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We Wish You A Naughty Christmas: A Christmas Collection

Page 6

by Skye Warren

  “Thank you for a lovely evening, Rachel,” I said. “The party was absolutely amazing. I can't believe I got to meet not just one billionaire, but several. And like six movie stars. My kids are going to be ecstatic.”

  I looked around one last time, hoping that Matt was on his way. I'd stayed close to the window seat all night, but his work had never let him come back. It was the story of us.

  “I'll get you his number,” Rachel said, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Promise.”

  “Thanks.” I gave her a smile and a shrug. “It's time for me to get home to my kids.”

  Rachel walked me out. I was one of the last guests to leave, but I didn't care. Outside, it had started snowing again, and I at least knew my minivan would get me through the snow better than the Ferrari I had seen earlier.

  “Thanks again, Rachel,” I said as the valet went to fetch my car. “Thank you for inviting me.”

  “For what it's worth, I think Matt was pretty excited to see you. He'll call.” Rachel wrapped me up in a big hug. “Thanks for coming. I'll text you, okay?”

  I nodded. Rachel waited until the valet arrived with my car before ducking back inside to continue overseeing the cleanup of the party.

  I stood outside on the front step, my car idling in front of me for just a moment longer. The world was silent except for me and my car as I looked up into the dark heavens and closed my eyes. Snow fell on my face like soft kisses from above.


  “Kiss me,” I begged. My body still vibrating from riding the motorcycles. Adrenaline, lust, and something else had every cell in my body calling out for Matt.

  His kiss was rough and savage, as if he felt the need within him as strongly as I did. His lips parted, his mouth hungry to devour me.

  His hands skimmed my shirt, pulling it roughly to the side. I moaned, wanting him to take me right there in the middle of the living room.

  He growled, looked around and picked me up. With a few strong steps, he set me down in the tiny laundry room of our beach rental and slammed the door.

  I pressed my body against the frame and licked my lips. My legs spread, desire filling me with heat that could only be quenched by him. He leaned down and kissed me again, urgent and powerful with his tongue and lips, his jaw pushing and guiding the kiss, up and down, deeper, and then shallow. His hands ran down my arms, cupping my breasts.

  “I need you,” I whispered. His eyes dilated and focused on me. I was the center of his world and he was mine.

  “Again?” He grinned. This would be round three for the day.

  I nodded. “Again. Always.”

  With a wordless growl, he ripped open the buttons on my shirt. I didn't even care that they went flying all over the tiny laundry room. It would have taken too long to get them off anyway. I undid the bra clasp at my back as he pulled his shirt up and off his head.

  Our bodies collided, mouths hungry. My breasts pressed into the hot skin of his perfectly muscled chest, my hips grinding to find his.

  His hands went to my hips and tugged the mini skirt up around my waist. Our eyes met as he caressed the front of my panties.

  “So wet,” he whispered as I shivered at his touch.

  Matt went to his knees. As his mouth reached my panties, he veered off to the side, kissing his way up the edge of the fabric. He kissed across my pubic bone, and then kissed across the top edge of my panties. He went down the other side, across my pubic bone again, then worked his way to the middle of my panties.

  He slowly kissed down my leg while pulling my panties down behind him, driving my body crazy. I was shaking with desire. Adrenaline and lust raged through my veins after riding around on a motorcycle, and all I could think of was his body thrusting into mine. With a smooth motion, he picked me up and set me up on the washer.

  He wasted no time, moving his face between my thighs and slipping his tongue into my opening. I gasped as I grabbed his head, simultaneously wanting him to slow down and also wanting him to never stop. In the end, I ended up pressing my back against the wall while pulling his head deeper between my legs.

  I know I began to squeeze my legs around his head as I got closer and closer to climax, but he never changed his pace or pressure. When I heard him make a guttural “Mmm” sound, it pushed me over the edge. I felt my knees buckle, but his strong hands held me up as wave after wave of pleasure made my muscles contract and relax with pleasure.

  “I can't wait anymore,” I gasped, still reeling with pleasure. While the orgasm was amazing, it was him that I wanted. That I needed.

  I reached for his jeans, sliding them down. His shoes were still on and I didn't want to waste the time getting them off, so we just left his pants and boxers around his ankles. He was ready, hard and long. Just looking at him like that, eyes and body full of desire for me, nearly made me come on the spot.

  Matt stood, all muscle and masculine strength before me. He moved between my legs, teasing me with the tip of his cock against my entrance. I wanted him so badly I could barely breathe.

  He continued to rub himself against me, teasing me. I grabbed his hips and pulled him in. He was strong enough that he could have pulled away, but he let me pull him in, and his cock opened me up. I moaned as he slowly thrust in and out, spreading me open a little more with each movement. Finally he was all the way in me, and I dug my fingernails into his ass as he plunged as deep as he could.

  It was like being filled with heaven. He pushed deep inside of me, and I had to bite my hand in order to stay quiet. I didn't know if my friends were back yet, but there wasn't a lock on the door. If I was too loud, they would come in to see what was wrong. It added yet another layer of excitement.

  “So tight,” he murmured in my ear. His breath was hot and heavy as he thrust his strong hips. I ran my hands along his six-pack abs, feeling them contract with every thrust. My core temperature was rising out of control.

  He grabbed my hips and his face twisted with beautiful pleasure. A soft grunt of effort escaped his lips as he opened his eyes. We gazed into one another's souls as his body found release into mine. I surged to meet his ecstasy.

  Together we fell into oblivion, gasping and breathing hard. I held onto him, knowing that our week was going to end eventually and this pleasure wouldn't last. But, for this moment, it was heaven.

  I was going to have to call him after the holidays.

  Chapter 4

  Two Days Before Christmas- Afternoon

  “It isn't about what you want, Jessica,” I reminded my daughter. “It's about what Joshua wants.”

  With a gentle pull on her shoulders, I turned my daughter away from the tween clothing shop and pointed her toward the video game store in the mall.

  “But, Mom...”

  I wasn't paying attention to her anymore. Jason was climbing up the water feature in the center of the mall, humming the soundtrack to his favorite adventure-explorer game.

  “Jason, do not climb on the fountain,” I chastised, picking him up and setting him firmly back on the ground. “Now, Jessica...”

  I turned to find my daughter disappearing into the clothing store. I sighed and checked my watch, only to find that my fifteen minutes were suddenly gone and it was time to get my oldest from the food court. If we made it through this last minute Christmas shopping trip with any success, it would be a true Christmas miracle.

  “What are you doing up there?” A deep voice scolded my son as he started climbing up the water fountain again.

  I turned around, ready to become Mama-Bear for my son if need be.

  Except, it was Matt and he was grinning at my son as he made sure Jason didn't fall into the water.

  My knees went weak and I wished I had done something more with my hair than just throw it up in a functional mom ponytail.

  Matt, on the other hand, looked spectacular. He wore jeans that hugged his muscular figure and a t-shirt that somehow made his shoulders look immensely strong and broad. He looked like sex on a stick and I wanted
to unwrap him like a Christmas present.

  “I just need two more dollars,” Jason explained to Matt, pointing to the bottom of the fountain. “There's a ton of quarters in there that will work.”

  Matt grinned at me before going back to Jason. “How about I just give you two bucks then? Save you from getting wet and keep your mom happy at the same time?”

  “What do you need two more dollars for?” I asked, coming up next to him.

  Jason's face went serious. He looked at Matt and then back to me.

  “It's for you, Mom,” he said. “It's a surprise, though.”

  My heart melted for my youngest son right there. How could I be mad at him for trying to do something nice for me?

  I gave him a quick hug. “You're sweet, but we have to go get your brother.”

  “Looks like you have your hands full,” Matt commented as I straightened up.

  I chuckled and motioned my head toward the clothing store. “I still have to wrangle my daughter out of there, too.”

  “I'm not going in there, Mom,” Joshua announced, coming up next to Jason and making sure he was between me and Matt. “What's going on?”

  “Joshua, this is my friend, Matt,” I told my oldest son. “He's friends with Rachel and Dean.”

  Joshua sized up Matt and apparently decided that twelve-year-old him could keep me safe. Joshua puffed out his chest slightly and held out his hand for Matt to shake.

  Matt took the handshake. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” Joshua informed him coldly, still very protective. It would have been better if Joshua's voice hadn't cracked.

  “Weren't we supposed to meet you at the food court?” I asked with a frown.

  “Yes, ten minutes ago,” Joshua replied. He still had his eye on Matt. “I figured Jessica got pulled into the clothing black hole again.”

  “They have really good stuff, okay?” Jessica snapped at him, joining in on the conversation. She had a bag with her that I was sure was full of new clothes and headbands.

  “Jessica, Jason, this is Matt,” I said, feeling slightly overwhelmed with my kids all at once. “Matt, these are my kids.”

  This was where my dates usually ran. Three kids was a lot for anyone to handle, let alone a single guy. I hoped Matt wouldn't be intimidated by my kids since I wanted to see more of him, but my kids came first.

  “It's nice to meet you all.” Matt shook Jessica and Jason's hands just like he did with Joshua. “What are you doing out here today?”

  “Christmas shopping,” Joshua told him. He was still positioned between Matt and me. “What are you doing here?”

  “The same,” Matt said. He held up a bag from one of the nicer jewelry stores. “I had to get a present for my mom.”

  Joshua eyed the bag for a moment, evaluating Matt. “What did you get her?”

  Matt opened the bag and showed him a beautiful velvet box. “She has always wanted a real pair of diamond earrings, so this year, I got her the biggest, fanciest, prettiest pair in the whole store.”

  Matt opened the box and showed Joshua the earrings. I hoped that it didn't rain while she was wearing them, because with rocks like that she would drown.

  “Wow,” Jessica said, impressed.

  “Moms deserve the best,” Matt told them, carefully putting the box back in the bag.

  Joshua got thoughtful as he watched Matt. He looked over at me, then at the bag. “That's a good gift for a mom,” Joshua said, stepping off to the side.

  “I try and get her something nice every year,” Matt said, watching the kid's reactions. All three of them looked impressed. “What gifts do you need to get?”

  “I already got Jessica and Jason,” Joshua said. “I need to get Mom still.”

  “I got Mom,” Jessica said. “I need to get Joshua and Jason.”

  “I already got Joshua,” Jason said. “But I need to get Mom and Jessica.”

  Matt nodded slowly. He then looked up at me.

  “It sounds like I can help,” he said.

  “What?” I frowned slightly. “You don't have to do that.”

  “I want to,” Matt replied. His brown eyes found mine and I forgot how to breathe for a moment. “If I take the two boys, we can get Mom and Jessica's gifts. You can take Jessica and get gifts for the boys. That way no one sees where the other people are going.”

  “You'd do that?” I was impressed. “You'd take my kids shopping?”

  Instead of answering me, he typed something on his phone. He looked up and grinned as the phone in my purse chimed.

  I looked down to see the message.


  “And now you have my number,” he said, laughing at his own cleverness.

  “Rachel gave you my number, didn't she?” I asked as I put his contact name in. I had already memorized the number, just in case my phone decided to delete it. There was no way I was losing his contact information for a second time.

  “I was going to wait until after the holidays to call you, but this seemed like a better way,” he said.

  Joshua rolled his eyes. “That's cheesy, Matt.”

  Matt shrugged. “I'm out of practice.”

  “So, no girlfriend?” Jessica asked, innocence painted on her face.

  Matt shook his head. “Nope.”

  Jessica looked over at me and then back at Matt. “You want one?”

  The blush searing my cheeks should have sent the fire detectors off. First the Santa wish from Jason, and now Jessica trying to get me a date- since when did my kids get involved in my love life?

  “And, I think splitting up is a great idea,” I said quickly, grabbing Jessica's hand. “Let's go.”

  “We'll see you back here in thirty minutes,” Matt promised. Then he hunkered down with the two boys, the three of them coming up with a secret plan.

  Jess tugged on my hand. “Let's go. He'll be good for them.”

  I just stared at my daughter as she pulled me to the video game store.

  Chapter 5

  Two Days until Christmas: Thirty-three minutes later

  The boys were standing in line with Matt by the fountain. All three of them looked smug as hell, and I could only imagine what they had been up to. I almost didn't want to know.

  “You three look rather pleased with yourselves,” I commented as we approached.

  “Matt had a really good idea for a present,” Joshua replied. He looked like a cat that ate the canary.

  “Yeah, it's really good,” Jason agreed. “But you can't find out until Christmas.”

  I raised my eyebrows, trying to think of what the two boys could have gotten for me and coming up with a blank.

  Jessica quickly made sure that her gifts for the boys were carefully disguised in her bags as she walked over to the boys. “Tell me, I want to know.”

  Joshua whispered in her ear and Jessica's eyes went big.

  “Nice,” she said, nodding and giving Matt a thumbs up. She turned toward me. “You're gonna love it, Mom.”

  “I'm sure I will,” I replied, still unsure what they could have gotten me. It had to be good if Jessica was impressed.

  “I had a really great time hanging with you boys,” Matt announced. He gave them both high fives. “I hope to see you all again real soon.”

  “Thank you again, Matt,” I told him. “It looks like the boys had a good time.”

  “That we did,” Matt agreed. “You have some great kids, Jenny.”

  I beamed at the compliment. My kids were my pride and joy in my life. “Okay guys, time for us to get home. Christmas Eve is tomorrow and we still have to finish the tree.”

  Jason pouted. “But I wanted to hang out with Matt more.”

  I wasn't sure how he managed to fit four full syllables into the word “more,” but somehow he pulled it off.

  “Yeah, Matt's cool,” Joshua agreed. I looked up at Matt and raised my eyebrows.

  “I swear I didn't pay them to say that,” he said with a laugh.

  I rolled my
eyes, knowing that they probably really did enjoy their time with Matt. They needed a masculine figure in their life since their dad wasn't around much and I couldn't think of anyone better than Matt.

  During my eye-roll I spotted a specialty toy store. There were planet pictures in the window that made me think it might be worth a look for Jason's special gift.

  “Matt, would you mind watching the kids for a minute more?” I asked. “There's a store that I want to check without any prying eyes.”

  Matt followed my gaze to the toy store and then went immediately to Jason.

  “Sure,” he agreed. “But on one condition.”

  “What?” I asked slowly, unsure of what he was going to ask. It would probably be a date. Or a kiss or something like that.

  “We can have cookies.” He pointed his chin toward the Mrs. Fields where the most amazing scent of freshly baked cookies was wafting around.

  “Fine,” I agreed. “You have a deal.”

  The kids and Matt all cheered. I knew he was basically one of them now. They had accepted him into their tribe and with cookies, he would always be welcome. The thought of them wanting to see him more made me strangely happy.

  I hurried over to the store and quickly looked around for the space shuttle stuffed plush toy. There was an octopus, a ninja, a monster truck, and ones that looked like different kinds of bacteria, but no space shuttle. I was beginning to lose hope that I'd ever find one. I'd checked online and what felt like hundreds of toy stores like this one, just to come out empty handed.

  With a sigh I left the store and headed back to find the four of them sitting on the benches and eating chocolate chip cookies. Jason had chocolate smeared across his chin, but looked totally and completely happy with it.

  Matt held out a cookie for me as I approached. It was still warm from the oven and smelled heavenly. Our hands touched as I took the cookie, sending a shiver up my arm.


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