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Leather Clad Women (Fem-Dom BDSM erotica)

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by Jay Merson

  Leather-clad Women


  Jay Merson

  © Copyright Jay Merson 2000.

  ©Copyright. Jay Merson 2000. The right of Jay Merson to be identified as the author of this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Copying of this manuscript, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the author or his publisher is strictly prohibited and would constitute a breach of copyright held. All characters in this story are aged eighteen years and over.

  Smashwords Edition

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  Chapter 1

  "Are you of Scottish decent then?" Marinella asked naively.

  Pauline sighed heavily and sipped at her larger and lime. She swung her legs around and over the bench seat to sit astride the wooden bench in the pub garden.

  "No you silly, the 'Clan' hasn’t anything to do with Scotland."

  Marinella looked perplexed and lit a cigarette, throwing the empty packet casually into the centre of the wide picnic-style table.

  "So what is it then? This 'Clan' of yours?" her tone was one of boredom and only mild interest in the conversation.

  Pauline straightened her body, took a deep breath and rested her hands on her denim-clad thighs, "Sex, hot and raw, sex on our terms and as we want it to be, not as the men see it."

  Marinella shrugged her shoulders unimpressed and looked absently down the pub garden, "Sex is sex and no great shakes - leastwise not for me."

  Pauline spun around and sliding her legs under the table, her elbows resting on the hard wooden tabletop and she leaned toward her friend. Her voice was high in pitch and thrilled excitement.

  "But that's the whole point. Sex as we know it simply isn't proper sex. A cock in a pussy, pump away for a few minutes and then roll off and go to sleep? I want more out of it than that, others do and you do too, I think."

  "True enough, but what and how?"

  A huge smile broke over Pauline's face, "That is what the 'Clan' is all about, the very reason it was formed."

  Marinella seemed unconvinced or simply disinterested, “Like another drink?"

  "Fuck the drink," Pauline realised that she had raised her voice and tempered to talk across the table in a hushed whisper. "Look, we are in our late twenties...."

  "Very late twenties actually”, Marinella interjected.

  "Okay, all the more reason to break out of the rut. I'm sick of washing smelly bloody socks and cooking for a man that can hump me only when he is drunk, with the lights out and when it suits him - how it suits him. I need to scratch my itch, in different and exciting ways. The three other women that make up the Clan are in and so am I. Are you, in or out?"

  "What will it cost me?" Marinella asked suspiciously.

  Pauline huffed in derision at the suggestion, "It's you that has the Scots in you if anyone Miss tight-wad. It will cost you nothing except lots of energy to cope with the multiple orgasms you will have to suffer."

  Marinella's head snapped back to look incredulously at her friend, “Now I'm interested."

  Pauline chuckled, "Thought that would do it, you dirty little hussy."

  "You are too," Marinella countered, "coming up with such an impractical idea as the 'Clan.'

  "Why impractical? Don't you want good, hot sex on your terms?

  "Of course I do but how?"

  Pauline sat back, draining the last of her larger and lime, her tone sarcastic, "I will have that other drink now, if you don't mind spending the money of course."

  "Meow," Marinella responded and poked out her tongue. She rose from the bench, took the glasses and went into the bar. When she returned, she placed the full glasses graciously down on the table and settled herself again.

  "The 'Clan,'” Pauline enthused, her eyes wide and her tone one of high excitement, "Is a group of five girls - women - together we plan to use and sexually abuse men, to say how it will be and to get the sex that we want."

  Marinella huffed and sat back, "Big words but no action."

  Pauline took a huge gulp of her drink then posed the question, "When did you last suck cock eh?"

  "Just a few weeks ago actually," Marinella retorted icily.

  "Was he tied up and helpless? Was he hard and simply begging for you to get your mouth over the head of his cock?"

  Marinella gasped, "Tied? You mean tied up?"

  "I mean exactly that. Helpless and completely at your mercy, teased to the point of almost coming and then some more."

  "Good God, just the thought of it gets me all....You know...."

  "Horny?" Gets you all horny and wet for it?"

  "Ssssh," Marinella cautioned putting her finger to her lips. She glanced nervously around her lest they should be overheard. "Keep your voice down, those blokes over there might hear us."

  "So, all the better if they do. That will get their cocks twitching and interested won't it?"

  Marinella flushed, "Pauline please, you'll get them thinking that we are....Well, easy."

  Pauline laughed aloud, “Any bloke that thinks that is in for a shock; the girls of the 'Clan' are anything but easy. Harder than even their cocks will ever be in fact."

  Marinella's voice became serious, she leaned forward, her tone now more enquiring and probing.

  "You seem so well, in control. You appear to know exactly what you want, and aim to get it."

  "All part of being in the Clan," Pauline stated simply.

  "Is it really that good?"

  Pauline swung a leg lazily back over the bench to straddle it once more, her tight jeans pulling to hug her slim thighs and display their shape, "Better, or it will be once we are five. At present there are four of us - you could be number five - then we will be complete and begin."

  "And the men, where are all these men supposed to come from?"

  Pauline smiled knowingly, "Look at those three blokes over there. What do you think their answer would be if I were to ask them this 'fancy coming back to my place so that I can tie you up, tease you to death and then fuck your lights out,” She paused for effect, "Think any of them would say no?"

  "Take your point," Marinella conceded, "So when does this 'Clan' get going then?"

  "Just as soon as you say yes, we can meet as a group, iron out the finer details, get pissed whilst we do it and have a bloody good time into the bargain."

  Marinella sighed wistfully and then gave a wicked smile, "I'm in," she said emphatically and added playfully, "you slut."

  "Great," Pauline responded in delight and raised her glass in toast "bitch."

  Both girls giggled loudly and long, the Clan was now formed in principle, they could then, move forward in the effecting of the plan.

  Chapter 2

  In the remote farmhouse lounge the three women sat drinking coffee and gossiping generally. The subject soon turned to the forming of the Clan as steered that way by Sheila. She couldn't contain a delighted smile as she announced to the others, "We are now five, had a phone call from Pauline today; she has recruited our fifth member, same age as her."

  The other women clapped their hands and squealed in delight.

  "So we can get started at last?" Kate questioned hopefully.

  Sheila stood and jerked her hips in a lewd and base thrusting of her crotch, "We most certainly can, orgasms here we come!"

  "And come we most certainly will," Kate giggled in response, "many times - I hope."

  Anna was silent now, her expression and mood serious.

  "I'm concerned, these other two members, Pauline and her new recruit. Well, they are younger than us."

  "Not by much," Sheila countered and sat slowly down in her seat. "We are in our mid thirties and they are late twenties, nothing wrong there is there?"

  "Well, it has to be said that men go for younger girls, like Pauline and presumably her friend is too. They would get far more 'pulls' on men than we would."

  Sheila sipped her coffee and sat back, crossing her legs casually, "Lots of men prefer older women, more mature and knowing women," she raised an eyebrow and winked playfully, "anyway, the whole point of the Clan is that we share what comes in. A man is brought in and we all get to use him if we wish. We 'oldies' will actually gain by the younger one's pulling power and visa verse."

  Anna' face lit up, "Brilliant. I knew when you came up with original idea of the Clan that you would have thought of all angles."

  It was Sheila that now became serious, "Besides, if the men won't come willingly, "she paused for effect, "We take them and abuse them."

  Both Anna and Kate sat silently absorbing the full implications of her statement.

  "Kidnap you mean?" Kate questioned.

  "I mean kidnap."

  "But that's illegal," Anna said in a concerned tone.

  Sheila stood and went over to the drinks cabinet, took three glasses and bottle of martini and returned to her seat, "How many men, that have had five good-looking women playing around sexually with them, fucking them and generally bringing them off, do you think would complain to the police?" Sheila poured the drinks and offered them, "Not one of them I don't think and even if they did, it would be our five statements against their one."

  "Certainly adds a most exciting element," Kate offered.

  "Exactly, it heightens the thrill if they aren't willing. Imagine grabbing them, roping them, tearing their clothes from their bodies and...."

  "Oh God," Ana muttered, I can feel myself getting all....all...."

  Sheila giggled and proposed a toast, "To the Clan."

  "And men," Kate added.

  They drank and giggled; their thoughts however were on the sex to come. Focusing on the various ways in which they could gain their orgasms at the expense of their male subjects.


  Pauline hadn't waited, she couldn't. The burning need in her pussy, fuelled by the recent talk and planning of the Clan had made her need unbearable.

  She was in an alley, her back pressed against the wall and her skirt up around her waist. She wore no panties and her legs were gripped tightly around the man's waist, crossed at the ankles behind his back.

  His ebony black face nuzzled at her breasts in the open front of her blouse and his hips pounded urgently to drive his big cock up inside her pussy.

  Her hands gripped his shoulders to tug hard and to urge him to drive even harder into her. Her mouth hung open and her eyes rolled in their sockets as the thick rod of warm black flesh drove into her. His big hands gripped her thighs to support her weight and to add purchase to his frantic rutting. His pubic bone smashed hard against her excited clitoris with powerful inward thrust to add further wonderful sensations to those already rushing through her. Pauline cried out and came; her body racked a series of wrenching spasms that jerked her slim frame. She sighed loudly and relaxed then came again as she felt spurts of his warm sperm jetting into her moist, warm interior.


  Sheila posed before the gathered Clan, the skin-tight leather suit hugging her slim figure to show ever curve of her shapely body. The soft leather pulled harshly over and under breasts to lift and to separate her breasts in as two full peaks of desire. The black material clung to her firm buttocks and moulded itself to the shape of her mons and slender thighs; only her face and hands were visible as bare flesh. With her long brown hair falling to her shoulders, the glossy red lipstick and high neck of the suit her face was framed as a sensual yet sinter mask of sheer sexual alluring. The long black boots, high-heeled and polished added to her height and her air of command.

  "Wow!" Kate gasped to break the stunned silence that had existed in the room since her entrance into the room.

  "My God," Marinella breathed in awe as she moved her gaze over the sleek and menacing looking woman before them.

  "Is that really you in there?" Anna quipped to ease the electrically charged atmosphere.

  Sheila strutted and posed; turning and parading like a catwalk model.

  "Great isn't it?" she beamed her delight at the shocked reactions of her friends, "what man wouldn't get hard seeing us dressed like this? It even has a little removable flap to allow access to your pussy for a cock."

  The other women sat spellbound, watching her lithe body move and nodding absently their agreement to her statement.

  "The new uniform of the Clan," Sheila announced proudly, "each of us will have one identical to this."

  The delight and approval showed on the women's faces as they sat silently visualising themselves in just such a suit and trying to imagine the feel of it against their naked bodies beneath.

  "Yeah okay, but at what price, they look prohibitively expensive," It was Marinella that posed the question of cost.

  "Nothing," Sheila retorted rather icily and then softened her tone once attention was gained, "The suits, and in fact all of the running costs of the Clan will cost you nothing."

  "Nothing, Anna asked suspiciously and slightly sarcastically, "So just who the hell then, is going to give us five obviously expensive leather suits and pay the running costs?"

  Sheila walked across the room from one side to the other; she turned theatrically, her arms stretched wide out to her sides.

  "Why, the men of course."

  "Prostitutes?" three of the women protested as one in shocked reaction.

  "I'm not one of them and I'm not doing it for money," Kate added, offended at the very suggestion.

  "And why the hell not may I ask?" Sheila responded swiftly. "I don't mean fucking for a price. I envisage getting our goodies from them and then asking, or taking, a contribution from the grateful men toward the running costs."

  "It would have to be a sizeable contribution I think," Kate said wisely.

  "Their dicks or the money," Pauline quipped to bring a round of laughter that helped eased the tension that had built.

  "Makes perfectly good sense to me," Marinella stated.

  "I agree," Pauline said in confirmation. "I certainly couldn't afford it otherwise."

  Sheila continued, smoothing her red painted fingernails down over her hips and thighs to add emphasis to her shapely body, "My husband, none of our husbands, need know anything of our activities in the Clan."

  Kate raised her hand to indicate that she had an opinion to offer, "I'll certainly have trouble explaining away a leather suit hanging in my wardrobe. When my husband finds it all hell will break loose."

  A round of vocal agreement came from the others and then fell to a tense silence as they awaited Sheila's response.

  Sheila paced back and forth, her head down and expression one of deep thought. Her hands were clasped behind her back and she remained silent for a few moments. Her voice then took on a harsh and rebuking tone, portraying her irritation at the constant negative thinking of her friends. Her head lifted, nostril flaring and eyes blazing excited anger.

  "You all want good hot sex - right? Sex on your terms and they way you want it to be?"

  All nodded and muttered their agreement, none wishing to challenge her obvious anger.

  "So? Just what is your problem? Do you think I had in mind taking these men back to our own homes, of course not?" She paused
and breathed deeply to control her emotions. "We have a large barn on the west side of the farm. My husband never goes there, it is watertight, closed in and discrete. We can take the men there; store the suits and other equipment there, the van also."

  "Van, what van?" Pauline asked.

  "We can't use our own cars now can we?"

  All agreed on that.

  "Look Sheila, Sorry, it's just that...."

  "Just that you know what you want but are too bloody hesitant and fearful of going out and making it happen. Are we together in this or not?"

  A loud chorus of agreement filled the room, glasses were recharged with drink and they drank happily.

  "Good!" Sheila stated firmly. "Let's then go forward to bigger and better orgasms, bigger and better than we have ever known - and more of them."

  The cheering continued for many minutes, glasses chinked and Sheila's praise was sung over and over. The Clan was now formed; the girls were together and thinking as one - as it had been planned.


  Marinella's house was their chosen location, as the only divorced member of the Clan they felt safe there. Pauline was in another bedroom getting into her suit and Marinella stood in her own bedroom admiring the effect in the long mirror of the wardrobe. She was stunned but pleased at how slim and attractive she looked. Slightly evil and yet so wonderfully sensual, the soft leather felt delightful on her body despite the struggle to get into it. She loved the way it hugged every contour of her body, pulling down in between her thighs and portraying her shape in all the right places. She felt a sense of command, of control and a confidence about herself previously unknown.

  The high-heeled boots not only added to her height but also shaped her thighs admirably. The tall thin heels and the angle of her foot meant that her back was required to arch and her chest push out to increase the overall tightness of the suit. It also added to that bold and confident look that she now had about her.


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