Book Read Free

Perfect Little Plan

Page 1

by Jennifer Miller

  Table of Contents

  Title Page





























  About the Author


  Copyright © 2014 by Jennifer Miller All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, distributed, stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form of by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, without express permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes, if done so constitutes a copyright violation. This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used.

  Cover Design: Wicked By Design

  Formatted by: Kassi Cooper of Kassi’s Kandids Formatting

  UPON OPENING MY EYES, the pain resonating through my head is so fierce, I quickly close them again. Groaning softly, I massage my temples to try to soothe the demanding ache. God, what did I do last night? As if by magic, vivid flashes of images from the night before come to my mind. Engagement party. Surprising feelings of longing. Drinks. Lots of drinks. A sexy man with a slight southern drawl, and sex. Hot, amazing sex. “Oh God.”

  Last night was Luke and Olivia’s engagement party. Honored and excited to be my best friend’s maid of honor and have a front seat in helping celebrate her dreams coming true, I sat next to her, smiling like a Cheshire cat at her happiness. Her smiles made me smile, her laugh made my heart feel full of happiness. I love seeing Olivia so happy. Memories of a shared childhood streamed through my mind. I still remember when she would come to my house when we were little, and we dressed up in my step-mom’s heels and jewelry. We’d dress in old evening dresses and white scarves, pretending they were veils and conducted our own little pretend weddings. My mom has a picture of us somewhere.

  What I didn’t expect to feel last night, was the small ache I felt in my chest while watching them interact. Luke and Olivia are so in sync with one another. It’s like watching poetry in motion. He completes her sentences, and she his, without even realizing it. No matter where one of them is in the room, the other’s body seems to automatically lean toward its soul mate, as if the distance is difficult and the soul keeps seeking to connect with its match. Intense longing for something comparable found its way inside of me, and I remember needing to numb the feeling any way I could.

  With a swagger of my hips, and a broad smile on my face, I sauntered up to the bar and started ordering one drink after another. Just thinking about the alcohol now, makes me emit another small groan of pain. In hindsight, perhaps using alcohol to numb my feelings wasn’t such a good idea. Hindsight’s a bitch.

  Laughing a little to myself and letting out a big sigh, I ease onto my other side, eyes still closed, forcing out the light that begs for entry. Feeling restless and uneasy for some unknown reason, I stretch out my legs and toes, trying to counteract the feeling. I smile a little as I recall getting to know one of Luke’s friends better last night – Rixton. He’s sexy as hell and I flirted with him shamelessly, thinking why the hell not? No harm, no foul. He’s been working at the club for the last six months or so. From what I understand, he called Luke about eight months ago and said he was trying to get back to Chicago. He and Luke went to college together, and then I understand, he moved back to Texas at some point. When Luke had an opening for a manager, he called Rixton, hired him, and, as they say, the rest is history.

  Rixton and I have treaded lightly around one another since his arrival. I see him at the club whenever I go and we flirt constantly. He’s jokingly asked me out a few times, but I always laugh it off. He’s hot, smart and extremely full of himself; a dangerous and fun combination. He’s easily the kind of man you could lose your head and heart with if you aren’t careful.

  At one point last night we even did a shot together. I was laughing at something meaningless, finding most everything funny at that point. Rixton didn’t seem to mind. While it was certainly fun to just flirt and let myself go, it can’t happen again. I know I will see him at the club of course, and since he is Luke’s best man in the wedding, some contact will be inevitable, but I need to try to avoid him. He’s seriously not my type. At all. I sigh and amend that thought. He’s not my type, aside from his killer good looks, built body, amazing laugh, panty-dropping smile, his light southern drawl that’s almost undetectable unless he emphasizes it on purpose when he calls me “darlin’.” Dammit, focus! Besides all that, he’s not my type, but I’m smart. I didn’t let that fact keep me from admiring the qualities he otherwise clearly possesses.

  Reflecting, I remember being totally over the top, flirtatiously flinging my hair behind my shoulder, and God help me even leaning slightly forward, making sure my cleavage was provocative and that my breasts were thrust out just enough to attract his attention. Clearly no stranger to flirting women, his eyes twinkled at me in amusement and interest. I feel my grin grow as I picture his golden brown eyes, the color of aged whiskey.

  “Rixton,” I moan to myself in recollection.

  “Good morning to you too, darlin’.”

  My stomach slams up into my throat, as I open my eyes and simultaneously let out a blood-curdling scream, realizing there is a person in bed next to me. And not just any person – Rixton. Oh God. Rixton is in my bed. And grinning. At me. Right now.

  I jump out of my bed, arms flailing like a damn muppet as I jump up and down. Looking at Rixton, his grin becomes wider and it takes a complete thirty seconds to realize that I’m completely naked and my jumping is giving him quite a show. I squeak out a noise then find myself gasping for huge amounts of air. Oh hell, I can’t breathe. My mouth is opening and closing like a fish.

  “You’re going to pass out, darlin’. Need a paper bag?”

  I ignore the jackass in my bed and feel myself swaying from side to side, trying to decide if I should make a dash to my closet, or what the hell I should do. Grabbing a pillow, I press it tightly to my body, using it to cover up the important parts while yanking at the blanket on my bed with the other hand.

  When the blanket is safely around me, I look at my bed and take in the naked, yes naked, man lying there. Seeming completely unconcerned about the fact I’ve taken the only thing covering his nakedness, he casually crosses his legs at the ankle, throws his arms behind his head and smiles, yes smiles, at me.

  “Who… what… how…” While on one hand I can’t wrap my mind around what I’m seeing, at the same time, my traitorous eyes scan his glorious nakedness. My eyes run down his firm chest, over his navel, down to his should-be-illegal abs and lower. I blush and quickly look away.

  “Pyper?” My eyes snap to Olivia standing in my doorway in nothing but a skimpy baby doll nightgown. “What the hell is going on?” Her attire makes me raise my eyebrows, even in the middle of this insanity. If I wasn’t in the middle
of Nightmare in Pyper’s Room, I’d probably laugh at the sight. Apparently, I’m not the only one that had a good time last night. Go us! Wait. Focus Pyper!

  Before I can respond to Olivia’s question, my attention is diverted to Luke walking up behind her. Thank goodness he took the time to throw on some pants, even though they’re unbuttoned and hanging low on his hips. “What’s wrong?” Luke looks from me to the bed, and back to me. Realizing what he just saw, his eyes dart back to the bed again. The look of initial concern on his face, immediately turns to mirth and he laughs. “Rixton? What’s up dude?”

  “’Sup, Luke?” Rixton nods his head at Luke in greeting, apparently having no concern over the fact he’s completely bared to all of us. Hello, full frontal nudity everyone!

  All I can do is stare at the bed, my mouth still opening and closing like a damn ventriloquist’s dummy – like that isn’t creepy. “I don’t even…” I trail off, not having a clue where to begin. I’m mortified. I gesture to him at a loss, looking back to Olivia, my eyes begging her to help me.

  “Cat got your tongue, Red?” his southern drawl is thick with his words, “I don’t think you’ve finished a sentence yet.”

  I glare at him, still at a loss for words. “Pyper, you screamed. Are you okay?”

  Olivia’s concern makes me turn to her once again. “Yes, I’m sorry if I scared you. I received a shock when I woke up and found…” I nod his way again. “I didn’t remember….”

  “Need a little help rememberin’, darlin’?” I don’t know how it’s possible but Rixton’s smile broadens even more. making me want to abandon my modesty, drop my sheet, tackle him like a bear and strangle the life out of him. “I’m happy to help you out with that, maybe you’d like a reenactment? Just say the word.”

  “Oh my God,” I whisper as feelings of humiliation wash over me like rain.

  “Aw, looky there! A complete sentence this time.”

  Luke snorts, which makes me toss him an angry glare. For the first time I understand the saying ‘If looks could kill.’ I’d be happy if mine could just wound him a little. Okay, a lot. The look on Luke’s face makes it obvious he finds this whole scene extremely funny.

  Forcing myself to push past the embarrassment, I apologize to Luke and Olivia again for scaring them. “I’m sorry, I was just confused when I woke up. As you’ve likely figured out, I didn’t remember falling asleep…” I gesture at Rixton again… “with that. Right now, I don’t remember much of anything.” My cheeks flood with color, especially when Luke throws his head back and laughs.

  “That’s not a good thing there bro,” Luke teases, “Sounds like you need to brush up on your skills or something.”

  Ignoring Luke, Rixton looks at me, “Come on over here, Red, I’ll help jog your memory. We can clear up that alcohol fuzzed brain of yours, no problem.”

  Oh my God, I am such a freaking idiot. Not only do I take a guy to bed and not remember it, but in true Pyper fashion, I let everyone else pay witness to my shame. Who needs a walk of shame when you can just invite everyone to your bedroom to witness it in person? Awesome. This is the stuff reality show TV producers live for.

  I rub my temples, feeling the pain from my hangover magnify and look at Olivia, embarrassment clearly written all over my face. “Okay, well… we are going to leave you two… you know… to…” Olivia now gestures to the both of us clearly now at a loss for words herself. It’s like a twisted game of charades.

  “Aw, you don’t have to leave, sweetheart,” Rixton says looking at Olivia while she studiously looks at me instead of glancing his way. “I mean if you want to join us, I certainly don’t mind one bit.” He laughs at his own joke and Olivia looks choked as her eyes widen. “That reminds me, Luke, remember that one time in college when…”

  “OKAY!” Luke quickly cuts Rixton off and places his hands on Olivia’s shoulders turning her around to face him. “I’m really glad everything is alright. I figured I was going to have to kill one hell of a big spider after that scream.”

  “I wish,” I mutter. A spider would be so much better than reality. I would take a room filled with spiders over this right now. I doubt a can of Raid would get rid of Rixton.

  “Wait… what about that one time in college?” Olivia asks, making Luke’s cheeks redden.

  “Angel, let’s go before I’m forced to kick Rixton’s ass now, instead of later.” He starts ushering Olivia down the hall but I hear her response, “Oh no, don’t think for one minute you’re getting off that easily. It sounds like you have a story to tell me.”

  I hear Rixton chuckle, which prompts me to look over at him. He’s still lying completely comfortable in my bed, like this happens to him all the time. Maybe it does, I don’t know. Memories have started to come back to me now that the shock is wearing off. I remember again how I was drinking with Rixton at the bar. Our flirting leading to touching. My flirtatious toast, which was clearly an invitation. He taking me up on it, and bringing me home, and coming inside.

  I remember our clothes falling to the floor in our haste to get each other to bed. We didn’t waste any time with formalities when we walked in the door. I just led him straight to my room, not even pretending I wanted him here for anything other than sex.

  I remember our bodies touching, exploring, tasting. Tongues sliding, gasps taken, fingers pressing, and moans surrendered as our bodies came together and we chased our needs, our wants. I remember the feel of his lips, the sounds he makes at the end when he loses himself, and even the sweet way he wrapped me in his arms afterwards.

  “I see the memories have returned.”

  I realize that once again I was looking between his legs while remembering our interaction. What the hell am I doing? “You need to leave.”

  “What? No round two? No breakfast in bed? No sweet kiss goodbye? What the hell?”

  “Ha. Very funny. You and I both know what this was. Why the hell did you even stay over anyway? I can’t believe you did, and oh my God, how embarrassing all of this is. For Luke and Olivia to have seen this!”

  I see a flash of something in his eyes, but before I can wonder about it further, he grins again. “Cool your jets, woman. I fell asleep, no big deal. Luke and Olivia are your friends, it could be much worse.”

  “If you say so,” I mutter, having trouble picturing anything worse. Pulling the blanket tighter around me, I walk to where I see his clothes lying on the floor and pick them up and throw them at him. “Here you go. You can go to the bathroom to put them on.”

  He looks at me for a moment then slowly makes his way out of my bed. He stands up with a groan, reaches his arms up to the sky stretching as if he has all the time in the freaking world. He’s facing the wall, so I let my eyes run over his fine ass. I’m embarrassed – not dead.

  Without a care in the world he reaches down and slowly starts putting his clothes on, no bathroom needed apparently. I admit, it’s erotic watching them slide over his skin. Wait, what am I thinking? Dammit! Focus!

  “You sure you don’t want to go grab a coffee or something, Red?”

  My traitorous heart shouts “yes,” but after peeking a glance at the clock, I curse, making him smirk like he’s never heard a woman cuss before. “Thanks, but no thanks. I need to get my butt to work.”

  “Okay. Maybe some other time then?” He looks at me with his eyebrows raised, one hip cocked, waiting for my reply.

  “Yeah sure,” I tell him absently even though I hope I never see him again after this. I’m humiliated enough, thank you very much.

  He walks over to me, and I find myself backing up as he approaches. He smiles and I can see amusement flickering in his eyes. Once I’m to the wall and can’t back up any further, he places a hand beside my head against the wall. “Thanks for a memorable night darlin’. Hope I can see you again real soon.” He leans toward me like he’s about to kiss me and I feel my heart race in my chest in excitement. I close my eyes, lift my face and open my mouth in anticipation only to feel a soft brush of his
lips against my cheek.

  I suck in a breath, feeling disappointed. I take an extra moment to open my eyes, feeling like a fool for appearing eager or desperate for him to kiss me. I’m not stupid and my memory is now fully intact. I remember his lips on mine last night and I want them on mine again. When I finally have the courage to open my eyes and look at him, it’s to see his back as he exits my room, closing the door behind him.

  I sink down to the floor and place my head on my knees trying to calm my racing heart and cool the fire in my blood.

  I DIDN’T LIE TO RIXTON – not exactly. I don’t have to go into work today, but I should at least make an appearance. I’m the boss, I make my own schedule, but burying myself in work is just what I need after the morning I’ve had. Sighing to myself, I mentally acknowledge the fact that I’m a complete coward. It was easier to make an excuse, than to stay and deal with the stupid mistake I made.

  Thoughts of last night invade my mind and I return to the scene of the crime. First, I’m sitting at a table at Zero Gravity, covetously watching Luke and Olivia. Wrapped up in each other’s arms, like they cannot get close enough, dancing slowly on the floor; the center of attention. They were the envy of everyone in the room, their love for one another palpable. Everyone knows what they’ve been through and all they’ve overcome. To see them in that moment was an honor – a privilege. A lie that tore them apart, an abusive ex-husband of Olivia’s that refused to let her go, and a kidnapping that rocked their world. Yes, they more than deserve to have found happiness, and every moment, every touch, every look that brings them happiness for the rest of their lives together. They are the real life example that love truly does conquer all.

  The surprising thing, the thing I didn’t expect to experience last night, was longing. The undeniable ache in my chest caught me off guard, threw me off balance, and led to my attempts to drown the feeling in alcohol. And as quick as a blink, it’s back.

  Shaking my head free of the emotions suffocating me, I switch my thoughts to the work that awaits me as I walk into the spa. Greeting my staff at the front desk, I head to my office, then immediately flip on my computer. As soon as it comes to life, I begin placing an order with our skin care vendor. A couple of hours later, I’m feeling very accomplished. I finalized the order for our new tanning beds that will go in the rooms we are converting for tanning treatments. I’ve ordered the spray tan machines for the adjoining rooms for those people who want to avoid the UV rays. I’ve also gone through several samples from local businesses and carefully selected the items I’d like to carry in our gift shop.


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