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I Belong To Her

Page 2

by Ava Danielle

  A few days have passed; I’ve been staying at Ryan and Kristina until I found a house down the street. I think Addison and the girls might like that I’m still close by. This is just a separation after all. I’m not letting my wife go. I love her, I do. I wish she’d see that. I never stopped loving her. And I never will.

  I went to the coffee shop to tell Addison about it, of course I see Brandon there. It didn’t take him long to swoop his way in. I bet he’s already working on moving in with her. It wouldn’t surprise me. I told her all about the move and the kids being able to stay the night.

  As I’m leaving, I remember to ask her what to bring for Dinner she had invited me to, I walk in and all I could get out was “Addison” before I saw the two of them kissing. Fan-friggin-tastic! I didn’t want to see that shit. But before I lose my mind, I just walked away. I don’t have time to put up with this bullshit.

  Dinner at Addison’s went okay, I guess you can say. We argued like we always do, but I explained to her that I’d fight for her. He’s going to treat her all sweet now and then, just watch, he’ll dump her or just not care about her anymore. Why else would his ex up and leave the way she did? I’ll be here to catch her, I’m prepared for it. She’s going to need me. I might even forgive her for this.

  I miss her. I fucking miss my wife. I’m sitting on my couch, in a lonely house, staring at the TV. My project has finished and I’m waiting on my client to decide which of the two choices I gave him to go with. I’m mellow watching some stupid shit on TV; American Idol. Anyway, these fools don’t know how to sing.

  I drink some of my beer to relax. This beer isn’t doing the trick. I keep thinking about Addison. I reminisce about our past, our life. Where the fuck did it all go wrong? I can’t even remember taking a wrong turn anywhere.

  Four beers and a lot of hours later, I decide to go see Addison. We need to talk this shit out. I can’t handle it. She needs to realize I love and miss her. There’s nothing else to it.

  I storm into her house, not wasting time ringing the doorbell. Once I make it through the door and into the dining room, I stop dead in my tracks. The asshole is sitting at MY table, eating dinner with MY wife and kids. I scream at her, I don’t care what I’m screaming, when I see him stand up. Fucker, I dare you. “I know who the fuck you are. You’re the fucking reason Addison threw me out. Her boy toy if you will.” I say to them. I don’t even care my daughters are in the room. The last thing I want is for them to see me like this, but at this exact moment, I don’t give a shit. Furious isn’t a strong enough word to describe how I feel right now.

  Addison is yelling at me to leave, but our oldest interrupts, “I knew that he was the reason you left, daddy,” and storms off to her room. Shit.

  Addison kicks me out after I blatantly stare at everything and everyone. Brandon tries to talk sense into me, but he can take his stupid remarks and stick them up his ass. “I’m out. Don’t ever fucking call me buddy,” I spit out at Brandon and leave.

  I get back into my truck and think about what the fuck just happened. I didn’t mean for the kids to see that. I fucking feel bad now. What the hell have I done?

  As I’m about to speed out of her drive way, I see Violet running across the lawn. “Get in the truck NOW!” I yell at her. She just looks at me, stunned. ”NOW!” and we take off out of the driveway. She’s blowing up, I’m blowing up, and the next thing I know, we’re hitting something. I couldn’t even tell. All I saw was a light. I wanted to follow that light, but my body was unable to. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t run toward it. I was frozen.

  A new Beginning

  Being in the hospital is torture. There’s nothing to do, you’re waiting on someone to come and visit. You’re trying to rest, but the bed is so god awfully uncomfortable, you toss and turn more than anything. I wish I could just get up and move on. But with the divorce papers sitting right next to me on the nightstand, it’s a little too hard to. It’s real now.

  After my debacle, the accident, and putting our daughter in danger, there’s no going back. I know what I did was unforgivable. I don’t forgive myself either. I wish I could turn back the time; I would in a heartbeat. What I did to our family, it’s worse than what Addison did. I know that’s hard to imagine, but she can’t help falling in love. She can’t help wanting more than I was giving her. I should’ve seen the signs, I should’ve been there for her when she needed me most, instead I let someone else swoop in and sweep her off her feet. I let someone else love my wife, soon to be ex-wife. That just sounds ridiculous. I still can’t get over it. But I understand it.

  I sign the papers to have them ready to be sent off¸ unless Jeremy Peters comes by. I’m waiting for him to rub it in my face; for him to make some snarky remark. It’s not like I ever came in to take her away from him, but he didn’t deserve her either.

  From what I hear though, Brandon has been taking care of her really well. Ryan has been keeping me up to date on the latest. Brandon has been spending the night with her, holding her hand when she needed it, and stood by her side with Violet being in the hospital. He dropped everything to be with her. I’m starting to think I could learn a thing or two from him. Damn, I hate admitting shit like that. I guess you can say; Brandon deserves her. More or less; she deserves him, someone that will love her unconditionally, she deserves that so much.

  After I get released from the hospital, it’s time to start picking up the pieces of a life and start over. I still have Addison, she’s the mother of my children, she’ll always be in my life and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I have my daughters, a house, and since she’s not pressing charges, I still have work and half a life. That’s a plus. Work is what I will throw myself into. I’ve taken on some new clients and drew up a lot of new sketches for upcoming projects that will be in the works. I’ve put myself back out there. If not for work and the girls, there’s not much of a life. But I don’t want it any other way. I do occasionally hang out with them at their house. It’s strangely comfortable to be sitting there drinking a beer with Brandon and Ryan together. I guess you could call us, a modern family.

  My assistant at the office left for maternity leave. Unfortunately, she’s decided not to return to work, but to become full-time mom, can’t say I blame her. Addison did the same and she enjoyed every minute she had with the girls. “Clara, could you get the conference room ready for the interviews?” I yell out of my office.

  My office is bright, the window from floor to ceiling. I’ve always enjoyed my office, the daylight and pictures of my family. Honestly, I still haven’t removed our family picture from the desk. She’s still in my heart. I can’t and never will let her go.

  It’s been eight months now. I’m just now starting to get over the fact the divorce is finalized and I’m a single man so to speak. It’s been over fifteen years; I don’t even know what single means anymore. I will throw myself into work and maybe I’ll think of it a lot less. “Mr. Walker, the conference room is all set up and the first interviewees are already here. Would you like me to send the first one in?” Clara, my assistant’s assistant asks me. Yes, it’s that complicated. I really need a new assistant. “Yes, please. Let me get the questionnaire folder and I’ll be right in.” I tell her as I grab my folder.

  I take one last drink of water and look out the window. Time to find new help and concentrate on work.

  I walk down the hallway to the conference room; I enter through the glass door and see a young brunette. She looks extremely young. “Hi, I’m Mr. Walker, the CEO of the company. Your name is?” I ask her, as she rises out of her seat, “I’m Sarah Richards, nice to meet you,” and she sits back down. As I make my way over to the other seat, across from her, I notice she should’ve probably dressed a little more appropriately. Her cleavage screams “stare at me” and her skirt could be a little longer. “How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?” and she says “21.” I swallow for a minute. I was actually looking for someone a little more experienced. I ask her a few more q
uestions out of courtesy, but my mind is already made up. As we say our goodbyes, she bounces out; not at all upset she didn’t get the position. If this is all that’s out there, I’m in trouble. “Clara, could you send the next one in?” I say through the intercom, I take a deep breath.

  With blonde hair and blue eyes, absolutely stunning, she walks in. I’m taken back by her. She’s elegant as she strides in with confidence. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such beauty. “Hi, I’m Theresa Leighton. I’m here to interview for the assistant position,” she says walking up and shaking my hand. She’s a take-charge kind of woman and I like that. “Hi, I’m Michael Walker, nice to meet you,” she sits down and so do I. I tend to stutter when I get nervous; I hope that’s not the case today.

  I ask her a few questions about her past work experience. “I’ve actually worked for Forbes & Perry down the street; I have my reference with me if you’d like to see. I could start any day. No husband, no children, fully capable of working around the clock,” she makes sure I know.

  The black cocktail dress and black stilettos she’s wearing are sexy as fuck. Her blonde shoulder length hair is straight and those bangs that fall halfway into her eyes; I could stare at her as if she’s an art piece in a gallery.

  I clear my throat, as I reach for her references. I like what I see, she’s done some exceptional work and according to her resume and references, she’s just what I’m looking for. I ask her a few questions relating to the position and then I’ve made my decision. “Miss Leighton, I like what I see. Could you start tomorrow?” I ask her. She looks stunned. “Of course. Yes. I’m looking forward to it.” she smiles. That Smile! Perfection!

  When she stands, her curves are shown off by the sunlight coming in from outside. This woman is perfect. I shake her hand, “I look forward to working with you.” She smiles “Thank you, Mr. Walker. Have a wonderful day,” and she walks out. I’m beside myself.

  I sit back in my chair and try to catch my breath. “Clara, could you send the rest home please, the position has been filled.” I say through the buzzer. I found my perfect assistant. There’s no use to put the others through the interview.

  I gather all paperwork and walk back to my office. I stare at the pictures of my family on my desk for a minute and decide to go home for the rest of the day.

  I can’t seem to get this woman out of my head. She was just absolutely beautiful. And getting the honors of working with her really turns me on. I get to see her every day. I get to call her in when I need her. This may be a bit dangerous. In fact, I’m getting a boner just thinking about this woman. Fuck. A cold shower just might be what I need.

  In the bathroom, I remove my clothes and think about Theresa. She’s on my mind nonstop and there’s no way of controlling it. I want to, but I can’t. Her long blonde hair, the way it ran beside her ear, the earrings that were twisted up into her hair, I just wanted to reach over and untangle them.

  I step into the shower, turn the water on, and let it run down my body. I watch the water drops bounce off my chest, my stomach, and my cock. I watch as I get harder and harder just from thinking about her lips, those luscious lips that I would love to kiss. Every time she talked, I watched intently as she formed words with those lips. The way they parted and closed back together, the way she licked them in between words. She must’ve been a bit nervous because she did it a lot.

  I start to wash my cock; the soothing of my hand is turning me on. I wish it was her mouth wrapped around it. I wish I could feel her teeth in between my ridges and hear her moan as she slides me in deep down her throat. Fuck. I’m imagining my assistant’s mouth around my dick.

  I can imagine her on her knees, the water streaming down her body, dripping off her hair and onto her tits. With every thought, I rub harder. Fuck, I wish she were in the shower with me. I wish I could pin her against the wall and fuck her from behind. But instead, I’m rubbing and I explode just thinking about her.

  After my shower, I grab a beer out of the refrigerator. I sit down on the couch; turn the television on, but all I see is HER. Theresa Leighton. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited as I am to go to work tomorrow. I want to see her. I keep thinking about her. I think about her lips, her legs, damn she had some sexy legs. Fuck, I’m getting a hard on again. What has this woman done to me? The last woman to ever make me feel this way was Addison, and I can’t remember it ever being this much.

  The next morning, I wake to a text message from Addison. They are going away with the kids this weekend, not to expect them to come over. A whole fucking weekend to myself, I might just kill myself. Maybe I can convince Ryan to go out to do something. But, right now, I just want to get ready to go to work and see Theresa. I’m going to have to come up with extra work for her, just so she will have to come into my office and I can see her.

  As I’m throwing on my best suit, I check myself out in the mirror one last time.

  I’m at the office, scribbling around on some sketches at my desk, when I hear a knock at the door. “Come in,” I say. “Good Morning Mr. Walker. I’ve made you some coffee.” I’m surprised at the gesture. “Fast learner with the coffee machine,” I say as Theresa laughs. “Not that complicated. Carla told me where it was and I got to work,” she states. I smile at her. “Sit down, please. Are you ready for a big day?” I ask her.

  She’s wearing this sexy pink blouse, hardly showing any cleavage, which I actually respect a lot. The black pencil skirt she wears shows off her curves. She is stunning. I can’t say that enough. “Yes, I’m ready for whatever you need me to do,” she says. If only she knew the thoughts I have of her.

  “I need you to sort some of the paperwork in the filing cabinet. There are so many projects here that need to be organized and I just can’t seem to get around to it with new projects coming at me,” I tell her as I get up and show her the filing system. She follows me over, “Sounds good. I’ll start a system that’s easy to find anything you need,” she says with a smile.

  As I’m pulling out boxes of unorganized paperwork, and bring it to her, our bodies collide. “I’m so sorry,” I tell her. She just giggles. “It won’t be the last time I’m sure, there’s a lot of paperwork here,” she says. I help her get it all sorted, then I remember the sketch on the desk. “I better get back to my sketch, you will be alright?” I ask her. “Of course, I’ll ask if I’m unsure with anything,” she tells me. I smile at her. I’m not sure I will be getting a lot of drawing done with her in the room, but I just couldn’t let her leave.

  I watch her, intently. Assuming she noticed, “Can I help you?” she asks shyly. Fuck. I just got called out. I clear my throat. “No, sorry, I was just admiring your work ethic,” I say trying to sound convincing. She smiles and nods her head. I shake my head back to reality. This is not going to be easy.

  I’m attracted to this woman.

  Theresa has been working for me a few weeks now. She’s a great assistant. Always on point, always taking charge. We have great work chemistry and everything flows wonderfully. I’m so glad I have her.

  My thoughts are still just as consumed by her as the day she walked in for her interview. She’s a delight, with her charming smile, to have around. “Theresa, could you come in here?” I buzz at her. It’s almost lunch and my stomach is starting to grumble. She walks in, sexy as fuck, and sits down at my desk. “What’s up?” she asks me with that glow in her eyes. “Would you like to join me for some lunch?” “Sure. Let me just grab my bag and we can go,” she says as she walks out.

  Once we arrive to the diner down the street, I help her into her chair. “Very gentlemanly of you,” she says. “I try.”

  “I’m sure your wife appreciates that.” I won’t let that go though.


  “Oh god, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to step on any toes here.”

  “Oh, you’re not. It’s all good.”

  “I just assumed since I saw you’re wearing a ring.”

  And that’s when it dawns
on me. She would only notice that if she cared. Or do all women automatically check for ring? Even if they didn’t care about the man. No, right? And why am I still wearing this stupid ring, it doesn’t have any meaning; I should’ve taken it off way back then.

  “I didn’t even realize I was still wearing it. Force of nature, I guess.”

  The waitress comes to take our order, and I’m surprised how much Theresa actually orders. She’s not shy around food, that’s for sure. I’ll need to remind my girls of that. Never eat to impress, eat because you’re hungry!

  “So tell me a little about yourself, Theresa.”

  “There’s actually not that much to tell. I’m one child of four, two brothers and one sister. I grew up in a small town and had only a hand full of friends that I went through all my school years with. Once we headed out for college, we all parted ways and I stuck my nose into work and never looked back,” she tells me as she’s eating away at her burger.

  “Oh my god, this burger is so good,” she says and I just smile at her. I think I could sit here and watch her eat all afternoon long. “Yeah, they are.” That’s all I was able to get out.

  “And nope, I’m not married nor do I have children. But I’ve told you that in the interview.”

  Her mentioning that has me curious. “And why is that?” I ask her blatantly. “Why is what? That I don’t have children and I’m not married?” I nod. “Oh don’t get me wrong, I’ve dated lots of men, but somehow they just can’t get past the fact that I’m a career woman. Work always comes first.”

  We sit for a while longer, eating, drinking some wine, and talking. It’s pretty easy talking to her. We talk about our upbringing, about the divorce with Addison, which she brings up, and about my daughters. I let it all out and for once, I don’t feel bad or even sad. I’ve moved on with my life and this is the first time I realize, I’m happy. At least at this given moment, I’m happy.


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