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We Wish You A Naughty Christmas: A Christmas Collection

Page 5

by Skye Warren

  The tree in the center could have easily been put in the White House or Rockefeller Center. It was the most elegant Christmas-y thing I had ever seen. It probably also cost as much as my minivan outside.

  I smoothed my dress across my hips, grateful that Rachel had given me something to wear. My standard little black dress would not have passed muster here. Everyone was wearing designer name floor-length gowns that made me think of royalty.

  My dress was a rich purple that hugged my curves and practically floated across the floor. I knew my dark chestnut hair and dark eyes were complimented by the hue. It was the perfect dress for me, and due to the fact that it was relatively comfortable, I had to guess that it was one of Rachel's designs. She was a woman of many talents.

  I stepped off to the side of the room and checked my phone. Luckily, there were no messages from my kids, which meant my sister was doing a great job of watching them. I slid my phone back into a hidden pocket of the dress and relaxed. It was a rare night out by myself and I was going to enjoy it.

  I watched as people I recognized from tabloids and television commercials glided past in silk and suits. I recognized Gabe Honors and his new wife, Harper. He and two of his friends owned a dating website that I was tempted to try. It was strange to see them out of the ads and in real life.

  “You must be Rachel's friend,” a woman said, coming up next to me. She was beautiful with dark brown hair and sparkling green eyes. I knew I recognized her from somewhere, but I couldn't place it.

  “I am,” I replied, slightly startled. “How did you know?”

  “I recognize her style.” The woman motioned to my dress and then hers. I could see the subtle similarities between our two gowns, in addition to the clever way the gown wrapped around the woman's pregnant belly. Rachel made amazing maternity designs.

  “I'm Jenny,” I said, holding out my hand and smiling.

  “I'm Emma,” the woman replied with a grin. Her grip was firm in mine.

  “Emma Saunders?” I asked. If she was Emma Saunders, wife of billionaire Jack Saunders, I had no idea what we would even talk about. What does someone say to a billionaire?

  Emma smiled and nodded. “It's still strange to me that everyone knows my name. I haven't gotten used to it.”

  I chuckled and motioned to her stomach. Rachel had mentioned that her employer was pregnant, so I knew it was public knowledge and I was safe to ask. “When are you due?”

  Emma beamed. “February.” She caressed her stomach with her hand and the soft look of maternal joy filled her face. I knew that look well.

  “Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?” I asked.

  Somehow her smile got even bigger. “A boy. Jack's over the moon.”

  “Congratulations,” I replied, a smile filling my face as well. “Kids are the best.”

  “Thank you,” Emma said. She looked past me and frowned slightly. “I think Rachel is trying to get your attention.”

  I followed her gaze to see Rachel, with her slim build and dark hair waving at me across the room. I excused myself from Emma and hurried over, glad to see someone I knew. Just as I came to her, Rachel's husband, Dean joined her.

  Dean still had the same dark hair and blue eyes and he still oozed the same cool confidence I remembered from twenty years ago. He was Matt's army buddy from way back on our summer trip. I didn't know exactly how it happened, but Dean and Rachel had found one another again and were now happily married. Seeing him instantly reminded me of Matt.

  Rachel gave me a hug and Dean offered me a handshake. The man was difficult to read, but when he looked at Rachel, there was nothing but love in his eyes. I would have been lying if I said I wasn't just a little bit jealous. I wanted someone to look at me like I was the sun and the moon.

  “Did you know that Matt is here?” Dean asked after we had said hello.

  Flustered, my hand went to check my hair and heat flooded my cheeks. “Matt's here?”

  Rachel and Dean exchanged knowing looks that I did my best to ignore. Matt probably didn't even remember me. Dean probably only mentioned it since we were all acquaintances from way back when.

  “He works for Robbie now,” Rachel explained. “Matt was a police officer, but Robbie snatched him up to head up his security team.”

  “Robbie?” I asked, not recognizing the name.

  Rachel pointed out a handsome man that looked like a carefree surfer with sandy hair and a great smile.

  “He's Jack's younger, more troublesome brother,” she explained. “He runs a sailing school with his wife.”

  “A sailing school makes it so he needs extra security?” I asked, slightly confused.

  “The man has a stake in the oil company,” Dean explained in his no-nonsense way. “So he's worth far more than just his sailing school.”

  “Oh,” I replied, but I wasn't looking at Robbie anymore.

  I was looking at a man I hadn't seen in twenty years but had never forgotten. A man whose gaze made me weak in the knees like I was a twenty-something hot young thing again.

  Matt looked almost exactly the way I remembered. He was still big in the shoulders and arms with a trim waist. He'd let his hair grow out of the military style cut I remembered him having, but it actually looked better on him with just a little bit of length.

  But it was his eyes that told me he hadn't changed from the man I remembered. Those warm brown eyes that never missed anything and held all the cocky confidence in the world were locked on mine. One half of his mouth twitched up in a smile as we made eye contact and a long forgotten thrill of desire flooded through me.

  He still had the ability to make my stomach do funny things. I suddenly felt like a twelve-year-old girl about to meet her crush for a study date.

  Matt slowly sauntered over, his eyes never leaving me and the heat only growing in my stomach as he got closer. Rachel and Dean said something, but I wasn't paying any attention to them anymore.

  “Matt, good of you to come say hello,” I heard Dean say and I tried to focus back on the conversation.

  “Just glad to be here,” Matt replied, his eyes still on me.

  Rachel cleared her throat after a moment of no one saying anything. “I think we're needed over at the chocolate fountain,” she said, giving Dean a forceful nudge. “Excuse us.”

  I murmured something, not caring that they were obviously giving us some time alone. I felt like I was in a dream with Matt standing there, looking at me like I was something delicious and beautiful at the same time.

  “You look exactly the same,” I whispered. It took everything I had not to reach out and touch him to make sure he was real.

  “You look even more beautiful,” he replied with that cocky smile I remembered from my dreams.

  I blushed. My stomach was so full of butterflies I was sure they were going to fly out of my mouth the moment I opened it again. Matt was here. After all these years, he was here.

  “I heard you got married,” he said, his eyes still locked on my face.

  “I got divorced,” I quickly replied. “You?”

  I swallowed hard waiting for his answer. With my luck, he was happily married to the love of his life and living the perfect dream of a life without me.

  He shook his head from side to side. “Never found the right girl.”

  My heart sped up again. I knew I shouldn't be this happy to find out he was still single, but I didn't care. Hope continued to grow in my chest, wanting to find out if he was still the same Matt that I'd known. If he was still the same man that I'd pined over and filled my dreams.

  “Rachel says that you have kids?” Matt said after a moment. He ran his hand through his hair, showing off his bulging biceps with the motion. I wanted to touch those arms again, to trace the tattoo I knew was there and feel the heat of his skin again.

  “Three of them,” I said slowly. This is where most men bailed, but I knew that Matt wasn't most men. I almost didn't want to tell him, but I was too proud of my kids to keep them from him. “Jo
sh is twelve, Jessica is ten, and my youngest, Jason, is eight.”

  “Are they here?” he asked, glancing around. There were a couple of younger guests playing by the big tree, but no one quite as young as Jason.

  “Oh, no,” I said, shaking my head. “They're at home with their aunt. If they were here, that chocolate fountain would be empty and licked clean.”

  He chuckled and grinned, making my heart speed up again. “Have you figured out what they're getting from Santa?”

  “I'm still trying to find a space shuttle stuffed plushie for my youngest,” I admitted. “What about you? What do you want for Christmas from Santa?”

  His eyes dilated as he took me in and my body heated in response. I knew the answer that I wanted to hear.

  You. I want you.

  Just then, a man with dark hair and an expensive suit bumped into me. He apologized, but it was too late. The mood between Matt and I shifted. I gave myself a small shake, and put a smile on my face.

  “But what about you?” I asked. “You work for a billionaire now?”

  Matt nodded, his eyes still glued to me like I was a mirage in the desert and could disappear if he blinked too long.

  “I was the sheriff in the town Robbie sails out of, so when he needed someone to head up his security, he asked me,” he replied.

  “Wow,” I said. “You look great, by the way.”

  “So do you.” His voice deepened and I loved the way his eyes went over me. I could feel his gaze like a soft caress and I blushed at the compliment.

  I had so much I wanted to say, yet I couldn't think of the words. My brain was so frazzled and all I could think of was kissing him again. But, I hadn't seen him in twenty-five years, even though it only felt like minutes at this moment, so I couldn't just press my lips to his like I wanted.

  “Enjoying the party?” A friendly hand clamped down on Matt's big shoulder. It was Robbie, Matt's employer. “You aren't supposed to be working tonight.”

  Matt laughed and my heart lifted at the sound.

  “Robbie, I'd like to introduce you to Jenny,” he said, motioning toward me. Robbie had a carefree surfer-vibe going that struck me as very relaxed for a man worth billions.

  Robbie's eyebrows went up into his sandy-colored hair. “So, you're Jenny? It's nice to meet you.”

  I looked over, surprised at Robbie's words. Matt flashed me a small grin. “I may have mentioned a pretty girl I met before I was deployed.”

  Warmth rushed through me. He had mentioned me to his boss, despite the fact that he hadn't seen me in years.

  “To be fair, we were at a bar and he'd had several drinks,” Robbie explained for him, trying to keep Matt from becoming embarrassed. Robbie shook my hand. “It's a pleasure to meet you.”

  “And you, Mr. Saunders,” I replied. He was my first real life billionaire introduction.

  Robbie made a face. “Mr. Saunders is my father or my brother.”

  I laughed. “Well then, it's nice to meet you, Robbie,” I amended.

  “Thank you,” he replied with a grin. Something caught his attention and he turned to face me. “If you'll excuse me, I have to go save my wife from some of Jack's guests.”

  “Of course,” Matt replied.

  “Oh, and Matt, remember, no working if you can help it,” Robbie said, stepping away. “You're supposed to enjoy the party like everyone else even if you're a workaholic.”

  Matt chuckled. “Yes, boss.”

  Robbie flashed us both one last grin before hurrying over to a beautiful woman in a shimmering emerald dress.

  “He seems like a good boss,” I remarked, turning back to Matt.

  “The best,” Matt agreed. “The whole Saunders clan is.”

  For a moment, I wondered what it must be like to work for a billionaire and what Robbie meant by his comment that Matt was a workaholic. I could tell that Matt was incredibly dedicated to whatever he felt was important, so I could see him taking the job incredibly seriously.

  “Would you like a drink?” Matt asked, breaking into my thoughts.

  “Yes,” I replied a little too quickly. It came out a little more desperate than I intended, but a drink would help settle my nerves.

  Matt flashed me another one of his cocky grins and waved one of the waiters carrying champagne over. With a smooth motion, he handed me a delicate glass full of the bubbly golden liquid.

  “Next thing you know, you'll be showing me your tattoos,” he commented, referencing the first time he bought me a drink. We'd spent all night showing each other our tattoos and how they felt rubbing against one another.

  “Well, I did get a couple of new ones,” I told him with a flirtatious wink.

  His eyes dilated. “You still have the one of the hummingbird, right?”

  “And I added a flower to match,” I told him.

  He whistled softly. I loved that he still wanted my body, even now.

  Matt placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me to a huge picture window with a comfortable seat built just for two. We were still part of the party, but off to the side of the main flow of traffic. It was quieter over here, and more intimate. I wished I knew the house better, because with another drink in me, I would want to drag Matt off to a private room if things kept going this well.

  I took a sip of my champagne, feeling the bubbles tickle my nose. It was expensive champagne, but then, at a billionaire's party, what else should I expect?

  “What happened to you, Matt?” I asked, the question coming up before I could stop it. “I tried to look you up a couple of times, but I could never find anything.”

  Matt's eyes went dark and distant. “The war was rough. Things didn't quite go as planned, during or after.” I could almost see the war replaying in his head and his face aged. “I laid low after. Joined the force.”

  I reached out and touched his arm. I hated the deep ache that filled his voice with the pain of the memories floating through his mind. I wished I could just hold him close to me, and make that smile come back to his face.

  “Nothing too exciting.” He shrugged, the darkness leaving his face. He gave me a half smile as he sipped on his champagne. “I looked for you, too. Unfortunately, there's a lot of Jenny Smiths out there. And I suppose you changed your name, too?”

  I nodded. “It was Jenny Irons for a little while, but that's over with.”

  “I can't say I'm sorry to hear that,” he replied, his dark eyes finding mine again.

  A thrill went through me from scalp to pinky toe.

  “I never stopped thinking about you,” I told him. “I know I said it was just a fling, but-”

  He placed a finger to my lips to stop my words.

  “It's in the past now,” he said with a smile. I nodded, and was sad when he pulled his hand away.

  “Photos?” A man with a camera asked, coming over to our spot. “With that window behind you, it'll be one of the best pictures of the night.”

  I glanced over at Matt and he grinned. “Sure.”

  The man held up the camera.

  “One, two, three, cheese.” I heard the camera click and then the man lowered it. He motioned to something above us. “Did you two know you were under the mistletoe?”

  I looked up to see a bunch of green springs and red berries floating over our heads in the window.

  “It is tradition,” Matt said, placing his big hand on the back of my neck. He didn't give me time to think, instead just pressing his lips to mine.

  I closed my eyes, expecting just a simple kiss for the camera under the mistletoe, but this kiss was so much more than that. This kiss was twenty years of lost time trying to catch us both up. This kiss was dreams and memories of the best week of my life coming back into reality.

  The kiss went from something simple into something so much more in an instant.

  The photographer cleared his throat as we broke apart.

  “You can pick up your prints by the Christmas tree,” he said quickly, his face already turning a sha
de of red reserved for Christmas ornaments. He then dashed off as rapidly as possible.

  I could feel the heat radiating out of my own cheeks as well. I wanted to kiss Matt again as soon as possible. I needed to kiss him again, but instead I took a sip of champagne, trying my best to stay cool and collected despite the electricity shooting through every fiber of my being from that kiss.

  “So....” I said, trying to be nonchalant.

  “I know where there's a private room,” Matt offered. He flashed me the world's cockiest grin and my panties melted right there on the spot. I felt like my naughty twenty-year-old self for the first time in years. For the first time since my kids were born, I wasn't a boring mom anymore. I was a sexy young thing about to have a great time with a wickedly sexy man.

  I felt like my old self and I liked it.

  Matt frowned as Dean approached before we could stand up and find that private room.

  “I'm sorry to interrupt,” Dean said, looking at both of us. His face was grim. “We need some backup security. There's an incident.”

  Matt glanced from me to Dean and back to me again. I could see the indecision in his eyes as he weighed his priorities. Honor, duty, and sacrifice were written across his soul. His eyes changed as he shifted back into professional mode.

  “I won't be long,” he promised, standing up. He was big and strong, ready to defend as necessary.

  I nodded and sat waiting under the mistletoe for him to return.

  Chapter 3

  Three days before Christmas- Evening

  “Are you still waiting for Matt?”

  I nodded as Rachel stood in front of me.

  “Seems like that's the theme of my life,” I said quietly. I checked my phone to see two messages from my sister asking when I was coming home. It was late now.

  “I'm sorry he got called away,” Rachel said, touching my shoulder. “There was trouble at the front gate and they needed the best. They're still sorting it out.”

  I nodded and stood up from the window seat. All the rest of the guests were either gone or in the process of leaving. There were no more waiters with champagne and the music had stopped a while ago. It was time to go home.


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