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Finding Erin

Page 21

by America Leigh

  I muttered under my breath. She was lying.

  “You didn’t have any complaints when you were guaranteed to keep your fortune and your position. The only reason Chris kept you around was for Maggie and after, because you both grieved the loss of her. He finds out your dirty little secret and you’ll be out on your ass without anything. Then you’ll be back where you started from.” Marshall practically sang his sarcastic words at her.

  I couldn’t take anymore.

  I raised myself to my feet. The chains cut deeper into my hands. I gritted my teeth and stood up straight with everything I had left.

  Marilyn saw the movement and squealed in shock.

  “What’s wrong mother,” I asked sweetly, “cat got your tongue?” I continued with a fire in my belly I had never experienced before.

  “Maggie” Marilyn started walking towards me. I raised my hand and she froze.

  “I can….” She tried again and I shook my head adamantly. I took a deep breath and decided to let her have it.

  “No you can’t and I don’t want you to.” I told her firmly. I let my words sink in.

  “I am not Margaret Montgomery. My name is Erin Vance. I lost my memory over a decade ago but my family brought me back.” I looked at each of my girls.

  For all the anger and betrayal over the years. I truly understood now, why I never belonged. “Only with Eddie” my inner voice exclaimed.

  Marilyn glanced at the people around the room and smirked.

  “You don’t have a clue do you? Every one of you is hiding from your pasts. You may think you are family, but they will all betray you. You’re worth too much, to be kept around. I did you a favour. At least I kept you alive. If Edmund had had his way, he would have had you killed.”

  “And I am supposed to be thankful for that” I spat back.

  Faith struggled with Marshall. I had forgot she was still kneeled in front of the sadistic bastard. In two swift movements. Faith had taken Marshall’s gun and stood with one foot firmly on Marshall’s chest with the gun pointed at his head.

  “What the hell are you doing, Marshall. Get the gun.”

  “A little busy here.” His voice strained under the pressure of Faith’s foot. I have never seen Faith so empowered or forceful.

  “Jessica take you foot off Marshall” Marilyn cooed at Faith. Faith gave her a warning look. It wasn’t one of shock or surprise at her words or her presence.

  I stared at shock.

  How the hell did Marilyn know Faith and why in the gods name is everyone calling her Jessica.

  “Don’t” Faith warned, as she turned and pointed the barrel at Marilyn. Marilyn turned towards me and chuckled.

  “You haven’t told her have you? The reason she was taken? Or the reason you were with her?”

  “STOP” Faith snarled in anger.

  “Oh no honey. I am going to enjoy this.” Marilyn gloated.

  I sucked in a breath and waited.

  The silence stretched. The sound of metal cascading through the room and the room transforming into smoke was instant. The fumes clung to my lips making it difficult to breath.

  I had…What was she?…..Eddie?

  Chapter Thirty Nine


  The property was still. I hadn’t been to Maggie’s childhood home since she had been taken. I couldn’t stand to relive the torment of the day I lost her.

  After the explosion. I had managed to get away without any of my fathers men noticing me. I managed to get to one of my other cars that I have in London for emergencies and pointed it towards my house. When I saw all the uniforms. I didn’t stop. My only goal from now on was Finding Erin.

  * * *

  The summer house was in total darkness. It was unlike I had ever seen it. Every summer I had spent here with Maggie it was filled with light and joy. Now the property resembled something out of an old horror movie.

  I made my way round the rear of the property. The faint murmurs of conversation from inside the summer house was my only indication that there was someone inside. The nearer I got around the property. I realised I was not alone.

  “Eddie.” A whisper called. I flinched, but remained silent, not wanting to inform anyone of my presence.

  I looked closer to the property and there was half dozen camouflaged men surrounding the property.


  Ellerson’s face became clearer. He was dressed in full combat gear and looked fierce as he listened intently at the words that were being spoken.

  I was having the day from hell. Not only had someone tried to blow me up, but my house looked in the same state. And then I find my wife being held inside at what sounded like gunpoint. If the clicking of a barrel had anything to go on.

  Before I could ask what the hell was going on. Ellerson threw what looked like metal canisters inside the property and we all barricaded into the property to get back what was taken from us.


  “Get down” Ellerson commanded into the dark.

  I searched the room looking for her.

  Was I too late?

  Erin’s limp body was laid on the ground. Her hands were chained. Jesus Christ.

  My heart constricted at the sight of her like this. I could not live without her again. If I thought the last ten years were rough. A lifetime without her would be impossible to bear.

  “Erin.” I pleaded, “Please don’t leave me.”

  I sat there with her in my arms for minutes. It could have been hours. I checked her pulse. It was faint, but she was alive. I started to move. Erin’s eyes fluttered open in protest. Her weak state was etched onto her beautiful face. I was going to kill whoever was responsible for torturing her like this.

  I exhaled. My chest was tight.

  Erin fleetingly looked into my eyes. She reached up and placed a trembling hand over my heart. “Right here.” She choked out. Her eyelids drooped back into unconsciousness before I could register her words.

  * * *

  I pulled Erin into my arms and lifted her through the dark rooms into the crisp air outside. I ran my arms up and down her back until her body relaxed against mine. Minutes passed as I watched Ellerson’s squadron deal with the aftermath. Erin laid still. Her even breaths were the only thing keeping me in check.

  Ellerson’s face was strained and nearly purple. Whomever he was talking to was in for a serious ass whooping as he called it. He had a mean temper when he wanted to.

  “Where the hell has she gone?” he roared at one of his men. The officer blanched and looked at anything other than Ellerson’s penetrating gaze.

  I continued to hold Erin as everything that had happened started sinking in. everything seemed so impossible, but fit together perfectly. Like a dysfunctional jigsaw.

  Maggie’s mom was led away in handcuffs followed by the man who had taken Erin. I was going to make sure he stayed in prison for a very long time.

  There was no sign of Christopher, not that I expected it. I still wasn’t sure what all of this meant, but it had something to do with the documents Maggie had told me she had left for me.

  “Sir.” Ellerson addressed me formerly.

  “I think were passed that Ellerson. Don’t you?” I said with a chuckle.

  He laughed shortly “I suppose so,” and then frowned, “Faith is gone.”

  “What do you mean gone?”

  “When we blasted the property with gas to flush out Marshall. With all the chaos, we didn’t see her slip out.”

  “You have to find her. I don’t think we know the whole story.” His face hardened.

  “I know. Faith is in the witness protection programme. She was given a new identity and a new life away from her past. I don’t know her real identity or what she is running from.”

  “Why would she run now though? After ten years. Something doesn’t add up” I stated. Ellerson nodded.

  “I don’t know. I intend to find out.” The worry in his eyes argued against his conviction.

  I know that
look. He was breaking inside. It was excruciating not knowing where she was. What was even worst that Faith had left? I knew from Ellerson expression that this wasn’t the first time someone had left him.

  I sighed.

  I hated watching him hurt.

  “Do we know why my father tried to blow me to pieces this afternoon?” I asked trying to take Ellerson mind of Faith. I heard Erin gasp, making me regret my words. I hadn’t realised she was awake. I ran my hand down her back and brought her in close.

  “Your mother was one clever woman.” Ellerson stated giving me a shit eating grin. “Turns out the money her family had before her marriage to your father was in a trust, only to be accessed if capital was required for property or business etc. This clause was a way your grandfather could protect Molly’s inheritance and get the marriage he desired all at once. The thing was that the clause never was changed into Edmunds name and Molly had devised a plan to protect you and Maggie from interference from either sets of parents. She didn’t want you to go through the heartache and betrayal she had gone through with Edmund and Christopher. Molly changed the trust in the event of her death that it would be shared between you and Maggie. Not only that the properties that both Edmunds and Chris’s properties stand on are on Blake land. That means that all property on these lands belong to the trustees.”

  I laughed. My mother was a genius.

  “What did that have to do with my mother though? She said something about money and status?” Erin asked, still shaken from her mother’s betrayal.

  “Molly gave the land and wealth of this estate to Christopher on the assumption that it would be transferred to the trustees when the time came. Edmund had tried to buy Chris with a contract to secure Maggie’s wealth and let him remain in control of his company and his property and land that was tied to it.”

  I looked at Erin. She was white. I swallowed hard worried at her reaction. I gave Ellerson a weak smile and nodded.

  “So this was all a game. So they could keep molly’s inheritance” I asked. I dropped my hands to my sides. This was always about the money.

  “They all had something to gain by keeping you and Maggie apart. And you away from the business.” Ellerson motioned towards me.

  * * *

  I looked down at Erin. I knew she had heard every word of Ellerson’s explanation. The distance in her eyes showed me that loosing Faith would slowly rip her apart. Ellerson would bring her back. He had to.

  “Do you want to go home?” I asked her, holding my breath. I was scared that she would leave me now she knew the entire truth of our entwined pasts. Erin glanced up and smiled. My stomach did a little flip. Thankful that she still trusted me.

  Erin’s face transformed into a mask of light when Justice and Peace came out. They looked shaken and unsteady, but they were alive. Erin left my arms and they huddled together, sinking to the floor.

  “Eddie.” Ellerson shouted back at me. He was making his way back towards his troops. I turned around to see him salute me. I chuckled. He was one hell of a marine. I was damn glad he was on my side.


  “Molly left documents for you and Erin. There’s a letter there too.” He added leaving his last words lingering in the air. I didn’t know if I would be ready for that yet, but for now Molly had kept Erin and I safe. For now that’s all that mattered.


  Three months later.


  “Stop trying to peek” Eddie warned me. I continued to wriggle against his hold. “It’s a surprise” he moaned, moving me further forward. Eddie stopped abruptly and released his hands from over my eyes. I blinked a few times, trying to readjust my eyes to the light.

  “Surprise” he shrilled.

  I looked out at the view and it was breath-taking. Our willow tree stood there proud in front of me. Eddie wrapped his arms around me, resting a hand over my heart. He ran the bridge of his nose down the side of my neck making my legs squeeze my thighs together. He was making me think delicious things he could do with that mouth. I smiled at that thought. I couldn’t seem to get enough of him.

  “Not that” Eddie stated, “That” he motioned my whole body towards the back of the willow tree. It was the summer house or what was left of the summer house. The building was gone and replaced with a beautiful garden. It was overflowing with different shades of whites and creams and the odd tints of pinks, blues and purples. It was a work of art. I couldn’t believe he had done this for me. I turned around in his arms and took his lips has fiercely has the love I felt for this man.

  I looked towards the home I grew up in that was now officially mine.

  I sighed with content. “I love you” I told him. “Me too, baby” he replied kissing me again.

  I looked around at everything I had and thanked my lucky stars that Eddie didn’t mind finding Erin.

  The End.

  If you enjoyed Finding Erin and fell in love with Erin and Eddie.

  Take a sneak peek at Faith and Ellerson’s story.

  Ellerson Rhodes was born a marine. He lived and served his country and the people he cared for more than life itself. Being a born American taught him that country and pride forfeited everything else, but when Ellerson finds him abandoned by everything and everyone, that he thought was most important to him, he discovered that there is life outside the military and the United States.

  Five years have taught Ellerson that loyalty and family can extend outside the US and the Military. Eddie has taught him that he could be a part of something bigger than what everything he craved in the military and the family that he longed for, until he collides with Faith Adams. The feisty Nurse awakens something in Ellerson that he thought had died, when his family had rejected him all those years ago.

  Faith Adams wasn’t your typical northern charge Nurse. She was quiet, serene and would annihilate every preconception of anyone that naively thought she was a quiet and naïve little wall flower. The northern beauty has been hiding behind every façade she could imagine up from the tender age of fourteen. Faith’s true identity is beyond national security on both sides of the Atlantic and she has to determine if trusting the Ex-marine is her only hope or her very last mistake. Faith has to decide if her true identity is worth hiding behind any longer or trying to face the tortious past that holds too many connections to the ones she loves. Can Faith trust in Ellerson to keep her safe and protected or will she decide to walk this path alone. If it has anything to do with Ellerson, he has every intention of Keeping Faith.

  Join Ellerson on his journey of Keeping Faith.


  I would like to thank my mum and sister, without your support and dedication over the last few years, I wouldn’t be here today trying to strive for the stars. To my oldest friend, you know who you are, without your council and guidance over the years, and giving me a swift kick in the right direction. I wouldn’t have sat down and created something that will hopefully make you proud.

  To the reader: I would like to thank everyone who has taken a chance on a self-publishing author. I have worked hard to create something that both my readers and I could be proud of. I hope you enjoyed Eddie as much as I did writing him.

  I hope you enjoy Finding Erin and the stories to come.

  About the Author

  America Leigh has been making up stories since she was a small child trying to escape the madness of her siblings. It wasn't until she had her children and went to University that she found her passion for writing, transferring the characters that called to her all through her adolescence over to paper. You will find America in Yorkshire drinking tea and tackling with Alpha males who won’t do as their told and heroines that don't need saving, but need possessing. America dreams of being a brilliant author who touches readers with her stories and hope they come back to beg for more.

  Find her on Facebook and her Author page

  On Twitter: @america_le





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