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A Vampire's Thirst_Grey

Page 16

by Bella Roccaforte

  “I will.” She says smiling.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  A light tapping at the door awakens Grey. He gently shakes her, “Mila, someone’s at the door.”

  “Tell them to go away.” Mila nuzzles deeper into him.

  “Go away,” Grey calls out.

  “Mila!” Krovo calls from the other side of the door.

  Mila stiffens with fear, and her eyes pop open, “My father.”

  “Want me to tell him to go away again?” Grey asks with a devilish grin.

  “I wish.” Mila gets up and puts her clothes back on. “You need to get dressed.”

  Grey blows out a breath and stands from the bed, he goes to her wrapping his arms around her waist, “Are you sure it can’t wait?”

  “It can’t wait, I’m coming in.” Krovo barks from the other side of the door.

  “One second, Daddy.” Mila snaps toward the door.

  Grey puts on his pants and sits on the bed. He’s not the least bit intimidated by Krovo, he’s taking Mila home with him, it doesn’t matter what he has to say about it.

  Krovo busts in the door, “Mila, this is unacceptable.”

  Grey positions himself between Krovo and Mila, “She’s coming home with me.”

  “Get out of my way vampire.” Krovo tries to move Grey aside unsuccessfully.

  “Did you hear me? She’s coming home with me.” Grey says again in a calm tone.

  “She can’t, she has responsibilities here. She’s betrothed to Elomere and she will be with him.” Krovo looks Grey up and down sizing him up.

  “She’s coming home with me.” Grey turns to Mila, “Get your stuff, we’re going home.”

  Mila gathers her things and slides carefully around Krovo.

  “Mila, you can’t do this.” He bellows.

  “I am doing this. I’m going to be happy.” She says wrapping her arm around Grey’s.

  “You’re just like your mother.” Krovo bites.

  “I wouldn’t know, I wasn’t allowed to know her.” Mila leads Grey out the door.

  “Good luck getting past Cerberus.” Krovo cuts a devious smile into his cheek.

  Mila stiffens for a moment and looks up at Grey. He gives her hand a squeeze to let her know it will be okay.

  “I’m not worried about Cerberus, we’ll be able to get home.” She starts out the door.

  “This is your home, and Cerberus will certainly have fun with your playmate, considering he is dead.” Krovo folds his arms across his chest.

  “He’s not dead, Daddy,” Mila pulls her lips to the side. “He got by him before, we’ll do it again.”

  “Of course he was allowed in, but Cerberus will never let a dead man out.” Krovo reminds Mila of Cerberus’ main function in the Underworld.

  Grey shakes his head and reassures Mila that it will be okay, he leans down close to her ear, “He’d have to catch me.”

  Mila’s shoulders relax at remembering Grey’s incredible speed. “Yes, he would.”

  They walk out hand in hand, Silan is in the hallway with a panicked expression. “You need to go fast. He’s ordered the army to the portals.”

  Mila throws her arms around Silan hugging her, “Thank you. I will come back to see you.”

  “I’ll be waiting.” Silan bids her farewell with a kind smile.

  Mila stops, “Where’s my mother?”

  “She’s waiting for you at the castle gates. Hurry.” Silan shoos them down the hallway.

  They quickly make their way down the stairs to the castle gates where Genevieve waits. She turns when she hears them coming. “We’ve got to go. Your father is pissed, and I doubt you’re going to be able to leave.”

  “What about you?” Mila asks her mother with concern. “Don’t you worry about me, I won’t be going back to New Orleans, I’m going to find a new place to lay low.”

  “But how will you get past Cerberus?”

  A ghost of a smile plays on Genevieve’s lips, “Over the past centuries I’ve made it an art of getting in and out of here undetected.”

  Mila furrows her brow with question, “What?”

  “I was always here, looking in on you. I couldn’t go very long without seeing you.” Genevieve cups Mila’s face in her hands. “I love you, my sweet girl.”

  “I love you too.” Mila’s voice is tight with sadness. “Please, find me on the topside.”

  “I will.” She says, “Now go. I want to make sure your father stays put.”

  Grey looks at Genevieve, “We’ll be in New York City. I can protect you there.”

  “I can protect myself.” Genevieve says, “But thank you.”

  Grey nods and sweeps Mila up into his arms. He runs at full speed past Krovo’s armies and to the portal he came through earlier.

  He whizzes by Cerberus without incident. Grey places Mila gently on the ground when they come through the portal in New Orleans. He looks around for Clarence or anyone else from The Directive. But the cemetery seems empty.

  A soft giggle passes Mila’s lips, “Cerberus really wasn’t an issue. You’re going to have to teach me how to do that.”

  “Eh, it’s a vampire thing.” Grey holds her hand leading her toward the car.

  Mila swats his chest, “I guess we even each other out then.”

  “The perfect pair.” Grey squeezes her in closer.

  “The perfect pair indeed.” A menacing voice comes from the darkness.

  Mila spins around, “Elomere, I thought you were…”

  “No, apparently your little spell wore off,” he says stalking toward her.

  Grey steps in front of Mila, “Stay back.”

  “Or what?” Elomere shrugs, “Fairy law states that she’s mine.”

  “She is not property, you can’t own her,” Grey says in challenge.

  “I do own her, and I have no problem killing you to take her.” Elomere takes a step closer.

  Grey laughs with a sardonic smile. “You think you can kill me?”

  “I’ve killed many, what’s one more.” Elomere laughs taking another step.

  Grey closes the distance between he and Elomere, “I’ve never killed a blood fairy, but there’s a first time for everything.”

  “Jokes on you, vamp, blood fairies can’t die.” Elomere launches at Grey.

  Grey effortlessly grabs him by the neck holding him up. Elomere disappears from his grasp and reappears next to Mila.

  Grey uses his vampire speed to get him away from Mila. Before he can reach them, Elomere has phased out with Mila and reappeared in front of the portal. “I’m taking what’s mine.” Elomere growls.

  Jana steps into the light shining from the portal “You don’t belong here, blood fairy.” Jana says with a thick accent.

  “That’s why I’m trying to leave.” Elomere’s lips are close to Mila’s ear.

  Grey’s blood is boiling, he can only focus on spilling every last drop of Elomere’s blood.

  Mila struggles to get away from him, but she’s unable to move.

  Grey calls out to her. “Phase out.”

  “I can’t.” She moves her eyes to chain Elomere has wrapped around her wrist.

  “You can leave, but you may not take her with you.” Jana steps closer.

  “Who’s going to stop me?” Elomere sneers.

  “We will send you back.” Clarence comes into view.

  Grey takes the opportunity while Elomere is distracted to rush him. He moves Mila out of the way grabbing the chain and wrapping it around Elomere’s neck. Elomere can’t recover from Grey’s speed, with the chain around his neck he’s unable to phase. Grey pulls the chain tighter around Eolomere’s.

  Clarence takes three steps toward them. “Grey. We need to send him back.”

  Grey’s fangs are protruding from his mouth, he responds with only a growl.

  “You can send me back, but I’ll keep coming until I get what’s rightfully mine.” Elomere chokes out the words.

  “We will send you back, and you will no
t return. If we have to destroy every portal, we will.” Clarence says calmly. “Grey, you have to let him go. This would not be the best time to anger Magno, he’s considering making an exception for you.”

  Grey hears Clarence’s words, but can’t quell the need to kill, “He’s going to keep coming after her.” He grits out trying to control his need for blood.

  “You’re right, I’ll never stop.” Elomere goads him on.

  “Grey, please let him go.” Mila cries out, “You will never win favor with my father if you kill him.”

  Everyone’s voice rings in Grey’s head like a cacophony of out of synch drums. He tries to focus only on Mila’s heartbeat to calm him, but he can only think of spilling Elomere’s blood.

  Grey opens his mouth wide sinking his fangs into Elomere’s neck. He screeches in pain struggling to get away.

  Grey drains nearly every drop from him, stands up and twists his neck until a crunching sound echoes through the cemetery and Elomere goes limp.

  “What have you done?” Jana hisses.

  “I’ve ensured that he will not be returning.” Grey spits and wipes Elomere’s blood from his lips.

  “Grey!” Mila runs to him, “Why?”

  Grey takes Mila into his arms “To protect you and make sure he never returns.”

  “The Directive has shown a great deal of patience with you because of the Thirst, but there is no excuse for disobeying a direct order from me.” Jana steps menacingly close to Grey.

  Grey moves Mila away from Jana shaking his head.

  Clarence chimes in with a slow clap, “Well played, Grey.”

  “You support this action? He disobeyed? Do you really think I can recommend to Magno that she be allowed to stay?” Jana rattles off the series of questions.

  “He didn’t disobey your order, Jana.” Clarence motions down toward Elomere who’s beginning to stir.

  Jana and Mila look on in confusion, Grey tips his head at Clarence with a knowing look. He releases Mila from his arms and steps over to Elomere. He picks him up by the shirt getting close to his face. “Welcome to the brotherhood, asshole. Good luck with the dog.”

  Grey tosses Elomere through the portal.

  “What just happened?” Mila asks running to Grey.

  Clarence eyes Grey with admiration. “He didn’t kill him, he made him a vampire.”

  The revelation crosses Mila’s features, “He won’t be able to come back. Not without help.”

  “Exactly, Cerberus will never let him through. It will be centuries before he can develop the speed to get past him.” Grey explains.

  Jana studies Grey for a moment, “This is your blood fairy?”

  “No, this is my Bloodmate.” Grey corrects her.

  “But a blood fairy nonetheless.” She tips her chin down in judgement.

  “She’s only half blood fairy.” Clarence argues.

  “That will not change her insatiable appetite for blood. They can’t be sustained quietly in this realm.” Jana warns.

  “But she can.” Clarence smiles. “She’s with her Bloodmate, his blood will forever sate her thirst.”

  Jana inhales in deep consideration. “I will speak with Magno.” She turns to walk away.

  “I can stay?” Mila calls after Jana.

  “For now,” Jana says without turning around. “I’ll be in touch. Or hope that I’m not.”

  She disappears in the darkness.

  “Clarence, you have to speak with Magno, she can’t be sent back there.” Grey pleads.

  “I will speak on your behalf. But you may have to meet with Magno in person.” Clarence warns, “And be on your best behavior.”

  “Of course, we just want to go home.” Grey pulls Mila into him.

  “I’ll do whatever I have to.” Mila says in a near panic.

  “It’s going to be okay.” Clarence seems confident that the decision will be in their favor.

  “Thank you,” Grey says turning back toward the road where he left his car.

  “You’re welcome, Grey. Please be available for Magno, he’ll want you to interview you about your Bloodmate experience.”

  “I am at Magno’s service.” Grey leads Mila to the car.

  He opens her door for her to get in, and gets in on his side. He leans over and kisses her sweetly on the cheek. “Are you ready to go home?”

  “I am.” She says crossing the center console to whisper in his ear, “I want you.”

  Grey starts the engine and drives at full speed toward the house.


  Six months later

  Clarence makes his way through the crowded sidewalks of New York to Grey’s apartment building in Lower Manhattan. He can hear the sound of laughter coming from inside. He lifts his hand to knock, but the door opens.

  “Hello, Clarence.” Mila greets him, “Please come in.”

  Clarence smiles and takes Mila’s hand to kiss it. “You’re as beautiful as ever.”

  “Hey, hands off.” Grey comes to the door and shakes Clarence’s hand.

  “I was just being polite.” Clarence winks at Mila.

  “Thank you, Clarence.” She goes toward the kitchen, “Can I get you a drink?”

  “No thank you, I just wanted to check in and see how everything was going.” There’s something in Clarence’s tone that gives Grey pause.

  “But this is not just a social visit,” Grey asks.

  “Yes and no. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you both, and it’s always a pleasure visiting with my favorite new recruit.” He smiles and winks at Mila.

  “But?” Grey asks.

  “I have a message from Magno.” Clarence pauses. “You couldn’t send an email?” Grey asks putting his arms protectively around Mila.

  “Magno sends his congratulations on your union. But wants to be clear about the upbringing of any offspring.” Clarence takes a seat on the couch.

  “We don’t have any immediate plans for starting our family, so I’m not sure what there is to be clear about,” Grey asks taking the seat next to Mila.

  “Because there has never been a vampire, blood fairy offspring before, we don’t know what to expect.” Clarence pinches the bridge of his nose. “So, we have to keep a close watch on how they progress as they age. We need to be sure that bloodlust doesn’t cause any problems.”

  “I’m sure we’re going to be able to teach our children, and make sure they understand humanity and the kindness we must afford all people,” Mila says as though it’s obvious.

  “I know that you will. But the message had to be delivered.” Clarence says standing up.

  “Was there anything else?” Grey asks.

  “No that was it.” He starts for the door. “Oh and Mila, there is a training exercise I’d like you to take part in. You’re very close to being a full fledged operative for The Directive, there are only a few steps left.”

  Mila bounces excitedly, “I can’t wait, just tell me where and when.”

  “It will be next week in Germany. I’ll email you the details and travel arrangements. I’ll see you then.” He closes the door behind him.

  Mila turns to Grey, riddled with concern, “Do you think there was more to that?”

  Grey shakes his head, “No, it was expected.” He takes her by the hand and leads her to the balcony. He wraps his arms around her from behind, placing his hands tenderly on her belly, “Our baby will be a first in many ways. We will raise them in a home full of love.”

  “Grey?” Mila asks wistfully.

  “Yes, my love?”

  “Be with me forever,” She asks.

  “Of course, I will be with you through eternity. Because I was meant to.” He brushes his lips against her neck sending a fiery rush down her spine.

  “So about making babies…” Grey growls in her ear.

  Mila relaxes, “I thought you would never ask.”

  Grey sweeps her into his arms and takes her to the bedroom. “How did I ever get so lucky?”

  “We’re both luc
ky to be together.” She smiles and buries her nose in his neck nibbling tenderly.

  “Forever.” Grey says gazing deep into her azure eyes.

  “And ever.” She smiles back lost in him.

  “Forever will never be enough.” He breathes the words on her neck tenderly embracing her.

  I hope you enjoyed Grey & Mila’s story. Please consider leaving a review at your point of purchase or anywhere else you like to leave reviews!

  Continue the adventure of A Vampire’s Thirst: Remi by Elaine Barris coming in January!

  Book List

  Wounded Bird Series

  Girl on a Swing

  Girl on a Wire

  Girl on the Mend


  A Wolf’s Hunger

  Saint: A Wolf’s Hunger #6 (Alpha Shifter Romance)

  Mako: A Wolf's Hunger #8 (Alpha Shifter Romance)

  A Vampire’s Thirst


  The Crescent Hunter Series

  Moon Crossed

  Moon Wake coming soon

  Deadly Dreams Series - Pick up the Box Set 0-2 everywhere Free!

  Sketches (Deadly Dreams Book 0)

  Fine Lines (Deadly Dreams Book 1)

  Vanishing Point (Deadly Dreams Book 2)

  Abstraction (Deadly Dreams Book 3)

  Darken (Deadly Dreams Book 4)

  Bold Strokes (Deadly Dreams Book 5)

  Deadly Dreaams Past (Vignettes from the Past)

  Paranormal Transmissions

  Season 1

  1:1 Push

  1:2 Manta

  Stand Alones


  What Lurks Within

  Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story. I hope you enjoyed it. Please consider leaving a review at your point of purchase, they really do help other readers decide whether they want to take a chance!

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