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Leather Clad Women (Fem-Dom BDSM erotica)

Page 2

by Jay Merson

  She turned and posed, admiring her reflection, smoothing her hands down over her taut buttocks and thrilling at the feelings it produced for her. The girl cupped her breasts and caressed them, kneading the soft orbs through the thin leather covering. It felt delightful and the strong smell of leather wafting up into her nostrils added yet another dimension to the thrill she felt.

  One hand slid down over her stomach, smoothing over the tight mound of her mons and pressing the material into the folds of her pussy. Marinella gasped at the sensations it produced. She shifted her feet apart slightly so that the whole of the flat of her hand covered her pussy, the feel of that action send surges of tugging sensation fluttering through her insides. Her nipples had hardened and pressed wonderfully against the inside of the material and then it dawned on her - walking!

  Marinella took a deep breath and then a couple of steps. It hit her instantly, powerful and tearing were the sensations as the suit rubbed her nipples. Best of all for her though was the way the leather rubbed over her pussy lips and scraped over her hard clitoris. The girl gasped at the strength of the feelings, paused to compose herself and then took another step. It felt wonderful, simply wonder. Moving masturbation that was heaven sent. She took three more steps and then more, steeling herself in the lead up to her fast approaching orgasm. Marinella panted as she walked, turning to stride back down the room, the pounding feelings coming to her in increasing strength and frequency. Her head felt light and detached, her body began to tremble in pre-orgasmic flutters, her legs stiffened and she braced herself in readiness.

  "What do think?" Pauline's loud voice broke the spell as she entered the room.

  Marinella left out a huge sigh and rested against the wardrobe to steady herself, "Christ I was on the point of coming when you came in."

  "Sorry," Pauline sang, "carry on don't mind me."

  Marinella was bent over at the waist now, her hands on her knees and sucking in air to control her trembling body.

  Pauline posed before the mirror.

  "I didn't like all of the talcum powder bit needed to get the suit on so I used baby oil instead and the effects!"

  Marinella groaned loudly.

  "God," Pauline continued, "the way it slides around over my entire body as I walk and around my pussy? Mmmm, it squelches as I move, massaging my pussy lips and...."

  Marinella screamed, her head threw back and her body crashed hard back against the wardrobe. She shook and jerked as she orgasm tore through her and then whimpered softly in pleasure as she slid down to sit on the floor.

  Pauline looked slightly shocked by the obvious power of her friend's orgasm. A most erotic sight it had been indeed and she felt privileged to have been able to watch it.

  "Perhaps I might try the baby oil myself next time, "she said and clutched at her own pussy.

  Chapter 3

  The waiter in the restaurant was returning her eye contact at every opportunity. Holding her stare as he went about his work but returning often to clear and to attend table that really didn't need any attention.

  Pauline had simply ordered a coffee and was on her second now. She had ogled him constantly since her arrival, letting him know of her interest in him, her very real interest, her sexual interest. The way his tight black trousers showed his tight little backside and the lump in the front, his jet-black hair and fine facial features but those deep smouldering eyes of his. She sighed wistfully and finished her coffee. That ever-present nagging ache in her pussy had grown to a dull and throbbing need that simply had to be scratched. The Clan activities would begin soon and that couldn't be soon enough for her.

  He at last made the move, the smiling waiter came over to her table and stood dutifully beaming down at her.

  "Would you like anything else now? I'm about to go off duty."

  Pauline gave him a knowing smile in return, "Are the toilets free do you know?"

  He swallowed hard and nodded, "Let me show you through to them."

  Her eyes roamed his taut buttocks as he led the way through the small corridor and to the toilets. He held the door open for her to pass and she did, pausing to stare straight into his eyes.

  He was at her the instant that she entered the cubicle, circling his arms around her waist from behind and fumbling excitedly to lift her skirt.

  Pauline leaned forward to place her hands on the cistern as her skirt was pulled up and her panties down. She felt the head of his warm cock nudging at her pussy lips and then locating in the entrance to her pussy. She cried out as he pushed fully up into her, warm and throbbing, his stiff cock filled her completely. Her body has bucked and jarred as he rammed into her, his hands stroking greedily over her naked thighs and under her body to squeeze at her breasts. Hungry and hasty, crude but so nice, his movements were frantic and heated in his great urgency.

  He came, grunting and tensing as he pumped his sperm deep up inside her. It was at that point that Pauline came too, biting her bottom lip to stifle her scream of deep sexual satisfaction and joy.


  The barn was everything that Sheila had said it would be; large, sturdily built and well-maintained but more importantly, it was remote and private. It laid nestled back in a small wooded copse, at the edge of a field and served by a single muddy track. Its rustic appearance and charming location belied its intended new use.

  "Visited only occasionally by a single farm manger," Sheila explained at the women gathered outside it, "and he will not be a problem."

  She winked and smiled wickedly; the others understood instantly her meaning and her plans for the man.

  Inside, the barn was spacious and even the white transit van parked just inside the big double doors was dwarfed in proportion in the vast open space. A mezzanine floor served as a hayloft, spanning half of the barn at the back, beneath that, a row of wooden stalls that had once housed horses.

  The women of the Clan filed in, looking around them in awe, assessing the barn's suitability for their intended activities. Anna ran to the wooden stalls, peeking into each one like an excited child exploring a cave.

  Once the initial inspection was over, the women gathered around in the centre of the open floor, sitting on bales of straw and chatting excitedly.

  "Our leather suits?" Sheila asked, seeking confirmation of what she already knew.

  Marinella blushed red whilst the others all enthusiastically voiced their delight with the leather outfits.

  "Okay then. We are all set...."

  "When do we get at the men then?" Pauline asked and rubbed her hands together greedily, a most lecherous expression on her face.

  "Training first," Sheila announced and was greeted with a round of groans of disappointment.

  "Fine," she stated in irritation, "Someone tell me then, describe to me, what we do to our first catch."

  "Bonk his lights out," Kate quipped to loud giggling.

  "Suck his dick off," another offered.

  "And then?" Sheila asked sarcastically.

  Many more suggestions were offered in the heat of the moment then lessened to leave the women looking at one another, lost for further thought. Silence reigned, they then all realised that the plan required more though than they had considered.

  "What do you suggest then Sheila?" Anna asked to break the stillness and tension.

  The tall brunette stood, asserting her authority and taking command once again, “As I said - training. It is pointless coming this far and then not making the most of it."

  "How, what sort of training?" Marinella asked naively.

  Sheila broke a huge grin, "But with the real thing of course - how else?"

  "With a man, you mean?" Pauline asked excitedly.

  Sheila chuckled at her friend's wide-eyed and hopeful look.

  "Remember the farm manager I mentioned to you outside?"

  Little excited gasps escaped the women's lips and they looked eagerly and expectantly around the barn to try to gain sight of him.

  "Where is he then?" was a
disappointed comment.

  "Don your suits first ladies. Whenever the Clan meets it is leather-clad and no other way."

  An electrically charged atmosphere existed as the women all stood and began to undress.

  "Baby oil," Pauline whispered to Marinella, "I'm bloody well using oil this time!"

  The dressing took not some little time as the naked women helped powder each other and to get into the tight, figure-hugging suits. When all were set the women stood close together in the open area of the barn, black leather-clad goddesses of simmering sexual power.

  Sheila handed a polished black riding crop to each of the women, "Courtesy of our farm manger and victim for tonight. I have until now girls financed the suits and the other set-up costs of the Clan. I aim to recoup that expense from our first few catches."

  "Yes, yes," Pauline said impatiently, "The first bloody hundred if you like - let's just get at this first one."

  The rousing cheer from the other girls echoed her impatience and Sheila nodded her approval. She strode importantly over to the back of the van and paused with her hand on the door handle, "Ladies of the Clan, the leather-clad Clan," she announced formally, "I give you - our first victim."

  She pulled the doors wide open to excited shrieks from the girls.

  The man was totally naked and gagged with a white cloth tied around and over his mouth. His hands were bound behind his back and he knelt fearfully in the confines of the van. He cowered back as the women piled into the van, grabbed him and pulled him unceremoniously out to kneel on the straw-strewn floor of the barn.

  "Ooooh," Anna giggled. "Just look at that sausage will you, Beats my old man's any day."

  Her remark brought forth much laughter and shouted comments. All were derisive and humiliating, adding to the man's shame and embarrassment. He knelt there, his head hung in shame and face flushed red as the women mocked him mercilessly.

  Sheila stepped in, her hand raised, to bring the gathering to order, "Now girls, let's see how the little shit likes the taste of the crop."

  In one swift and graceful move, Sheila raised the crop above her shoulder and brought it down with a sickeningly hard thwack, directly onto the man's pale buttocks.

  A stunned silence, a sexually charged and excited silence reigned. The women watched in disbelief as Sheila laid lash after savage lash on the murmuring man. They thrilled as his body jerked under the impact of each savage lash. The way the vivid red marks appeared on his white skin, but best of all was the wild excitement that Sheila transmitted as she thrashed him.

  She was like a woman possessed, flailing frantically in her high excitement. Her eyes blazed and her nostrils flared, her mouth hung open and she grunted little gasps as she swung into each lash. Her sleek body moved so sensually, the tight suit pulling into all the right places with her body movements. Sheila was lost in a heady world of high sexual excitement; she seemed detached and so aroused that she had lost sense of how many lashes she had laid on the man.

  All of the women felt it too, that electric pumping thrill and sadistic pleasure from watching the man suffering at the hands of her their friend. Their pussies were wet, nipples hard and jutting. Their clitorises ached their need and all of them felt the communal sexual charge of the situation. They watched spellbound and speechless as they viewed the erotic spectacle. To have a grovelling man at their feet, to be abusing him so, inflicting pain and under their command, the mix of emotions that they felt exceeded anything previously known to them. It was a high to end them all, a pounding, thumping thrill that coursed through their bodies like tidal waves of sensation.

  At last Sheila halted, she was panting hard, her chest heaving, her face was flushed bright red. Her eyes sparkled sexual thrill and she simply glowed with an aura of sheer animal lust.

  "Tie him," she blurted between great gulps of air as she tried to stem her rising orgasm, "over there, over a bale of straw."

  It took several moments for the women to break the compelling spell and to shake themselves into action. They complied with Sheila's instruction, without question or reluctance. The women worked as one to push, drag and shove the blubbering man over to and to lie across the bale. The stretched him and roped him, pulling his arms out to the front, pulling his ankles wide apart and then tying those also.

  He looked slightly ridiculous in that position, bound and helpless. Face down, his stomach and cock resting on the bale with his great hairy buttocks presented high and pulled wide. The red crop marks stood out on his bruised flesh to bear testimony to the severity of the beating he had received.

  "Thrash him," Sheila shrieked excitedly, "thrash the worthless shit of a man."

  Anna took the lead, moving to position herself to the side of him. Hesitantly she raised the crop and then swung down with a terrible force fuelled by pumping sexual excitement.

  His body bucked and jerked, he pulled at his bonds and thrashed his head as he suffered the agony of the cruel lash. Despite his pain the man came, shuddering with the jerking spasms of orgasm as well as the lash of the crop.

  That sight, and on her second lash Anna came too, her whole body locked rigid, her back arched and a gurgle emitted from her open mouth. She shook and shuddered as the ripping sensations tore at her insides. Anna screamed a pained wailing of intense pleasure that broke the heavy silence that existed in the barn. Her body then relaxed and she slumped panting to her knees to roll over onto her side mewing softly.

  At that moment they all knew. The erotic sight of Anna in orgasm, the powerful climax she had received and the way her body reacted to portray the depth of the sexual satisfaction achieved. There could be no turning back now. All were totally committed, body and soul, to serving the Clan.


  She allowed him, had given him permission to do so and he did so with a loving reverence. Marinella was standing in her favourite spot before her long mirror, watching her reflection and the man's back.

  He was naked and kneeling, his hard cock sticking out from between his thighs in high excitement. His face looked up lovingly at the standing Marinella and his hands stroked over the firm leather covering her slim body. Her thighs, first the outer and then the inner parts of her legs, his hands slipped around to caressed her taut buttocks before sliding slowly over her waist and up to the jutting mounds of her breasts. His trembling hands and fingers kneaded and caressed her through the thin leather; the man moaned constantly his need and that pleased the girl much.

  This one had been easy to snare. She didn't need the Clan or Sheila to 'train' she was experienced enough and this private escapade simply proved that. She knew him, a neighbour of hers. Middle-aged but not bad she had always felt. He had leered at her constantly over the last few years. Always seeming to be busy but ogling furtively. That leering had continued after her divorce with a renewed interest, her availability seeming to further his interest. Marinella watched his hands roaming her body, in reverse, in the reflection of her mirror. She recalled how his mouth had dropped open when she had approached him. He had been gardening, mowing the lawn and looking around him anxiously lest his wife should see him talking to her. That in itself held a certain thrill, the naughtiness, the secretive way that he desperately longed for her and yet was so afraid. Marinella felt certain that the man had almost come in his pants as she had suggested that he might 'come round to her place.'

  His hands now slid down over her stomach, pausing hesitantly and then gliding in circles around her mons before slipping in between her firm thighs to brush against her leather covered pussy.

  Her reaction was swift and severe; Marinella lashed at his naked shoulders with the riding crop in a series of wild blows that stung the man most painfully.

  "Not my pussy," she rebuked him, "I said not my pussy. Now get behind me and do my back."

  The man wobbled and shuffled on his knees around behind her, his hands immediately covering her firm, rounded buttocks to begin an adoring caressing.

  "Please," he whimpered. "This has g
one on long enough, please let me."

  Her foot shot hard backward, the thin heel of her boot digging spitefully into the front of his thigh to bring a sharp yelp of pain from him.

  "I will tell when it time," she breathed to try to stem her rising excitement and to make the sensations last. "I that is, I will allow you."

  It looked so wonderful to see herself standing as she was. Her reflection showed a stunning slim girl dressed in shiny black. Her fair hair was long, down to her shoulders and her bright red lips stood out in prominence on her face. The girl looked sinister yet so alluring, slightly evil yet so attractive. The new masks that Sheila had issued them with added to that mysterious and devilish look. Leather also and in matching black, the mask covered the nose and around the eyes, enough to hide her identity but allowing her full sight through the eyes holes and leaving her mouth fully usable - and accessible.

  The white of the man's hands and fingers looked like wriggling little snakes on the black leather as the stroked and felt over her hips and thighs.

  The pumping thrill of having him at her command, a pathetic little wimp that would anything she told him to simply in the hope of getting into her. That thought pleased her more as she watched herself. Between her legs her pussy was so wet that she could feel the juices begin to leak down the inside of the suit. Her nipples were so hard and throbbing that they ached, the time was getting near and soon, she would have to break the wonderful spell and bring it to an end.

  "Stand and come around to my front," she ordered and chuckled inwardly as the excited man almost tripped in his haste to comply. A great surge of sensation shot through her at his hopeful and pleading expression.

  "Press yourself against me," she said in a low and sensual tone.

  The two naked bodies met, separated only by the thin leather covering of the suit. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her lower belly, as it lay sandwiched between them. His chest pressed against her firm breasts and his face close to hers, their lips only inches apart.


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