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Perfect Little Plan

Page 2

by Jennifer Miller

  I’m so involved in my work that I jump a little when there is a knock at my door. “Yes?”

  “Excuse me, Miss Lexington?”

  I look up to see my new hire, Lily, hesitating at my office door. Instinctively, I scrutinize her attire. All staff members are required to wear black and white. As long as they don’t look like strippers, I generally don’t care what it is. We aren’t that kind of massage place. Moreover, I enjoy learning of their individual personalities through their chosen attire.

  “Yes?” I repeat, trying to keep a look of annoyance off of my face.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but there’s a Miss Brooks here to see you. I told her you were in your office with your door closed and I didn’t think you wanted to be interrupted, but she said you would want to see her?” She shuffles her feet nervously and for the life of me, I can’t understand why she’s acting afraid of me. I’m never unkind to my employees. Not ever.

  “It’s fine, Lily. She’s right. Remember when I told you once before that Miss Brooks is my best friend? She’s to get any treatment booked she wants without charge, and can interrupt me any time. She’s the only person ever allowed to do that.”

  “I’m sorry, Miss Lexington. I promise to remember that the next time.”

  “No problem. I know when you’re new it’s hard to remember everyone and everything. Please just tell her to come on back.” I smile reassuringly at her because it dawns on me that when I arrived, I was so consumed in my thoughts about Rixton, I must have stormed in here like a crazy woman. Something they only see rarely – and admittedly, usually because I am troubled or upset about something – feelings that seep through in my heavy footsteps and excessively quick gait, despite my best attempts to conceal it all and maintain a professional décor. Likely, the gossip is buzzing out there. Joy.

  “Okay, I will.” She gives me a smile and walks out, looking relieved.

  My gaze falls to the picture on my desk as I wait for Olivia’s entrance. It’s my favorite picture of my father and me. It’s the day he surprised me with Shimmer & Soothe. I smile fondly, remembering the thrill of that day – how excited, how shocked, I was. We’re standing in front of the entrance and there is a huge bow on the glass doors. He’s handing me the key, and my step-mom happened to capture the perfect look of elation and happiness on my face while my dad looked at me with a prideful look.

  My father may have bought this spa for me as a graduation gift, but I’ve been determined since the doors opened to do well enough that he would never need to put any of his own money into my business to assure its success. In the beginning, I came awfully close a few times to giving in to his assistance when getting our client base established proved to take a little longer than I planned. Somehow though, we made it through the slow months, and have continued to grow steadily ever since. It isn’t that I think my father wouldn’t help, or that he would have been disappointed in my request, it’s just I’m determined to make him proud. I didn’t expect such an elaborate gift from him. I had already drafted plans, in fact, to do it all on my own, so I guess part of me wants to make him believe that I’m worthy of such a gift.

  Distracting me from my thoughts, Olivia walks into my office. Adorned in a hot pink skirt, black blouse, and heels for miles, she looks fabulous. Being in love certainly agrees with her, and I find myself automatically returning her smile. “Hey gorgeous,” she greets me with a smile, her eyes twinkling.

  “Hey yourself, beautiful. This is a surprise!” I’m totally lying. I knew she was coming.

  “Oh please,” and I smile larger because she knows. “After this morning, you really thought I wouldn’t be showing this fine ass of mine in your office today? Pah-lease. We’ve been friends for how long again?”

  “Well, right now I’m starting to think too long,” I inform her with a lift of my eyebrow.

  “Oh ha, ha. Look who’s a comedian. I guess that’s a good thing though because I figured you’d be a total bitch right now, stewing in embarrassment and horror.” I stare at her without responding, which makes her laugh. “You know what I want… give it to me.”

  “Yes, I know what you want, because you’re a gossip whore,” I tease.

  “You know, I would be offended by that except for the fact that the only person I ever gossip with, is you. That means we are both gossip whores.”

  “Alright fine, you’ve got a point. Bitch.”





  “Stop stalling and spill. What the hell happened last night? How did you end up with Rixton?”

  “Well, this woman I know is getting married to this man that adores her more than anything, and last night was their engagement party. I went, drank, hung out. You know that, so whatever do you mean ‘what happened last night’?”

  “Wow. You are totally on a roll today. You know damn well I’m talking about the very fine, sexy, and let’s be honest here, well-hung naked man that was lying in your bed this morning.” At this, she lifts an eyebrow and I can feel myself blush as red as my hair. Damn her. “And as far as that naked man goes… first of all I must say… damn fine job, Pyper. Good hell that man is….well…” a huge grin spreads across her face, “good job! I mean, you certainly could have done worse. So yeah… I want details and I want them now, you red-headed devil.”

  I can’t help but laugh at her enthusiasm and teasing. “Well, as you saw in vivid high-definition color this morning, I had a one-night-stand with your fiancé’s college buddy and employee, Rixton.”

  Both of her eyebrows raise this time, “Well, that much I figured out for myself, but I must say, I’m SHOCKED.”

  I snort. “Oh please. It’s not like I’m some virgin and you know it. That ship, as they say, sailed a long time ago.”

  She snorts in return, geesh we sound like hogs trying to have a conversation. “I know that, obviously, but come on. Do you think I forgot the dating profiles we filled out together like a year ago? You convinced me to start dating again. But while I went on date after date, you only dated a few guys and then quit.”

  “Well, that’s because I was being way too entertained by all of your exploits.”

  “Yeah right… more like you were too busy putting yourself in the middle of my business.”

  “Well, if I do recall, that seemed to turn out pretty great for you.” I pointedly look at the dazzling engagement ring adorning her finger and watch as a smile forms, lighting up her already pretty face.

  Sighing, she smiles dreamily and looks lovingly at her ring. Then, as if she was pinched, the smile falls from her face and she winces, “Nice try. You aren’t going to distract me from having this conversation.”

  “Damn,” I mutter.

  “Yeah, so what gives? Because even those few guys you dated, you never brought them home.”

  “Well that’s not my fault. All those guys were duds. In fact, I’m seriously thinking about suing all dating sites. I mean come on, there is no way those quote unquote realistic commercials stating all those moony eyed couples met and fell in love through their site is legit. In fact, I think I should challenge these companies to produce proof of this shit so there aren’t other victims like me that fall for their empty promises.” I’m liking my idea more and more and my enthusiasm grows with my idea. “Yeah. That’s what I should do. I should call my father and ask to talk to his company attorney.”

  When Olivia finishes laughing she responds, “I’m sure that would go over well. ‘Hi dad, I want to sue all the dating sites because the only guys they say I’m compatible with are men that just want to hook up or cop a feel’.”

  “Yeah okay, I see what you’re saying. That would be awkward.”

  “My question is, again – what happened? What makes Rixton different? Do you really like him? Luke says he’s a great guy, you know.”

  “He does, huh? Well he seems pretty nice, but I don’t remember being too worried about his personali

  Olivia laughs, “Yeah I can see that being the case.”

  “Ha. Ha. We started hanging out at the bar…” I hold up my hand when I see Olivia open her mouth to comment. “Please hold your comments until the end, thank you.” She promptly closes her mouth, making me smile. “You want the truth, Livvie?”

  She gives me a look that screams that I should know better, “Do you even have to ask?”

  I let out a sigh and look at her for a long minute while my thoughts run through my mind like a movie. I look away and swallow hard, looking at the wall while I gain the courage to tell her my feelings. It isn’t that I think she will laugh at me or call me crazy; it’s more that this is out of character for me. I’m a self-described optimist; I’m happy and always encourage others to go for it and take risks. I don’t sweat the small stuff generally, and do my best to keep the heavy stuff buried, so I’m having a hard enough time wrapping my mind around these new feelings – let alone sharing them with someone else.

  “The truth is, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you and Luke. You are both so very happy.” I look back at her and smile, “The two of you just radiate love for each other. Every inch of each of you is connected to the other and it’s apparent to everyone around you. It’s like… like you’re two magnets, and even from across the room your bodies lean towards one another. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Livvie’s eyes well up at my words and I continue to boldly look her in the eyes, “and the truth is, I want that. For the first time, I felt myself looking at you and feeling jealous and desirous of a love like the two of you share.”


  I hold up a hand again, stopping her, “No, don’t get me wrong. No one deserves it more than you, and it makes me so happy that you’re happy. I mean that, and I think you know that, or at least, I hope you do.” She nods absently. “Plus, I like to consider myself partly responsible for helping the two of you find your way back to each other,” I laugh, knowing exactly how I interfered as far as that goes. “But the fact is, I want that. I want to have a love like that. To be the fire to someone’s ice. To see my soul reflected in them and know they see the same in me.” I grasp my chest, “I know it sounds crazy, but I swear I feel my heart ache with longing when I think about it too much. “

  “It will happen for you too. I know it. These things always happen when we least expect them to.”

  “I know. My sexy business man is out there.”

  “Business man?” Olivia looks confused at my words.

  “Yeah. You know that’s the kind of man I picture myself with. An intelligent, independent, confident, sexy, well-dressed of course, business man.”

  Olivia’s mouth opens, and then closes. “I do seem to remember you saying something like that before. Well…it sounds like you have this all planned out.”

  “Of course I do. It’s partly why none of those other dates worked out. I have a picture in my mind of exactly how this should go.”

  “Well, honey,” Olivia says gently, “I’ve told you before, and I know you know, that life doesn’t always work like that.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know very well what I mean. These expectations you have… your plans… are you sure you’re being fair to yourself? Realistic, I mean?”

  “Realistic? What isn’t realistic exactly? It isn’t realistic that I would end up with a successful business man?”

  “No, that’s not what I mean. What I mean is that sometimes we set ourselves up with expectations. Instead, we should just let destiny and life happen.”

  “Well, I guess I haven’t really given that much thought. I just know what I want, and what my family expects, so why settle?”

  “I’m not suggesting you should settle, but the fact is that these things… well they can’t be planned out every step of the way. For goodness sake, if anyone knows that, it’s me. And as far as what your family expects, I think what makes you happy is far more important. Besides,” she smirks at me, “I know for a fact you didn’t plan Rixton.”

  Truer words have never been spoken.

  “I ALMOST DON’T WANT TO TELL you about how Rixton and I ended up hooking up because it’s so embarrassing. I can’t believe how I behaved.”

  Olivia’s eyes widen and she wiggles in her seat in excitement, knowing the details she’s dying for are coming. “Well, now you have to tell me because I’m even more intrigued than I was before. Plus, I’m your best friend so that automatically gives me rights to know everything.”

  Giving Olivia a look that portrays my annoyance, I try not to laugh because truth be told, I would say the same thing if our roles were reversed. Closing my eyes, I take a big breath and instantly, as if he was just waiting for me, an image of Rixton appears in my mind. I open my eyes, smile with just a curve of my lips because I can’t seem to help myself, and tell Olivia how I made a fool of myself.

  “I was sitting at the table during your engagement party watching you and Luke,” I begin. “It was after we had eaten, and you and Luke were surrounded by family and friends at the table, but you were in your own world. You were so absorbed in one another, Livvie. At one point, I laughed at something and turned to you, calling your name, and you didn’t even hear me. Luke was whispering something in your ear and you had a smile on your face that lit up the room. I had a couple of drinks with dinner, and then when people started leaving the tables and socializing and getting drinks and all that, I made my way to the bar.”

  “Well, I did figure it had to be a drunken moment that made you drop your inhibitions and bring him home.”

  I laugh sardonically, “You got that right. I think I thought… no who am I kidding?” I pause briefly and restart. “I knew that alcohol would help numb the loneliness I was feeling. I wanted to drown out the unfamiliar and uncomfortable feeling and not feel anything at all. I went to the bar, sat down, and ordered another drink.”

  It doesn’t take long for me to request my second drink … that made it three… no four… no definitely three. Who the hell cares? I didn’t drive here, and wouldn’t be driving home. I turn, scan the room and watch from afar. Luke and Olivia nearly float around the room, chatting easily and thanking their friends for attending, frequently catching brief glimpses of each other. Olivia looks radiant in a black dress with a tulle skirt and lace top. Luke looks equally as sharp in a gray suit obviously tailored to fit his nice physique. They are such a striking couple.

  Luke can’t take his eyes or hands off of her. He’s always holding her hand or has his hand at the small of her back. When they are separated, her by a group of women and he by some guys doing that back slapping hug thing guys do, they make their way back to one another quickly, as if the separation is painful.

  I sip my drink slowly and glance around the room. A lot of people turned out for the party; colleagues, old friends and even some new friends. As I’m flirting with a man next to me, Rixton catches my eye at the other end of the bar. Whoa – holy hot boy! He looks amazing tonight. Usually dressed in his typical jeans, t-shirt and boots, his attire –or how he looks in it – makes my breath catch. I almost don’t recognize him in a sleek black pinstriped suit. We make eye contact and I quickly look away when a smile appears on his lips.

  Focusing once again on my friends, I smile as they make their way to the dance floor. The live band, aware that they’ve walked onto the dance floor, starts playing a little louder. Luke and Olivia wrap themselves around each other, holding on tight, bodies moving slowly, completely unaware of anyone else. They are clearly in their own world. It’s difficult to tell where one begins and the other ends.

  I sigh again in longing and take a big gulp of my drink, then tilt it back, realizing I’ve nearly emptied it. Didn’t I just get a new one? If I can’t remember, perhaps that’s a sign I should be done for the evening. Just as I set my glass down and pick up my purse from the bar, intending to call a cab with my cell phone, I’m startled when in my left ear I hear a voice purr, “We
ll, hello there.”

  Turning my head, the first thing that captures my attention are Rixton’s eyes. I remember I’ve noticed them since Luke first introduced us. Not quite dark brown, but not quite gold either, framed with dark brows and lashes. They’re simply striking. His hair is dark and slicked back, the ends brushing the collar of his shirt. He’s sporting a sexy five o’clock shadow and his lips that look like they are made for kissing and whispering dirty thoughts, are curved in amusement. My eyes meet his again and see they’re twinkling, like he knows all my secrets.

  I raise my glass in a mock toast, “Hello yourself.”

  He smirks and it’s damn sexy, “Can I buy you another drink?”

  I look down at my glass and immediately develop amnesia, forgetting that just moments ago I was thinking that it was time to quit drinking for the night and head home. “Sure, why the hell not? I guess I don’t plan on quitting any time soon after all.” Especially not with your gorgeous self right here in front of me.

  His eyebrows rise at my response, but his only question is, “What are you drinking?”

  “A vodka martini straight up, please.” He raises his finger signaling to the bartender and orders my drink with a whiskey neat for himself.

  His gaze falls back on me while we wait for our drinks, “Having a bad night?”

  Groaning softly, I run my hand through my hair. “No, not exactly.”

  Seeing that I’m not going to say any more than that at the moment, he switches gears. “So, you see that guy over there?”


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