Book Read Free

Perfect Little Plan

Page 3

by Jennifer Miller

  I follow the direction he’s pointing and see a man seated at a table, drink in hand with his eyes on Luke and Olivia. “Yes, I see him.”

  “Someone was saying he’s totally crashing the party.”


  He runs his hand over his mouth as if he’s trying to cover a smile. He then places an elbow on the bar and leans back looking as if he hasn’t a care in the world. “Yes. You don’t know him?”

  “I’ve never seen him before. Hmm, maybe he just really likes parties? Oh! Or maybe he’s from one of those TV shows that broadcasts people’s weddings and he’s here to watch Luke and Livvie to see if they would make good material.”

  Rixton chuckles, obviously not buying my idea, “Okay, I want to play this game too. Maybe he’s been best friends with the beautiful bride-to-be for years, but what she doesn’t know is that he’s been secretly in love with her forever. He’s here to finally tell her the truth about his feelings before he loses his chance forever.”

  I can’t help it, I reach out and touch his arm while I laugh, “Isn’t that a movie?” His arm is firm under my touch.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he says dryly. The amusement in his eyes clearly displays the opposite of his words.

  “Wow! I wouldn’t take you for a chick flick watching kind of guy.”

  “Oh really? What kind of guy do you take me as?”

  “Not going to answer that one.” I smile.

  “Oh come on!” He leans close to me, “I dare you.”

  I lean forward as well, and we are so close, our lips will touch if either one of us moves an inch. I whisper, “You look like a man that has a lot of stamina and can show a girl a really good time.”

  His eyes widen, but then a slow and sexy smile curves his lips up making my breath catch in my throat. “Wow, so I hit that jackpot. You’re beautiful and smart.”

  I grin, the alcohol making me feel like I’m freaking brilliant. “Damn skippy.”

  He laughs full out, and I like the sound. A lot. It makes the hair at my neck and on my arms stiffen, and butterflies flutter in my belly.

  “I have to admit I’m surprised that you were sitting at the bar all alone.”

  “Ah, well, I was contemplating calling a cab and slipping out, but Luke mentioned he really wants me to meet some friend of his tonight. He asked me to stick around until he could introduce us. Olivia started going on and on about how great Luke says he is, and that she’s seen a picture of him and he’s hot. She said I definitely want to get in on that action.” He laughs at that, making me chuckle too. “I probably shouldn’t tell him that part when I meet him,” I confess. “Anyway, I don’t think he’s shown up.”

  “Ah, so his loss is my gain.”

  “I think that remains to be seen doesn’t it?”

  “Ah, fair enough.”

  “So, I understand you’re from Texas?”

  “You have something against Texas? You say that with irritation.”

  “Did I? No, not at all. I’ve never been there.”

  “Well, maybe we should change that some time. Texas is great.”

  I turn and look at Luke and Olivia again and find them still wrapped up in each other’s arms. Out of the corner of my eye I see that Rixton is gazing at them too. He turns to me, but I keep looking at my friends. “Have you ever been in love like that?”

  His question startles me. I look away from Luke and Olivia and try to meet his eyes, but find myself staring at the expanse of skin exposed at his open shirt collar. “No,” I respond simply, “it hasn’t been part of my plans.”

  “Plans? That’s an interesting comment. You can’t plan something like love.”

  “You can plan anything.” He just stares at me, prompting me to ask, “Have you? Ever been in love like that, I mean?”

  “No,” he states simply, then turns to the bartender as he places our drinks before us.

  “Here are your drinks, sorry it took so long.” He’s staring at me. “Can I get you anything else, beautiful?”

  Before I can respond, a cold voice answers, “She’s fine, thanks. I’ll let you know if she needs anything else.”

  The bartender looks surprised, but shrugs his shoulders and holds up his hands as if in surrender. “Message received.”

  Whoa. That seemed like jealousy, unless I’m just too drunk to have a clue, because holy hell, I’m drunk. I think my lips are numb. And my toes.

  I look at my sexy company and he picks up my drink and hands it to me, then holds his up. “A toast.” I hold up my glass too. “To love.”

  “To love,” I repeat and clink my glass with his. He smiles and we watch each other as we sip.

  “Mmm,” he says softly.

  “Good?” I ask gesturing towards his drink, but he doesn’t look at his drink. He looks at me.


  I feel myself flush, “I have a question.”

  His eyebrows lift, “Hit me.”

  “Is it true what they say about Texas?”

  He looks at me in confusion. “What they say? What do you mean?”

  “Well… is everything really bigger in Texas?” I blatantly look at his crotch and back up again. Rixton throws his head back and laughs. I lift my glass, “My turn then. To Texas.”

  He’s still chuckling, “To everything definitely being bigger in Texas.” We clink our glasses, smile and sip.

  “How come you don’t have much of an accent?”

  “I do a bit, you just haven’t noticed, darlin,’” he drawls on purpose making me laugh.

  He raises his glass to toast again, “How about this time to sexy redheads that have a great laugh.”

  We drink again, holding eye contact the whole time. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol thinking for me, or what, but I want him. Under my top, I can feel my breasts swell and ache in that oh so good way that’s all about longing, and a shiver runs through me from head to toe. My breathing starts to get a little choppy and suddenly getting him naked seems like a really good idea.

  He notices the change in me, and his eyes drop to my thin top, meet mine again, and I almost gasp – they’re liquid fire.

  What I do next, I barely think about because if I do, I won’t act. I take my glass, and deliberately run my tongue along the rim of the glass closest to my lips nice and slow. His eyes follow the movement, when they meet mine again, I say, “Save a horse?” And let the second half of that saying, ‘ride a cowboy’ go without saying.

  He doesn’t even take time to think about his answer. He slams down his glass and grabs my hand, “Let’s get out of here.”

  OLIVIA’S MOUTH IS WIDE OPEN when I finish my story, prompting me to sarcastically say, “Wow, no wonder Luke loves you so much.”

  Her mouth pops closed, then opens, then closes again before she blinks and eloquently states, “Huh?”

  “I said, no wonder-”

  She shakes her head, “No, I heard what you said. What do you mean?”

  “Well with your mouth open that wide-”

  She gasps, “What?! Shut up!”

  “Just sayin’,” I laugh at her.

  “Stop trying to distract me. You actually said, ‘Save a horse, ride a cowboy’?”

  “I didn’t say ‘ride a cowboy,’ but it was implied.”

  “And you actually asked him if it was true that things are bigger in Texas?”

  I looked down before meeting her eyes, “Um, yeah. And stared at his crotch like I said.” Olivia throws her head back and laughs. And laughs. I cross my arms, getting annoyed and can feel the flush build from my neck rising up to cover my face. “Stop laughing!”

  “Why, oh why, couldn’t I have been there to hear you say that? Oh my God, I would have DIED! Like seriously, best pick-up lines ever!”

  “Whatever. I thank God for small favors. Telling you about it is bad enough.”

  “So, when you woke up, you had forgotten about the night before? I’m assuming that’s why you screamed blood
y murder this morning. Well, and because that’s what I could comprehend from your babbling and crazy hand motions.”

  I put my head in my hands, “I bet I looked like a demented crossing guard.”

  Olivia laughs, “Maybe a little.”

  “You are totally loving this, aren’t you?”

  “It’s just kind of nice to see you all riled up over a guy for once.”

  I shake my head at her, “I am not riled.”

  “Sure you’re not.”

  Dismissing her, I change the subject, “How are the wedding plans coming? Anything I can help you with or should be doing?”

  Olivia smiles at me her face instantly brightening and I feel a little relieved that we’ve moved on from me. “Well, I think I already told you we have the venue booked for the wedding, and Luke really wants to have the reception at Zero Gravity. It makes sense – it’s free and the bar is stocked,” she smiles and I nod in agreement. “I hired the florist and Luke is in charge of getting a band for the reception. I’d really like to go dress shopping with you some time soon.”

  “Of course. Just say when and I will be there. I can’t wait to see you in your gown too. Oh, and I told Bridget how you’d like her to do our makeup for the wedding and she’s booked that morning for us.”

  “Oh, perfect. I had forgotten about that, thank you.”

  “Hey, just doing my job as maid of honor.”

  She reaches across the desk and grabs my hand. “You’re perfect. I wouldn’t want my maid of honor to be anyone else.” I squeeze her hand in return. “I need to call the wedding boutique downtown and schedule an appointment for us to look at dresses and for you. I can’t wait for you to try some on. I will let you know when they can get us in.”

  “That’s fine, I’m flexible, but you have to schedule an appointment?”

  “Oh yes, it’s all very posh. They’ll bring us dress after dress for you to look at and try on. We merely get to lounge on their comfortable couch or chairs, drinking the best wine. They spoiled me when I went in for my gown too.”

  “Oh fun! I still can’t believe I wasn’t with you for that.”

  “Oh it wasn’t a big deal. I saw it in a magazine, found out who carried it locally, and when I called they said I could go over right away. I was so excited I just went. I’m excited for you to see it too. In fact, I’ll schedule the dress shopping and my next fitting for the same time.”

  “Perfect! We will have a blast! Anything else?”

  “Did I tell you that I went ahead and bought the shoes I told you about? They were to die for online, but holy shit you should see them in person!”

  “I want to see them!”

  “I had them sent to the club and they’re in Luke’s office. Come with me to see them and we can grab some lunch after if you want to.”

  “They’re at the club?”

  I tried to be super sneaky Mission Impossible with my question, but she sees right through me, “Yes, at the club.”

  “Well maybe I will just see them tonight. Bring them home and I can take a look at them then.” I look down and shuffle some papers on my desk. Then reshuffle them again. She doesn’t speak, but I hear her start tapping her foot. I don’t want to, but I look up and meet her eyes.

  Her eyebrows rise, “Cut the crap.”

  I drop the papers, “Excuse me?”

  “You and I both know you want to see him. Whether it’s morbid curiosity or you want to get another glimpse at his sweet ass, you want to see him. So how about we just skip this whole, ‘no I don’t’, ‘yes you do’ back and forth part and go?”

  It’s my turn to catch flies apparently. “Damn.”

  “Just keeping it real, bestie.”

  We both laugh and with a sigh I stand up and grab my purse and keys so I can follow her to the club.

  I hesitate outside the doors of Zero Gravity, grab Olivia’s shoulder, stopping her. Olivia looks at me questioningly, “Okay, I hate that I’m even going to ask this because really I don’t care.”

  Her eyebrows rise and her mouth tilts up on one side, “Sure you don’t, but proceed.”

  “Do I look alright?” I fiddle with my hair and look down at my black capris and sea green off the shoulder top.

  Olivia chuckles softly but breaks off into a small squeak when I teasingly yank a piece of her hair. “You look fabulous. Like always.”

  I roll my eyes, feeling pleased with her assessment and follow her into the club. When we’re inside it takes a moment for our eyes to adjust to the darkness, but when they do, like a beacon, my eyes narrow in on the bar. Not even realizing it, I come to a stop and stare. Rixton is bent over next to the bar opening a box of what looks to be alcohol bottles. It’s clear he must be replenishing stock. What made me stop is not only the amazing view his position presents, but because of all the women that are currently standing around, staring as well.

  Olivia, who stopped when I did, turns to me, a questioning look on her face. Before she can say anything I ask, “What is with everyone being here right now? The club doesn’t open for a bit yet.”

  “Luke said there was a staff meeting today.”

  “I see.” I follow Olivia and we make our way past the bar. Rixton, hearing our approach, looks behind his shoulder and first takes in all the ladies behind him with a smile, then catches sight of me. I look away, wishing Olivia would walk faster so we can get up the stairs to Luke’s office. What was I thinking? Curiosity is totally going to kill the redhead.

  Out of the corner of my eye I see him stand to his full height, but I keep walking until I hear, “Hey, Red.”

  I pause, “Are you speaking to me?”

  He blatantly looks around the room, taking in the other girls, “I don’t see another red haired beauty here,” then he smiles a kick-ass grin that simultaneously makes me want to smack him and jump him at the same time. “No offense of course to the dark and light haired beauties that are currently gracing my presence,” he says, being sure to emphasize his accent. They all giggle in response, causing me to roll my eyes and start up the stairs after Olivia.

  Before I get more than a few steps, I’m startled by a hand gripping my arm, silently asking me to turn around. Obeying, I turn to find Rixton in front of me, eye level. Damn he’s tall. “Where are you going?”

  I stare at him dumbly, man his eyes are pretty. No! Do not fall into his mesmerizing sexiness, dammit. “Up the stairs,” I point as if he needs the gesture to understand. Man, he makes me stupid.

  “Be sure to see me when you come back down, darlin’.”

  “Why should I?” I hear a few gasps from women behind Rixton that apparently can’t believe I would speak to him in such a manner. Gag me. It takes everything I have within me not to roll my eyes at the bimbos. Harsh, probably, but I’m beyond caring.

  A lazy smile covers his mouth and he gives me a look that says he knows I’m acting like I don’t care when I really do. Damn him, ugh. “I just want to ask you a question.”

  I sigh, “Fine. I’ll be back.”

  “What was that about?” Olivia inquires when I reach the door to Luke’s office.

  I shrug my shoulders, “He says he wants to ask me a question.”

  Olivia’s eyes light up with amusement, “Oh yeah? What do you think it is?”

  I look down and see Rixton still staring up at me. I turn back to Olivia, “No doubt something obnoxious.”

  I follow her into the office and wave at Luke, who’s sitting behind his desk talking on the phone. He waves back politely, but he only has eyes for Olivia, and they are following her across the room as she grabs the box of shoes. When she turns, she catches his eye and blows him a kiss on the way over to where I’m standing.

  “Wait until you see these.”

  She takes the lid off a white box with a very pricey designer name, and starts separating the pale blue tissue paper inside. When she pulls out her shoe and I get a good look, I understand. It’s the kind of shoe you bow down before to worship. It’s perfecti
on. White, at least four inches high, ruched at the toe with a crystal applique at the peep toe that’s just wide enough to show off a gorgeous pedicure my spa will treat her to, of course. “Oh, Olivia. You weren’t kidding,” I whisper as if the shoe is a holy artifact that should be looked at and not touched.

  She giggles, takes the other shoe out and turns them both over, “I know it’s kind of cheesy, but I love this part.”

  I take in the crystal word “I” on one shoe, and the word, “Do” on the other. “I think it’s adorable.”


  “Yes, seriously Livvie. They’re perfect. Perfect shoes for what will be a perfect day.” We both sigh when the shoes disappear from view as she places them back into the box and tucks them back into the tissue. “They were definitely worth the trip here to see,” I smile.

  She laughs, “We are such girls.”

  “Girls who love shoes, there’s no shame in that.”

  “Definitely not.”

  Luke hangs up the phone and beckons to Olivia. Smiling, she makes her way over to him and he pulls her into his lap and whispers something into her ear, making her giggle. I quietly leave the room, and start making my way down the stairs, not wanting to feel like a voyeur.

  As I reach the bottom, Rixton suddenly appears in front of me, “What put that pretty smile on your face?”

  Startled to see him, I reach my hand out and touch his shoulder to steady myself, then quickly pull it away when a grin flashes on his face. “Luke and Olivia are all cutesy and lovey dovey.”

  “Ahh, yes. I’ve been witness to that myself around here plenty of times. It took me ten minutes to get Luke’s attention once because he was too busy staring at Olivia across the room.”

  I smile and do my best to refrain from sighing with envy or making some immature girlish comment. I start to move past him to leave, but stop when I feel a hand on my arm again. Raising my eyebrows, I silently give him an inquisitive look.

  “Relax darlin’, I just have a question.” I hate what the sound of his voice does to my body. My nipples harden, my tummy flutters and my mouth salivates. It’s ridiculous.

  “Make it quick. I need to go.”


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