Book Read Free

The Time Between Us

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by ChaShiree M

  Copyright © 2018 by ChaShiree M. & MK Moore

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  Other Books and Coming Soon


  About the Authors

  This is dedicated to our mommies. We love you ladies and without your constant support and unconditional love, none of this would be possible.

  Also to Henrietta, Amanda C. and Ashlei R. All things come in it’s own time and yours is coming. Your one true love is out there and I for one am excited to be around when there is no longer time and space between you.

  To anyone still searching…. be patient and be diligent about maintaining who you are. Someone will appreciate and love you for you.

  This is not how I planned on spending the break that Penny is home. I fully intended to use the time to cement our relationship and make her stop running from me. Or at the very least, figure out why she keeps running from me. But of course, nothing in this family can be easy.

  As soon as she arrived in town, I was heading over to her house. Then, I got a phone call from Max saying Rosalind is in labor. As frustrating as the information is because it is derailing my plans with Penny, I am excited for them.

  The baby boom we have going on is awesome. I love being an Uncle. It is so much fun playing with the little people, watching their little personalities bloom, and seeing my brothers catch hell. But, it also makes me yearn for my own with Penny and having her round and swollen with my seed. To have her take my name and make us the family I knew we would be from the moment I saw her.

  Here I am sitting with my family and Penny, who is across the room, for the past four hours waiting to hear about Rosa and the baby or babies…. none of us know. I am pretty sure she has managed to keep it a secret from Max too, which is hilarious because he hates to be kept out of anything.

  Ham comes over to me and watches me staring at Penny.

  “You ever going to pop that cherry, little brother?”

  “Really, Ham? Don’t talk about her like that?”

  “Whoa Jace.” He says holding up his hands. “I meant yours, cool it. Ava would have my ass if I talked about her sister like that.”

  For some reason, I cannot stop myself from pacing. Somehow, I feel this time will be different than all the rest. There is an eerie feeling inside me, as if something is going to go wrong. Don’t ask me why or how, but it’s a gut reaction I have. As I go to make sure Kennedy is alright, while Sterling is in the bathroom changing the baby’s diaper, out walks Max. Instantly I know by the forlorn look he has, that something has happened. My mom grabs him in an embrace; letting him know we are all here for him, before he opens up and gives us the news.

  “It’s three babies. Two boys and one girl. Maxwell James Jr. 4lbs, Dale Michael III 4lbs 5oz and Selena Rose 4lbs 7oz. All healthy and beautiful…. f…….” And then, my brother breaks out in a full-on cry. My stomach jumps into my heart and suddenly, I cannot breathe. As everyone else stands there, not knowing what to do, because Max NEVER cries; I fall to my knees alongside him and put my arms around and hold him. I could care less how we look right now, this is my fucking brother and he needs me right now.

  “Max, man what’s wrong? You said the babies were ok, right? So, what’s happened? Whatever it is, you know we are here for you. Tell us so we can help bro.”

  “It’s Rosy. My Rosy lost too much blood during the cesarean and she flatlined on the table. They are working to bring her back and told me I couldn’t be in there. But Jace, I swear man, I cannot lose her. I mean, I know I am supposed to be strong and all that shit, but she is my fucking heart, without her it doesn’t beat. Do you get it? She is my fucking air Jace. I won’t be able to breath if she doesn’t. Babies. I cannot even think of the babies right now.”

  Holy shit. Rosalind is in trouble. Everyone around me is now sobbing and I can feel a tear fall down my face. I love my brothers for real, but their wives and my mom are the heart of our family. They became my sisters the minute my brothers brought them home. To lose one of them, I don’t know how our family would survive. I look to him to tell him she will be OK, but he grabs me by the shirt and blows my fucking mind.

  “Jace, if something happens to Rosy, I will no longer be able to walk this earth. One day when you fall in love with your soulmate you will understand. But, I need you to promise me if it does happen, you will take care of my babies. The others have their lives, kids, and shit. I need to know my babies will be first for someone. Can you promise me this Jace?”

  What. The. Fuck. Seriously, what else can I say? What do you say to your brother, who is seeing his whole life crumbling in front of his eyes?

  “Of course, Max. I will take care of your babies.”

  It has been a long fucking night and even though we have been here a full 12 hours, we still don’t know the progress on Rosalind; other than she is in a coma and only time will tell. Of course, Max is not going to leave, and the babies need to stay for at least a week to get their weight up.

  I stumble into the parking lot of the hospital and try to get into my car, before I lose it. Banging my hands on the top of the roof of the car, I shout as loud as I can, while tears are running down my face. Automatically I start cursing God and asking him how he could do this to our family. I do not even realize I have fallen to the ground in full blown cry, until an Angel is there and holding me in her arms.

  “Shhhh …. It’s ok Jace. I am so sorry. Everything will be ok. Come on babe. Let me get you home. You’re in no shape to drive.” She says to me.

  Vaguely realizing what is happening, I look to her and say exactly what is in my heart, “Penny. My sweet girl. Don’t leave me. I do not want to be alone tonight.” I plead with everything I have inside of me.

  “I won’t Jace. I promise. I won’t leave you.” She says.

  I do not have it in me to decide if she is talking about ever or just right now. But, I am going to take what I can get right now; because I am running the risk of becoming numb and I don’t want that to happen. Not, when my brother needs me more than ever. We make it to my place and go inside. Suddenly, I don’t know what to do. Lucky for me, Penny is here.

  “Jace, why don’t we get you undressed and in bed? You have had a long emotional day. I will fix you a drink and then you should try to sleep.” She says to try and convince me.

  All I can think about is life is too short and we must take each moment as it comes. With that thought in my head, I halt her movement and
grab her face. Looking into her eyes, I rub my thumbs over cheeks and finally tell her everything in my heart.

  “I love you Penny and I want to spend my life with you. Stop running from me, before we waste too much time.” I plead with her.

  She shocks the hell out of me, when she says, “You’re right Jace. Make love to me.”

  Fuck. It’s about damn time.

  Did I dream everything last night? Her smell is all around me, but the other side of the bed is empty. Damn. I thought last night could be the turning point in our relationship. But it looks as if she bolted. Bolted. Penny needs a good spanking and because she belongs to me, I am the man who is going to do it. The blood on my cock and in my bed proves it. At least in my eyes it does.

  Her sweet, fucking cherry is and was mine for the taking. I didn’t know but hoped she would still be pure. Her pussy was tight, wet, and everything I could hope it would be. I had never been one to jerk off, so I filled her with so much cum.

  She is my first in so many ways. I watched it flow from her perfect, pink pussy. It was the single most erotic moment of my life and I was looking forward to a repeat performance this morning. However, she is nowhere to be found. I am pissed and hurt, because I told her I loved her, and it seems to have meant nothing to her. The ache in my chest is killing me. I am not sure how to move on, even though I know she will eventually be back. I need her now.

  My mind is racing, trying to decide what do I do about Max? I have had a little time to process his words and I know he loves his wife so fucking much, that he won’t live without her. His words to me were a shock and maybe he only said them, because he was stunned by the events of delivery room.

  Jesus. I throw the sheet off my body and get out of bed to pull on some clean clothes. Taking a shower would probably be a good idea, but I must be a masochist; because I want and need the scent of her on me. The taste of her sweet pussy on my lips is still lingering.

  Shit, I am a sick man. Fuck if I care. I am going to deal with my brother and get my life together. If she doesn’t want me and judging by her disappearing act; it might take a long time to get over her, but I could never be with another woman.

  When I get to the hospital, Max looks like shit warmed over. He is sitting at Rosalind’s bedside holding her hand. She looks like an angel laying there in the bed and for a moment it has me pausing. I say a quick prayer for her recovery.

  “Max, wake up.” I say quietly. He jerks awake.

  “What? What’s going on?” He asks with a mild panic look on his face.

  “You are still in the hospital and we need to talk.” When he nods, I continue. “She is still alive, and you need to tell me what to do. There are three babies, who also need you.”

  “No, Jace. I cannot give them what they need from me right now. My mind is here in this room with her. Can you understand that? What if it was Penny?” I think about this for a minute but answer honestly.

  “Max, I would still be there for my babies. They’d need me more now, because their mother is unable to be there for them. I would hate the world, but it must go on and those three little ones need your love and attention too.”

  “I just can’t. You must help me. Please help me and take care of my babies? If you could get them strong for me and their mother, I would be forever in your debt. Their Mama is going to need them.”

  “Of course, brother. I will do this for you and I will be the best uncle in the world. We will all be waiting for you guys to come home.”

  “Godfather.” He says softly. “We were going to ask you. I did not know there was three, until we got back to the delivery room. A complete surprise to me. She had their names on a piece of paper as if she knew this was going to happen.”

  “I am sure she didn’t, Max. And I am honored to be their godfather.”

  “Thank you. The Doctor came by and said the babies are doing good. It seems they are eating and are not having any trouble with their breathing. As of now, the Doctor says there is no reason to keep them for a week and he is going to discharge them. I am not prepared to take them anywhere, let alone home without my Rosy. Rosy’s car has the car seats in the back. I only installed one, but she insisted I have one for all the cars. Thankfully, I never moved them. You will have to install the other two.” He says as he looks so defeated.

  Leaving Max sitting beside Rosy, after getting the keys to her vehicle, I go out to her car and install the car seats. After I am finished, I return to the hospital to speak to the nurse on how to and what to feed the babies. Enlisting my mom’s help, we get the babies buckled in and head to the store. Not knowing how much or how fast they will go through everything, I buy a fuck ton of diapers, wipes, and formula. I fill the cart till it’s overflowing and head to pay for it all, while my mom waits outside in the car with the sleeping babies.

  At this point, the only baby I know for certain is Selena. I am sure the boy’s personalities will emerge to help in recognizing which one is which, as the days go on. Now that I think about it, I realize I did not ask if the boys were identical or not.

  Once we are at their house and get them inside, I put all three babies in the one crib Max had ready. What was Rosalind thinking? A surprise for the family is one thing, but their home is not ready for three babies. Checking the room over, I find the extra cribs and start building the other two she has hidden in the closet of the nursery. Once I am done, I situate the babies and say a silent prayer for the strength to handle the responsibility. I know my family can be counted on to help in all ways, but the brunt of it is on me. God help us all.

  We are at the two-month mark and I have no idea what a full night’s sleep is anymore. Exhaustion was a month ago and every free moment I have is spent thinking about Penny. There are not many of those, but I cannot help wondering what she is doing? Who is she with? Has she forgotten about me? Questions as these do not help and I try and shut them down regularly.

  I know I could not have done this without the help of my family. Everyone has helped by taking shifts during the day, but at night there is only me and the babies.

  I moved into the guest room of Max and Rosalind’s cabin for the time being. My first day with the babies, I notice Max Jr. has a cute birthmark on his tushie. Thank goodness, because it makes telling them apart easy. Selena has me wrapped around her tiny little finger. Dale is my chubby baby and eats all the damn time. They are sleeping fifteen to sixteen hours a day and love the sound of the vacuum cleaner. Thank God for the ability to stream sounds.

  Rosalind is still in the hospital and I have only seen Max a few times. He continues to refuse seeing the babies. Something’s got to give. It’s not hard for me to think of them as my babies. I have quite the routine for dressing and getting them bathed.

  Max Jr. and Selena went down at 8:30, leaving me and Dale the only ones still up. As is his usual he is eating for the millionth time today, when my phone vibrates off the side table. I lean down and pick it up off the floor. When I answer it is Max, but I can only understand every other word he is saying.

  “She… awake… Rosy… awake…”

  “Max. Did you call Mom? She can be there faster than I can. The babies are sleeping.”

  “I did. Jace, bring me my children. Please. My wife is asking me for them. I never thought I’d hear her voice again.” He strings the words together as he is trying not to sob in my ear.

  “We will be there as soon as I get them bundled.” Quickly changing their diapers and then getting them dressed; I load them one at a time. I had found a trio stroller on Amazon cheap and that’s how I’ve been getting the babies around by myself. When I get to the hospital, Selena and Max Jr are in the stroller and I am wearing Dale in the Moby; because he is on a different sleep schedule.

  I am not prepared for the entire family to be there, including Penny to my surprise. How long has she been back in town? Why didn’t she come to see me? Are only a few of the questions I would like to have answers to. When our eyes lock across the waiting room, her e
yes flicker down to Dale as I kiss the top of his head, soothing him because he has gotten fussy. She smiles and nods at me. I cannot believe how beautiful she looks right now.

  I have a strong urge to paddle her sexy ass.

  She is the most beautiful vision I have ever seen. Her long hair is in a messy bun and her thick cable knit sweater is mine. I thought I had lost it, but the little minx stole it. It helps to make me smile, even as her eyes are red rimmed with tears for her friend. The last two months have done nothing to deter my unbreakable love for her, if anything it has grown stronger.

  When Max walks into the family waiting room, he looks like a different man. He is smiling when he sees the babies for the first time, since they left here. It is priceless. From out of the corner of my eye, I notice my mom taking a candid shot of the reunion.

  Over the last sixty days, I have formed a bond with these babies. Selena and Max are independent as hell. They sleep alone and need me only at feeding time, bath time, and diaper changing time. Dale is another story, altogether. He is a clinger and must sleep with me. Generally, I must wear him while dealing with his siblings because his pitiful tears make me feel awful. I must constantly remind myself, he is not mine and I am going to have to give them back to their parents. It gutses me every time I think about it.

  Fatherhood was never on my radar, until I met Penny. I had to wait for her to grow up, which I know was less than a year, but fuck if I almost wasn’t that guy.

  “Hey Jace.” Max says as he is trying to hug me but sleeping Dale won’t allow it.

  “Hey brother. How is she?” I ask.

  “Tired, but they said it is to be expected. She has stayed awake to see the babies. Will you help me take them back to her?” He asks.

  You guys can go. Thanks for coming to see her. She told me to remind you, she loves you and to come back when you can. We are still going to be here for a while. She needs to have some physical therapy for her legs.” He says before turning back to me.


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