhday, 466–467; from England, 374–376; on Joe Aesop, 483; at marriage, 342–343
White, Andrew D., 17, 568
White, Bill, 6
White, Blanche Bigney, 6, 418, 420
White, E. B. (Elwyn Brooks) advertising jobs, 69
on aging, 578, 582, 624, 628, 637, 684
American Legion News Service job, 29–30, 32
on anarchists, 436
“Andy” nickname, 17
animals kept by. See Animals; Pets
anti-noise opinions, 273–274
archives, biographer use of, 656, 657, 675; EBW’s work on, 618, 644; evaluation of, 481; letters to Alice Burchfield, 523–524; letters to Jack Fleming, 680; New Yorker material, 441, 471–473, 477
avoidance of organizations, 263
awards, Gold Medal for Essays and Criticism, 427, 427n., 428, 428n., 606; National Medal for Literature, 578–579; Presidential Medal of Freedom, 465, 473–474, 621n.; Pulitzer Prize, 621
on being edited, 232, 238–239, 251, 416, 524–525, 541–542
at Belgrade Lakes, in childhood, 8–9, 420; in 1927, 75, 75n.; in 1936, 129–130; in 1941, 205–206; in 1980, 655
Bermuda trip, 161–162, 173
as bicyclist, 161, 573, 576–577, 677–678, 681
White, E. B. (cont’d)
biographies of, Elledge’s, 470, 514, 523–524, 644, 648–658, 665, 672, 672n., 674–677; Sampson’s, 478, 597n.
in Blue Hill, Maine, 99, 165
on book blurb writing, 272–273
on book promotions, 349–350
at Camp Otter, 20–23, 83–86, 91–95
on carpentry, 184–185, 578
childhood, 7–10
as children’s author, 182–184, 185, 437–439. See also specific titles on civil liberties, 394–395
on Communists, 109–110, 267–269, 289–290
at Cornell, 17–20, 207, 334n., 410, 510–512, 600
death of, 685
as driver, 551–552, 564–565, 656, 666, 680
on education, 316
on environmental contamination, 408, 622
eyesight of, 637, 644–648, 653, 662, 665, 680
family background, 1–7
fan mail, 437–439
as father, 89–90, 97, 99–100, 321, 355, 480
final illness, 684–685
first Maine summer (1931), 100–101
in Florida, with Corona Machemer, 645–646, 656; for KSW’s health, 462; Sarasota, 585, 620n., 631; in 1963, 450–452; in 1964, 466; in 1968, 508, 520
on foreign publication, 401–402
Four Freedoms pamphlet, 211–219, 346
as grandfather, 238, 376, 421, 432, 433
Harper’s column (“OMM”), agreement for, 141–142; collection of, 210; content of, 208, 357n.; editing of, 198n.; New Yorker ad for, 169; resignation from, 209, 228–231; writing of, 174, 202, 203
hay fever suffered by, 45, 149, 168, 243, 332, 517, 665
on haying, 361, 362, 517
honorary de
grees, 273n., 361, 361n.
on human nature, 596
on human rights, 345–346
humor book collaboration with KSW, 142, 188, 201, 205, 206, 234
White, E. B. (cont’d)
health problems, anxiety, 679; back trouble, 466, 602; bronchial trouble, 398, 589, 590; flu, 356, 433; heart trouble, 622–623, 655, 666; hepatitis, 95–96; hernia, 370; migraines, 678, 682; nervous ailment, 236, 249, 355, 355n., 408, 451; nose operation, 235–236, 237; in old age, 641, 655–656; shingles, 363; stomach trouble, 421; ulcer, 548; virus, 625
income, from Charlotte, 323–324, 447; from Charlotte film, 569; from Harper’s, 141; lack of, 146, 286; from New Yorker, 99, 108, 108n., 237, 627, 651; taxes and, 304, 306
influences on, 468, 660
on interviews, 534–535, 537
job hunting by, 23–24, 26–27
on journalism, 463, 517, 608, 677
journals kept by, 409–410, 510–511, 660
on Korean conflict, 334
at KSW’s death, 616–621, 655, 656
marriage to KSW, 80–81, 87, 88, 98, 610–611, 663, 671
at mother’s death, 126–128
Mount Vernon memories, 359–360
move to North Brooklin farm, 141, 159, 164, 166–167, 174, 368, 407, 410
on movie criticism, 143–144
as nature lover, 306, 335, 372, 425–426
on Nazism, 489
in New York City, 349, 543, 594–595
at New Yorker (1920s–1930s), at beginning, 70–73, 296–298, 477; captions written by, 634; Comments, 119–120, 130; Harper’s column and, 169–170, 187–188; newsbreaks, 166; relationships with colleagues, 102; as theater critic, 106; winter Olympics story, 107; writing contributions, 99, 103; year off from, 141, 144, 145–161, 164
at New Yorker (1940s–1970s), closing office at, 509–510; Comments, 222, 257; editors and, 323, 468; newsbreaks, 237, 598, 644–647, 656; party for Shawn, 326, 326n.; working from North Brooklin, 368, 399; during World War II, 225, 236
New Yorker work schedule, 75n., 83–84, 193, 208, 253
White, E. B. (cont’d)
New York residences of, E. 8th St., 98, 105; Turtle Bay Garden (E. 48th St.), 257, 260, 320, 368, 406, 503; Turtle Bay rental house, 120–122; W. 11th St., 247; W. 12th St., 74; W. 13th St., 69; during World War II, 209
on New York taxicabs, 292–293
at North Brooklin farm, 113–118, 141–142, 171–181, 190–192, 219–227, 266, 358, 576–577
North Brooklin farm purchase, 99
on nuclear weapons, 338, 432–433, 449, 453, 670
photos taken of, 634, 657, 658, 672, 676
on plagiarism, 314, 315–316