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We Wish You A Naughty Christmas: A Christmas Collection

Page 7

by Skye Warren

  I should marry him, I thought. He brings me cookies.

  “Thank you,” is what I said out loud, instead.

  “Did you find it?” Matt asked, popping the last bit of cookie into his mouth.

  I shook my head. “Nope.”

  Matt looked as disappointed as I did.

  “Hey, Mom? Can we bring Matt home?” Jason asked, wiping his hand across his chin.

  I nearly choked on my cookie as Joshua and Jessica both echoed the sentiment. My kids never liked men this quickly.

  “Well, Matt, you're a fan favorite,” I managed to stutter, keeping most of my cookie in my mouth.

  Matt just laughed. “Obviously. Your kids have good taste.”

  I grinned at him, wishing that we didn't have to go home just yet. But, my sister was coming over to help wrap gifts so we couldn't just stay at the mall eating cookies forever.

  “Okay, kids,” I said, hating myself for being responsible. “We need to get home.”

  “With Matt?” Jason asked hopefully.

  “No Matt.” I shook my head. “At least not this time.”

  I met Matt's eyes and felt the heat of his gaze. There was going to be a next time. And I was going to make sure that I didn't have kids with me. I was still wanting to find that private room I'd been promised, but right now I had my kids to look after.

  Responsibility sucked sometimes.

  “I'll see you soon, Jenny.” The way he said my name got me all hot and bothered. He made it sound exotic and sexy.

  “We'll see you soon, Matt,” the kids all chimed.

  Matt held my gaze, promising me more than just cookies the next time we met.

  I turned, herding my kids out into the cold to head home. I wanted to stay as much as they did, but we had people to meet. When I turned to look back, he was still watching me, his eyes dark embers as he grinned that cocky grin I loved.

  Chapter 6

  Christmas Eve Night

  The two boys were running around making laser sounds with their mouths. Jason was the alien and Joshua was some sort of space commander, but I had lost the specifics of the game. I did however, love that Joshua was playing a game his younger brother would love.

  “Mom, do you think Santa found the space shuttle toy I asked for?” Jason asked, running over to me. He was already wearing his Christmas pajamas and had put the cookies for Santa out on a plate.

  I was sitting at the kitchen table, searching for the toy on my phone. I'd already called four toy stores and every search term I could think of on all the major toy suppliers. No one had anything like what I was looking for. I doubted such a thing even existed.

  “I don't know, honey,” I said slowly. “He may have to bring you something else this year.”

  Jason's face wilted. I hated that. This was probably the last year of magic for him before he accepted the truth. I wanted this last year to be special for him.

  “Jason, it'll be fine,” Jessica promised from the couch. “Santa always brings good stuff.”

  I smiled at my daughter and she gave me a subtle wink.

  “You sure?” Jason asked.

  “Santa's awesome,” Jessica replied. “I know he'll bring you something good.”

  Thank you, I mouthed at her and she grinned at me before going back to her TV show.

  I sighed and set down my phone. I was getting nowhere with my searches. It was Christmas Eve and time to accept defeat. Even if I could find one, there was no way I would be able to get it here in time for Christmas tomorrow. I hated that this was how Jason's last year of Santa would go down.

  “Who wants cocoa?” I asked, standing up from the table and stretching.

  “I do,” shouted Jason as he dodged an imaginary laser beam blast from Joshua. I started walking toward the kitchen, pausing in the kitchen doorway to grab Joshua as he passed by.

  “Caught you under the mistletoe,” I yelled as he ran past. I kissed his cheek as he struggled slightly, but let me give him my love. He rolled his eyes at me, but smiled, leaving me under the green plant.

  The doorbell rang. I frowned. All our packages were already here and I wasn't expecting company.

  “I GOT IT,” shouted Jason as he sprinted to the doorway.

  I sighed, knowing we needed to have another lesson on how to answer the door appropriately sometime soon. I took a deep breath and followed him to the door, expecting to see carolers or some sort of charity donation for the holidays.

  Instead, standing in the doorway was Matt.

  He had on a black felt coat, a bright red Santa hat, and the world's biggest grin. Snow was just starting to fall behind him, promising us a white Christmas in the morning. It was then that I noticed the giant Santa sack sitting at his feet.


  He held up the bag. “Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!”

  Jason giggled. “You're not Santa.”

  Matt got down to look him in the eye. “Are you sure?”

  Matt reached into his bag and pulled out a present. It was a box wrapped in beautiful red paper with a big golden bow. It looked like something that belonged in a magazine photo shoot. Carefully, he handed it to Jason.

  Jason's eyes went big as he turned towards me. “Mom, can I open it now?”

  I looked over at Matt and he nodded. “Go for it, Kiddo,” I told him.

  With a gleeful abandon, Jason ripped off the beautiful paper and opened the box. Inside was a space shuttle stuffed plush toy. My throat tightened, as Jason held it to his chest and hugged it close.

  “How....” I shook my head in disbelief. “How did you find that, Matt?”

  “Make sure you read the card in the box,” Matt told him, handing him the almost empty box.

  Jason pulled out an expensive looking piece of paper and read it aloud. “You are invited to participate in the next BlueBeginnings rocket launch at Cape Canaveral....”

  Jason's eyes went big as he reread the card in a whisper. He looked up at me. “MOM! I GET TO SEE A SPACE LAUNCH!”

  I stood there in happy shock as my youngest son started to shake with joy. He held the space shuttle plushie to his chest and started dancing around the house in celebration of his greatest dream come true. I stared at Matt in complete wonderment as to how he had pulled that off.

  “And this one is for Jessica,” Matt said, pulling out a medium blue box with a delicate silver bow. “And this one is for Joshua.”

  Joshua ripped the paper off his immediately and stared at the box in his hand. He held it up for me to see. “Mom, it's the new Crusaders game... it's not supposed to be on sale for another month! And there's an email address for the programmer for more content!”

  Jess was more delicate in her unwrapping, but as soon as she saw what Joshua had received she gave up and ripped the paper in two. Her jaw dropped as she held a beautiful pink dress in her hand.

  “The note says I get to come help pick out the spring dress line... It's my dream...” Jessica threw her arms around Matt for a moment before running over to join her brothers in a joyous dance.

  “Matt....” I couldn't find the words. I'd never seen my kids so happy. “How did you do this?”

  Matt grinned. “It's one of the perks of working for a billionaire that likes kids.”

  “You didn't have to,” I said, tears in my eyes. My kids were so incredibly happy. Matt had chosen the perfect presents for all of them after only knowing them for thirty minutes.

  “I know,” he replied with a nonchalant shrug, but the grin on his face said he was enjoying every moment of this. “I even got a little something for you.”

  “What?” My eyes widened. “Making my kids happy was present enough.”

  “This is something just for me and you,” Matt replied.

  For a moment, I thought he might propose. For a moment, I even considered saying yes, even though it was completely crazy. We hadn't spent any real time together, but I knew I would be happy with him if I did say yes.

  Instead of a ring, he handed me a
set of keys.

  “What's this?” I asked, turning them over in my hands.

  Matt put his hand on my shoulder and brought me to the open front door. Outside, sitting in my driveway was a cherry red motorcycle.

  “No way...” I whispered, going into complete shock.

  Matt grinned sheepishly. “I didn't know what to get you, but then I remembered how much you liked riding a motorcycle the last time we were together.”

  “Matt, it's too much,” I told him trying to push the keys back into his hands. A bike like this had to cost a pretty penny.

  He held the keys in the palm of my hand. “I work for a billionaire, remember? One of the perks.”

  I loved the way my hands felt in his. I looked up at him, my heart pounding with pure joy in my chest.

  “Matt, it wasn't the motorcycle that I loved,” I said softly. “It was you.”

  His face softened and the years melted from his eyes. Standing before me was the man I had fallen in love with twenty-five years ago and had never stopped loving since.

  He pointed up.

  “You're under the mistletoe,” he said.

  I followed his finger to see a fresh sprig of greenery taped to the door frame.

  “You planned that, didn't you?” I asked with a laugh.

  “Maybe,” he said slowly. “But, you have to admit, it's pretty good.”

  I chuckled. “Then, you'd better kiss me.”

  So he did.


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  Part III

  Cake for Christmas by Penny Wylder

  Cake for Christmas

  I need more alcohol.

  That’s my only thought as I ladle myself another glass of the punch. It’s practically toxic. Or at least I think it is because it’s a bright red that I’ve only ever seen on fire trucks and tastes like someone decided to mix cinnamon air freshener with battery acid. However, being drunk is the only way I’m going to get through this party, so, more punch it is.

  I decide that the third glass isn’t quite as bad as the first two as I take a sip. By the time I get to cup number five maybe I’ll even like the stuff. On the upside, I feel good now. Or better. Less nervous. Maybe everything will be fine. Maybe I’ll be able to keep my job and not have to quit on Monday. Oh my god, it sucks so hard that I might have to quit this job. I worked really hard for this.

  I see the giant cake in the middle of the room and the nerves pounce on my stomach again. Freaking cake. I’ll be lucky if I can ever look at a cake again without freaking out. Or thinking about Daniel. I was really hoping he’d forgotten, but now…

  Squinting at the cake, I think about it. Maybe I was totally wrong. I was only on my first glass of this horrific punch when they rolled out the cake—they being the groupies. Yes, my boss has groupies. When you look at him, it’s really not surprising. He’s got blond hair that rivals Brad Pitt’s and the rumors that come pouring out of the company gym after he visits tell me he has a body like a god. But of course I already knew that, I got to see that body firsthand five years ago.

  Anyway, the groupies rolled out the cake—and let’s be honest, it was a way bigger cake than it needed to be. Seriously, no one is going to eat that much cake—and they immediately surrounded Daniel and begged him to cut the cake. After all, he is the boss, so shouldn’t he cut the cake? Cue the giggles and the not-so-subtle lowering of necklines. Go figure, the groupies would ignore the memo to wear ugly and frumpy Christmas sweaters. It’s mini-dresses all around the cake. And of course, being the gentleman that he is, Daniel gave in to their demands to cut the cake. Seriously, it’s just unfair. It would be unfair if he was just hot and had all the money and success that he has, but add to that the fact that he’s actually a nice person and it becomes unfair on a cosmic level. The universe is looking down and cackling.

  And the second he cut the cake, he looked at me. Like, straight at me. It’s almost like he knew where I was and was watching for my reaction. Which was panic. That was my reaction. Because really the one thing you don’t want to happen is to have your boss be the one person who’s seen you jump out of a cake naked. I thought for sure there was no way he would remember, but if he looks right at me while cutting the cake? Yeah. He remembers.

  Oh god, he’s looking at me again. I take another swig of the punch and wince, but it helps settle my stomach just a little.

  If only I hadn’t been so desperate, maybe I wouldn’t be in this position. I really needed the money for college, and the one-time gig was going to pay for all my textbooks for freshman year and then some. All I had to do was jump out of a cake. Naked. Just one time, the gig that Kate had been double-booked for. I think I may have been drunk when she convinced me. I know I was drunk when I spread frosting all over myself and got inside the damn cake.

  But I did it. On March 12h I climbed inside a cake, waited for my music cue, and popped out to cheers and confetti. And there was Daniel Bishop, the blushing birthday boy. He was shirtless and his friends had tied him to a chair. I was drunk that night, but I remember that he wasn’t. If he had been, maybe he wouldn’t be stealing glances at me like I’m the stripper version of the Ghost of Christmas Past.

  He’s only gotten hotter in the last five years, I can’t deny that, and if he were anyone else I might be one of his groupies. I don’t doubt a night with him would be fucking incredible. But…no. I barely stopped myself from walking out the door when I found out he was the boss. If anyone found out that not only did I shimmy my way out of his birthday cake but actually gave him a lap dance? HR would have me out on my ass.

  Daniel looks at me again, and I distinctly see his eyes travel up and down my body. My body feels warmer—the punch must be starting to go my head. It has nothing to do with the way his eyes are lingering like he’s picturing me in nothing. He looks down at the piece of cake in his hand and swipes a bit of frosting off of it with his thumb. Then, he looks me right in the eye as he licks it away.

  Oh shit.

  There’s no mistaking the spike of heat I feel as anything other than what it is—my body imagining what it would be like if he did that to me. I have another flash of memory from that night. There was sexy music playing as two guys helped me climb down from the cake in my stilettos, and I went straight to the birthday boy. I straddled him and gave him the best lap dance I was capable of at eighteen. Then I thrust my frosting covered boobs against his bare chest, and I kissed him. It was one hell of a kiss, and I flush as I remember how soft and firm his lips were, how gently confident he was as he kissed me back.

  I have to get out of here. I need air. I need to not be within drinking distance of this punch. I need to figure out what I’m more scared of: him wanting to expose me or him just wanting me. I stumble as I get to the door, but I catch myself. We’re at the top of the building, and I’m sure there’s a way to get to the roof somewhere around here. I would love nothing more right now than to just sit on the roof and let the wind sober me up…but I didn’t bring my coat with me. Oh well…it’ll only take a few minutes. Cold is usually the thing that clears my head the fastest.

  But this place is huge. I barely remember the way to get back to my desk, and this isn’t even my floor. Plus, the punch is making all the hallways look the same. I’m at a dead end—no stairs, no roof access. But the door in front of me is fancy and wooden, and even with the shades on the windows drawn it looks like a room I’m not supposed to be in…which makes it perfect for right now.

  I open the door and find a board room. No, wait a second, this is the board room. For all of Bishop Financial. All the fancy old gentleman with their gray hair and their whiskey—or at least that’s how I imagine them—sit at this huge fucking table and talk about serious things. An entire wall of this room is windows, and…wow. This view is fantastic. All of downtown Chicago, and beyond that Navy Pier and Lake Michigan. I bet it’s even better when the view isn’t covered in snow and the lake isn�
��t frozen. I would kill to be here during a really great sunset.

  But I should go. I’m really not supposed to be in here, and who knows, maybe they have cameras in here for sneaky drunk employees trying to look at the view. A small knocking sound comes from behind me, and I whirl to face the door. The whirl really wasn’t a good move in these heels because now my head is spinning and I had to lean on the table to keep myself upright. And if it wasn’t the whirl that made my head spin, it’s because Daniel Bishop is standing in the doorway.

  “Hi,” he says, and I see that he still has that infernal piece of cake in his hands.


  He steps forward and puts the cake on the table. “I saw you leave the party, and wanted to make sure that you were okay.”

  “Okay? I’m great.” I wince at how loud my voice sounds in this room. “Why wouldn’t I be fine? This is a great party. I just wanted to see if I could find anything…interesting…on this floor since I’m not usually up here. And look what I found! The board room.” I do a little ta-da gesture, and stop talking. I was babbling. He just looks at me, that strange expression on his face, and both the awkwardness I feel and the alcohol insist I fill the silence. “All right, fine. I was looking for the roof and got lost. I wanted some air.”

  He laughs. It fills up the space and makes it feel bubbly. “It’s like…three degrees outside.”

  “Well, I wasn’t going to go out and sunbathe.”

  “There’s actually no roof access on this building. Not unless it’s for repairs. The architecture doesn’t allow for it.”

  I make a face. “That sucks, because the view would be even better than this one.”

  “Yeah,” He says, coming around the table towards me. “It would be a hell of a place for a smoke break.”

  “You smoke?”

  “No.” He shakes his head. “But if I did.”


  There’s another silence while he gives me that look.


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