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Finding Erin

Page 20

by America Leigh

  When it came to Faith, I had hit a wall. Erin on the other hand was becoming clearer as the hours passed. This information seemed useless unless I could get to her. Eddie needed me to protect her. I looked round Eddie’s property and it looked more like a battle field now. It swam with military and police, all mounting a rescue mission. To a civilian this scene would be exhilarating to watch. For me it was another war I knew I wouldn’t be able to win unscathed.

  “Do we have the documents that link Edmund and Eliza Vance to the kidnapping?” The major asked, giving me a scrutinising look.

  “Yes Sir. They are en-route now.”

  “Good. We have grounds to hold them.”

  “You may be right, sir. But that connection is tenacious at best. It gives the Vance’s motive, but there isn’t proof to incriminate them. “

  “Maybe so, but there are games in play that will soon square those details away.”

  “Sir. What is the military’s connection to this? Wouldn’t this be a English matter not a US Military matter?”

  The major chuckled, “I can see why you were top of your class, Sergeant. You would make a damn fine major one day. You see the bigger picture unlike many I have served with. It is a damn shame that you were screwed over.” He praised.

  “This is classified, son.” The major stated and motioned to come closer to speak more privately. “The documents that are being sent over give one of the reasons behind the suspected kidnapping, but I know the reason why the Vance’s would take that risk. Vance signed several government contracts, very lucrative contracts. Those contracts gave him sole control over communications through the military and the British government. He practically owned communication rights to half the population in the world. This is where it gets classified. Vance is using the contracts he has accrued to dominate the countries that he is invested in. By controlling these countries, he is trying to pitch one against the other.”

  “What will he get out of that?”

  Vance is one sick son of a bitch. He was bartering with national security with maybe a dozen countries.

  He was playing with fire.

  “He can basically hold the countries to ransom. This isn’t about power Sargent or he would have took the damn money the United States offered him. He wants control and that’s not an option. The president wants this situation rectifying and the British Prime Minister is united with him on this. The other possibilities is that he is selling information to other countries to create something bigger than you or I could ever comprehend.” The major tone was subdued.


  “Have we located Eddie?”

  “Yes” The major tone was low and he glanced at the other personnel. What the hell had happened?

  “Is he dead?” I stated bluntly. I was never one for prolonging the inevitable. I liked to confront the problem quickly, like ripping a Band-Aid off. One quick stroke and then deal with the aftermath.

  “We don’t know. There were no casualties, son.” The major admitted cryptically.

  “What the hell does that mean” I blasted my anger out towards the Major. I back tracked realising I had overstepped, “Sir. I mean…”

  “I know what you damn well mean Rhodes and I would be the same in your position. This is what happens when we stay in one assignment for a long period. We get attached.”

  “Whomever blew your vehicle to a crisp did the exact same to Vance’s. His security had just entered the vehicle and he was just about to pull the handle and it exploded in his face. Other than that we don’t know any more.”


  “Could he have got up?” I gulped hard. I rubbed the back of my neck. My stomach churned. This was messed up. I was paid to do a job and I was failing miserably. Eddie had trusted me. I not only lost Erin, but Eddie was either dead or walking wounded.


  “I need to find her.”

  “Agreed. Pick a team, Master Sargent and clean this up. I want a report on my desk by Twenty one hundred.”

  “Yes sir.”

  I left the Major standing at the front of Eddie’s property. The men were briefing what was on the agenda and the time frame we had to collect the objectives and get out before the targets retaliate.

  I pulled my phone out quickly, “Rafi. Yes have you… Yes….Yes…..I’ll find them. All of them. You have my word.”

  “You will bring them home alive, Rhodes. All of them?” Rafi’s calm tone transformed into a shaky cry. I had a feeling this had something to do with Red. I saw the way he looked at her at the Gala. I had to find them. This shit was ripping all of us apart.

  “I’ll try.”

  And I would. I punched a text into my cell and sent it to Eddie. I didn’t know the situation, but I did know Eddie and he would not go down without one hell of a fight.

  Chapter Thirty Five.


  The pain in my chest coiled around my heart and squeezed fast and hard. The incessant beats of pain had my breathing laboured and sweat gathered on my face. The only thing I could see when I looked around was darkness. I was isolated. There was no sound, only my heavy breaths that penetrated the empty space.

  “That was a smart move.” Her silky voice settled over my injured body. I looked out into the nothing. I could feel her near me. The soft smell of Lillie’s hit my nostrils.

  No it can’t be.


  “What on earth made you go up against your father and think you would win?” Molly questioned. Her chastising tone could not be mistaken.

  “I…” I had no words. I was talking to my dead mother.

  “Well, are you going to answer my question Edward Thomas?” Molly’s use of my middle name made me look further into the darkness. Very few people knew my middle name. My father always said the name did not suit a Vance. That my mother picked it. He just never told me which mother.

  “I don’t know.” I whispered, feeling vulnerable under Molly’s scrutiny.

  “Let me tell you what I think. You thought you were going to knock your father off his pedestal and you would walk away unscathed. Don’t you think if you were strong enough to take Edmund on, I would have told you the truth before I passed? That is why I left the will to protect you.”

  “I suppose.” I shrugged.

  “Eddie, stop pouting like a little boy. You need to pull your big boy pants on and fight. Maggie’s in danger and there’s been an explosion. It’s not good. You have to fight baby boy. It isn’t your time to join me yet.” Molly said, brushing my face with her hand in the darkness. Her fingers were warm and the love she had for me seeped into my bones giving me strength to fight.

  My chest continued to hurt, when I realised what molly had just said, “What will?”

  “The one I left to protect both you and Maggie from Edmund.” Molly paused, her breaths steady. “You don’t know what you have, do you?”

  “What do I have Mom?”

  I heard Molly sniffle. “You have me.”

  “You?” I questioned lamely.

  “I left you the power to control your own destiny. Eddie, you have to go.” Molly’s voice turned grave and frantic.

  “Stay with me?” I pleaded.

  “I wish I could.”

  The build up of warmth around my chest made the pain easier to handle.

  “I’m right here.” Molly admitted. I could feel the weight of her hand on my chest. “Hurry. You have to save Erin.”

  Chapter Thirty Six.


  “We need to search the perimeter. Five clicks in each direction. I want to know properties and any buildings that Erin could be trapped in.”

  “Shoot to kill, Sir” Corporal Harvey questioned.

  “Yes Corporal. Shoot to kill and in no circumstances put any of the hostages in danger from fire. I want all of them out alive. Am I clear?”

  “Yes Sir.” The squad answered and saluted. They each moved off in pairs to prepare for the coming rescue mission. Hell. I just
hoped God was in a giving mood.

  “Master Sargent.”

  “Yes.” I said, turning around to address whom ever had called me.

  “I found this in the property addressed to you.

  I moved away from the prying eyes of the squad and ripped the envelope wide open.


  By now you know I have both Erin and Faith. The question is what you would give for them to live. You have one hour to consider that and wait for further instructions.

  It was signed MJ. Who in god’s name was MJ?

  This had to be another one of Edmund’s henchmen.

  I sighed.

  I fisted the letter. Fuck.

  The envelope felt hard. I lifted it back to me and peeked inside. There was a white band with a large brown stone set within it.


  This is Erin’s ring. That was the one Eddie had given Maggie before she was taken. Why had the ring ended up with the letter?

  Was the kidnapper sending a message?

  What kind of message.

  I raked my mind for an answer. Erin never took the ring off. The only time I had seen it move is when Eddie had given her his grandmother Engagement ring to wear on her left hand. This ring held a meaning.

  Was Erin leaving a clue?

  The ring connected Maggie and Erin. That would mean that connection extends to his and hers parents also. Did that mean she was being held with someone from the past? Possible.

  I remember Faith telling me that Erin believed that everything in life had meaning and a connection. That is why she had trusted Eddie so easily. The connection was always there, no matter what.

  Meaning? Connection?

  That’s it.

  “Sargent Sanchez.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “We need to search the property’s that link Maggie Montgomery and Edward Vance up to 2004.”

  “Master Sargent?” He questioned.

  “Trust me.” I pleaded, I thrust Erin’s ring into his view. “Erin left this ring for me to find her. She knows that I would scout heaven and hell to keep her safe. She never takes this off. There is a connection between their pasts and this ring. Whomever has taken them is linked with the past and is trying to crush their futures.”

  “Find the connection and get me those damn documents.” I shouted. The grounds froze.

  Chapter Thirty Seven.


  Ouch. My head was throbbing. I tried to lift myself up but I stopped with the dizziness it caused. I got the distinctive whiff of the outdoors and rotten wood.

  Where was I?

  Why do I get the feeling of Da Ja Vu.

  I lifted my hand to rub my head and stopped. The clink of metal startled me. The weight of the chains wrapped around my wrists were alarming. I pulled trying to get free. The pain behind my eyes made it difficult to open them fully. I could see shadows of sorts. The place was run down. The furniture was broken and there were leaves and cobwebs everywhere I looked. The movement caught my eye. This place seemed so familiar. I felt another wave of nostalgia. Could that be possible? Have I been here before?

  More movement focussed my vision of a man pacing the length of the back room. The outline of his shadow was unclear but I could make out his shaggy hair and heavy breaths the more he paced.

  “I’ve got her. I’m in the summer house waiting for an opportunity to get us out of here without being seen?” The gravel in his voice was husky and deep. The conviction in his voice was strong. I looked around and no-one had spoken. The memories were so vivid like I was reliving it. Moment by moment.

  The man chuckled sinisterly. It sounded like something out of an old mafia movie when the boss laughed and someone ended up dead. The malice in his tone sent shivers up my and down my spine.

  Whatever was happening was allowing me to look into the past. The memories were coming back. I could feel it. Molly’s voice settled over me like she had placed a security blanket over me.

  “I need you to remember what happened that last day before you were taken. It’s important. Remember Maggie. Remember Erin. You have to remember”

  “The little bitch is out cold. Yeah the bed is ready… I know this wont go wrong…she’ll be out of the picture permeant.” He snarled down the phone, smiling at the caller’s response.

  “Have you set everything up?” The man asked. A slither of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips making him look viler.

  “Make sure the dosage is right or this wont work.” He warned.

  My mouth hung open when I pieced everything together. This was the man who had kidnapped me from this very room. And now he had me again!


  * * *

  I looked thoroughly around the cabin for anything. I had to get out these chains. I had to get back to Eddie. I won’t let this man take me from Eddie again. A groan from the other direction of the room. I noticed another figure laying on the floor. This time it was a woman. She raised her arms. That’s when I saw the chains and Justice’s red polish.

  Thank god, I thought realising the breath I didn’t realise I was holding.

  Another groan followed Justice’s one and then I saw Peace’s limp body struggling under the weight of the chains. A crippling feeling of fear washed over me as I watched Peace struggle lifting her head.

  I stared around the dark cabin looking for faith. Panic filled my chest. I couldn’t slow my breathing down enough to think clearly.

  What the hell had happened?

  The last thing I remember was Eddie’s house. Ellerson telling us we had to ship out and then complete darkness. I winced in pain, forgetting about the chains.

  Peace stopped fidgeting. Her breaths were even enough to realise she was either sleeping or unconscious again. I hoped to hell it was the latter because I don’t think this was the last of this nightmare.

  Justice was awake but didn’t move. That’s my girl.

  * * *

  I laid there quietly as the chains ripped into my skin. I could have screamed from the pain. I bit my mouth shut and tasted metallic. I had so many questions running through my head. The main one was where was Eddie? After everything we had gone through together over the last two weeks, there was no question that he would be here. Unless he was hurt or injured? Fear coiled through my stomach and the need to vomit entered my mouth. Yuck!

  The scrape of flesh made me cringe. I heard Faith’s whimpers float into the room. I tried not to look, but I could hear every piece of gravel claw its way through Faiths knees with a vengeance.

  “You’re gonna tell me everything you know Jess or you’ll wish we were back at me just giving you the odd slap. I won’t think twice in beating you into submission, princess.” His words were dark and full of threat.


  Who the hell is jess?

  “Why were you placed with Maggie?” The man asked. When he was met with silence, I felt his fist hit Faith with force. Faith’s head ricocheted back.

  “What do you know Jessie? Tell me?” He roared.

  The questions continued until my ears felt as if they were bleeding from the torture he was punishing Faith with.

  “If you won’t tell me. She will.” He muttered in the void. He was breathing hard from trying to get something out of Faith.

  Why hadn’t she told him to stop?

  Or lied?

  * * *

  The room was silent, the light from outside the summer house had fallen. We were all alone now. The man must have given up. That was until I heard I voice I recognised.

  “What the hell do you want Marshall?” The discontent in her voice was astounding. It wasn’t the manner she addressed him. It was that I remembered that voice. In this very room.

  “You know the deal Marshall. I want monthly updates on her progress and a constant eye on her, but other than that. I want her out of the picture.” The tone in my mother’s voice was deadly. The maternal tone was gone and replaced with a brutal vision of the mother I once cared for.
  “I know the deal Mrs M. don’t sweat it. We all get what we want. The job is cake.”

  “I don’t want any harm to come to her though.” Marilyn Montgomery added in afterthought.

  My mothers harsh words brought me back from the memories I had of that last night.

  “Why would you come back up here?” she asked, annoyed.

  “I thought I would reminisce about good old times. This is where it all started isn’t it?”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about?” she stated, but the shake in her voice said something entirely different.

  “You wanted your daughter out of the way and now this is brought my daughter out of the woodwork. So we need to figure this the fuck out and decide what we are gonna do because if I go down for this. I am taking you and Vance with me.”

  “You are delusional.” Marilyn chuckled non-committedly.

  I heard Marshall’s movements and then I heard Marilyn’s voice come over a speaker giving him instructions to keep me hidden and away from both her and the Vance family.

  My vision became blurred and my heart was beating erratically. I tried to reach for my head, but the chains stopped me. Then as if a bolt of energy or lightening was shooting through my body. My mind was overwhelmed by visions and pictures and memories. I remembered things from when I was little and under the willow tree with Eddie. I sank my head to the floor as if my mind was weighed down with the pressure of my memories flooding back.

  Shit! That hurt. I laid there quietly, trying to even my breathing out and realised something.

  I remembered everything.

  I had my memories back.

  * * *

  “You know this can’t come to my door, Marshall. This was all yours and Edmunds plan. I had nothing to do with it.” Marilyn added, backtracking.


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