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A Vampire's Thirst_Grey

Page 15

by Bella Roccaforte

  Genevieve huffs a sarcastic laugh, “Clarence Collins?”

  Grey nods, “Yes.”

  “He thinks I’m dead and I’d like to keep it that way. It’s safer for me to be dead.” She says walking in the other direction.

  “I will protect you.” Grey offers.

  “I don’t think you can protect me from Clarence Collins.” She raises her brow. “You didn’t even hear me coming.”

  “I have the Thirst because Mila’s been taken away from me. But I can assure you, I am stronger, faster and far more deadly than Clarence Collins.”

  “I’m going to have to pass.” Genevieve erects a crystal globe around herself and begins to disappear.

  “Mila is going to die a slow and painful death,” Grey calls out.

  The ball stops glowing, and Genevieve comes back. “What?”

  “The Thirst, if we are apart the Thirst will consume us both,” Grey says, “Look at what it’s doing to me.”

  “Yeah, you do look like shit. When was the last time you fed?” She asks.

  “Yesterday.” He raises his brow. “Can you imagine what it’s doing to her?”

  Genevieve looks up to the sky contemplating her next move. She pulls her lips to the side and pins Grey with a hard look. “I’ll open the portal.”

  “Excellent, thank you.” Grey releases a breath. “We just have to convince Clarence to let her stay.” Grey starts toward his car. “Come on, let’s go.”

  “I said I’d open the portal, I didn’t say I’d meet with The Directive.” She stands her ground.

  Grey considers Genevieve’s half-hearted offer. He’s never had a child, but can’t imagine ever letting them go the way Genevieve has. “How can you be so heartless?”

  “It’s called survival.” She bites. “Do you want me to open the portal or not?”

  “I do, We have to go to her.” Grey knows that’s the most important thing.

  “First, that would be you going to her. I’m not going.” She starts to walk away.

  “Holy hell woman, do you care about your own daughter?” Grey yells walking after her.

  Genevieve stops, “Listen, vamp, you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. Once I open the portal, and you go through, you’re going to have to deal with Cerberus, then if you make it through that you’ll have to deal with Krovo. He’s never going to let you take her.”

  “You can get me past Cerberus.” Grey’s eyes lighten, “Then we can deal with Krovo.” Grey thinks for a moment not knowing who that is. “Who’s Krovo?”

  “Her father.” She continues walking, “I’m not up for a reunion with the ex if it’s all the same to you.”

  Grey is driven forward by the thought of being near Mila again. He’ll face any trial to get to her. “Fine, open the portal, I’ll deal with the rest.”

  “That’s where we’re going.” She snaps at him.

  “You can’t do it here?” He asks.

  “No, you have to be at a weak point in the veil. There’s one not too far from here.” Genevieve doesn’t turn around. “And unless you’re a blood fairy, you need one of these.” She holds up a small black globe that shimmers in the absence of light.

  “What is that?” Grey asks.

  “It’s a portal key. They are always there, just not always open.” She says continuing forward.

  Grey stays a few paces behind her. He takes out his phone to send a text to Charles.

  Found Genevieve, she’s opening a portal. I’m going to get Mila. ~Grey

  He flips the switch to silent on his phone before Charles’ text comes through.

  Where are you? I’m coming. ~Charles

  Lower Ninth Ward. ~Grey

  They walk into the cemetery where Grey found Mila earlier. They go to the spot where Hera took Mila through the portal.

  “Stand back, this will take a moment. And be at the ready, you never know what might be waiting to come through on the other side.” Genevieve waves her arms in a circular motion with the globe in her hand. A portal appears in front of them.

  Genevieve takes several quick steps backward and draws her sword.

  “Thank you,” Grey says taking a step toward the portal.

  Genevieve puts her arm out stopping Grey, “I didn’t open it. There’s someone or something coming through from the other side.”

  The form of a dainty woman with wild red hair blowing in the vortex emerges from the portal. Genevieve lowers her sword slightly with her mouth agape.

  The woman from the portal sucks in a sharp breath, “Genevieve.”

  The air is rife with tension as Genevieve’s stance waivers, “Silan.”

  Grey leans down slightly, “You know her?”

  “Yes, she’s Krovo’s second.” Genevieve doesn’t take her eyes off of Silan.

  Silan moves toward Genevieve with arms outstretched. “Thank the heavens you’re alive.”

  Genevieve drops her sword and her guard. She throws her arms around Silan. “Of course I’m alive.”

  They try in vain to hold back their tears of joy at seeing one another. Genevieve releases Silan and studies her from head to toe, “Why are you here? Do you understand how dangerous it is for you?”

  “It’s Mila. She’s dying. I’ve come to find the vampire called Grey.” Silan’s eyes lower to the ground.

  Genevieve looks up at Grey and says with astonishment, “You were telling the truth.”

  “Yes, I was, and I have to get to Mila, now.” Grey starts for the portal.

  “Are you Grey?” Silan asks.

  “Yes.” He doesn’t stop, he continues toward the portal.

  “Wait,” Silan calls out. “There are some things you need to know before you go.”

  “All I need to know is that Mila needs me,” Grey says almost to the portal.

  Silan holds her hand up and makes a closing motion, in an instance the portal disappears.

  Grey’s whole being fills with anger. He turns around stalking toward the two women, “I need to get to her.”

  Genevieve opens her hands conjuring a spell that she shoots directly at Grey’s feet. He’s momentarily frozen. “I need to get through that portal.” He breaks free from the crystals that were holding him.

  Surprise twists Genevieve's features, “How old are you?”

  “Old enough that I stopped counting long ago.” He answers.

  “I’ll get you back there. I want to save her, but if you go running through, half cocked you’re going to get yourself killed. If you die, there will be no hope for her.” Silan argues with Grey.

  “Please, we need to get to her.” Grey’s losing his mind, his strength is still present, but his control is waning.

  “We’ll go, but first you have to follow my lead, do not speak out of turn.” Silan scolds.

  “Why can’t I just go and get her, bring her back?” Grey asks turning toward where the portal was.

  “Because you do not have clearance to bring her back yet.” Clarence’s voice comes out of the darkness before he does.

  “Shit.” Genevieve hisses as Clarence approaches her.

  “Genevieve, I thought for sure you would stay dead this time,” Clarence says walking past her.

  “Yeah, well, you can’t keep a good girl down.” Genevieve offers him a sardonic smile.

  “Please, can we open the portal.” Grey pleads. “I don’t care if I can come back, I have to get to her.”

  Clarence approaches Grey, “You need to calm down. We’re going to get you to her, but we can’t bring her back just yet. Not without Magno’s approval.”

  “She’s not a blood fairy.” Grey protests.

  “Grey you’re not making sense. You’re losing it man,” Clarence warns.

  “I can’t think clearly because being without her is driving me insane. I’m using all my self control to keep from ripping your fucking head off right now.” He turns to Silan and in a deep monstrous voice demands, “Now open the Goddamn portal.”

  Silan jolts with fe
ar and looks to Genevieve for guidance. Genevieve nods urging Silan to open the portal.

  “Grey,” Clarence calls out. “What do you mean she’s not a blood fairy?”

  “Genevieve is her mother, she’s only half blood fairy.” Grey is only focused on staying directly behind Silan who’s walking toward the portal. He doesn’t see the wolves closing in on the group.

  “I’m not sure that will make a difference. We’ll be waiting for you when you come back.” Clarence warns.

  “I’m sure.” Grey nods and turns back toward the portal to walk through.

  Genevieve watches as Grey goes through, then exchanges a glance with Clarence. She says nothing as she takes metered steps toward the portal and disappears inside.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The trio come out the other end of the portal into the Underworld. Grey marvels at the deep purple sky that resembles a stunning twilight back home. A huge three headed dog sleeps deeply in the center circle surrounded by stone structures that appear to be permanent portals. A breeze ruffles Grey’s hair when Cerberus exhales.

  One of the heads opens one eye lifting up. Silan raises both of her hands, “Oh great Cerberus, let us pass.”

  Cerberus comes closer to Silan and inhales deeply taking in her scent.

  Genevieve tugs at Grey’s jacket, “Let’s go. I’ve seen this get ugly.”

  “We’re just going to leave her?” Grey asks in horror.

  “She’ll be fine, it’s us that have to worry.” Genevieve continues walking quickly until they are out of site from the circle of portals. “Blood fairies are allowed to pass, Cerberus will let them through along with a few other races. Otherwise, you have to be dead to get by, but good luck getting out once you’re in.”

  “It’s a good thing I’m immortal.” Grey watches for Silan to join them.

  “Immortal is different from indestructible.” Genevieve quips.

  Grey considers her words as a threat. He doesn’t know how to read Genevieve and doesn’t quite care. He’s getting to his one true love, his Bloodmate and not a giant three headed dog or crazy fairy with a sword is going to stop him.

  Silan comes down the trail, “Okay, let’s go.”

  “Thank you.” Grey tips his head to her. Being in the same realm with Mila is already calming his nerves a bit. He feels less scattered, but still ready for a fight.

  “Don’t thank me, just save her,” Silan says with a smile leading them into the castle.

  The servants walking the hallways all give Grey a wide berth, some even dipping into open doors to avoid him. His eyes are crazed with the Thirst, and he has to see Mila.

  Up two flights of stairs, down a hallway and finally they’ve arrived outside her room. Silan pauses with her hand on the door, “She was in bad --”

  Grey doesn’t let her finish, he pushes her aside and goes into the room. His heart sinks to his feet when he sees her.

  There’s a portly older man standing beside Mila’s bed doing a poor job of holding in his emotion. “Who the hell are you?” He barks.

  Grey ignores him, focused only on Mila. Her flesh is decomposing before his eyes. He shakes his head and goes to her side, pushing her beautiful black locks away from her face. “Mila, I’m here.”

  Mila remains still. The room falls quiet as Grey listens for her heart beat, he hears nothing. “Mila, Mila my love, come back to me.” Grey’s soul breaking pleas echo off the crystal walls.

  An older woman stands from the other side of the bed, “You must be Grey.”

  Grey nods wiping away the tears blurring his vision.

  “I’m so sorry, but it’s too late,” Keelie says hanging her head.

  Grey inhales a deep breath quelling his rage, desire and thirst for blood. He wants to kill every person in this room that’s responsible for keeping them apart. He closes his eyes not accepting that she’s gone. He channels all of his emotion into her and looks up at Keelie, “It’s never too late for love.”

  Grey’s fangs pop out from his gums, and he slashes his own wrist to drip his blood onto Mila’s lips. He gently tugs on her bottom lip to open her mouth. He lifts her other hand to his mouth and begins to drink from her creating an unbreakable circle of their love. The shine from the crystals on the wall gleam brighter. Color and sparkle dance in a magical waltz across the room.

  Everyone in the room can feel the energy, a circle of red light forms around Mila and Grey moving around them. Mila’s eyes flutter open, she smiles from beneath Grey’s wrist and continues drinking. He nods to her, with a flash of lust in his eyes.

  Mila’s strength returns, her skin is restoring to its previous alabaster state. The life force has come back to her. She threads her fingers from her free hand through his hair pulling him down closer.

  “I think perhaps we should give them some privacy,” Silan says clearing her throat.

  “I will not.” Krovo protests firming his stance.

  “Krovo,” Genevieve barks. “Get out now.”

  Krovo jumps and notices her for the first time. “Genevieve.”

  “Outside, now.” She motions for the door.

  They empty out of the room leaving Grey and Mila alone.

  Mila swallows one last time. “Grey.” She gasps, “I thought…”

  Grey puts his finger to her lips. “I told you I would protect you forever.”

  Mila’s being fills with joy and lust. She pulls herself up to him, nibbling on his neck, “I’ve missed you.” She growls.

  “I’ve missed you too.” He laughs slightly at the tickle on his neck. “Don’t you think you should get some rest?”

  “I don’t need any rest.” Mila plunges her hand down his pants taking his cock into her hands and stroking it lightly. “It seems like you don’t need any rest either.”

  Grey lets out a ragged breath in response to her touch, fire shoots through his being. He has to have her, fill her, worship her body like the shrine that it is.

  Grey drags his hands across her neck down to the buttons on her shirt. He flicks each button open one by one and lays her gently across the bed, “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” He asks with concern, hoping she says yes.

  “I’ve never felt better,” Her eyes are on fire with lust. She unbuttons his shirt raking her fingers across his chiseled chest. “I need you inside me, Grey.”

  Grey’s eyes roll back in his head momentarily at the prospect of feeling the walls of her pussy pulsing around his hard cock. He finishes undressing and pauses a moment to take in all of her beauty. Mila reaches down fondling his erection, urging him closer.

  “Patience my love, I want to take in every inch of your body.” He says in a low growl.

  “And I want every inch of you inside me.” She rubs her thumb over his head, spreading the liquid from the tip over him. She brings her thumb to her mouth to taste him. Her mouth explodes with his essence.

  Grey lowers himself to her, his lips dancing lightly up her belly to her breasts. Her nipples harden to tight buds that he drags his teeth across sucking one into his mouth while working the other between his finger and thumb.

  A whimper gets trapped in Mila’s throat, “Grey.”

  He glances up at her with a devilish grin, “Yes, my sweet?”

  She tangles her fingers in his hair pulling his lips to hers. She invites his tongue to play in her mouth, they circle and dance as their breathing mingles in one sweet breath.

  Mila gently reaches down and rubs his tip against her clit. Her back arches into the pleasure. Grey lowers himself to her opening, taunting and teasing. He nibbles at her ear, “You want it?”

  “God yes!” She groans.

  He pushes his cock inside her tight walls, wet and ready for him. He lets out a groan of pleasure, “Mila. You’re so fucking tight.”

  She bites her lower lip and squeezes him tighter inside him. His eyes roll back in his head before he starts rhythmically pumping inside her. His thrusts careful and slow to feel every part of her swelling around him
. “This is what heaven must feel like.”

  Mila runs her fingers across his chest, playing with the thin sheen of sweat. She wraps her legs around him tighter pulling him into her, deeper, “More.” She demands, “Harder.”

  Grey doesn’t comply, he moves himself all the way out of her, teasing at the entrance of her pleasure. She grips her legs tighter pulling him into her. He thrusts into her hard.

  A primal moan roots in her throat as she takes all of him in, “Again.”

  He pulls himself nearly all the way out and thrusts in again and again. His cock spreading her open each time and her sounds of pleasure urging him on more and more.

  His arms shake with desire, he’s holding back so he can give her more.

  He leans up and slides his hands under her ass, lifting her up to him on his knees. She wraps her ankles around his neck and begins again slowly gliding his cock inside her, reaching the sensitive bundle of nerves at the top of her channel.

  Mila stiffens and then relaxes into the intensity of the feeling, her breathing becomes more ragged and uneven.

  Grey smiles watching her expressions of ecstasy. He massages both of her breasts as he thrusts. Mila’s skin is flushed and her pussy swells even more around his steely erection.

  He’s coming close to the edge and he’s taking her with him.

  Mila moves her hips in time with his in a beautiful culmination of lust, her whimpers fill the air and she writhes uncontrollably.

  Grey takes control of her body, holding her waist, pulling her down to meet the base of his cock. He can feel her walls begin to spasm pushing him over the edge.

  He lets out a loud roar as they come in a crescendo of pleasure.

  Grey releases her waist dragging his hands up her smooth skin. Mila unfurls her legs and wraps them around his waist.

  He collapses on her, his breathing still ragged, their bodies twitching with the aftershocks of orgasm.

  Mila tries to catch her breath, but can’t. Grey rolls over to his side, pulling her to his chest. “I can live an eternity like this.”

  “As can I.” She says absently running her fingers across his chest.

  He looks deeply into her eyes, “Live a lifetime every night...with me.”


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